Info For Yous Tswana People: Due South Africa`S Hardworking People Amongst Extra-Ordinary Dancing In Addition To Unique Cultural Trip The Low-Cal Fantastic

Tswana  people are Niger-Congo or Bantu-speaking people including all the Sotho-Tswana clans residing either inwards Botswana, Kingdom of Lesotho or South Africa, whatever fellow member of the Sotho-Tswana clans that describe their rootage from Kgosi Mokgatle, citizen of Republic of Botswana regardless of linguistic or ethnic origin, members of the 8 major Sotho-Tswana clans every bit defined inwards the Chieftainship Act of Republic of Botswana too members of the Sotho-Tswana clans that reside inwards Botswana, South Africa that speak a standardized dialect of the Sotho-Tswana called Setswana sometimes also referred to every bit the Western Sotho.
                                               Tswana woman

The ethnonym Batswana (Western Sotho)  is thought to live antonyms that come upwards from important of the Sotho-Tswana word “tswa”, which way “to come upwards out of”. The yell would live derived from the word “Ba ba tswang” eventually shortened to the word Batswana important “The Separatists” or alternatively “the people who cannot take hold together”.
                                               Tswana people

The Sotho-Tswana grouping includes the Basotho of Kingdom of Lesotho too the Orange Free State, to whom the term 'Sotho' has come upwards to live to a greater extent than specifically too almost exclusively applied. This grouping is sometimes referred to every bit the 'Southern Sotho'. H5N1 tertiary grouping comprises the Northern Sotho who at times have got been incorrectly referred to every bit the Bapedi.  One of the primary characteristics of the Sotho-Tswana clans is the style to intermission upwards too hive off.

                                Tswana boys

Currently at that topographic point are over 16 ane chiliad 1000 Tswanas living inwards Batswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Republic of Zambia too Zimbabwe. The largest population of Tswanas alive inwards South Africa. Republic of Botswana is a province of Be-Tswana people, ane fellow member of this province is Mo-Tswana too their linguistic communication is Se-Tswana.

                                    Tswana dancers from Windhoek, Namibia

They speak Setswana {’Sechuana’} too Sesotho sa Lebowa. Setswana is sometimes referred to every bit Beetjuans, Chuana (hence Bechuanaland), Coana, Cuana, or Sechuana. It is spoken across South Africa too is ane of the 11 official languages recognized past times the South African Constitution, it is also the national too bulk linguistic communication of Botswana. In 2006 it was determined that over 3 ane chiliad 1000 South Africans speak Setswana every bit a habitation language.Tswana was the ane of the foremost written Sotho languages. The earliest illustration existence Heinrich Lictenstein’s 1806 text called Upon the Language of the Beetjuana. Followed past times John Cambell’s Bootchuana words (1815) too Burchell’s Republic of Botswana inwards 1824.
 The languages of the Sotho-Tswana too other Bantu-speakers have got a seat out of mutual features - they are agglutinative inwards construction, nearly all the words ending inwards vowels or amongst a nasal consonant, nouns do non request masculine or feminine gender, too these nouns are highly alliterative inwards grapheme owing to an elaborate scheme of substantive classes functioning inwards much the same way that gender does inwards European languages.
Also, at that topographic point are similarities inwards idiom which are non piece of cake to limited inwards a precise manner.
                                                Tswana Dancers
Origins of the Tswana
Migrations of ironworking too iron-using peoples into southern Africa in all likelihood occurred every bit early on every bit the commencement of the Christian era. Among such communities were the ancestors of people after called the Tswana. These were small-scale migrations of families, clans too groups of clans migrating inwards a diversity of directions. Some groups became the for the emergence of larger states which nosotros telephone telephone kingdoms. Indications are that these large states developed during the minute millenium of the Christian era too that the plethora of modern chiefdoms were due to fission caused every bit much past times droughts, famine, pestilence search for meliorate conditions every bit past times dynastic ambitions too rivalries.
The Tswana chiefdoms cast component of the larger grouping of Sotho peoples, patch the Sotho grouping itself is ane of the iii groovy sub-divisions of the Bantu-speaking peoples situated northward of the Nguni. In add-on to the Batswana or 'Western Sotho', the Sotho grouping includes the Basotho of Kingdom of Lesotho too the Orange Free State, to whom the term 'Sotho' has come upwards to live to a greater extent than specifically too almost exclusively applied. This grouping sometimes also is referred to every bit the 'Southern Sotho'. H5N1 tertiary grouping comprises the Bapedi who have got been to a greater extent than oft than non referred to every bit the 'Northern Sotho,.

These unlike Sotho groups that together may live to a greater extent than conveniently described every bit 'Sotho-Tswana' at the real earliest phase of their history, shared a seat out of linguistic too cultural characteristics that distinguished them from other Bantu-speakers of southern Africa. These are features such every bit totemism, a pre-emptive right
of men to hook upwards amongst their maternal cousins, too an architectural style characterised past times a circular hut amongst a conical
thatch roof supported past times wooden pillars on the outside. Other little distinguishing features included their clothes of peel cloaks or dikobo too breech-cloths, a diversity of Buispoort-type pottery closely related to Schofield's NC2 variety, too a predilection for dense too unopen settlements, every bit good every bit a tradition of large-scale edifice inwards stone.

                                  Tswana women

While the Sotho-Tswana developed these distinguishing characteristics, they did, of course, also part a seat out of characteristics amongst other southern Bantu-speaking peoples. These included physical features
which to a greater extent than oft than non speaking, brand it hard to distinguish Sotho or Tswana from Xhosa, Zulu or Swazi; although many Tswana, especially those living due south of the Molopo tend to live of a lighter complexion than others, every bit good every bit existence slightly lankier amongst prominent cheek-bones - features which clearly dot to considerable inter-marriage too other forms of interaction amongst such groups every bit the Khoi, Koranna too Griqua.

The traditions of the Sotho-Tswana people dot to a northward origin, too request that their southward displace was component of the groovy migrations of the Bantu-speaking iron-age peoples. Early Sotho people have
been associated amongst the civilization that is thought to have got flourished betwixt the Zambezi too the Limpopo, too were also thought to have got developed the gilt merchandise amongst Sofala. According to L.Fouch this is also attested past times evidence from pottery remains, too the Sotho stream terminated when the early on Shena invasion entered the Zambezi-Limpopo expanse close A.D. 1200. Although the administration from which the Sotho too other Bantu-speakers came is readily accepted past times all writers, at that topographic point must live considerable reservation close locating the seat of rootage of these groups inwards either Arab Republic of Egypt or Ethiopia.

                                             Tswana people

Other indications favouring the theory of northward origins of the ancestors of the Sotho-Tswana peoples are linguistic features, pottery styles too their architecture. Malcolm Guthrie has pointed out that at that topographic point are indications that such languages every bit Sotho, Venda too Nguni have got developed from Zezuru, which is a Shona
language. If this see was tenable, it would imply a considerable stream of unopen settlement, or at whatever event,
a real intimate association over a long fourth dimension amidst the speakers of those languages. However, a unopen reading of the writings of Christopher Ehret gives the impression that salve for Venda, he questions the gist of the Guthrie thesis amongst honor to the evolution of languages similar Sotho too Nguni which formed elements of a proto-Southeast Bantu network. His full general conclusion is that the sub-Zambezi languages, which were component of the 'Pembela complex' could live divided into 2 groups - namely Shona too Southeast Bantu, too that what these 2 groups part inwards linguistic communication they also part amongst other Bantu languages northward of the Zambezi. Consequently 'any mutual stream inwards their linguistic histories would have got to live attributed to historical events exterior southeastern Africa.
                                          Tswana men performing traditional Tswana dance

D. P. Abraham who conducted extensive oral inquiry amidst societies of Rhodesia added to the evidence
confirming the northern origins of Sotho-Tswana peoples past times referring to a stream of unopen interaction betwixt such early on Sotho groups every bit the Bafokeng too the Barolong too Rhodesian peoples. This is thought to have got taken seat inwards the Guruuswa district of Rhodesia. Again John Schofield has drawn attending to typological analogues of the ceramic wares of the Iron Age civilization amongst that of the Sotho-Tswana. It is striking, however, that Summers' give-and-take of the Rhodesian Iron Age civilization carefully refrains from whatever specific correlation of Sotho-Tswana too Rhodesian societies on the footing of pottery styles, patch Inskeep warns against the dangers of attempting to seat ethnic groupings on the footing of pottery assemblages, especially when the samples of pottery examined have got been so few.

