Info For Y'all Herbert Macaulay: The Founder Of Nigerian Nationalism Together With The Ghandhi Of Due West Africa

Herbert Samuel Heelas Macaulay (1864-1946), sometimes acclaimed every bit the Gandhi of West Africa, was a human being of many parts: a civil engineer in addition to surveyor past times training, a civil servant, a politician, an editor in addition to journalist, an accomplished violinist, an historian, in addition to an ex-convict. The founding manful somebody parent of Nigerian nationalism, he helped to lay the foundation of modern Nigeria in addition to contributed to the shaping of pop perceptions of a modern nation in addition to its obligations to the public. In addition, he maintained an abiding involvement inwards the history in addition to concerns of dark people throughout the world. Often he published tidings relating to the wider dark the world every bit good every bit the activities in addition to views of Nigerian students abroad, especially those who went to the United States. Many Pan-African in addition to other dark organizations knew close his activities in addition to sought his attention. His voluminous papers housed at the University of Ibadan include correspondence with the leaders of a multifariousness of international dark organizations every bit good every bit a sizeable collection of their publications.
 sometimes acclaimed every bit the Gandhi of West Africa Info For You HERBERT MACAULAY: THE FOUNDER OF NIGERIAN NATIONALISM AND THE GHANDHI OF WEST AFRICA
Herbert Samuel Heelas Macaulay.Image from "Herbert Macaulay: Nigerian Patriot", past times Tekena N. Tamuno. Heinemann, London, 1975

He belonged to a distinguished missionary solid unit of measurement with roots inwards the abolition motility in addition to Sierra Leone colony. Born on Nov 14, 1864 inwards Lagos, he was the 7th kid of Thomas Babington Macaulay in addition to Abigail Crowther Macaulay, both children of Liberated Africans who had been resettled inwards Sierra Leone. Along with thousands of other Liberated Africans inwards the mid-nineteenth century, Thomas Babington Macaulay returned to the homeland of his manful somebody parent every bit a missionary in addition to educator of the Church Missionary Society (CMS), which in addition to thus actively pursued the policy of preparation in addition to hiring Africans, frequently Liberated Africans similar himself, to found missions along the West African coast. He founded the CMS Grammar School inwards 1859, i of Nigeria`s most influential secondary schools. This grouping of Sierra Leonean returnees, known inwards Nigeria every bit "Saros", pioneered inwards the establishment of Christian missions, modern industrial development, in addition to the initiation of modern forms of constitutional development. They acted on syncretic principles, uniting selected traditional African institutions, customs in addition to values with selected western institutions, customs in addition to values.

Herbert Macaulay`s woman parent came from an fifty-fifty to a greater extent than illustrious Saro family. She was the minute immature lady of Right Reverend Samuel Ajayi Crowther, the showtime African bishop who achieved world-wide fame inwards the nineteenth century every bit a pioneer inwards the Yoruba in addition to Niger mission fields.

From childhood, immature Herbert Macaulay learned the importance of a audio education, patriotism, and, of course, Christian values. However, his grandparents in addition to parents also believed inwards the importance of indigenous Yoruba cultural values in addition to of working inside the larger civilization to a greater extent than or less them. Like many afterward Pan-Africanists, they advocated the intelligent pick of progressive values in addition to institutions from westernized Christianity in addition to African society. Coming from such a family, he must receive got experienced a lot of pressure level to acquire into the clergy, merely he rejected this career inwards favor of a to a greater extent than worldly career. After completing his didactics at his father?s school, he entered civil service inwards September 1881 every bit a clerical assistant.

In July 1890, the authorities sent him abroad for farther preparation nether G. D. Bellamy of Plymouth. Three years later, he qualified every bit a civil engineer, the showtime Nigerian inwards this profession. On his render to Lagos, the authorities made him a surveyor of Crown lands inwards Lagos; however, he shortly became dissatisfied with the weather condition of his employment. Like many of his African colleagues, he hated the two-tier scheme in addition to thus existing inwards authorities service, whereby British civil servants enjoyed ameliorate weather condition in addition to much higher salaries than Africans. Thus, inwards 1898, Macaulay decided to travel into individual exercise every bit a licensed surveyor in addition to architect.
The twelvemonth Macaulay left civil service, he got romantically entangled with Caroline Pratt, who happened to last the immature lady of an African Police Superintendent. They afterward got married merely the union came to an destination inwards August 1899 next Caroline's precipitous death. They had no kids from the marriage. Even after her death, he maintained practiced relations with the Pratt solid unit of measurement in addition to saw to their welfare. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 devastated Herbert afterward married Maria Pase merely some records indicated that he also kept a string of mistresses who bore him a battalion of children. Caring for the kids sapped his pockets merely he had no option.

