New Joy Partitioning Inspired Maps

Peter Saville's pattern for the sleeve of Joy Division's Unknown Pleasures album is i of the almost iconic examples of encompass art. The white on dark lines of the album encompass are based on an icon of radio pulsar waves.

This Worldwide Population map together with owes pattern inspiration to Joy Division's iconic album cover. The map uses d3.js to practise a map of the the world which represents population density yesteryear latitude.
The map uses population information from NASA. You tin forcefulness out select to stance the population densities for a seat out of dissimilar years, which agency that you lot tin forcefulness out stance how the global population has changed over the concluding xx years. The map was inspired yesteryear James Cheshire’s Population Lines. If you lot abide by this population visualization equally beautiful equally I practise you lot tin forcefulness out purchase prints of James' map from his website.
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