For a long fourth dimension written traditions have got repeated the theory that the Sotho-Tswana or at to the lowest degree the Tswana, arrived inwards South Africa inwards a succession of migration waves, too speculations close the fourth dimension of their arrival have got been inextricably bound upwards amongst this 'wave theory' of immigration. Usually the theory asserts that the Sotho-Tswana separated from other Bantu-speaking peoples inwards the vicinity of the Great Lakes of East Africa, too that they proceeded downwards along the western component of present-day Rhodesia inwards iii serial of migrations.

The foremost moving ridge is accordingly thought to have got comprised such groups every bit the Dighoja, the Bathammaga,
Batsatsing too other early on groups exactly known every bit Bakgalagadi, who settled inwards parts of the Transvaal Highveld, the eastern portion of Republic of Botswana too of the northern Cape Colony, where they intermingled freely amongst the pre-existing Khoi too San communities. The minute moving ridge is said to have got brought the ancestors of the Bafokeng, Barolong too Batlhaping societies who settled along the upper reaches of the Molopo spreading due south too W from the neighbourhood. The tertiary too largest migration is alleged to have got comprised the other major Sotho-Tswana groups whose descendants have got survived every bit the present-day
societies of Botswana, Lesotho, the Transvaal, Orange Free State too the northern Cape inwards South Africa. According to this 'wave theory' each grouping of immigrants into South Africa subdued or conquered groups that preceded it inwards the expanse of settlement.

                            Beuatiful Tswana miss inwards the bush

While during the after stages of the x centuries preceding 1500 A.D., at that topographic point may have got been a few ancient but well-recognisable Sotho-Tswana groups such every bit the Bafokeng and, perhaps, the Barolong, it seems fairly plausible to think of the appearance of most of the Sotho-Tswana peoples nosotros know today every bit the resultant of a tedious but steady physical care for of mingling of several segmentary groups sharing a seat out of cultural features. Some groups in all likelihood increased their numerical size through existence joined past times other little migrant groups. Many of the groups vere in all likelihood mixed too Sotho-Tswana civilization would accordingly live a blend of many cultural traits that developed over a long fourth dimension inwards some cradle-land. The increment inwards the size of the Sotho-Tswana population likevise ought to live regarded every bit having taken seat inwards situ through the absorption of other groups inwards the sub-Limpopo region. Monica Wilson has argued convincingly that patrilineal too polygynous lineages amongst traditions of exchanging cattle during union tend speedily to increment both their numerical strengths every bit groups too their wealth inwards stock at the expense of those without cattle
                                    Chief Khama, Chief of the Bamangwato.

In this connector it is interesting that both the Sotho-Tsvana too the Nguni emphasized patrilineage inwards their marriages. This, together amongst the Sotho-Tswana practise of preferential marriages - a practise encapsulated inwards the proverb, Ngwana rrangwane, nnyale. dikgomo di boele sakeng: 'Child of my father's younger brother, hook upwards amongst me, so that the (bogadi) cattle may homecoming to our kraal, would have got the effect of keeping wealth inwards the same lineages, thereby perpetuating their preferred positions. The proposition made hither is that proto-SothoTswana lineages moved real slow into the sub-Limpopo part - a physical care for that took several centuries too during which they slow difused a 'Sotho-Tswana' civilization over groups they found inwards that region. It also seems fair to conclude that whatever the linguistic too cultural foundation they brought amongst them, the developments that have got given ascent to the distinctive linguistic communication too civilization of the Sotho-Tswana in all likelihood occured inwards the cradle expanse or 'homeland' lying straightaway due south of the Limpopo area.

Ellenberger states that the Bafokeng crossed the Zambezi during the eleventh or 12th century. For an indeterminate stream they dwelt together amongst the Bahurutshe too the Barolong, for says Ellenberger, at that topographic point is a tradition that tells of the separation of the Bafokeng too the Barolong at the same fourth dimension too seat every bit the separation of Bafokeng too Bahurutshe. When they left their neighbours - the Barolong too the Bahurutshe  at a seat that Ellenberger described every bit 'Bechuanaland', the Bafokeng migrated eastwards to the vicinity of the Magaliesberg range, named after Mogale. This is stated to have got occurred before the start of the sixteenth
century. The sanguinary conflict that is supposed to have got given ascent to this migration is alleged to have got been over some immature bulls that the 'Bahurutshe' wished to castrate reverse to the wishes of the Bafokeng.

                                 Tswana men

In the Magaliesberg area, the Bafokeng are said to have got split into 2 sections. One of these remained inwards the Magaliesberg area, too inwards the nineteenth century suffered much from Mandebele raids. The other department farther subdivided into a seat out of clans which migrated southwards across the Vaal, thereby becoming the
foremost Sotho-Tswana to cross that river. Some of these settled close the loma Ntsuanatsatsi betwixt modern Free State towns of Frankfort too Vrede, good before the twelvemonth 1530.

At Ntsuanatsatsi the Bafokeng intermingled too intermarried amongst various San too half-caste groups found
inwards the vicinity. Tradition states that it was such a union past times the Bafokeng chief, Napo, at Ntsuanatsatsi which led to a serious civil strife. When the primary died the sons of his San married adult woman were denied recognition every bit legitimate heirs, a province of affairs that resulted inwards the disgruntled San-Fokeng sons of the belatedly primary Napo hiving off. They migrated amongst their followers across the Drakensberg mountains too downward along the Natal coast. Their migration road is marked past times the type of pottery classified past times John Schofield every bit Natal Coast pottery, HC.2, which bears a stiff resemblance to early on Bafokeng pottery found inwards the Orange Free State too Lesotho. These Bafokengba-'Hutla, literally 'the Bafokeng of the hare', whose totem was the hare, lived for a brusk stream amidst the Hpondo people along the Transkei coast before moving downward farther due south too settling for some time, amidst the Thembu club every bit the Ama-Yundle clan. It is thought that Hpondo too Thembu pottery styles bearing real unopen affinities to Fokeng pottery were a resultant of this interaction. This migration of the Bafokeng-ba-'Mutla from Ntsuanatsatsi has been dated to close A.D. 1600 past times Ellenberger, but Schofield dated their settlement inwards Natal towards the middle of the sixteenth century. Walton is of the persuasion that Schofield's chronology for this grouping is nearer the grade because the Ama-Yundle traditions confirm that they lived inwards the Transkei for close 8 to nine generations.
  Sir Seretse Khama, Tswana paramount primary (Kgosi) of the Bangwato too the Batswana`s foremost president.

Since the radio-carbon appointment for these settlements is close 1445-1495, it tends somewhat to support
Ellenberger's guess that the Bafokeng settlement at Ntsuanatsatsi too other high-veld sites predates A.D. 1500, but does non back upwards his guess of the Bafokeng-ba- 'Mutla sojourn inwards Natal, for which A.D. 1600 appears likewise belatedly a date. H5N1 pre-1500 appointment for Bafokeng line of piece of work of Ntsuanatsatsi is inwards harmony amongst the tradition that they were found at that topographic point past times the Kingdom of Lesotho line or branch of Kwena clans. As volition live seen later, the latter clans are supposed to have got migrated from the Kwena dispersion centre inwards the Limpopo-Odi-Madikwe watershed close the middle of the fifteenth century.

