Info For You Lot El Molo People: Kenya`S Smallest In Addition To Most Extinct Cushitic Tribe That Eats Fish
El Molo people (also known every bit Gurapau “people of the lake” according to the auto-ethnonym) are Cushitic, smallest as well as nigh extinct ethnic grouping works life inwards Kenya. With a population of less than 400 people, as well as decreasing, the El Molo is belike Africa`s smallest ethnic group. They are the most skillful-hardy fishermen with the mostly semi- nomadic pastoral tribes exactly about Lake Turkana inwards Loiyangalani Division of Marsabit District.
Unlike their neighbours, the El Molo are non pastoralists as well as rarely eat meat. Among the Maasai, El Molo loosely way “those who brand a living from other sources other than cattle”. The Samburu position them with fish from the phrase loo molo onsikirri, which way “the people who eat fish.”

El Molo tribe men, Rift Valley, Kenya
There are few places left inwards Africa untouched past times time. In Northern Kenya, the El Molo community struggles to maintain its civilization inwards a fast-paced world. The El Molo, the hunters of the jade sea, with population betwixt 200 as well as 300 (others believe the pure El Molo are well-nigh xl people) men, women, as well as children living inwards a little hamlet on the shores of Lake Turkana.

El Molo adult woman drinking inwards Lake Turkana, Kenya. By Eric Lafforgue
The acquaint population is largely comprised of mixed blood,combining elements of Samburu, Turkana as well as El Molo, although many of the customs as well as the El Molo way of life are maintained past times many.Thirty years agone an anthropologist who visited the El Molo wrote, `I felt every bit if I'd stumbled on a race that had survived merely because fourth dimension had forgotten to complete them off.'
Demographers approximate that past times the plough of the century, most Kenyans volition live inwards the cities. As the El Molo as well as other ethnic groups leave of absence their villages, their unique cultures volition disappear, submerged inwards the melting pot of greater Africa. It's of import that the seriously threatened El Molo tribe- which diminishing population is partly attributed to in-breeding as well as a unmarried diet of fish- is protected past times the Kenyan authorities as well as the international community to assist avert Africa as well as the public at large from losing a footling of its magic without the hunters of the jade sea.
El Molo is a hamlet inwards Kenya, situated on the southeast shore of Lake Turkana, exactly 10 km northward of Loiyangalani town. Its population is well-nigh 200. The tiny population fishes the lake for giant Nile perch.

El Molo tribe hamlet inwards front end of Lake Turkana
Their dwellings resemble igloos, built from what footling scrub vegetation at that topographic point is to live works life with the volcanic wasteland surrounding the alkaline metal waters of this inland body of water. The hamlet is located inwards Loiyangalani Division of Marsabit District.

Fisherman hamlet of El Molo people, El Molo Bay, Lake Turkana, Kenya
Lake Turkana
Known variously every bit the “Jade Sea” as well as the “Cradle of Mankind” Lake Turkana offers the intrepid traveler unrivaled opportunities. This remote, arid expanse of northern Republic of Kenya never ceases to enthrall its visitors. The lake never appears at rest, abrupt squalls, total blown storms ruffle its heart, this 180 mile long stretch of inland ocean is serene ane moment, vicious the next, every bit unpredictable every bit the huge crocodiles that prevarication sunning themselves on its banks.

Tilapia fish haul, Lake Turkana, Kenya
Not far inland from the lake see an ancient petrified forest, tree trunks standing forlorn testament to the passingof millions of years of public history. The expanse surrounding the lake is no less interesting, position to
numerous arid lands adapted game such every bit the Grevy’s Zebra, Gerenuk as well as Oryx, is an explorers paradise untouched past times the modern world.

