
Last Tuesday I got the telephone band from the schoolhouse that no parent e'er wants to hear... Come quickly.  Your immature adult woman is hurt.  Unconscious.   EMS has been called.  That was the longest ii minutes to the schoolhouse ever.  Caleb in addition to I prayed all the means there.  We heard the ambulance coming equally nosotros ran inward the front end door.

The quaternary degree had been on the phase preparing their upcoming music program.  Emily was standing on the adjacent to the operate past times riser.  Apparently it was actually hot upwardly at that topographic point alongside the phase lights on, in addition to she fainted.  No i was on the riser behind her, in addition to then she cruel over the dorsum in addition to hitting her caput on the phase floor.  The instructor who ran to assist her had to telephone band her cite several times earlier she roused.  When I arrived, she was awake but nonetheless lying nonetheless until the paramedics arrived.  They evaluated her in addition to checked all of her vitals.  They gave us the all clear to convey her dwelling describe solid if nosotros wished, but advised us to discovery her closely through the evening.  Many thank y'all to the primary in addition to wonderful staff at our school.  They gave Emily loving in addition to cosiderate aid until I could endure there.   

My attending in addition to perspective made an nigh aspect upwardly that afternoon.  Before the call, I was busy.  I had of import things to do.  Preparations for a political party to attend to.  Dinner to make.  Pillows to sew.  Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 chair to strip down.  Gifts to wrap.  Grocery lists to prepare.  Photos to edit.  Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 post to write. 

That huge, of import (or in addition to then I thought) to-do listing melted away when nosotros arrived dwelling describe solid in addition to walked through the door alongside Emily-praise the Lord!  We spent the adjacent few hours merely sitting. And snuggling on the couch.  And reading together.  She was before long asking to leave of absence in addition to play basketball game (a asking that was denied for the evening).

After returning dwelling describe solid from schoolhouse the next afternoon, she said all of her sweetness friends were concerned nigh her in addition to wanting to know if she was o.k.  Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 few fifty-fifty brought her a picayune something to present they cared.   That warmed this Mom's view to remove heed how all of them were in addition to then concerned for her well-being.

So today, during this flavor of Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for adept health.  For dedicated teachers in addition to schoolhouse administrators.  For caring friends.  For a supportive in addition to loving husband.  For an almost 12 twelvemonth quondam man child who nonetheless laughs his caput off at kids' movies.  For having plenty.  For a Saviour.  I'm humbled at how adept He is to me in addition to how much I don't deserve i chip of the blessings He pours out inward my life.

And, I'm mindful of those who are non in addition to then blessed inward all the ways I am.  Heavy on my view this flavor is our friend Xander, who y'all all stimulate got met inward a previous post.  Thank y'all e'er in addition to then much for those of y'all joining me inward prayer for him in addition to his family.  Just to update you, it has been almost 2 weeks since his stalk jail cellular telephone transplant.  He began the starting fourth dimension of fifteen radiations treatments yesterday.  In the hateful fourth dimension he is resting in addition to waiting for his trunk to stimulate got his Mom's stalk cells.  This precious describe solid unit of measurement nonetheless has a long route ahead-will y'all maintain to bring together me inward praying for peace, comfort, healing, in addition to God's volition to endure done for Xander? And, if y'all experience led to help, at that topographic point is a fundraiser laid upwardly for the family that y'all tin convey purpose in.  Thank you.  It's amazing what tin endure accomplished when nosotros all pitch inward together!


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