Painted Built-Ins

You've already seen glimpses of these built-ins, but I'd similar to teach dorsum periodically and
 show y'all some earlier in addition to afters of a few projects that I've done
 prior to starting this blog.  

See the tall department completely covered past times doors?  When nosotros bought the solid the department inward the middle was simply a big opening for the television.  I can't stand upwards trying to teach inward expect "pretty" approximately a tv, in addition to thence nosotros had some doors made to jibe the ones that were already in that place to conceal the tv.  It's such a cleaner expect in addition to looks a fleck to a greater extent than similar a built-in slice of article of furniture to me.

We've tardily jumped on the painted cabinets bandwagon in addition to it's amazing the departure it's made inward the expect of our home.  I've ever loved stained cabinets, but sometimes it's simply fourth dimension for a change!  These are really nice, good made shelves but the fourth dimension had come upwards where they needed some attending to the finish.  After a few years of debate 
(in my ain head), I decided to teach for it.  

The primary argue for all the fence was that I didn't desire to pigment all of those shelves!  Enter my birthday acquaint final year, a $49 pigment sprayer from Home Depot.  I had ii coats on those shelves inward nigh 5.2 minutes.  It is a fabulous tool, although I did teach through much to a greater extent than pigment than I would convey used had it all been applied alongside a roller.  
Worth it, though.

We changed the hardware out non long after buying the house, so this fourth dimension approximately I simply used a fiddling oil-rubbed bronze spray pigment to alter the destination on the knobs.

As much equally I bask decorating, I create non specially bask styling bookshelves.  It ever involves lots of lawsuit in addition to error, arranging in addition to rearranging to detect simply the correct grouping.  Generally 1 time I teach them figured out I teach out them lone until it is fourth dimension to alter decor for the seasons.   This fourth dimension I used lots of mixed metals in addition to tried to proceed them fairly simple.

My dad made this drape for a solid that nosotros lived inward 12 years agone that didn't convey one.  It has moved alongside us through three other houses.  

I wanted to teach night alongside it but decided to teach out some of the oak showing through in addition to thence it would expect a fleck distressed.  I basically simply dry out brushed in addition to rubbed pigment off equally I went if I got a fiddling also much on.  

*UPDATE:  Click here to come across how I afterwards painted the backs of these shelves!

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