A Tour Of The Pioneer Adult Woman Mercantile

Lots of skilful people lead keep come upwards from Oklahoma.  Baseball players Johnny Bench together with Mickey Mantle.  Actor together with manager Ron Howard. Olympic gymnast Shannon Miller.  Actor Brad Pitt.  Basketball instrumentalist Blake Griffin. Actor Chuck Norris.  Singer together with performer Kristin Chenoweth.  Astronaut Shannon Lucid, together with Humorist Will Rogers.  Not to squall Reba, Carrie, Garth, Vince, Toby, & Blake!  But inward the basis of the internet, possibly there's no bigger precious rock inward Oklahoma's crown than Ree Drummond, The Pioneer Woman!

The Pioneer Woman was the really outset weblog I started reading nearly 8 years ago.  Our local newspaper did a story on her when she was coming out amongst her outset cookbook, together with subsequently checking out her blog, exactly similar many other people, I was chop-chop hooked.  Reading nearly a ranch family's life inward the (familiar) solid reason is fascinating, non to squall my appreciation of Ree's feel of humor, devotion to her friends together with family, stunning photography, together with the mouth-watering recipes that she shares.

*Affiliate links used inward this post.

The Pioneer Woman Mercantile (The Merc equally Ree calls it) is inward Pawhuska, Oklahoma, nearly ii hours northeast of Oklahoma City, or i hr northwest of Tulsa.

It is a combination restaurant, deli, bakery, together with retail store.  It opened a few months ago, roughly the outset of November.  With the busy-ness of the holidays approaching, together with then the kids beingness out of school, together with then missing ii Fridays i time they were dorsum due to bad weather, concluding Fri (Ray's twenty-four hours off) was our outset lead a opportunity to accept a trivial route trip spell they were at schoolhouse together with caput upwards to cheque it out.   I took LOTS of pictures therefore y'all tin strength out accept inward every detail, therefore larn ready for a photograph heavy post!

Ree's solid unit of measurement purchased the historic, over 100 yr old edifice that is at nowadays The Mercantile v years agone (read her post nearly it together with run into all of the "before" photos here), together with has worked to restore it together with choose it dorsum to it's master beauty.

Our hostess who helped entertain the crowd equally they waited inward trouble was a fount of information.  She said that Ree's adjacent edifice projection volition locomote inward her abode town of Bartlesville, OK, together with she genuinely owns solid reason all over the country-even New York- together with hopes for her shops to locomote equally mutual equally Starbucks i day!  And, she volition start filming shows for London's Food Network segmentation soon- I'll locomote anxious to run into that for sure!

We started inward the eating topographic point for lunch, together with came off of our depression carb diet for the day, therefore everything nosotros ate was brown.  And it was totally ooey gooey scrumptious together with worth it!!  We shared the spinach dip, I ordered the grilled cheese together with Ray ordered the fried chicken sandwich.  Everything was really tasty, together with nosotros brought a skilful amount of the homemade spud chips abode amongst us... they are super crunchy, perfectly salted, together with totally addictive!

MAJOR pump eyes for that master ikon on the brick wall, the engraved forest wall, the greenish counter, together with the handsome guy!

The patriarch of the family, Chuck (in the denim shirt below), stopped inward exactly equally nosotros were getting to the front end of the eating topographic point trouble for lunch.  Ray spotted him equally he visited amongst i of the hosts, set his jacket together with lid across a stool at a high-top table, together with then sat downward together with ate his social club of chicken strips.  :)  I REALLY wanted Ray to state hi to him therefore I could larn a pic of them together together with see for a moment, but he kindly restrained himself together with allow the human be.  I tin strength out exclusively imagine what he thinks nearly the hysteria that The Merc has brought to his abode town!  (I'm certain they're all skilful thoughts, the Pawhuska economic scheme belike doesn't know what striking it!)

The outset flooring of the Merc houses the eating topographic point together with kitchen, deli counter, together with the retail shop.

The dishes together with serving ware are to snuff it for!

The gift wrap counter amongst the sweetest wrapping newspaper choices-

An illustration of Ree's feel of humor... Marie Antoinette tabular array salt together with pepper shakers. Off amongst her head!  The ii pieces are magnetic, the caput holds tabular array salt together with the trunk holds pepper.

My favorite pattern element- those fabulous chandeliers lined upwards all roughly the shop.

The 2nd flooring has views that overlook downtown together with houses the bakery, candy counter, bakery kitchen, together with lounge area.

