Judoing The Dunning-Kruger Effect: The Surprisingly-Popular Alternative Strategy For Crowdsourcing

Let's enjoin y'all desire to crowdsource the reply to the question:
(Q1) What is the majuscule of Brazil?

The surprisingly-popular option strategy for crowdsourcing suggests piggybacking a control question to the existent inquiry Q1:
(Q2) What produce y'all intend the bulk of other people volition respond to this question?

Many people (non-Brazilian together with non-geography-nerds) volition reply amongst Rio for both Q1 together with Q2. But at that spot volition live on approximately people that volition reply amongst Brasilia for Q1 together with yet Rio for Q2.

The get-go laid of people that replied amongst Rio to both questions did non know much close Brazil, together with went amongst what they know equally the most prominent metropolis inward Brazil. The minute laid of people non entirely knew of the right answer, Brasilia, exactly they also anticipated that the bulk of participants volition become incorrect past times answering amongst Rio.

Rio is the pop choice for Q1, exactly Brasilia is the surprisingly pop option because the respondents for Brasilia had anticipated that Rio would live on the pop option.

The lesson is: "People who hold off to live on inward the minority thought deserve approximately extra attention."

Here is an article close this algorithm, together with hither is the nature paper.
(I wishing this would own got occurred to us four years ago, when nosotros were collecting crowdsourced information from our "who wants to live on a millionaire" app.)

MAD questions

1. What are similar judoing techniques?
I am fascinated amongst this technique, because this is similar applying a judo-throw on the Dunning-Kruger together with reversing its effects.

It takes a weakness observed inward the Dunning-Kruger consequence (that people of depression mightiness endure from illusory superiority together with mistakenly assess their cognitive mightiness equally greater than it is), together with transforms that inward to a forcefulness for identifying the goodness voices amid the participants, the people who knew the reply to Q2 exactly provided a minority reply for Q1.

What are similar judo moves inward estimator science/technology together with inward general?

2. What close the conspiracy nuts?
This surprisingly-popular choice technique has a conspiracy nuts problem, isn't it? There is inevitably a strongly opinionated grouping that volition live on inward the minority together with they volition correctly anticipate that they volition live on inward the minority. This technique does non filter for them, right?

So, let's accept anti-vaxxers. They volition enjoin "no" to (Q1) "Should I vaccinate my kids?" together with they volition correctly guess the pop choice "yes" to (Q2) "What produce y'all intend the bulk of other people volition respond to this question?"

How produce nosotros laid this number amongst the method? Maybe nosotros tin add together a (Q3) What produce y'all intend the minority choice is together with why it is wrong? Of course of written report nosotros are moving away from the automatic aggregation inward the master method, exactly the heart together with mortal of the thought all the same holds: Are y'all aware of the other opinions on this question, together with tin y'all explicate together with refute them?

Can y'all non entirely strawman, exactly also steelman the other arguments together with address them?

3. How does this apply to me equally I assess my views/positions?
For the hygiene of the mind, it is of import to reverberate on your beliefsets/behaviors/positions together with reassess them occasionally. Am I able to explicate why I am inward the bulk or minority side for my positions? Do I empathise the other positions together with non entirely refute them exactly tin also appreciate approximately valuable points inward them?

Some other related posts from my spider web log on this are:

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