Info For Yous Kuria (Bakuria) People: Friendly Together With Peaceful Agro-Pastoralists Bantu People Of Kenya Together With Tanzania

 The Kuria (AbaKuria, BaKuria, IgiKuria) people are an amalgamation of  friendly, agro-pastoralists in addition to Bantu-speaking ethnic grouping residing mainly inwards Republic of Kenya in addition to some parts of Tanzania. In Republic of Kenya where most of the AbaKuria are agriculturalists, they alive specifically inwards the westward in addition to due east Kuria districts of Nyanza Province inwards southwest Kenya; whilst Tanzanian Kurians who are pastoralists reside inwards the Tarime, Musoma, Bunda in addition to Serengeti districts of the Mara Region inwards Northern Tanzania. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 somebody of Kuria ethnicity is called UmuKuria.
Kuria adult woman from Tanzania

Igikuria myths explicate the beginning of the Abakuria tribe from the Monto who is believed to live the rear of all Bantu tribes. Monto gave nascency to Range who bore Magaiwa. It was Magaiwa who bore half dozen sons, Munyabasi, Mutimbaru, MwiregeMunyamongo, Mukiira in addition to Mugumbe. It is past times the names of these sons that the Abakuria clans are named.
They are said to receive got been 1 people until a vicious assault past times the Maasai inwards the early on 19th century scattered both populations inwards dissimilar directions. This scattering of AbaKuria has led to the formation of distinct dialects which are clearly understood past times both peoples. The Kuria people are divided into nigh 16 "subtribes" or clans, namely: Nyabasi, Bakira, Bairege, Bagumbe (who reside inwards both Kenyan in addition to Tanzanian districts), Batimbaru, Banyamongo, Bakenye, Baikoma, Bamerani, every bit good every bit several others. All this subtribes or clans are acquaint inwards the Kisii tribe of Kenya.
Dancing Kuria adult woman from Kemya

The 2006 population census inwards both Republic of Kenya in addition to Tanzania pose the estimated number of AbaKuria population at 609,000, with 435,000 living inwards Tanzania in addition to 174,000 inwards Kenya. The Kurians inwards Republic of Kenya are closely related to the Kisii people of Republic of Kenya both inwards linguistic communication in addition to physique in addition to those inwards Tanzania are also related to the Zanaki tribe of the Mara Province inwards Tanzania. They portion some cultural aspects.
The Kurians are extremely welcoming in addition to dear receiving visitors. They offering slap-up hospitality.  During the Kenyan 2007 post-election violence, Kuria was the alone tribe that didn't participate inwards the conflict. They helped past times welcoming within their hamlet internal displaced people.
Mackinon (1987) posits that a Kurian human being is held inwards high esteem, he has mightiness in addition to ascendence over the woman. He adds that a human being is allowed to wed many wives since he has the capability to exert command over them. Even so, he does non dry reason what perpetrates the mightiness that the human being holds.
Members of the tribe both men in addition to women believes that inwards monastic enjoin for a human being to exhibit that he loves his married adult woman in addition to so he must fleck his married adult woman every bit a sign of dear for her in addition to when the married adult woman sees that her hubby does non fleck her in addition to so she volition experience that she is non loved.

                                   Kuria schoolhouse immature adult woman from Kenya

Kuria mutual immature adult woman names include - Robi, Gati, Boke, Nchagwa, Nyangi, Weigesa, Mbosiro. Kuria mutual boys names include - Wambura, Gati, Chacha, Marwa, Mwita, Matiko, Meremo, Makena, Kiribo.
One of the most famous Kurias is Shadrack Manga, a onetime Member of parliament.Sammy Masaana Marwa(Sammy Sundays) is some other famous Kurian who is also the firstly Kurian to win a light-green carte du jour through the normal light-green carte du jour lottery in addition to immigrated to the USA,this human being comes from Chinato Division,Tebesi sub-location,Nyabosongo village.