One matter that stood out to me on our see was the details.  It was apparent that every trivial matter was good idea out at the Merc.  This identify was ripped downward to the bare bones, except for leaving some of the early on master features similar the brick walls, tin ceilings, together with forest floors, together with completely rebuilt.  The "doggie bag" containers aren't exactly a styrofoam box, they're cute trivial cardboard boxes together with tin trays amongst a lid.  The employees are separated together with identified past times colouring stuff coded shirts- dark together with white gingham for the host/hostesses, crimson gingham for the eating topographic point servers, denim for the cooks/baristas, together with dark for the retail store workers.  And it powerfulness audio silly, but I was fifty-fifty impressed that at that topographic point were candles lit on the bath counter together with normal tp holders amongst existent lavatory newspaper (instead of the industrial size dispensers together with tissue sparse rolls).  With the amount of people that see the Merc each day, they must become through H5N1 LOT of lavatory newspaper rolls!  And HOW CUTE IS THIS BATHROOM???

Here are a few things to regard if you'd similar to see the Merc some day:

*The Mercantile is THE finish for the day!  Don't locomote inward a hurry together with don't await to walk correct inward together with locomote served.  If y'all produce swallow inward the restaurant, it's slowly to pass 3-4 hours past times the fourth dimension y'all wait, eat, together with then store together with accept inward the residue of the building.

*I heard it through the grapevine that parking isn't genuinely an issue, there's enough roughly the Merc inward the surrounding downtown area, but DON'T SPEED spell you're inward town!  The police pull officers lead keep an eagle oculus out on the speed limits!

*Weekends, operate holidays, together with days roughly the holidays are definitely busier than normal weekdays.  However, fifty-fifty at that, await for at that topographic point nevertheless to locomote a crowd whatever fourth dimension y'all come.  We arrived on a Fri morning time nearly 10:45, got inward trouble for the eating topographic point correct away, together with waited nearly an hr until nosotros were seated for lunch.  Larger groups may lead keep a longer hold back time, together with hold back times on the weekends are closer to 2 hours.  The before inward the twenty-four hours y'all tin strength out arrive, the better.  The hold back volition locomote much shorter for breakfast.

*Speaking of waiting, our hostess encouraged me to allow y'all all know that y'all WILL locomote standing inward lines for long periods of time, outside, therefore wearing clothing accordingly.  Be prepared for the mutual frigidity together with the wind, together with although y'all powerfulness locomote tempted to wearable cute (uncomfortable) heels/shoes for that photograph you're hoping to larn amongst Ree, that's belike non the best pick for all of the standing together with walking you'll locomote doing roughly the Merc.

*There is a deli/take out counter together with bakery amongst counter service if y'all desire to sample some things without waiting for together with beingness seated at a table, but fifty-fifty those lines tin strength out larn backed upwards at peak times.

*One concluding fleck of advice, don't await to run into Ree.  I lead keep several friends who lead keep visited together with happened to grab her at that topographic point when they went, but inward reality she is non at that topographic point really frequently (and she's definitely non dorsum inward the kitchen cooking for everyone, equally our hostess laughed together with told us that's what a few people expected... ha!).  It powerfulness non locomote besides uncommon to grab other members of the Drummond solid unit of measurement at that topographic point who halt inward fairly often.  They to a greater extent than frequently than non are happy to see amongst together with accept pictures amongst visitors.

If y'all see The Merc together with lead keep some extra fourth dimension roughly town, locomote certain to cheque out the listing of nearby attractions while you're inward the area.  I snapped this photograph exactly equally nosotros were leaving town.  Even amongst the dead wintertime grasses, the solid reason is stunning!

If you're non familiar amongst Ree's books, they're great!  I lead keep several of her cookbooks together with it's ever fun to have a novel recipe from them.

H5N1 few of her children's books: Charlie The Ranch Dog and Little Ree

So.... produce y'all read The Pioneer Woman?  Do y'all lead keep i of her cookbooks?  What's your favorite PoW recipe (mine is the cinnamon rolls!)?  Come run into us inward Oklahoma sometime together with see The Merc!  And, cheque out some of my other favorite spots to see inward Oklahoma here.

I'd honey for y'all to bring together my electronic mail list!  You'll have a notification forthwith to your inbox whatever fourth dimension there's a novel post on , exactly larn into your address below.

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 Lots of skilful people lead keep come upwards from Oklahoma H5N1 TOUR OF THE PIONEER WOMAN MERCANTILE

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