The chiefdoms belonging to Barolong-Batlhaping cluster,  comprise the various Barolong chiefdoms found by
the sons of Tau - namely the Barolong-Ratlou, BarolongTShidi, Barolong-Seleka, Barolong-Rapulana too BarolongMariba - every bit good every bit the Batlhaping-Phuduhutswana too Batlhaping-Maidi sections too the Bakaa chiefdom. With the exception of the Bakaa, too little sections of the Barolong-Seleka too Barolong-Rapulana inwards the southwestern Transvaal, all the states belonging to this cluster are situated inwards the northern Cape, due south of the Molopo River. Like the Bafokeng, the Barolong were amidst the earliest Sotho-Tswana kingdoms to constitute themselves inwards South Africa, they appear to have got been, without doubt, before than those chiefdoms claiming descent from Masilo (C.1415-c.1445).4l Ellenberger too Macgregor dated their foremost ruler Morolong, from whom the people took their name, to close 1270. It has been suggested that the yell Morolong is derived from an old Sotho verb rola, 'to forge', suggesting ane who was versed inwards or a practitioner inwards the arts and crafts of a blacksmith. The association amongst Fe or metallic implied inwards this explanation, is carried farther inwards the yell of the boy of Morolong every bit minute ruler of the Barolong called, Noto or 'hammer' every bit good every bit inwards the totem of these people which was tshipe or iron. To brand it at the appointment 1270, Ellenberger too Macgregor were calculating on the footing of thirty-year generations. Using 30 years nosotros brand it at a appointment similar c.1325-c.1355 for Morolong. Thought past times Abraham to have got been amidst the Sotho-Tswana clans that had been interacting amongst the Shona clans inwards the Guruuewa district of Rhodesia betwixt the 12th too fifteenth centuries, the Barolong were already spread widely betwixt the headwaters of the Molopo too the Modder Rivers past times the fourth dimension they were ruled past times their 8th Rex MADIBOYA, c.1535-c.1565.

The dominion of the 9th Barolong Rex Tshesebe (c.1565-c.1595) witnessed the emigration of a grouping of clans nether the sub-king (kgosana), Phuduhutswana, too their southward trek to constitute themselves at
Dikgatlong close the confluence of the Vaal (Noka-eTshehla or Lekwa) too the Harts (Kolong) rivers. Traditions are still on the crusade of the exodus. But these emigrant Barolong retained their links amongst the capital. Famine compelled this group, at nowadays living amidst the Korana Khoi too Griqua, to intermission amongst tradition too swallow fish. Since so they were known every bit Batlhaping.

                                                       Beautiful Tswana woman

During the reign of the fourteenth Rolong Rex Tau the Batlhaping refused to go on paying sehuba (tribute) to the Rolong monarch. They were thereby declaring themselves independent of the Rolong state. Tau died, early on inwards the eighteenth century fighting a state of war against a articulation Rolong-Korana army. Within the same
generation some other grouping of Barolong seceded nether a leader called Maidi. They joined the Batlhaping too were called Batlhaping-ba-Maidi. Another off-shoot from the Rolong kingdom was that of the people after called Bakaa. Their secession was led past times Tseme, a grandson of Maleka nether whom friction amongst the main grouping started. After migrating to several places inwards what is at nowadays southern Republic of Botswana the Bakaa eventually settled close Shoshong hills, where they overthrew the Khurutshe province they found there. The Kaa state
was ultimately destroyed past times the Ngwato. Fragments of the Kaa joined the Kwena province or fled towards the
Kalanga peoples inwards the north, where they were called Chwizina or Sebina.

This brings us to the Kwena-Hurutshe cluster. The traditions of the Bahurutshe too all Bakwena chiefdoms request that at some fourth dimension inwards the past times they were all nether the same ruling line of kings. The chiefdoms that
claim descent from a mutual ancestor, Masilo, are the Bahuruthse chiefdoms inwards the western Transvaal amongst the Tlharo too Khurutshe off-shoots, the Bakwena chiefdoms of the Transvaal - the Bakwena-Mogopa, Bakwena-Modimosana amongst its 4 sections: Ramanela, Mmatau, Matlhaku too Haake; Bakwena Moletswane, Bakwena-Moletse, the Baphalane too Bakwena cluster of Republic of Botswana which comprise the
Bakwena of Molepolole, the Bamangwato, the Bangwakets too the Batawana. The Bakwena clans of Kingdom of Lesotho also belong to this same grouping of chiefdoms. The places that occur every bit the earliest remembered settlement sites are Rathatheng, said to have got been close the confluence of the Odi too Hadikwe Riversj too Habjanamatswana, also known every bit Swart Koppies, close the modern town of Brits. Both the Transvaal too Republic of Botswana cluster part amongst the Bahurutshe the same kings until a break-up (c.1475-c.l 05) that resulted inwards the existence of separate Bahurutshe too Bakwena chiefdoms. There are conflicting traditions accounting for this historic split, the consequences of which were the broad dispersal of Sotho-Tswana chiefdoms over the South African highveld upwards to the limits of the Kgalagadi desert on the W too almost every bit far every bit the Orange River on the south; every bit good every bit the diffusion of Sotho-Tswana linguistic communication too culture.

According to ane tradition, the cleavage that resulted inwards Kwena-venerating peoples becoming Bahurutshe too Bakwena, had to do amongst the foremost fruits ceremony. Another tradition attributed to Kwena-Hogopa informants is that the foremost born kid inwards Malope's senior theatre was a daughter, Mohurutshe, patch the foremost born kid inwards the minute theatre was a son, Kwena. According to this version, the dispute was close whether the chiefdom should live inwards the hands of the eldest kid inwards the senior theatre regardless of whether it was female, or whether the leadership should live kept manly mortal past times electing the senior boy of the minute house. Whichever version is preferred, it was clear at that topographic point was a leadership crisis that followed upon the decease of Malope. From this it volition live seen that patch the followers of Mohurutshe were, inwards consequence, forced to
leave of absence Mabjanamatshwana too displace due south every bit a separate group, amongst a separate totem, too patch their seniority inwards rank every bit good every bit inwards ritual matters was to a greater extent than oft than non recognised, it is wrong to speak of the Bahurutshe every bit the rear grouping of others. They were every bit much a splinter every bit the grouping that followed Kwena too became known every bit Bakwena. The only difference is that they were the senior splinter.

The break-up that was occurring inwards the Sotho-Twana societies was on such a scale every bit to homecoming feasible
the conjecture that the cleavage which produced separate Hurutshe too Bakwena kingdoms, was only the commencement of that grew to live a huge phenomenon. Breutz dates the Hurutshe-Kwena split to close A.D. 1400-1480. During the stream c.1450-1480, a critical drought supervened inwards the Dande expanse too the Makorekore (so named past times the Tavara clans, 'to request they are every bit numerous inwards their line of piece of work of the dry ground every bit the clouds of locusts that periodically descend upon the Dande' who had moved at that topographic point 2 generations earlier, were obliged to migrate northwards across the Zambezi into the kingdom of Maravi. It is possible that the same drought that drove the Makorekore into the Dande, also led to the break-up of the Hurutshe-Kwena. Further, the fact that the tradition of the dispute betwixt Mohurutshe too Kwena had to do amongst agricultural, every bit good every bit amongst religious matters, may live an oblique indicator of an economical crisis.
                       Sechele, primary of the Kwena. circa 1865.Gustav Theodor Fritsch Collection (Visual Arts)

Between 5 too vii generations after the separation of the Bahurutshe too the Bakwena, patch Hogopa was still ruling the latter, a terrible famine occurred, 'tlala ee boitshegang', which scattered too dispersed the Kwena clans far too wide. Calculating past times generations, gives a appointment inwards the bracket c.1625-l655. It volition live noted that this appointment correlates good amongst dates cited for periodic droughts inwards the Indian Ocean locality during the seventeenth century. As a resultant of this famine, many Kwena clans - the Modibedi, Mogorosi, Bahlakwana, Bamonaheng, BaMokotedi Makhoakhoa - migrated due south of the Lekwa or Vaal River into the modern Free State. One or to a greater extent than of these Kwena clans went to settle at Ntsuanatsatsi close the Bafokeng settlement. These Kwena clans that migrated southwards beyond the Lekwa were the ones that were later
organised into the ruling lineage of Lesotho. Other Kwena lineages such every bit the Bamo1etse. Ba-Phogole. Phalane too others, migrated eastwards where they set themselves upwards every bit separate chiefdoms. Mogopa too the remaining Kwena groups. which still included the Modimcsana cluster too those that after formed the Republic of Botswana branch migrated to Mabjanamatshwana along the Odi River to its confluence amongst the Madikwe too at that topographic point built a settlement named Rathatheng. After a stream of real strenuous or hard existence. owing to scarcity of nutrient too water, Mogopa migrated dorsum to Mbjanamatshwana. inwards the modern Brits district of the Transvaal.

