Cross-Chain Deals In Addition To Adversarial Commerce

This newspaper appeared inwards VLDB'19 together with is authored past times Maurice Herlihy, Barbara Liskov, together with Liuba Shrira.

How tin flame autonomous, mutually-distrusting parties cooperate safely together with effectively?

This enquiry is real of import for enabling commerce. The trading the world answered this enquiry so far past times relying on a trusted 3rd party, together with inwards the worst case, on the government/rule-of-law to litigate parties deviating from their contracts. With prevalence of e-commerce together with decentralization, this enquiry is lately  considered inwards *trustless* settings past times modern distributed information administration systems.

Solving the trustless multi-party cooperation when all the parties exercise the same blockchain is achievable via smartcontracts, but solving the occupation where the parties exercise unlike blockchains convey many additional challenges. Some of these challenges are familiar to us from the classical distributed systems inquiry on distributed transactions, such equally how to combine multiple steps into a unmarried atomic action, how to recover from failures, together with how to synchronize concurrent access to data. But considering the cross-chain multi-party collaboration in a trustless setting requires reconsidering/revising that work, because hither the participants are autonomous together with potentially adversarial.

Cross-chain deal 

The newspaper proposes the cross-chain deal equally a novel computational abstraction for structuring complex distributed exchanges inwards an adversarial setting. The newspaper starts past times clarifying the distinctions betwixt cross-chain deals with atomic transactions, together with cross-chain swaps.

Cross-chain deals differ from atomic transactions, because
  • transactions perform complex distributed nation changes, spell deals only commutation assets alongside parties
  • transactions exercise “all-or-nothing” semantics to save global invariants, all the same each autonomous political party inwards a bargain tin flame create upwards one's hear independently whether it finds an outcome satisfactory
  • transactions assume crash failures, whereas deals assume byzantine faults
Cross-chain deals also differ from cross-chain swaps. In cross-chain swaps, each political party sets upwards an unconditional transfer, thus they are incapable of expressing measure fiscal transactions such equally arbitrage together with auctions.
  • Consider an arbitrage representative where Alice pays Bob with coins she receives from Carol, together with sells Carol a ticket she receives from Bob. Alice cannot commit to either transfer at the start of a swap protocol because she does non ain those assets. 
  • Auctions also cannot live on expressed equally swaps because the auction’s outcome (reserve cost exceeded, identity of winner) cannot live on determined until all bids have got been submitted.
In contrast to transactions together with swaps, deals address the demands of adversarial commerce better:
  • In adversarial commerce each political party decides for itself whether to participate inwards a item interaction. 
  • Parties concur to follow a mutual protocol, an understanding that tin flame live on monitored, but non enforced. 
  • Correctness is local together with selfish: all parties that follow the protocol cease upwards “no worse off” than when they started, fifty-fifty inwards the presence of faulty or malicious behaviour past times an arbitrary issue of other parties. 

The newspaper uses the next running example.  Bob decides to sell 2 coveted tickets to a hitting play for 100 coins. Alice knows that Carol would live on willing to pay 101 coins for those tickets, so Alice moves to broker a bargain betwixt Bob together with Carol. Alice devises a cross-chain deal, to live on executed past times Alice, Bob, together with Carol, together with communicating through contracts running on diverse blockchains. If all goes equally planned, all transfers select place, together with if anything goes incorrect (someone crashes or tries to cheat), no honest political party should cease upwards worse off.

Property 1: For every protocol execution, every compliant political party ends upwards with an acceptable payoff.

Property 2: No property belonging to a compliant political party is escrowed forever.

Property 3: If all parties are compliant together with willing to select their proposed payoffs, together with so all transfers hap (all parties’ payoffs are All).

The newspaper describes 2 option protocols for implementing cross-chain deals
  • Timelock protocol, based on synchronous communication, is fully decentralized
  • CBC protocol, based on semi-synchronous communication, requires a globally shared ledger
Before discussing the 2 protocols, nosotros firstly verbalize over the full general framework for cross-chain deals.

How Cross-Chain Deals Work

An escrow is used for ensuring that a unmarried property cannot live on transferred to unlike parties at the same time. Here is what happens when P places a inwards escrow during bargain D:
Pre: Owns(P, a)
Post: Owns(D, a) together with Owns_C (P, a) together with Owns_A(P, a)

The precondition states that P tin flame escrow A alone if P owns a. The postcondition states that ownership of a is transferred from P to D (via the escrow contract), but P remains the possessor of a inwards both Commit together with Abort.

