Newspaper Review. A Generalized Solution To Distributed Consensus

This newspaper (by Heidi Howard as well as Richard Mortier) proposes a framework for consensus that uses immutable set down to simplify the exposition. They demo that both Paxos as well as Fast Paxos are for sure instantiations of this full general consensus framework. Finally, they outline roughly novel instances of the consensus framework which furnish overnice benefits inward for sure setups.

I should Federal Reserve annotation as well as caution you lot that this newspaper considers unmarried instance/decree consensus rather than multiple instances/slots back-to-back consensus. So if you lot are interested inward the latter, at that spot are gaps to fill upwards earlier you lot tin displace implement these algorithms to solve multi-decree consensus as well as hold RSMs. Moreover piece immutability via the write-once registers is cracking for exposition, extra run needs to live done for achieving implementation efficiency of this abstraction.

The consensus problem

An algorithm solves consensus if it satisfies these requirements:


  • Non-triviality. All output values must convey been the input value of a client.
  • Agreement. All clients that output a value must output the same value.
  • Progress. All clients must eventually output a value if the arrangement is reliable as well as synchronous for a sufficient period.
If nosotros convey entirely 1 server, the solution is straightforward. The server has a unmarried persistent write-once register, R0, to shop the decided value. Clients post requests to the server amongst their input value. If R0 is unwritten, the value received is written to R0 as well as is returned to the client. If R0 is already written, as well as then the value inward R0 is read as well as returned to the client. The customer as well as then outputs the returned value. This algorithm achieves consensus but requires the server to live available for clients to terminate. To overcome this limitation requires deployment of to a greater extent than than 1 server, so nosotros directly reckon how to generalise to multiple servers.
And holy moly! By considering to a greater extent than than 1 node, nosotros opened upwards Pandora's box! It is real hard to furnish distributed consensus inward a fault-tolerant vogue to the human face upwards of bouts of asynchrony, node failures, as well as message losses.

The argue Paxos is so pop is because Paxos as well as its variants convey splendid fault-tolerant properties that encompass all possible corner cases. Paxos preserves consistency fifty-fifty when the arrangement is asynchronous, all timing assumptions are wrong, all failure detectors are wrong, processes crash inward an undetected ways, as well as messages tin displace live lost arbitrarily, etc. The beauty of Paxos is that security (agreement) is preserved nether whatsoever condition, as well as entirely the progress status depends on the availability of weakest failure detector (which eventually stabilizes to ensure that the processes make non suspect a unmarried upwards procedure equally failed). In other words, whenever the setup is out of the impossibility realm of FLP as well as attacking full general results, progress is guaranteed. And fifty-fifty when the setup has non moved beyond that point, Paxos tin displace withal furnish progress probabilistically.

Generalized consensus framework

Each node (i.e., server) has an interplanetary space serial of write-once, persistent registers, {R0, R1, ...}. Clients read as well as write registers on servers and, at whatsoever time, each register is inward 1 of the 3 states:
  • unwritten, the starting set down for all registers
  • contains a value,
  • contains nil.
A register set, i, is the laid comprised of the register Ri from each server. Each register laid i tin displace live pre-configured (hardwired) amongst a laid of quorums.

Figure 3 describes the generalized consensus framework yesteryear giving iv rules governing how clients interact amongst registers.

I similar dominion 1: quorum agreement. According to this rule,  the clients/proposers necessitate non live competing, they tin displace inward fact live collaborating as well as strengthening each other if they write the same values inward the same register laid across nodes. This is dissimilar than Lamport's formulation. Lamport equally good gives similar rules for an abstract Vote algorithm equally an intermediate pace to deriving the Paxos algorithm. But yesteryear divorcing the register-sets abstraction from ballots, this framework achieves to a greater extent than generality.

A register-set corresponds roughly to a circular or persuasion inward the Paxos algorithm. The framework withal allows client-restricted register-sets, where a register-set is allocated for role of entirely a for sure customer where entirely 1 proposal is voted on. These client-restricted register sets tin displace live implemented using ballot-numbers. But it is equally good possible to convey non client-restricted register-sets for which at that spot is no necessitate for clients to role dissimilar ballot-numbers. Multiple clients tin displace as well as then write concurrently to the same register-set, as well as it may fifty-fifty possible to reckon them equally cooperating if they write the same value.

From its local determination table, each customer tin displace rails whether decisions convey been reached or could live reached yesteryear previous quorums. At whatsoever given time, each quorum is inward 1 of iv determination states:
  • Any: Any value could live decided yesteryear this quorum.
  • Maybe v: If this quorum reaches a decision, as well as then value v volition live decided.
  • Decided v: The value v has been decided yesteryear this quorum; a lastly state.
  • None: This quorum volition non create upwards one's take away heed a value; a lastly state.