Mogopa's homecoming migration to Mbjanamatshwana was non joined past times his blood brother Kgabo II who. together with
his followers. remained at Rathatheng. Kgabo II's followers included all the wards too divisions that were after bto separate every bit the Bamangwato too Bangwaketse. While recorded tradition is still on the specific reasons for Kgabo II too his followers declining to follow Mogopa to Mbjanamatshwana. it may live surmised that reservations close pressure level of likewise dense settlement inwards ane expanse inwards a province of affairs of droughts could hardly assist matters. Personal ambition too lust for might on the component of Kgabo cannot, of course of study live ruled out. Thus, partly every bit a resultant of the droughts too famines that occurred during the generation c.1625-c.1655.
at that topographic point emerged 2 Kwena kingdoms inwards the western Transvaal. These were the Bakwena-Mogopa based on Mabjanamatshwana. also known every bit Swart Koppies. too the Bakwena-Kgabo at Rathatheng. Segmentation caused past times droughts too famines also resulted inwards the Bahurutshe province splitting into the Manyana too Gopane chiefdoms. the Bakaa too the Phuduhutswana-T1haping hiving off from the Baro10ng-Tshidi. too the Bakwena-Modimosana splitting upwards amongst the 4 chiefdoms known every bit Ramanela, Maak, Mmatau too Matlhaku.

It was in all likelihood at Rathatheng that Kgabo II was succeeded past times his boy Motshodi. although according to
some traditions. he (Kgabo II) led the migration of his followers across the Madikwe into present-day Botswana.
Another version attributes the leadership of that migration to his boy Motshodi. Whichever nosotros finally settle
on, it volition live found that their generations occurred nearly a century before than the chronology suggested by
Schapera too Sillery for these kings. The Kwena-Kgabo went to occupy Dithejwane hills inwards the introduce Kweneng district. There they intermingled amongst groups such every bit Bakgwatleng, Banakedi, Baphaleng too others at nowadays commonly referred to every bit Bakgalagadi. Towards the halt of the long reign of Motshodi the huge Kwena-Kgabo kingdom broke up. Consequently 2 novel independent states came into existence the Ngwato too Ngwaketse kingdoms. These developments in all likelihood occurred belatedly inwards the seventeenth century. Towards the halt of the eighteenth century a department of the Ngwato kingdom seceded nether the leadership of a junior
boy of Mathiba called Tawana. They founded a novel province on Lake Nghabe - the Tawana kingdom named after the founder.
                                 President Ian Khama of Republic of Botswana is a Tswana

The Kgatla complex comprise the Bakgatla at Motshodi, too inwards the Pilanesberg district, the Bakgatla-Mmakau, Bakgat1a-Mosetlha, Bakgatla-Hotsha inwards Hammanskraal too the Bakgatla-Hmanaana inwards the Ngwaketse too Kweneng districts of Botswana. The Bapedi are also regarded every bit component of the Kgatla cluster. The Kgatla cluster claims descent from the Bahurutshe. If they did, too at that topographic point seems to live no evidence to challenge this tradition, so they may have got seceded from the 'United Phofu Confederacy' or Hurutshe-Kwena complex since the Bahurutshe province did non come upwards into separate existence until close 1475-1505,
patch the founder of the Bakgat1a, Halekeleke was, according to the Bakgat1a regnal list, of the generation
C.1385-c.1415.64 Furthermore, Bamalete traditions study a real severe famine inwards that same generation (c.1385-c.1415) which could also business organisation human relationship for the Bakgatla secession from the 'United Phofu Confederacy'. The evidence is fifty-fifty stronger when ane considers that traditions to a greater extent than oft than non have got seen the Bahurutshe province every bit the senior too legitimate inheritor of the 'United Phofu Confederacy'. Further, the close similarity of the totem of the Bahurutshe too the Bakgatla groups (that is the baboon too the monkey), could also atomic number 82 to a superficial conclusion of identical or commonn origins. But until that is proved on other grounds, the footing for such a conclusion would live tenuous too misleading. The tshwene, or baboon of the Bahurutshe was non their master copy totem, but ane which they adopted much after after the split, non betwixt Mohurutshe too Kwena,
but betwixt Mohurutshe's sons, Motebele too Motebejana, nearly a century after Malekeleke is alleged to have got led the Bakgatla secession from the Bahurutshe.

The Balete too the Batlokwa are comparative recent arrivals to Botswana. While they have got interesting, rich too complicated traditions of origins, these cannot for problema of infinite live discussed inwards this essay. The
traditions of the Bakalanga of Republic of Botswana also require serious study before a clearer motion-picture exhibit of their past times can
emerge. Finally, nosotros demand to embark on concerted collection too analysis of the traditions of societies of
northwestern Botswana, the Chobe district too Kgalagadi areas.

Subsistence too Commercial Activities. Batswana have got been called a peasant-proletariat to reverberate the fact that they have got been migrating to the mines, too to a lesser extent, to the White commercial farms of South Africa, for over a century too that reward constitute their single largest source of revenue. Mine contacts were temporary, oft enabling the migrant to homecoming habitation for the plowing season; until the belatedly twentieth century, migrants were prevented past times South African police from establishing permanent residence at their seat of employment. New forms of work have got been emerging, especially inwards Botswana, where diamond mining has led to dramatic economical growth. State-sponsored welfare is of import inwards both countries.

Local economical activities middle on agro-pastoralism. Batswana rely on ox-drawn Fe plows (but tractors are becoming increasingly common); the principal crop is sorghum. They also grow maize, beans, sweet-cane, too some millet. Some farmers engage inwards commercial agriculture. Batswana married adult man goats, sheep, too most importantly, cattle. Cattle are valuable for local exchange, for ritual purposes, for their milk, too less so for their meat; their sale provides an of import source of revenue for rural peoples. Most households also maintain chickens, and, inwards the east, some maintain pigs. Hunting is far less of import than it was inwards the past, when game was plentiful.

Industrial Arts. Batswana have got long been tied to the South African industrial economic scheme too have got purchased items that formerly were made locally; these include most metallic goods. In the past, men worked inwards metal, bone, too wood; women made pots, too both sexes did basketwork. These skills were oft passed from parents to children. Some men still specialize inwards peel training too sewing, usually for trade, too men still brand some wooden items, such every bit yokes for livestock. In northern Botswana, women brand baskets, many of which are exported. Women build "traditional" Tswana huts, whereas men specialize inwards European-style thatch too "modern"-style houses. The latter are highly specialized skills. As inwards much of Africa, children fashion toys out of fence wire, tin cans, old tires, too almost anything they tin can acquire.

Trade. Archaeological evidence points to the groovy antiquity of local too long-distance trade. Marketplaces were non mutual inwards the region; most merchandise occurred amidst neighbors or amongst itinerant peddlers; inwards the early on nineteenth century Griqua traders from the due south traveled into the region; they were followed past times Europeans. Trade increased amongst the arrival of missionaries during the nineteenth century, many of whom encouraged such commerce every bit a way of bringing "civilization" to the area. Europeans and, later, Asians established shops over the course of study of the colonial period. Virtually all villages at nowadays have got trading stores, too many individuals—especially women—are "hawkers" who engage inwards merchandise from their compounds. Republic of Botswana is component of the South African Customs Union, too virtually every commodity is available inwards both countries.