Lake Turkana (Jade Sea), Kenya
The Chalbi Desert as well as the people that inhabit it, the Rendille, the Boran, the Merille as well as Gabra atomic number 82 ancient lives as well as guard their traditional existence proudly. The contrasts hither are phenomenal, no to a greater extent than thence than when it comes to climate soaring temperatures as well as howling gales tin live rudely interrupted past times a trigger-happy thunderstorm as well as replaced exactly every bit rapidly past times the most soundless eventide as well as clearest of nighttime skies ever

El Molo quondam adult man nigh El Molo settlement
The linguistic communication of El Molo
The El Molo people (or Gurapau “people of the lake” according to the auto-ethnonym) live on the eastward banking concern of the Lake Turkana Lake. At the present, they are mainly works life inwards 2 little villages (Layeni as well as Komote) located inwards the neighbourhoods of the location site of Loiyangalani.

The master copy linguistic communication of the El Molo was an East Cushitic linguistic communication of the Omo-Tana grouping (The concluding fluent speaker inwards the community died 10 years ago), as well as its closest relatives are the Dhaasanac as well as the Arbore languages of southwest Ethiopia. The El Molo basically abandoned their linguistic communication inwards favour of the Nilotic Samburu linguistic communication during the 2nd one-half of the 20th century.

Basic information on the linguistic communication were collected past times the High German linguist as well as Africanist Bernd Heine inwards the early on 1970s, as well as were published every bit 2 brusque grammatical sketches (1975-76, inwards German; 1980 inwards English, with few changes) as well as a basic lexicon (197-73). In the early on ‘90s some other High German Africanist, Matthias Brenzinger, published a study of the linguistic communication shift amid the El Molo as well as added a few linguistic notes.
During the 70s the El Molo were roughly extinguished (almost 100 individuals), but the number of ethnically defined El Molo is nowadays currently increasing.

Three years agone the El Molo community, which is represented past times the cultural association (Community Based Organisation) “Gurapau”, decided to outset a revitalisation projection intended to recover their ethno-linguistic identity. The projection is partially founded past times the Christensen Foundation (, according to which the projection is intended “To back upwardly partnerships betwixt El Molo fisher people of Lake Turkana inwards Northern Republic of Kenya and
local researchers to document as well as revitalise their language, ethno-ecological knowledge, cultural heritage as well as sacred sites as well as restore identity as well as lost pride every bit a ground for community development.”)

Therefore, the recovering of the El Molo linguistic communication goes mitt inwards mitt with the rehabilitation of the traditional customs as well as knowledge.It is of import to stress that many members of the community still conduct hold some cognition of the El Molo linguistic communication inwards the shape of words, songs as well as proverbs, as well as that the whole El Molo community is willing to collaborate to the recovering of their linguistic communication (a little El Molo vocabulary has already been collected)
The rootage of El Molo people is non certain, some schoolhouse of thoughts aver that El Molo people came from Ethiopia, others tell Somalia. It is asserted that they originally settled on the northern shores of Lake Turkana, where they were mostly wiped out past times other tribes as well as forced to motion southward to the little islands. Due to farther pressure level from tribes inhabiting that area, they moved farther southward to the southeastern shores -where they live today- inwards front end of the "Island of Ghosts"or "Island of No Return"
Here they are gathered into 2 villages, ane called Anderi consisting of well-nigh 150 individuals as well as the other, Illah of well-nigh lxx inhabitants. Due to their almost constant historical suffering from other tribes, they conduct hold opted to remain cutoff from much of the world, maintaining a rattling traditional life on the little isle as well as the shore at El Molo Bay.

Oral history:The floor of how the El Molo came into beingness is borrowed from a pop floor of their keen heroine, Sepenya.“A long fourth dimension ago, Lake Turkana did non exist,” narrates Makambo Lotorobo, the curator of the Desert Museum where El Molo’s history is beingness preserved. “A meaning adult woman known every bit Sepenya visited a local outflow as well as forgot to encompass it with a lid afterwards fetching water. Water flooded the whole expanse forming a lake.”
Later on, Sepenya gave nativity to a boy called Melissa. Without whatever other human beingness around, woman bring upwardly as well as boy bore the El Molo community which inhabited the southeastern shores of the lake at El Molo Bay.

El Molo kids
Their isle refuges are at the oral fissure of the bay, Loriyam as well as Koran, (island of goats). Living inwards doum palm frond huts the El Molo genuinely eke out an existence inwards an environs that offers them few resources beyond the doum palm, stones, thorny bushes as well as the brackish waters of the Lake position to hippo as well as some of the largest Nile Crocodiles inwards Africa.

