Breakfast Nook Novel Slice Of Furniture Plans

So would you lot believe I'm STILL non finished amongst my dining room table?  I intend this is the get-go of calendar week three for that project.  I lost count.  When you lot create got to hold off 24 hours betwixt each coat of stain in addition to poly, (twice!), in addition to move unopen to existent life, it takes forever!  I idea I had the final coat of poly on yesterday, but a few spots dried funny in addition to I'm going to create a calorie-free sand in addition to 1 to a greater extent than coat today.  I gauge I needed to give off my patience or something. 

Anyway, amongst the novel tabular array coming in, the tabular array that was inwards the DR volition live moving dorsum to the kitchen.  There's a proficient even out amongst that 1 that I'll part later, but for today I wanted to fill upwardly you lot inwards on what I'm thinking.  Of course, I can't brand upwardly my mind!

Here's what I create know:

1) I bought a novel (craigslisted) loveseat that volition larn an overhaul in addition to novel upholstery that volition become at the caput of the table, nether the botanicals.  If you've been unopen to a while, you lot mightiness recall that nosotros had another loveseat at that spot for a land and nosotros actually loved it inwards the kitchen.  That 1 has since moved dorsum to the living room.  The cloth volition live dark in addition to white striped (are you lot surprised?).  It's non the same trend every bit my inspiration icon below, but the cloth volition live similar that one.

2) I've already stripped the tabular array coming dorsum to the kitchen-I figured I mightiness every bit good become ahead land I had everything out from doing the other table.  Here's a reminder of what it looks similar in addition to how it looks at 1 time stripped down-

I actually desire it to create got a rustic, farmhouse-type look.  I'm actually kind of liking it correct at 1 time stripped downwards to the bare wood.  I nonetheless require to create some sanding on all of it in addition to staining to larn the leaves to match, but I promise to complete it off in addition to accomplish that well-worn look.


Here's what's upwardly inwards the air:  the side chairs.

I idea close keeping the chairs that are currently there, but I intend we're all create for a change.  I'll in all likelihood sell that entire set.  Maybe.

So, at that spot are four options that I'm floating between.

1) Keeping what I already have.

2) I create got ever loved the Louis trend oval backed chairs mixed amongst a rustic table.  I looked at these at World Market several times land nosotros were inwards Dallas final weekend, in addition to they were actually comfortable but something close the woods frame bothered me.  It seemed a piddling every bit good "fake" or manufactured.  I similar either the dark (I would in all likelihood redo the cloth on the chair dorsum to mix it up) or the linen (not certain if that's the correct selection for the kitchen tabular array that nosotros purpose all. the. time.).  I depository fiscal establishment check Craigslist faithfully but create got non ever seen chairs similar this.  Even a caned dorsum amongst this cast would live great.


4) I've had my oculus on these Eames knock-offs from Overstock. The big benefits of these chairs for me are the super tardily to build clean seats, in addition to I similar how the woods legs would necktie inwards amongst the tabular array but nonetheless lend a modern look.


Putting it all together:

So, what create you lot think?  Do whatever of my local friends create got some oval-backed louis-style chairs they are create to business office amongst in addition to sell?   :)

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