Division of Labor. In pre-European times, men tended livestock, hunted, prepared fields, engaged inwards warfare, too participated inwards the formai world political arena. Women tended fields, gathered wild foods, too were responsible for the domestic arena, including looking after domestic fowl. With the introduction of the ox-drawn plough inwards the nineteenth century, men assumed the undertaking of plowing, but women continued to perform most other agricultural work. The partitioning of labor became less strict every bit to a greater extent than men migrated for wage labor too women increasingly engaged inwards livestock activities, especially plowing too milking. Boys worked extensively amongst livestock too spent long periods away from habitation at cattle posts. All children helped inwards the fields, too girls helped their mothers, especially amongst looking after younger siblings. Although wage labor has been available for men for over a century, until close the 1970s, women had footling chance for wage employment; those jobs available were largely every bit domestics too on White-owned farms. In the belatedly twentieth century greater chance exists for both men too women, but men still have got an reward over women.
                                             Tswana woman

Land Tenure. Traditionally, the right to utilisation (but non to sell) agricultural dry ground was inherited patrilineally past times sons; women received access to agricultural lands every bit wives. Closely related agnatic kin tended to have got fields inwards the same full general area, which facilitated cooperation. Pastureland was inwards theory communal, but oft areas were associated amongst detail groups. Since the advent of boreholes, the dry ground surrounding them has go increasingly associated amongst (but non formally owned by) the borehole owners.

In Botswana, the bulk of people alive inwards the districts (former tribal reserves), where most dry ground is held inwards common. Some areas, every bit provided nether the Tribal Grazing Land Policy established inwards 1975, have got been demarcated every bit commercial ranch land, too wealthy Batswana who are willing to invest inwards infrastructure (fences, boreholes, etc.) may take out long-term leases. Other dry ground has been reserved every bit wildlife-management areas. Permission to utilisation dry ground inwards the communal areas is obtained from dry ground boards. The dry ground cannot live sold. Unlike inwards Botswana, where real footling dry ground was given over to Europeans, inwards South Africa Blacks were given only thirteen per centum of the dry ground after 1913.
               Olebile Sedumedi - popularly known every bit Maxy ‘Queen of the Sands’,Tswana folkloric musician

Among the cultural affinities shared past times the southern Bantu-speakers are their lineage descent systems.                    
“Agnation is emphasized inwards Batswana kinship: along amongst primogeniture, it  traditionally had the greatest influence on inheritance of belongings too succession to office. Individuals were identified  with too came nether the jural potency of their agnatic grouping ( kgoda, or the diminutive kgotlana ); however, the formation of discrete agnatic units was too continues to live inhibited past times the union system, which permits cousin
marriages of all kinds. Patrilineal parallel-cousin marriages of close kin, although practiced mainly past times the elite but permitted to all, serve to complicate the regulation of unilineality too create ambiguous too overlapping links. Thus, at that topographic point is a cognatic chemical element to the system, which places emphasis upon kindreds (sing. losika ) too gives greater license to individuals to "construct" their social networks than is found inwards many patrilineal societies”.
                                                Tswana adult woman too child

The union institution
Bogadi or lobola practise (bride wealth)
Exchange of bogadi is an imperative requirement, too the ane that legalises conjugal unions. This essential mandate demands that the bogadi cattle live transferred from the bridegroom’s seat unit of measurement to the bride’s before the feasts, marker the women’s relocation to the husband’s home. The establishment explains why cattle breeding were alone an extremely of import manly mortal activity. Its largest contributors were the son’s manly mortal rear too his
uncle, patch the major benefactors, amidst the woman’s family, were the maternal uncles too their brothers. This factor sustained their economical strength, the do goodness of which was inherited past times their sons. Women − wives too their daughters − continued to live disadvantaged.
 It is a usual practise for immature cows or oxen to live given, but never bulls, because they perchance symbolised manly mortal strength. Cows were preferred because they were thought to symbolise the reproductive might expected of the woman. The handing over of bogadi is done before sunrise. The bridegroom, demonstrating his manhood, drives the cattle to the kraal of his in-laws too remains at the entrance of the kraal, patch negotiations go on at the Kgotla. The fact that negotiations take seat here, every bit opposed to the house, symbolised the masculine sphere of influence. H5N1 human could refer to both his married adult woman (or wives) too children every bit bana bame (my children), indicating that he controlled them inwards everyday life too that she is e'er subordinate to him too his manly mortal relatives.

H5N1 human who does non give bogadi has no legal rights over his ain children. He also loses prestige inwards the community. In add-on to his undergoing constant pressure level from his wife’s parents, it is also seen every bit a shame to the adult woman herself. H5N1 married adult woman is regarded every bit existence to a greater extent than honourable inwards this society. This makes union too thence bogadi real attractive. Bogadi is a symbol of permanent safety too assist to the man’s mother, from her daughterin-law. It also is a source of prestige because it gives the manly mortal elders a stair out of command over the immature man, who is alone theme on them for marital resources. These younger men are, therefore, non expected to accumulate their ain economical resources, nor fulfil matrimonial obligations on their own.

                                Tswana wedding ceremony ceremony


                                              Tswana union

They all practised polygamy, observed the levirate or sororate forms of marriage, gave bridal cattle on marrying their wives. The Setswana maxim Monna thotse o a nama (literally important a human is similar a seed, he spreads his branches everywhere) gives men licence to practise concubinage.  However, women are non permitted to engage inwards an affair amongst to a greater extent than than 2 men. The term used for a adult woman who, for ane ground or another, remains single but engages inwards an adulterous affair amongst a married human is nyatsi (concubine).

The pick of a man’s foremost married adult woman is a male-dominated affair, because union is seen every bit a way of continuing the patriarchal lineage. The most of import business office of a married adult woman is thus child-bearing, inwards which the production of boys is a crucial factor (Brown 1926:58-65; Willoughby 1923:46-138). No ane is excused from getting married. Every manly mortal rear expects all his sons to go on his seat unit of measurement lineage (Schapera 1956:28-29).

                                   Tswana married adult man too

H5N1 adult woman who deliberately chooses to remain single is non only virtually unknown, but is also an embarrassment, too a shame to the community.A adult woman who stayed single was regarded every bit refusing to fulfil the fundamental duty of child−bearing. This is why the old maids, the single old females, are known every bit mafetwa (those who have got been passed by) too was the worst cast of social stigma a adult woman could have.

                                     Tswana groom`s procession.

Mafetwa are regarded every bit bad luck. They are non to bear upon children, lest they transcend their bad luck onto them. Other women do non want to associate amongst them. H5N1 adult woman who remains single is also considered
immature, irrespective of her historic stream (was an unjustified cast of indoctrination). For example, she is never involved inwards marital negotiations (patlo), although her married peers too younger sisters volition participate inwards such activities. This environs makes union prestigious too desirable to every woman, because it is only union that makes the woman mortal a “real” woman.
                                                            Tswana traditional wear
Betrothal negotiations
Traditionally, the pick of the bride too all the betrothal arrangements rests amongst the man’s parents, especially his uncle too father. The girl’s consent is taken for granted. Her parents tin can select a suitable spouse for her without consultation too she is expected to honour their choice. The word to a greater extent than oft than non used for the physical care for of negotiation was patlo (betrothal negotiations).
                                                     Tswana attire. 

The miss herself is referred to every bit sego sa metsi’ (the ane who fetches H2O for the seat unit of measurement for domestic use). The physical care for too the terminology used basically limited the purpose for which the bride was sought − to bear children too serve the novel seat unit of measurement inwards a host of domestic duties. While this undermines the status of a woman, other women envy her all the same.