Figure five describes how clients tin displace role determination tables to implement the iv rules for correctness. If a customer reads a (non-nil) value v from the register r on server s, it learns that:
  • If r is customer restricted as well as then all quorums inward r must create upwards one's take away heed v if they gain a determination (Rule 3)
  • If whatsoever quorum of register sets 0 to r − 1 reaches a determination as well as then value v is decided (Rule 4)

Instantiating to Paxos

The newspaper shows that the framework tin displace live instantiated to create the single-decree Paxos algorithm. All the register-sets are client-restricted as well as all quorums inward a register-set are assigned to live bulk quorums. Note that this Paxos instance Figure 8 satisfies the iv rules inward the full general consensus framework introduced, so it is an instance of that framework. On the other hand, the algorithm is withal non straightforward fifty-fifty after understanding the full general framework. There is withal a bound to live made from the framework to the rules to the single-decree Paxos algorithm. Why 2 phases? What should live accomplished inward Phase-1? How does Phase-2 relate as well as construct on Phase-1? Similar issues were equally good present  going from the Vote algorithm to Paxos inward Lamport's exposition of Paxos. As I convey been telling students, Paxos looks deceptively simple, but at that spot is a lot of depth as well as levels to it, as well as you lot should reckon other ways to brand this run (and to a greater extent than oft than non fail) to appreciate why the algorithm is that way.

Again, retrieve that this is entirely unmarried instance/decree Paxos, as well as the newspaper does non furnish a MultiPaxos instantiation. For this unmarried decree Paxos the clients may live competing. Two clients may live sending their proposals to dissimilar replicas inward the register-sets assigned to them via their unique ballot-numbers. If you lot reckon the customer colocated amongst 1 of the replicas  as well as then this setup maps amend to the pop descriptions of Paxos amongst a leader that goes through Phase-1 as well as Phase-2.

A novel consensus algorithm

In Section 6, the newspaper gives representative of a novel consensus algorithm that has roughly advantages for for sure environments.
Co-located consensus. Consider a configuration which uses a quorum containing all servers for the get-go k register sets as well as bulk quorums afterwards, equally shown inward Figure 12b. All register sets are customer restricted. Participants inward a arrangement may live deciding a value betwixt themselves, as well as so a server as well as customer are co-located on each participant. A customer tin displace thus either attain consensus inward 1 circular trip to all servers (if all are available) or 2 circular trips to whatsoever bulk (in instance a server has failed).
Ok, what does this mean?

All the k clients are colocated amongst the k replicas/servers. If entirely 1 client/replica has something to advise that client/replica tin displace write its value inward the register laid allocated to it at all other nodes inward an uncontested vogue as well as succeed inward 1 round.

If multiple client/replicas has a value to propose, at that spot is withal adventure that the highest id client/replica x succeed inward achieving consensus inward 1 circular if all replicas are available. When x writes to its client-restricted register set, it writes naught to its register for all previous rounds as well as thus invalidates consensus attempts of all the replica/clients amongst smaller id register sets making their decision=NONE. This satisfies the 4 rules inward Figure 3 equally good equally the customer determination tabular array rules inward Figure 5.

Another agency to empathize this, inward a vogue closer to a message-passing implementation, is to reckon the flexible quorums effect applied to Paxos protocol. Here all the replicas are competing amongst ballot-numbers (all register sets are client-restricted), as well as stage 1 quorum is simply 1 node, which is the replica/proposer itself. So the stage 1 is skipped since it does non require consent from roughly other node. In companionship for stage 2 to intersect stage 1, the stage 2 quorum is the laid of all replicas. And inward this laid up, if multiple replicas convey something to propose, the replica amongst the highest id tin displace attain consensus inward 1 stage (that is stage 2) if all replicas are available.

If a replica is crushed or unresponsive, the algorithm withal offers fault-tolerance, because after their get-go attempt amongst flexible quorum, the replicas switch to bulk phase-1 & phase-2 quorums as well as attain consensus if a bulk of nodes are available.

MAD questions

1. Is this simply a dissimilar presentation of the same onetime materials or is at that spot to a greater extent than here?

Yes, at that spot is to a greater extent than hither than simply re-packaging consensus amongst immutable write-once registers.

As I wrote above, I actually liked how this enables the nodes to collaborate inward non client-restricted register sets. When the register laid is non client-restricted, the clients make non compete amongst ballot-numbers as well as multiple clients writing the same value tin displace inward fact strengthen that value as well as improve consensus.

I equally good liked that it is possible to pre-assign dissimilar quorums to dissimilar rounds. Many dissimilar combinations tin displace live possible this way. Also, equally I mentioned, the algorithms inward the lastly department are interesting.

These beingness said, fifty-fifty if you lot didn't acquire anything novel hither as well as labeled this equally simply a dissimilar packaging/presentation of the Paxos consensus idea, I would debate this is withal worth reading. Because yesteryear learning nigh the same theme from a dissimilar perspective, you lot volition strengthen your understanding of the topic.

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