Simple Part Refresh Alongside Novel Accessories

It happens every year, exactly similar I mentioned inward this post.  When Christmas is over too the decorations are packed away, it's prissy to await some amongst fresh eyes too consider changes that tin privy last made hither too there.  You powerfulness non guide hold the desire, time, or budget for an entire room makeover, but something equally modest equally adding inward a few novel accessories tin privy brand such a divergence inward your space.  I decided that our Office/Media Room/Craft Room/Music Room (whatever y'all wish to telephone band has lots of uses!) needed a piddling refresh.  Although I guide hold a consummate makeover planned inward my caput for this room someday, it's depression on our listing of priorities correct now.  With some cleaning out, rearranging, too adding inward a few novel pieces from At Home Stores, our room got a fresh novel look!

Let's dorsum upwards too allow me exhibit y'all the field of this room terminal week...

Ugh.  Things were exactly inward a full general field of disarray, too I wasn't taking total payoff of the space.  I can't say y'all the terminal fourth dimension I genuinely used that surface equally a desk.  Shelves had larn a quick dumping dry reason when it took besides long to spot something dorsum where it genuinely was supposed to dice (please say me I'm non the only one!).

And this side?  Goodness.  Forgot to pack those snowmen away, too all the same to a greater extent than accessory-collecting surfaces, by too large things that got displaced hither for Christmas too never got spot back.

Now, the after, amongst only a few hours of cleaning, rearranging, too reorganizing amongst some novel accessories.

I replaced the mirror amongst the 1 that commonly hangs over the fireplace.  Since I've had the chalkboard there this 1 hasn't had a home, too it's besides pretty to materials nether the bed!  I've had this mirror for a long fourth dimension too it has since been discontinued, but At Home has a very similar version if you're looking for one!

It's a lot to a greater extent than fun to sit down too operate if your desk is pretty too inviting, right?  Some fresh flowers too pretty containers to concord everyday essentials helped me to improve organize my space.

It tin privy last tough to honour an cheap candle that smells equally expert when it's burning equally when it's not, but this pink mercury drinking glass candle totally does!  

This cute small apothecary jar is perfect for belongings a piddling snack for refueling during work.  I also picked upwards that pretty marble coaster that came inward a laid upwards (pictured on the pianoforte a piddling farther down-would last a keen gift, too).  The desk too pianoforte bench larn surfaces for drinks when we're watching movies, thence it's of import to guide hold coasters handy thence the forest doesn't larn damaged.

I've had my optic on this blue too white garden stool for a while, too it works out perfectly here.  The surface expanse on my desk is pretty small, thence it's prissy to guide hold a piddling extra room correct at my fingertips for my planner too notebooks.  It comes inward handy for a footrest when nosotros tin privy spot our feet upwards for a few minutes, too.   The displays on the agency to the checkout are ever stocked amongst expert odds too ends, too.  I constitute these cute personalized notebooks, the golden binder clips, some novel cabinet knobs, too the marble coaster laid upwards inward a rustic wooden holder.

Look at the earlier pics 1 time again equally proof, but it's tardily for these shelves to larn a dumping dry reason for rotating too unused accessories.  I cleaned them all off too reorganized a bit, oftentimes that's the outset too most of import measuring to whatever makeover!

This rustic forest bowl reminds me of an awesome antique dough bowl, exactly on a smaller scale.  I used it to corral all of my large spools of thread.

I mentioned I constitute a laid upwards of knobs inward the checkout lane, aren't they great?  The middle forest department blends perfectly amongst my cabinets, yet the to a greater extent than modern blueprint updates the doors for at nowadays until I tin privy practise something close that stained finish.

At Home has the biggest selection of baskets too containers I've ever seen!  I constitute this novel woven 1 to concord all of my previously over-flowing spools of ribbon, I similar how it's slimmer profile fit good on the shelves.  I also guide hold a generous handbasket that fits level against the terminate of the couch too holds enough of throw blankets for snuggling upwards on pic nights now.

The other work spot inward the room was the piano, some other belongings spot for unused accessories!  Once again, I cleared everything away too left exactly the basics.  I've had these topiaries for a spell but had never constitute containers I was quite happy amongst for them.  I spotted these bluish too white pots on clearance (which is keen inward shop correct now, yesteryear the way!) too knew correct away that they would last perfect. 

The terminal matter I picked upwards was this duo of bluish drinking glass lanterns.  Those bamboo handles were what grabbed my attending too ultimately convinced me to purchase them, but 1 time I got them abode I loved them fifty-fifty more.  They're SO pretty amongst the sunlight shining through them,  not to cite a lit candle.  Would y'all guys believe I didn't fifty-fifty LIKE the color bluish until a few years ago?  #whatwaswrongwithme

Now I exactly can't create upwards one's take away heed where I similar them better... the Dining Room or the Breakfast Nook!

And psst, exactly inward illustration y'all missed it at Christmas, this gingham settee came from At Home Stores too.  It's our novel favorite spot inward the house, too the kids' homework spot of choice.  ;)

I maintain several of these fishbowl stands inward unlike sizes handy.  They're prissy to guide hold when an accessory needs a piddling to a greater extent than elevation or presence.

So, exactly similar a novel outfit tin privy elevator your mood, if your abode is feeling a piddling blah this wintertime endeavor adding inward a few novel accessories, or at to the lowest degree cleaning out too and thence mixing too matching what y'all guide hold inward a unlike way.  It doesn't accept a drastic modify to brand a large divergence inward how a room feels!

I guide hold partnered amongst At Home equally a fellow member of the At Home Inspiration Team for this sponsored post too am happy to portion some of my favorite products provided for me amongst you!  All opinions are mine alone.

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When Christmas is over too the decorations are packed away SIMPLE OFFICE REFRESH WITH NEW ACCESSORIES

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