                    Tswana bridal procession:

 The understanding betwixt the 2 families is a legal guarantee of the marriage. John MacKenzie tells us how
Kgosi (King) Sekgoma of the Bangwato, inwards 1857, had arranged a married adult woman for his elderberry boy Khama, saying: “Before his banishment, Sekhome (sic) had desired his eldest boy [Khama III] to take to married adult woman a miss of Pelutona; …” (Mackenzie 1922:109).

                                                 Tswana human too his baby

Tswana belief
Traditional Tswana belief was centred around Modimo which literally way the Great High God (Spirit).Modimo tin can live neither personified nor gendered. It is something that cannot live accommodated inwards a edifice or inwards space. Nevertheless, Modimo has the several attributes that include existence supreme (Hlaa-Hlaa-Macholo), invincible (gaOitsiwe), the source (motlhodi), the Enabler (montshi), Mother (mme), too the Light (lesedi). Modimo lives inwards the sky. Modimo wills adept to humankind, too Modimo preserves justice.

Modimo usually acts through Badimo (ancestors). Last, but non least, Modimo may intervene straight to pull attending to the breach of taboos." He is regarded every bit the Creator of all things, too the mortal responsible for all human destiny. He controlled human destiny past times sending unlike weather, inwards monastic enjoin to request through winds, hail, heat, pelting (or its absence), too death, his discontent amongst some deviation from tradition too from the proper Tswana monastic enjoin of things. Thus, especially important events were acts of God or, inwards the illustration of death, could also live signs of witchcraft and, therefore, of human envy too greed."
                                         Tswana adult woman performing traditional worship

Modimo however, was distant from people, too the ancestral spirits were usually called on to intercede for the Tswana. Together amongst Dingwe, a variety of ogre against whom children were protected past times charms, too the lesser divinities of Loowe, Tintibane, Matsieng, too Thobega (associated amongst caves too footprints on rocky places), the ancestral spirits were primal to Tswana religious belief too practice. "Something of primary involvement close Modimo is that, similar most African deities, it is neuter inwards gen­der. It is an attribute that seeks to empower both men too women together inwards societal functions, duties, too privileges. Thus, the representation of Modimo inwards Setswana spiritual infinite past times the indigenous divining set (ditaola) illustrates that domination of ane gender, manly mortal or female, was non characteristics."
Today, Christianity is the most prevailing belief scheme inwards Republic of Botswana too other Sotho-Tswana areas, amongst good over 40% of the population. It was brought into Republic of Botswana past times David Livingstone inwards the middle 19th century who converted Kgosi Sechele I (Chief of Bakwena) to Christianity. The main denominations are - Roman Catholic, Anglican, Zion, Lutheran too Methodist Christian Church.

                                                Tswana ladies
Political institution
At a territorial grade gender distinctions are fundamental to most social, political, economical too religious institutions. Central to these, for the Batswana, are the Kgotla (the national council of all men) too kingship
Kgotla institution
Generally speaking, the political sphere which consists of the Kgotla institution, the council for all men. The Kgotla is a forum inwards which province matters too disputes are debated too settled. It is the scene of might too of import decision-making. This follows the center of a well-known proverbial Tswana saying that − Kgosi ke kgosi ka batho, (government for, past times too of the people), which stresses the demand for people’s virtues, opened upwards consultations too democracy, but excludes women.

                                   Tswana men

This tradition aims at preserving the past times cultural heritage of the people, the wisdom too knowledge of the forefathers, too thence keeps immense might inwards the hands of the people. Whilst it completely excludes women from its debates too deliberations, it deals amongst crucial matters of world policy, which have got unprecedented binding potency on all (Willoughby 1928:179). This is despite its basic, well-known principle/saying: Mmualebe o bua la gagwe, which translates every bit “there is liberty of persuasion too fundamental right of participation”. This right of liberty of persuasion is restricted to men and, although debates are real democratic, the traditional laws, too policies proceeding from them.

                                              Tswana people
Passages of rite
“There are many ceremonies to grade life bicycle events: these include birth, the halt of the iii calendar month postpartum confinement, several union ceremonies, bride wealth payment, too death. Increasingly, funerals have got go the most elaborate life bicycle rituals”
Incorporation into mephato
There are several ways of identifying people who are to live initiated together. Membership into a mephato is non past times an individual's pick but the scheme has criteria that are used to select people to live initiated together. The next are the criteria used. Eldest sons of men of the same mephato are initiated together so that the younger mephato is identified every bit a "child" of the older one. Madima are identified every bit sons of Mantwane. Once eldest sons have got been initiated their younger siblings may so follow inwards their monastic enjoin of age. 'No 2 brothers or 2 sisters from the same woman rear too manly mortal rear are allowed into the same mephato. Unless they are twins, they are only allowed if they have got only ane rear inwards common. Informant say that a blood brother too sister, of the same parents, next each inwards their monastic enjoin of nascency may part the same mephato name. Those people who may have got been absent when their turn for initiation was due were initiated amongst younger mephato but
given their proper mephato names.
                                           Tswana man child dancers from Botswana

The full general sequence of mephato is that of men followed past times women but at that topographic point are occasions when only women are initiated without a manly mortal counterpart. Those woman mortal mephato without men are; Mantshakgosi, Makgalo, Maisakoma, Matshabatau, Majekere, Mabusapelo, Maatlametla, Matshego, Malwelakgosi, Maisakoma too Mabusapelo. Incases where the hamlet has been relocated the foremost mephato inwards the novel hamlet was that of women, for instance Makgalo may have got been the foremost mephato at Mochudi initiated
betwixt 1869 (Mafatlha) too 1874 (Matlakana) amongst Mochudi having been occupied inwards 1874 (Schapera, 1942; Breutz, 1953). H5N1 hamlet was equated to a household too a adult woman was the ane responsible for the daily chores needed to maintain the family. H5N1 adult woman thence played an of import role inwards the theatre too it was eventually reflected inwards the society. Every fourth dimension a novel primary was installed the foremost mephato should live woman mortal too hence the saying that "Kgosi 0 itibola ka basadi" that is a chiefs eldest "child" is a woman. The
thought is to exhibit appreciation to the primary s woman rear who has over the years taken attention of her baby, a babe that had grown stiff plenty to take attention of his father's people. Mephato formed for this ground include the older Maisakoma (initiated past times Lentswe I), Maatlametla named past times lsang, Matshego named past times Molefi too the younger Maisakoma named past times Lincwe II. Some woman mortal mephato were formed in all likelihood because of higher woman mortal population too in all likelihood because to a greater extent than girls were needed every bit wives inwards a polygamous club that insisted on initiation before marriage.

                           Beautiful Tswana

Bojale / byale: woman mortal initiation practices
Bojale is a woman mortal initiation ceremony through which girls are incorporated into mephato. Once the boys had been sent out to an initiation school, girls automatically knew that they would live sent for their initiation ceremony the next wintertime season. Girls do non have got to undergo the laborious pre-initiation sessions that the boys undertook (bogwane). Bojale similar other components of Kgatla civilization has been changing over the years. There has been some swift changes inwards the mode inwards which bojale is carried out especially from around the colonial stream when a novel organized faith too regime were replacing the traditional religious beliefs too traditional authorities.

Instead of a ane solar daytime initiation ceremony, girls at nowadays stayed upwards to half-dozen weeks learning initiation songs, tribal folklore, social too moral demeanour too the responsibilities of wives too woman rear (Schapera, 1942). This remained the measure physical care for of girls initiation ceremonies until the belatedly 1980s, except that the duration of the ceremony has been decreasing slow because most initiates were either students or workers. Every belatedly afternoon initiates from each sub ward (kgoro) met at their coming together places too when all had come upwards they went to their ward's primal seat where all initiates too their teachers from the ward met. While waiting for other initiates to brand it the girls sang nether instructions of their teachers. Initiates from the unlike wards would so march to the main kgotla where they received instructions of which routes they would take that day.
They so made a procession, singing all the fourth dimension too occasionally stopping for a brusk rest. They were sometimes instructed to jog or jump over little thorny bushes too all the fourth dimension they had to maintain their heads bowed Initiates were non allowed to walk upwards straight too fifty-fifty when resting they either had to kneel downward or sit down inwards a squatting seat without spreading their legs. Those postures were a sign of honor for the teachers. The initiates bad to maintain their arms folded on their chests because they did non have on anything on the upper trunk (Blacking, 1969).