Herbert was the 5th kid (out of seven) of his parents in addition to his siblings included Owen Emeric Macaulay (died inwards July 1909, was Abigail's eldest son), Thomas Fowell Buxton Macaulay (second child, died inwards September 1928) piece the tertiary sibling was Hugh Stowell Macaulay.
One of his sons, Ogedengbe Macaulay also took after him with his ain militant construct of politics. Ogedengbe was a Zikist in addition to at a fourth dimension inwards 1948, with the NCNC becoming weaker, he in addition to another Zikists decided to accept some pro-active steps. On an occasion, he said 'If nosotros tell the Governor to come upwardly down, he volition not; nosotros must drag him downwardly in addition to accept over.' Some of his other children include:
-MISS FLORENCE AUGUSTA MACAULAY (eldest daughter, died)
 sometimes acclaimed every bit the Gandhi of West Africa Info For You HERBERT MACAULAY: THE FOUNDER OF NIGERIAN NATIONALISM AND THE GHANDHI OF WEST AFRICA
The send Herbert Macaulay, from the Nigerian Shipping Calendar for 1972.
Image from "Herbert Macaulay: Nigerian Patriot", past times Tekena N. Tamuno. Heinemann, London, 1975
His practice, however, was non real successful. Constantly inwards fiscal distress, he took wages of his spot every bit executor of the estate of a solid unit of measurement theme from which he misappropriated funds. Unfortunately, this deed became known to the authorities, in addition to he was tried in addition to sentenced to ii years imprisonment. While many sympathized with him because of the extenuating circumstances of his large extended family, this lawsuit meant that he could never travel a candidate for populace office.

Barred from elective populace office, Macaulay made his grade inwards politics through journalism, political organizations, in addition to diverse advisory capacities. Between 1910 in addition to 1927, he was a frequent contributor to the Nigerian Chronicle. In 1927, Macaulay joined forces with his friend Dr. John Akilade Caulcrick, a medico in addition to politician, to purchase the Lagos Daily News, the showtime daily paper inwards BWA, founded inwards 1925. Macaulay decided on the political musical note of the paper. This provided his platform for his battles against the authorities in addition to his African political opponents.

His editorials in addition to characteristic articles were frequently critical of authorities policy, especially relating to the liquor trade; the water-rate scheme; taxation inwards whatever form; racial segregation; attempts to deny indigenous customary solid reason ownership; in addition to a gratuitous press. He also reported on of import developments of people of African descent throughout the world. His editorials in addition to articles frequently skirted the edges of sedition, merely on i occasion he crossed the line, giving the authorities the adventure it needed to pose him inwards prison theatre again. This involved the publication of a rumor concerning a plot to assassinate the exiled Eleko (oba or king) of Lagos.

Deep divisions on the number of the deposed traditional leader already carve upwardly the political leadership of Lagos, in addition to the authorities feared that the publication of this rumor mightiness Pb to unrest inwards the streets in addition to intensified hostility with local politicians in addition to elders. Charged with the publication of imitation rumors, Macaulay was sentenced to half dozen months? imprisonment. After his free from prison, Macaulay took a somewhat to a greater extent than cautious line, merely his writing remained highly critical. He continued to divulge his paper until 1938.
Herbert Macaulay statue

Macaulay`s popularity every bit a political leader was due to his success every bit an advisor inwards ii of import courtroom cases in addition to the founding of the Nigerian National Democratic Party, the showtime well-organized political political party inwards Nigeria. Both courtroom cases were fought through the courtroom scheme inwards Nigeria all the agency to the Privy Council, the highest courtroom of appeal inwards the British empire, which inwards both instances, found inwards favor of the Nigerian appellant.

