Info For You Lot Bete People: Ancient Warrior Hunters In Addition To Culturally Unique People Of Cote D`Ivoire

The Bete people equally good known equally Magwe, Tsien, Bokya in addition to Kpwe; are ancient hunting, patriarchal, hard-working agricultural in addition to culturally unique ethnic grouping that forms a subset of the larger Kru-speaking people residing inward Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) in addition to Liberia. Bete people lives just inward the southwestern in addition to southern-central parts of Côte d'Ivoire, betwixt the Akan ethnic groups to the due east in addition to the Guro tribe to the north. They occupy towns in addition to villages inward the regions of Saloa, Soubre in addition to Gagnoa.
Bete warriors of Cote d'Ivoire performing their ancient in addition to traditional hunter dance

The Bete are a little-studied Cote d'Ivoire grouping in addition to with their population of over 825,000 people constitutes 6% of Ivory Coast`s population in addition to are thence classified equally minorities. Despite their minority condition they accept powerful individuals in addition to intellectuals with them.

Bete tribe human being in addition to quondam Ivorien president Laurent Gbagbo

Former Ivorien president Laurent Gbagbo was a Bete, equally a effect of this the Bete were target of serious armed forces attacks in addition to civil harassment inward Ivory coast subsequently French Republic in addition to Western nations supported Northern Dyula (Dioula/Jula) human being Alassane Dramane Ouattara to topple him. Former revolutionay pupil leader of the Student Federation of Cote d'Ivoire (FESCI), founder of the Coordination des Jeunes Patriotes, charismatic pol in addition to ally of quondam president Gbagbo is equally good a Bete man.

Ble Goude inward prison

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