                                      Tswana pe0ple

There were.two sessions held every night. The foremost session began exactly after sunset too continued until shortly after midnight patch the minute session began inwards the early on morn hours too lasted until exactly before sunrise. The ground for doing so was that students too workers could select sessions they felt comfortable with. Only those people non going to schoolhouse or working were expected to turn upwards for the 2 sessions every nighttime for they bad fourth dimension to sweep during the day. It was only on the lastly solar daytime before graduation that at that topographic point was ane all nighttime long session too m the morn the initiates were set downward inwards their monastic enjoin of seniority too whipped. The whipping was known every bit "go loma tsetse" or "to seize amongst teeth a tsetse fly" Initiates were oft taken to opened upwards grounds within the hamlet where they danced too sang. These mcluded Seboeng, Sethobong too Phaphane exhibit grounds. From around the 1980s initiates went out every bit far every bit Mmaesoke, a ploughing expanse close 5 kIn to the northwest of the village. Mmaesoke was chos m every bit ini ation Earth for girls because the grounds inwards the hamlet were at nowadays developed mto reSIdential areas, patch inwards other cases bars were built side past times side to such grounds. Mmaesoke was non real far from the hamlet too was large plenty to accommodate all participants. During the day, participants stayed at habitation too went around doing their solar daytime to solar daytime chores. They were non inwards anyway distinguished from the balance of the people for they dressed ordinarily, ate everyday nutrient too were non seat inwards seclusion. Unlike boys. who practically moved out of the hamlet during their initiation periods, girls remained within the hamlet too continued to alive their ordinary life during the day. Girls' activities
began at nighttime too ended before sunrise.
                                                 Tswana women

The traditional attire of initiates was makgabe too mothikga. This attire was used for a real long fourth dimension until it was ultimately replaced past times European stuff at the commencement of the Twentleth century. Makgabe is a variety of skirt that is made from separate threads sewn together at ane halt too hanging loose at the other halt It was made from a bush industrial plant life called bogokgwe or mosoke/atsebeng whose roots too stalk were harvested from swampy areas. The industrial plant life was boiled for several hours to take away its greenish pigmentation too to soften
it up. It was boiled until it became clear coloured too tender. Threads that carne after boiling were so rolled betwixt the thigh too manus Pieces of roots too stalk were processed into ane long curl of thread which was so cutting upwards into many pieces that measured from the waist to the knee, too the pieces were sewn together using real sparse thread obtained from an animate existence skin. Charcoal mixed amongst animate existence fatty was so smeared on makgabe too rubbed until it had a shiny dark colour. Small knots were so tied upwards on each thread every bit a way of decoration. Since makgabe did non comprehend the buttocks, an animate existence peel dorsum apron was made for this purpose. Goat or sheep skins were softened too cutting to knee articulation length amongst belt extensions on either side of the waist for tying upwards the apron. Except for these 2 pieces of clothing, initiates remained bare (Blacking, 1969). Women inwards the hamlet too presumably initiation teachers wore leather skirts called mothikga made from caprine animal or calf skins. In hot conditions women remained topless but inwards mutual frigidness conditions they wore little leather blankets which were tied around the cervix similar capes (Blacking, 1969). No forms of trunk ornament were used on Bakgatla girls during initiations. If ane had whatever item of ornament such every bit necklace or bracelets she had to take them off when going for initiation sessions. One of the most mutual ways of decorating the trunk was trunk paradigm done past times other Tswana communities similar Bakwena too Balete (Schapera, 1955; vander Vliet, 1974). These communities used ruby-red ochre to pigment either initiates or brides. The Bakgatla believed that a adult woman was to live born out of a miss initiate too the newly born adult woman had to resemble a newly born babe every bit much every bit possible too thence initiates were stripped of all ornament items.

                    Tswana traditional dress.

There is non much stuff civilization that the Bakgatla women used or produced during their initiation ceremonies. Many southern African societies are known to utilisation a diversity of figurines inwards their initiation ceremonies. People similar the Venda (Blacking, 1969; Huffman, 1996) too Bemba (Richards, 1956) relied heavily on the utilisation of figurines every bit teaching aids inwards woman mortal initiation schools. The Venda fifty-fifty used figuratively carved drums during domba ceremonies (Blacking, 1969). During the chisungu ceremonies, the Zambian Bemba people used a variation of special figurines too distinctive architectural enclosures where girls
were kept inwards seclusion. The Bakgatla women did non utilisation whatever figurines inwards their bojale ceremonies. Their mode of teaching was songs. Bakgatla women fifty-fifty though lacking figurines had a drum that they used. The drum was used only past times women inwards their initiation ceremonies. The drum was used to symbolize a womb amongst its bottom opening symbolizing the opening of a womb. The drum was long too narrow amongst only ane carved handle. Its shape is non inwards anyway similar to that of a womb. The drum was never to live touched past times men too when played inwards traditional events at the kgotla inwards the presence of men, its lower opening was never to live directed towards men. Not every miss or adult woman could play the drum: only those amongst special posts inwards initiation schools, such every bit the imperial mother's unopen councilors who could brand decisions too suggestions to the balance of the troop. It was believed that some people inwards the grouping had foreign evil powers or were witches too if they were to play this drum disasters could befall the initiates. Even though at that topographic point was a traditional cleansing or healing at the commencement of initiation ceremonies, it was e'er advisable to avoid taking chances amongst witchcraft too that was why playing the drum was reserved for only a few people inwards the village. At introduce the Phutadikobo Museum is housing the women's drum. The drum is in all likelihood the only artifact
inwards the museum collection that the Bakgatla brought amongst them when they migrated from Pilansberg inwards 1871.