The showtime illustration involved indigenous solid reason rights in addition to the nature of authorities compensation. Since the 1890s, West African indigenous lawyers in addition to politicians had successfully warded off attempts past times the colonial authorities to declare huge tracts of unused solid reason every bit Crown land. They argued that all solid reason was communally owned, fifty-fifty if unoccupied or uncultivated. In 1915, the authorities acquired a large expanse of 255 acres on the Lagos mainland belonging to the solid unit of measurement of Chief Oluwa, i of the White Cap chiefs who belonged to the Idejo or land-owning degree inwards Lagos; however, the compensation it offered the Oluwa solid unit of measurement was real low. While the solid unit of measurement did non oppose authorities acquisition of the solid reason itself, they sued the authorities inwards courtroom for a much higher total of compensation. They argued that with the alienation of this land, the solid unit of measurement would forever lose a rather substantial total inwards hereafter rents. Macaulay supported Chief Oluwa in addition to his family, acting every bit an adviser throughout the lengthy litigation that went on until 1921. He went every bit interpreter in addition to individual secretarial assistant to London with the principal appellant, Chief Oluwa. On xiv June 1921, the Privy Council ruled inwards favor of Chief Oluwa: that communal land-ownership was legally recognized in addition to that due compensation should last paid. This victory greatly enhanced Macaulay?s reputation at abode in addition to abroad, merely it also hardened political lines in addition to opposition inwards Lagos.
Picture from left to right: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 British lord, Rex George V, Herbert Macaulay carrying the staff of purpose of Oba Eleko, presented past times Queen Victoria. This motion-picture present was taken during a garden political party at the Royal Botanical Garden. London, during the Oluwa solid reason case. King George V is seen shaking hands with Amodu Tijani Oluwa.

The minute illustration concerned the role of the Eleko of Lagos, the traditional ruler. At number were indigenous customary laws in addition to customs that many believed the colonial authorities had disregarded. For our purposes here, alone the effect concerns us, for it farther underscored the importance of Macaulay`s political vision in addition to strategic groundwork. After a lengthy ten-year campaign, the Nigerian appellants succeeded inwards getting their appeal heard past times the Privy Council. Again, the Council found inwards favor of the appellants. Not alone did the Lagosian populace applaud Macaulay`s success, merely British anti-imperialist supporters praised him every bit "the ablest political (sic) inwards West Africa."

The capstone of his political career, however, was the Nigerian National Democratic Party (NNDP). Founded inwards 1923, the NNDP was the showtime well-organized political political party inwards Commonwealth West Africa. Its motto was salus populi suprema lex: the security of the people is the greatest law. Its candidates won all the elective seats inwards the Nigerian legislature betwixt 1923 in addition to 1938. For fearfulness that the authorities mightiness accept activity against him, Macaulay refused to handle whatever political party purpose until the 1930s. But inwards Lagos, at that spot was no incertitude that he was the driving strength in addition to existent ability behind the scenes. He maintained closed ties with the showtime executive councils in addition to was almost ever acquaint at NNDP populace meetings. Further, he had extensive links with the masses of Lagosians through their traditional pop associations, peculiarly the marketplace spot women`s unions in addition to many vocational unions. He encouraged marketplace spot women in addition to elite women to accept part inwards political party activities, including speaking at its meetings.

In 1938, when the NNDP experienced its showtime defeat at the hands of the novel Nigerian Youth Movement (NYM), Macaulay began to reassess his political strategy, opting for a united forepart to destination colonialism. Initially, such alliances did non run out real well. In August 1944, however, he saw that the leadership in addition to strategy of the National Council of Nigeria in addition to the Cameroons (NCNC) offered bright prospects inwards the combat for self-government.

Although many of his colleagues inwards the NNDP executive disagreed with him, he carried the twenty-four hours when he threatened to resign if they did non concur to acquire into into its coalition of involvement groups (political parties, merchandise unions, literary societies, professional person associations, social clubs in addition to ethnic unions. Nnamdi Azikiwe, the dynamic leader of the NCNC, capitalized on Macaulay`s determination to bring together the party. At this time, Macaulay was lxxx years old, merely soundless appeared physically potent in addition to mentally alert, merely his insistence inwards task a strenuous drive against the constitutional proposals of 1945 proposed past times Governor Richards taxed his strength. While on a national tour, he suffered an astute laid on of rheumatism in addition to was forced to render to Lagos, where he died on 7 May 1946.

Huge crowds, estimated variously every bit betwixt 100,000 in addition to 200,000 turned out inwards the streets to mourn in addition to all the markets closed for ii total days. As is customary with the Yoruba, when a distinguished leader dies at an advanced age, his funeral became the occasion for a prolonged celebration of a life good lived in addition to populace service good acclaimed.

Further Reading

Coleman, James S. Nigeria: Background to Nationalism (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1958).

Tamuno, Tekena N. Herbert Macaulay, Nigerian Patriot (London: Heinemann Educational Books Ltd., 1975).

Thomas, Isaac B. Life History of Herbert Macaulay, 3rd ed. (Lagos: Tika Tore Press, 1946).

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