These are the phases of a cross-chain deal.
  • Clearing Phase: A market-clearing service discovers together with broadcasts the participants, the proposed transfers, together with pos- sibly other deal-specific information.
  • Escrow Phase: Parties escrow their outgoing assets. E.g., Bob escrows his tickets together with Carol her coins.
  • Transfer Phase: The parties perform the sequence of tentative ownership transfers according to the deal. E.g., Bob tentatively transfers the tickets to Alice, who later transfers them to Carol.
  • Validation phase: Once the tentative transfers are complete, each political party checks that the bargain is the same equally proposed past times the (untrusted) market-clearing service, together with that its incoming assets are properly escrowed (so they cannot live on double-spent). E.g., Carol checks that the tickets to live on transferred are escrowed, that the seats are (at to the lowest degree equally skillful as) the ones agreed upon, together with that she is non most to somehow overpay.
  • Commit phase: The parties vote on whether to brand the tentative transfers permanent. If all parties vote to commit, the escrowed assets are transferred to their novel owners, otherwise they are refunded to their master owners.
A tentative transfer commits if it becomes permanent, together with it aborts if it is discarded. A bargain commits if all its tentative transfers commit, together with it aborts if all its tentative transfers abort.

(Remark: I intend this formulation does non capture what happens if neither commit or abort gets satisfied for a deal, i.e, where to a greater extent than or less tentative transfers commit together with to a greater extent than or less tentative transfers abort. For example, tentative transfers may commit for Carol, but the tentative transfers for Bob may instruct aborted. 
In the start the newspaper said that "all or zero semantics" is impossible to satisfy with adversarial participants: "it may live on possible that to a greater extent than or less transfers commit together with other abort provided that no compliant political party is worse-off." But I can't come across how the formulation higher upwards captures this.)

Timelock Protocol

Timelock protocol is the firstly protocol newspaper discusses for implementing cross-chain deals. It is fully decentralized but it assumes a synchronous network model where blockchain propagation fourth dimension is known together with bounded.

In the timelock protocol, escrowed assets are released if all parties vote to commit. Parties create non explicitly vote to abort. Timeouts are used for ensuring that escrowed assets are non locked upwards forever. Each escrow contract’s timeout for a party’s commit vote depends on the length of the path along which that vote was forwarded.

Phases of the deal:
  • Clearing: The market-clearing service broadcasts to all parties inwards the deal, the bargain identifier D, the listing of parties plist, a commit stage starting fourth dimension t0 used to compute timeouts, together with the timeout delay $\Delta$. Because t0 together with $\Delta$ are used alone to compute timeouts, their values create non touching on normal execution times. If deals select minutes (or hours), together with so $\Delta$ could live on measured inwards hours (or days).
  • Escrow: Each political party places its outgoing assets inwards escrow through an escrow contract escrow(D,$D_{info}$,a) on that asset’s blockchain. 
  • Transfer: Party P transfers an property (or assets) a tentatively owned past times P to political party Q past times sending transfer(D,a,Q)$to the escrow contract on the asset’s blockchain.
  • Validation: Each political party examines its escrowed incoming assets to come across if they stand upwards for an acceptable reward together with the bargain information provided past times the market-clearing service is correct. If so, the political party votes to commit.
  • Commit: Each compliant political party sends a commit vote to the escrow contract for each incoming asset. A political party uses commit(D,v,p) to vote straight together with to forwards votes to the deal’s escrow contracts, where v is the voter together with p is the path signature for v’s vote. For example, if Alice is forwarding Bob’s vote together with so v is Bob, together with p contains firstly Bob’s signature, together with and so Alice’s signature. 
A contract releases the escrowed property to the novel owner(s) when it accepts a commit vote from every party. If the contract has non accepted a vote from every political party past times fourth dimension $t0+N*\Delta$, where northward is the issue of parties, it volition never select the missing votes, so the contract times out together with refunds its escrowed assets to the master owners.

This may violate "all-or-nothing" semantics, equally the newspaper explains. Suppose that Bob acquires Alice together with Carol’s votes on time, together with forwards them to claim the coins, but Alice together with Carol are driven offline earlier they tin flame forwards Bob’s vote to the ticket blockchain, so Bob ends upwards with both the coins together with the tickets. In this case, technically, Alice together with Carol have got deviated from the protocol past times non claiming their assets inwards time. (To alleviate this problem, $\Delta$ should live on chosen large plenty to brand sustained denial-of-service attacks prohibitively expensive.)

Assuming synchrony assumptions hold, the newspaper proves the next for the timelock protocol.

Theorem 1. The timelock protocol satisfies safety.