                                       Kuria elder
Kuria people lives inwards the westward in addition to due east Kuria districts of Nyanza Province inwards southwest Republic of Kenya in addition to inwards the Tarime, Musoma, Bunda in addition to Serengeti districts of the Mara Region inwards Northern Tanzania. Kuria  district inwards the southwest of Republic of Kenya is along the edge of Republic of Kenya in addition to Tanzania in addition to neighboring the Masai tribes in addition to Luo tribes. Kuria is also known every bit a tribe in addition to linguistic communication inwards Kenya. Most of the people living inwards Kuria are farmers. Kuria is a constituency with 2 district: Kuria westward in addition to east, with a population of about 435, 000 people. It is 1 of the most marginalized communities inwards Kenya, numbering 2nd inwards the poorest constituency inwards price  of education. It is located  in the southward Nyanza, bordering Suba district on the westward , Migori district inwards the north, Trans-mara inwards the due east in addition to Tanzania inwards the south.
speaking ethnic grouping residing mainly inwards Republic of Kenya in addition to some parts of Tanzania Info For You KURIA (BAKURIA) PEOPLE: FRIENDLY AND PEACEFUL AGRO-PASTORALISTS BANTU PEOPLE OF KENYA AND TANZANIA
Kuria kids of Tanzania

Kuria people utter a linguistic communication also known every bit Kuria. It is a Bantu linguistic communication belonging to the larger Niger-Congo linguistic communication family. It is spoken past times the Kuria peoples of Northern Tanzania, with some speakers also residing inwards Kenya.
15–20 clans inwards Tanzania, each with slightly dissimilar dialect. Clans consider themselves to utter the Kuria linguistic communication rather than the linguistic communication of their clan. Lexical similarity: 73% with Ngoreme , 84% with Kiroba (Suba-Simbiti dialect).
Maho (2009) treats the Simbiti, Hacha, Surwa, in addition to Sweta varieties every bit distinct languages.
Commonly used words inwards Kuria
Kuria                                            English
Amang'ana                              =   full general greeting
Mbhuya uhoyile                       =   How was your day.
Tang'a amanche ghakunywa     =   Can I receive got H2O (drinking)
Nuuwengw'i                            =   What is your name.
Omosani                                 =   friend
Omogheni                               =   guest
Omokhebhara                         =   foreigner
Omosacha                              =   male
Omokali                                  =   female
Umwisekhe                             =   immature lady
Umumura                                =   immature male
Kharibhu                                =   Welcome
Okoreebhuya                         =   Thank you
Umurisia                                 =   uncircumcised male
Omosaghane                           =   uncircumcised female
Iritoka                                    =   auto (from English linguistic communication "car")
Isukhuuli                                 =   schoolhouse (from English linguistic communication "school")
Kuria woman

Kuria are role of the Bantu people who migrated from West Africa to Great Lake areas in addition to to the Southern Africa. As members of Great Bantu migration the Kuria who were composed of dissimilar clans settle inwards Kenya, sometime betwixt 200AD in addition to 1000AD. The proto-Kuria could receive got arrived inwards Republic of Kenya from Republic of Uganda via the Mount Elgon part to the north. The Kuria are an amalgam of diverse pre-existing Bantu peoples were settled inwards Kenya until the plow of the sixteenth century, when the firstly Nilotic-speakers, inwards the shape of the Luo's ancestors, arrived inwards Kenya, to live followed presently after past times the Maasai coming downwards the Rift Valley. Numerically much stronger than whatever of the Bantu people, in addition to with an aggressive expansionary attitude, the diverse Bantu tribes living on the shores of Lake Victoria had petty selection but to flee or live conquered.
According to Kuria ethnic researchers Fred Maseke in addition to Fri Bwiyere "The Abagusii dry reason that their ancestors originally came from "Misiri" in addition to that they migrated with the ancestors of the Abakuria, Abalogoli, Ababukusu, in addition to Abasuba in addition to that they lost contact with these people inwards the Mount Elgon area. The Abagusii in addition to Abalogoli followed river Nzoia Valley which eventually took them to the northern shores of Lake Victoria likely betwixt AD 1500 in addition to 1560. At this early on phase at that spot doesn't seem to receive got been pregnant differences betwixt the Abagusii, Abakuria, Abalogoli in addition to Abasuba with others. Their distinctive names in addition to identities appear to receive got developed much later on when they had separated into their acquaint homelands.The beginning of the call Kuria is a thorny indicate inwards Abakuria history. The major Abakuria sub-tribes such every bit Abanyabasi, Abatimbaru, Abanyamongo, Abakira, Abairegi, Abakenye,Abanchaari, in addition to Abagumbe receive got traditions to the consequence that their ancestor was Mokuria (or Mukuria) who lived inwards "Misiri". His descendants migrated from "Misiri" in addition to after many years of wandering on the other side of Lake Victoria, they eventually reached in addition to settled inwards the acquaint Bukuria.