                                                   Tswana wedding ceremony dance

Besides the drum, initiation teachers carried amongst them branches of moologa tree (Croton gratissimus). They enclosed initiates inwards the middle too moved real closely to each other too the branches became tightly packed, completely screening away the initiates inwards the center. No reasons have got been found every bit to why only moologa branches were used instead of other tree branches too thence the significance or symbolism of moologa branches remains unknown. At the halt of the ceremony the branches were discarded. On the lastly nighttime of the ceremony when initiates stayed all nighttime long for dikgalaopa, at that topographic point was ritual whipping, go loma tsetse, of the initiates who were ordered to prevarication downward on their stomachs too were beaten using moretlwa sticks (wild berry, Grewia flava) that had been previously prepared. Since initiates were large inwards numbers several sticks were used for this ritual because they would break. Like moologa branches the sticks used for whipping the girls were afterwards discarded.
At the commencement of each initiation ceremony initiates were traditionally medicated (ba aphelwlwa). The thought was to guard them against evil ancestral spirits too at times of intertribal wars they were to live protected from possible witchcraft too curse from enemies (Blacking, 1969). H5N1 immature virgin was selected from a humble seat unit of measurement too ane that was related to the imperial family. She was accompanied past times the imperial woman rear too her assistants to exit too collect plants used inwards the ritual. The women identified the plants which only the virgin was allowed to dig out or else they would go contaminated too loose their might if.dugout past times a non-virgin. The plants were so treated accordingly at the dorsum yard of the primary s theatre to make the traditional medicines needed. Plants used for go phelwla remained an absolute hush-hush from the balance of the people so much so that fifty-fifty inwards the 1980s when at that topographic point was less emphasis on keeping the procedures of bojale a hush-hush from non-initiates names of the plants used for medication continued to live a profound secret. H5N1 little burn was set at the entrance to the kgotla too herbs used for medicating the initiates were thrown into this fire, the drum was suspended higher upwards the burn to permit the smoke stream inside. It was believed that past times so doing the initiates' wombs were existence cleansed to live able to bear children. All initiates who had little babies were to squelch some milk on to the burn to seat It out too past times so doing they were protecting their children. Other initiates so walked over the burn spot bare footed too the ritual would live completed. All initiates were warned against making too using their ain personal traditional medications during the initiation stream or else communal medications would piece of work badly against them. There is, inwards fact, a even of ane adult woman who during her niece's initiation came amongst her ain packet of medicines too exactly every bit the initiates were entering the main kraal to live named the adult woman barbarous downward too was paralyzed instantly. She is said to have got died a few weeks later. Phekolo was done only on the foremost solar daytime of the ceremony too the powers of the ritual were believed to live stiff plenty to lastly an initiate's life time. Many people believed that nix bad would arrive at off to them ane time they had been medicated. They said they feared no snakes too other nighttime creatures when they were performing the ceremony at night.
Some symbolic actions have got been identified during boja/e ceremonies. The actions are associated witlI kid bearing which is an of import aspect of societal growth. The Bakgatla believe that a mature adult woman was born out of a miss initiate too thence most of the songs sung too actions perfonned middle around kid bearing. In tlIe most commonly perfonned activeness initiates walked amongst their heads bowed, arms folded over breasts too sitting inwards a squatting position. Initiates were expected to walk amongst their heads bowed or else they
would live beaten for failing to do so (Blacking, 1969). Since they were imitating a fetus which cannot expression around too regard its surrounding, the initiates had to live forbidden from looking around. They folded their arms inwards front end to cover their breasts presumably because every bit immature children they were expected non to have got breasts. When stopping for a rest, they either knelt downward or sat squatting too botlI positions are similar to that of a fetus too thence the supposition is that these postures symbolized fetal postures. When initiates left
habitation for their sessions they left fully dressed because it was nonnally exactly before sunset, amongst people moving around too about. As presently every bit darkness barbarous they were ordered to undress too they remained amongst panties only (Kollars, 1991; Motlotle, 1998). The clothes were carried past times teachers, wrapped inwards blankets too carried similar babies on the back. This mode of carrying clothes was meant to encourage initiates to acquire married too to have got children.
                                                      Tswana woman

Male initiation
The male Mochuana (Becwana tribes) “is warned that sexual intercourse amidst the uncircumcised has the same connecting effect every bit when dogs indulge inwards it- that the internal organs of the adult woman are drawn out of her too many similar things likewise disgusting to mention” (Brown, 1921:p421).
H5N1 grouping of boys preparing themselves for initiation was called magwane. Magwane stayed inwards groups doing daily chores at the cattle posts too fields inwards tlIe rainy flavour too inwards wintertime they idled around inwards the village. They oft sang intimidating songs too provoked people because inwards Kgatla custom they could non live taken to courtroom (Roberts & Winter, 1915; Schapera, 1978). They misbehaved mostly at nighttime when it was non piece of cake to live identified or else they would live illtreated when their fourth dimension for initiation came. Periods of bogwane lasted
every bit long every bit iii years until the primary too his councilors felt that the boys were stiff plenty to undergo initiation. Magwane had a ritual of stick fighting where they divided themselves into 2 teams too fought each other using moret/wa sticks (Schapera, 1918). They had their ain style of clotlIing that distinguished them from the balance of tlIe boys. They had caput gear from wildebeest (kgokong). H5N1 strip of peel was cutting from the wildebeast's spine too was tied into a circle to check an individual's caput When they left the vIllage to be
initiated inwards the bush they left the caput gears behind because they were no longer little boys every bit the gear signified. Magwane also wore leather aprons known every bit dikola during stick fights. Dikola were usually made from calf skins but could also live decorated amongst stripes of tshipa skins. From around the 1930s buttons were commonly used to decorate belts worn past times magwane.
Once enrolled into an initiation school, magwane were at nowadays called magwera. Magwera had a unlike code of attire. They wore leather underwear known every bit phuduhudu or moswapo, too leather shawls known every bit mokoblo. These were made from whatever animals killed during the ceremony. When returning from the bush they carried ostrich feathers tIedto sticks too these were known every bit mokoblo. Initially all initiates were given mokobolo butin the after years amongst an increased population too command of hunting past times the Wildlife
Department only senior boys from unlike wards were given mokobolo. Ifthe grouping wasled past times an heir to the throne, he would have on mokoblo made from a king of beasts peel because it was a vehement animate existence but less important than leopard (the primary wore leopard skin). For instance inwards 1982 Kgafela Kgafela wore mokoblo made from lion's skin. Inthe after years people began to have on brusk trousers too jerseys during initiation ceremonies. Mokoblo were seat over jerseys too rifles became increasingly common. Leather sandals were replaced by
European shoes. Bogwane has long been abandoned too at nowadays madi tse a dikgokong are worn past times initiated men to decorate themselves.

While inwards the bush magwera spent their fourth dimension hunting, singing too doing crafts. Hunting was of import for meat too leather for making clothes. Besides meat, participants ate porridge regularly supplied from the hamlet past times ox-wagons travelling betwixt camps too Mochudi. The most favorite nutrient appears to have got been /ebabe made past times frying too grinding sorghum grains. After grinding, a pulverization of moret/wa was added to sweeten this sorghum powder. Lebabe was made past times women inwards large sacks too was collected past times initiation teachers. It did non go bad quickly, too ane time prepared it could live eaten amongst H2O without having to ready again. While inwards camps, initiates made wooden utensils similar spoons, stools too leather strap chairs. Those interested inwards leather products engaged inwards softening too cutting leather from hunted animals. Initiates camped at unlike places inwards the bush too each mephato chose its ain camping ground area. This was determined past times the availability of H2O too wild animals. In some camps they stayed for a single nighttime patch inwards some they stayed for over a calendar week depending on H2O sources available.

                              Tswana people

Adornment (beads, feathers, lip plates, etc.): 
Women of unlike statues have on beads. There are few specialized arts. Beadwork is practiced past times some, too children are oft adorned (sometimes for protection from malevolent forces) amongst beads too other decorations. Compounds too houses are oft beautifully designed too painted.

The Tswana are known for their performance on such various instruments every bit the kwadi musical bow, the ditlhaka flute, the meropa single-headed conical drum, matlho cocoon shakers, too mapapata animate existence horn trumpets. On Music of the Tswana People a predominance of present-day marimbas too other percussion instruments backup call-and-response vocal performances. Specifically, the Serankure Music Arts group, which perform over three-quarters of the tracks on the album, tends to brand heavy utilisation of these nontraditional xylophone-like instruments. Though it makes for a pleasant melodic base of operations for the group's many songs, it definitely casts a to a greater extent than contemporary pan-African sound. Conversely, the remaining 4 cuts past times the Lotlamoreng Lowe Cultural Group are to a greater extent than traditional. Their version of the healing vocal "Serangapane" begins amongst a megolokwane, or ululation, past times a youthful singer. The vocal progresses amongst to a greater extent than megolokwane, a steady current of manus clapping, too multiple variations on a repetitive choral refrain. "Serangapane" too the other the cuts past times the Lotlamoreng Lowe Cultural Group, are first-rate.

Death too afterlife beliefs:
Death is usually considered to have got both natural too supernatural causes. Traditionally, men were buried inwards their cattle kraals too women inwards the compounds. Small children were buried nether houses. Many people are still buried inwards this fashion, although cemeteries are increasingly used. Funerals are highly elaborated, expensive, too tin can lastly upwards to a week. Livestock are slaughtered during the funeral to feed guests. Priests and, often, traditional healers preside over funerals, administering rites to the bereaved that are directed toward exorcising thoughts of the dead from the living so that they volition non "go mad" from their grief. After death, elders go ancestors (Badimo) .People who conk amongst regrets are believed to go ghosts ( dipoko ); their souls remain inwards the grave past times solar daytime but ascent at nighttime to haunt the living”.


                         Faces of Tswana Dancers


                             Tswana miss performing trip the lite fantastic to welcome the Obamas

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