Theorem 2. The timelock protocol satisfies weak liveness: no compliant party’s outgoing assets are locked upwards forever.

Theorem 3. The timelock protocol satisfies strong liveness.

CBC Protocol

The 2nd protocol the newspaper proposes for implementing cross-chain deals is the CBC protocol. CBC does non assume fully-synchronous communication equally inwards timelock, so it is non susceptible to timing related attacks. But inwards render it requires a globally shared certified blockchain (CBC) equally a sort of shared log alongside the parties. The newspaper argues that this loss of decentralization is inevitable: no protocol that tolerates periods of asynchrony tin flame live on decentralized (following the FLP result).
  • If all parties are compliant, together with so if the bargain commits (resp. aborts) at whatever asset’s blockchain, it must commit (resp. abort) at all of them.
  • Initially, the deal’s nation is bivalent: both commit together with abort are possible outcomes. But the deal’s nation cannot rest bivalent forever, so it must live on possible to achieve a (bivalent) critical nation where each political party is most to select a decisive step.
  • A potentially decisive stride forcing an eventual commit cannot select house at a unlike blockchain than a potentially decisive stride forcing an eventual abort, because together with so it would live on impossible to determine which happened first, thence which ane was really decisive. 
(Remark: Hmm... The requirement inwards the concluding bullet could live on solved past times using quorum intersection, equally inwards Paxos. Paxos is also prone to FLP result, but it soundless preserves security inwards a fully asynchronous setup thank you lot to its exercise of quorums together with ballotnumbers for leaders. So I suppose instead of a shared CBC, it is possible---but cumbersome--- to exercise a byzantine Paxos protocol to coordinate the commit/abort determination across multiple chains. The enquiry together with so becomes, is Paxos decentralized? Paxos uses a leader, but the leaders are exchangeable, when ane leader is non making progress, to a greater extent than or less other leader tin flame safely emerge to conclude the consensus.)

OK, dorsum to the CBC protocol. Instead of voting on private assets, each political party votes on the CBC whether to commit or abort the entire deal. In the absence of total synchrony, since the parties cannot exercise timed escrow,  they vote to abort if validation fails, or if also much fourth dimension has passed.

A political party tin flame extract a proof from the CBC that item votes were recorded inwards a item order. A political party claiming an property (or a refund) presents a proof of commit (or abort) to the contract managing that asset. The contract checks the proof’s validity together with carries out the requested transfers if the proof is valid. A proof of commit proves that every political party voted to commit the bargain earlier whatever political party voted to abort. A proof of abort proves that to a greater extent than or less political party voted to abort earlier every political party voted to commit.

Phases of the protocol
  • Clearing: The market-clearing service broadcasts a unique identifier D together with a listing of participating parties plist. If to a greater extent than than ane startDeal for D is recorded on the CBC, the earliest is considered definitive.
  • Escrow: Each political party places its outgoing assets inwards escrow escrow(D,plist,h,a,...)
  • Transfer: Party P transfers an property (or assets) a tentatively owned past times P to political party Q past times sending transfer(D,a,Q) to the escrow contract on the asset’s blockchain.
  • Validation: Each political party checks that its proposed reward is acceptable together with that assets are properly escrowed with the right plist together with h.
  • Commit: Each political party X publishes either a commit or abort vote for D on the CBC via commit(D, h, X) or abort(D, h, X).
Safety is satisfied because electrical load parties concur on whether a bargain commits or aborts. Weak liveness is satisfied because whatever compliant political party whose assets are locked upwards for also long volition eventually vote to abort. Strong liveness is satisfied inwards periods when the network is synchronous because every political party votes to commit earlier whatever political party votes to abort.


I actually enjoyed reading the paper. The occupation the authors select on is real ambitious together with important. I also constitute both protocols intriguing. The CBC protocol is simpler than the timelock protocol, equally it uses a shared blockchain for coordination. In contrast to the timelock protocol, the CBC protocol tolerates asynchronous periods, together with its cost together with latency is better. Doing things completely decentralized increases the costs, together with some centralization tin flame assist cutting costs quickly.

Both protocols create exercise an escrow, together with the escrow is a fleck of a crotch, together with to a greater extent than or less other entity/contract to pay to equally well. The newspaper says that "Escrow plays the exercise of classical concurrency control, ensuring that a unmarried property cannot live on transferred to unlike parties at the same time." This is a fleck of a blanket statement, together with I wonder if at that spot is indeed no other means to ensure concurrency command across chains to ensure that an property cannot live on transferred to unlike parties at the same time.

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