According to this tradition, the Abakuria receive got been divided from fourth dimension immemorial into 2 families: the Abasai of the elderberry married adult woman of Mokuria in addition to the Abachuma of the younger wife. But this tradition does non explicate how the Abakuria people got their generation sets, such every bit Maina, Nyambiriti, Gamnyeri on the Abasai side, in addition to Mairabe (Norongoro), Gini, Nyangi on the Abachuma side. These generation laid names are also flora with other people such every bit the Ababukusu, Kalenjin, Agikuyu, Aembu/Ambeere in addition to Ameru. It is hence most likely that the early on Abakuria people who brought the generation laid scheme into Abakuria gild were a splinter grouping from a much larger community living inwards the expanse of Mount Elgon from which the Kalenjin people, a department of the Ababukusu in addition to the Agikuyu clusters emerged. Paul Aseka Abuso inwards his mass Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Traditional History of the Abakuria has written thus: Abakuria department of the Abagumbe, Abapemba, Abaasi in addition to Abasonga also dry reason inwards their tradition that they travelled together with the ancestors of the Kikuyu with other people from Misiri to Lake Baringo inwards the Republic of Kenya Rift Valley where they finally separated. Although Kikuyu history does non corroborate this indicate it looks every bit if at 1 fourth dimension the ancestors of these people originally lived together inwards some expanse due north of Mount Elgon. Perhaps the people known every bit Sirikwa mentioned inwards a higher identify were role of that larger ancestral community — or perchance their descendants. This is non yet clear."
The other persuasion of the beginning of the call Kuria is every bit follows. Between nigh 1774 in addition to 1858, some of the Abakuria people were living inwards Musoma district inwards the acquaint Tanzania in addition to were settled inwards a hilly expanse due north of the River Mara in addition to so known every bit Korea hill. The inhabitants of that expanse inwards fourth dimension became known every bit Korea people after the call of the hill, which eventually changed to Kuria colina whereby the people became known every bit the Abakuria. The divergent views on the beginning of the call would explicate why the call had non gained broad credence with the Abakuria fifty-fifty at the get-go of the lastly century, every bit people notwithstanding largely identified themselves past times the sub-group names. During the colonial period, it was the call Abatende (after the Abatende clan inwards Bugumbe area) rather than Abakuria, which was inwards mutual work with the Republic of Kenya Abakuria. Those living inwards Tanzania continued to live known past times their totems. It is alone inwards nigh the 1950s that the call Abakuria gained broad usage. In a similar way the Mijikenda, Abaluyia in addition to Kalenjin became to a greater extent than oft than non accepted every bit collective ethnic names inwards the 1940s in addition to 1950s, at a fourth dimension when inwards Republic of Kenya they were seeking political recognition past times the colonial authorities.
The Abakuria are divided into several clans which include the following; the Abagumbe, Abairege, Abanyabasi in addition to Abakira who alive inwards Republic of Kenya (a full of 4 clans) Abapemba, Ababurati, Abakira, Abamera, Simbete, Abanyabasi, Watobori, Abakunta, Wiga, Kaboye, Abakenye, Abagumbe in addition to Wasweta, Abatimbaru with others (a full of 13) who alive inwards Tanzania.

                                Kuria kids

The Kuria people were mainly pastoralists inwards the pre-colonial era but currently the Kenyan Kurians lean towards crop production in addition to the Tanzanian Kurians larn to a greater extent than towards pastoralism. The Abakuria are said to receive got abandoned Pastrolism after they were forced to create so past times the Germans when they landed inwards the modern-day Northern Tanzania. The Kurians inwards the Serengeti district are distinctly pastoralist. Details on how Abakuria started crop production in addition to abandoned pastrolism volition live available every bit a researcher is currently working on the same.

                            Kuria farmers wedding ceremony their maize farm, Kenya

Currently, Kuria are mostly  farmers, mainly planting maize, beans in addition to Cassava every bit nutrient crops. For cash crops, the Kuria community mainly grows tobacco due to the nigh location of the BAT tobacco company. They are also cattle herders in addition to receive got gotten into some scrupples with the neighbouring tribes, mainly the maasai, over cattle rustling.

                                      Kuria people

The Abakuria gild is organized into a patriarchal in addition to patrilineal kinship scheme whereby the trace of piece of work solid unit of measurement call in addition to holding is passed along the manful somebody trace in addition to union was oft patriarchial. The Igikuria proverbs echo dominant social rules in addition to norms concerning women in addition to men’s behaviour in addition to emphasizes the necessity of manful somebody command over women.
Women every bit a grouping acquire the marked, endangered category in addition to are e'er land of report to the society’s strict scrutiny. With this manful somebody dominated system, the Kuria Woman inevitably occupies a marginal status. In their homes, women are oft regarded every bit temporary members in addition to pilgrims. They are seen to live a futurity loss
to the trace of piece of work solid unit of measurement piece the manful somebody kid is viewed every bit an investment. Upon marriage, they are viewed every bit intruders or strangers past times their husbands’ kins.

Wakuria generations (Amakora)
Wakuria receive got developed a generation scheme which identify every private inwards a generation group. There are 2 sets of generations
The firstly laid is called Monyasae in addition to the other is Monyachuma.
The Monyasae has a iv circle generations every bit follows:
The Monyachuma has also iv circle generations every bit follows:
The generations identifies an private inwards the Kuria society. For example, a kid of a Mosae from the monyasae generation circle volition live a munyamburiti in addition to volition give forth to Omogamunyeri. No 1 is allowed to wed a kid of the same generation. One generation circle is considered to lastly 25 years. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 consummate generation circle is hundred yearS. By knowing your generation you lot tin toilet easily calculate the historic menstruum of your parents in addition to grandparents. In the instance of a mugamunyeri, his or her begetter is a Mnyamburiti.
By using the generation scheme you lot tin toilet fifty-fifty know when a major trial took identify past times associating the trial in addition to those who witnessed the trial if their generation is known e.g. Uhuru, Second World War etc
speaking ethnic grouping residing mainly inwards Republic of Kenya in addition to some parts of Tanzania Info For You KURIA (BAKURIA) PEOPLE: FRIENDLY AND PEACEFUL AGRO-PASTORALISTS BANTU PEOPLE OF KENYA AND TANZANIA
Kuria human being from Bomas inwards Tanzania playing iritungu (traditional lyre). © Bill Given. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 traditional lyre type of musical instrument known every bit an iritungu was brought out in addition to lots of dancing followed. This is typical of whatever large life events inwards Kuria culture, such every bit weddings where music in addition to trip the calorie-free fantastic play large roles.

Change from childhood to adulthood is an of import Kuria ritual which transform private to some other phase of life. The alter known every bit saro is a passage to adulthood. Every man child or immature adult woman must overstep through saro to live recognised every bit an adult; otherwise, he is Mulisya or Mosagane.
When 1 is circumcised he/she is placed into an age-set (esaro). It is non the work of this number to depict the circumcision procedure but to emphasise the importance of the ritual. In Kuria gild 1 is recognised past times the historic menstruum laid group. All people circumcised at the same fourth dimension are given an historic menstruum laid (saro). When a immature adult woman is married her historic menstruum laid grouping is changed to that of the hubby if their saro are different. No 1 is allowed to wed children of same saros, All ceremonies are done on the footing of saro or amakora. One volition non live allowed to wed or married if he has non gone through circumcision. In modern times boys are circumcised inwards hospitals in addition to it is slow beingness accepted but looked downwards every bit an inferior process. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 existent mkuria should human face upwards a mosali acquire circumcised without a wink.
Traditionally, circumcision was done at the historic menstruum about thirteen years, but this differed significantly from 1 clan to another. The Abairege had most of their men circumcised at 15–18 years in addition to above. However, this has changed to the onset of puberty. To this date, diverse organisations are working to ensure the tradition of woman somebody genital mutilation is aborted. Also, due to increased spread of HIV/AIDS organisations advocate for tending during circumcision rituals. Many families are opting to convey their children to hospitals in addition to the traditional circumcision experts receive got similar a shot opted to work private razors for each somebody during circumcision. After the cut, the boys or girls that receive got undergone the exercise are unremarkably led dorsum habitation past times swain villagers amidst singing in addition to dancing in addition to coin is pinned onto their shukas. The shukas are one-piece coloured sheets that the circumcised necktie about themselves so every bit to permit the blood drip freely to the ground. Once circumcision has taken place, according to tradition, the man child or immature adult woman is deemed ready for marriage. Kurian people are from the Bantu-speaking grouping of Kenya. They are traditionally farmers, mainly planting maize, beans in addition to Cassava every bit nutrient crops. For cash crops, the Kuria community mainly grows tobacco. They are also hold cattle in addition to this has led clashes with the neighbouring tribes, mainly the Maasai, over cattle rustling.

Kuria Proverbs
In Kuria language, almost every aspect of life is commented on in addition to evaluated through proverbs. There are proverbs echoing the dominant social rules in addition to norms concerning both women in addition to men’s behaviour in addition to trace of piece of work solid unit of measurement roles in addition to necessity of social control. Kuria gild is concerned with maintaining its belief scheme in addition to every bit Munene (1995) observes gild is oft guided past times truth oft gotten from proverbs.
1. Omokarinoonoaiboye (A adult woman is the 1 who has delivered).  A hubby whose married adult woman was non able to deliver was advised to ship her away in addition to expect for some other adult woman but if it was him who had the job he would secretly allow his blood brother to acquire him children with his wife. this is shown inwards the maxim below.
Enoyaatebankogogweere (A moo-cow which is barren is slaughtered).
2. Inyuumbaenoetanamumuranentakaterrabokereehanini (A trace of piece of work solid without a boy is pitiable it volition non ascension to defend when an enemy attacks)
3. O nosotros sera ne hotoyaisa (A kid of goodness grapheme is pride to his father)
4. Iching’ombenindwamataawa (Bridewealth is given for a lazy adult woman every bit good every bit a hardworking one.)
5. Ichiharekanensarrania (Polygamy is a damage); This agency that the to a greater extent than women a human being has inwards his house, the to a greater extent than problems he has because women receive got no upright words but crooked ones only. Men were allowed to receive got extramarital relationships but women were prohibited. If a adult woman was flora cheating on his husband, he was allowed to divorce her in addition to wed some other wife, but if it was a human being he was alone punished past times paying fine inwards shape of a caprine animal or sheep.

Kuria Names
Firstborns (Abatangi): Firstborns are of import to every trace of piece of work solid unit of measurement hence their names must fit to the greetings the woman rear or begetter would live greeted. Once 1 has a kid he/she volition live greeted past times the call of his boy or daughter. Wakuria receive got half dozen names for firstborns. Chacha, Marwa in addition to Mwita for boys in addition to Bhoke, Robi in addition to Gati for girls. If the firstly born is a boy, 1 of the 3 names Chacha, Mwita or Marwa is selected. The begetter similar a shot volition live greeted Isachacha, Isamwita or Isamarwa. The woman rear volition live greeted Nyamwita or Nyachacha. If the firstly born is a immature adult woman the names available are Bhoke, Robi, Gati in addition to greetings volition live prefixed Isa or Nya to the respective name. You volition banking concern complaint that at that spot are no greetings similar nyaryoba, isamatinde, because these are non names for firstborns. Note that a Kuria volition live greeted past times the call of the firstborn. When 1 gets grandchildren in addition to so the greeting volition alter to nyakorochacha or nyakororobi, isakoromwita. The greetings are changed past times the firstly born grandchildren names. If 1 was greeted isachacha in addition to gets a firstly born grandchild called Robi his greeting volition alter from Isachacha to Isakororobi.
Ancestor names (ichidonko): Kuria also call their children after the names of the ancestors (Abhakoro). Such naming volition occur if the wishing of the dead granddad or woman rear requested to live named a man child or girl. That is why at that spot is mwita for both girls in addition to boys. Some for sake of dear 1 would similar to call the ancestors every bit a sign that the ancestor has been reborn. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 kid tin toilet receive got 2 names 1 for obhotangi in addition to some other for endoko. My boy is Chacha because he is a firstly born in addition to he is called Monata a call after my grandfather. The other crusade of naming ancestors volition resultant when the kid is sick or misfortunes come upwards to a trace of piece of work solid unit of measurement in addition to they try omogabho/omoraguli to unwrap out the problem. The omoraguli volition suggest to call a kid an ancestor whose spirits receive got been troubled past times the family. When naming the child, the trace of piece of work solid unit of measurement volition live required to sacrifice (kumwensa) a caprine animal or a moo-cow depending on the wishing of the spirits in addition to the magnitude of the problem. Similarly names similar Nyamohanga, Ryoba, Magaigwa, Nsato, Sabure, Wankuru, Ng’oina, Wanchoka, Mwikwabhe are named after the spirits. That is why when Kurias were baptized their native names were rejected because they were assumed to live associated with the spirits.
Kuria names derived from events in addition to diverse conditions: Kuria people also call their children according to an trial which took identify during the nascency of a child. Some of the events are natural occurrences such as:
Earthquake (Kirigiti)
Lightning (Nkobha)
Rains (Wambura/Nyambura)
Famine (Wanchara)
Harvest (Magesa/Mogesi)
Floods (Nyamanche)
Kuria names derived animals or birds: These include the following:
Nyamburi                  =   Goat
Nyang’ombe             =   Cow
Gaini   =   Bull
Nyangoko/Magoko   =   Chicken
Wangwe                   =   Leopard
Wandui                     =   Lion
Nyanswi                   =   Fish
Tyenyi                       =   Animal
Machage                   =   Zebra
Nchoka/Waichoka    =   Snake
Nguti                        =   Dove
Sariro                       =   Eagle
Mang’era                  =   Buffalo
Nyanchugu                =   Elephant
Wankuru                   =   Tortoise
Kehengu                   =   Rock rabbit
Ngocho                    =   Parrot
Ng’wena                  =   Crocodile
Magige                    =   Locust
Kinyunyi                  =   Bird
Names after activeness or fortune. These are:
Mokami                                 =   Milkman
Motegandi/ Mohagachi           =   Builder
Murimi                                   =   Farmer
Nyantahe                                =   From Container
Muya                                      =   Beauty
Mohoni                                   =   Salesman
Motongori                               =   First Harvester
Mtundi                                     =   Food provider
Matinde                                   =   Land tiler
Waitara                                   =   Granary
Mataro/ Machera/Mogendi      =   Traveller
Moseti                                    =   Hunter
Mbusiro                                  =   Seeding grain
Names after clans/tribes. These are:
Mwikabhe/Ikwabhe   =   Maasai
Mtatiro                      =   Tatoga
Mogaya                     =   Luo
Mgusuhi                     =   Kisii
Nyabasi                     =   From Nyabasi
Mtimbaru                   =   From Butimbaru
Mystical/abstract names:
Nyanokwe                =   God
Wainani                    =   Jinni
Mgosi                       =   From North
Wanyancha               =   From West/Lake
Mirumbe                   =   Mist/Fog
Sabure                      =   god of the Wanchari
Melengali                   =   Sunlight
Nchota/Nsato            =   Mystical snake
Matiko/Butiko           =   Night
Ryoba/Rioba             =   Sun

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