El Molo tribe hamlet on Lake Turkana, kenya
The Nile Perch that manage to avoid the crocodiles are hotly pursued past times the El Molo, hunting from boats
constructed literally of 3 doum palm trunks lashed together.

El Molo adult woman standing inwards front end of her hut
The life of the El Molo is to a greater extent than oftentimes than non based on fishing, using spears or harpoons, line-fishing rods (made from the roots of an acacia with doumpalm fiber as well as a forged atomic number 26 dot or hook) as well as nets( made from doumpalm fiber).

Modern' boats are hard to maintain as well as are rarely available due to their expense. Their traditional rafts are made of doumpalm logs as well as tied with rope. It is quite a feat to ride this into the waves of Lake Turkana as well as chase afterwards crocodile, hippo as well as Nile perch—all killed with a mitt harpoon! The caught fish is normally either roasted or cutting into long strips as well as dried inwards the Sun on the roofs of the huts, or on fiber mats set on the ground.

El Molo fisher people at Lake Turkana
The dried fish is thence soaked inwards the lake for softening earlier beingness boiled as well as eaten. The El Molo eat rattling footling meat, dissimilar their cousins the Samburu as well as Turkana who volition purpose their smallstock for food, as well as dissimilar these cousins, they are non pastoralist - they do non maintain cattle. The 2nd mainstay of diet is the 'loka' , the nut or engagement of the doumpalm- eaten mostly past times the children

El Molo hunters kill crocodile, Lake Turkana, Kenya
Currently the El Molo endure greatly from the increased pollution of the Lake, lack of sanitary facilities as well as no fresh drinking water. WildiZe Foundation is working closely with the El Molo Bay Gurapau community grouping on creating an environmentally friendly as well as easily sustainable fresh H2O still. Every few years cholera outbreaks run rampant through the hamlet causing decease to the rattling quondam as well as the rattling young.

El Molo people kill hippo
Securing funding for a fresh H2O drinking source would tremendously better the lifestyle of the El Molo without damaging their civilization or traditional integrity, as well as allow this little tribe to go on into the future. WildiZe likewise provided funding for the creation of a novel coming together hall- an enclosed doumpalm hut construction creating shade, where the elders run into as well as speak over community matters, as well as where the tourists who come upwardly through the expanse are welcome to store the 'market' as well as buy El Molo crafts. This, inwards turn, helps furnish some farther economical stability for the community's needs.

Bride`s maids from Kenya`s smallest ethnic grouping El-molo grin during a hymeneals ceremony inwards El-molo bay inwards Loiyangalani, northeastern Kenya, June 29, 2006. El-molo, who live on the southern shores of Lake Turkana are inwards rattling little numbers but the population has increased at well-nigh 300-400 people past times intermarriages with neighboring Turkana as well as Samburu tribes. According to their tradition the bride is circumcised on her hymeneals day. On the correct is the bride`s mother. Picture taken June 29, 2006. REUTERS/Boniface Mwangi/Files (KENYA)
El Molo people maintain many of their traditional customs as well as way of life. Unlike the Turkana the El Molo do exercise circumcision, both of boys as well as girls.
Of the quondam as well as largely unrecorded traditions, that of the ngwere is the most revered. As El Molo lodge requires no principal every bit such the elders of the tribe convene as well as supervise the hunting of the hippo, oftentimes associated with wacq, the God of the lake.
Dances as well as songs pay tribute to the ancestors earlier the elders plough on the immature warriors, slashing them across their bodies it whip them to a frenzy of excitement earlier spending them out to pursue the mammal belike responsible for to a greater extent than deaths inwards rural Africa than whatever other, the Hippopotamus.
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 chosen hunter must hurl himself, literally, without hesitation at the target beast, whilst his companions slash at it with their razor abrupt blades. This chosen warrior volition non live allowed to eat whatever of this delicacy until he returns home, yet he volition live the hero of the whole tribe at the next feast as well as volition live feted for his whole life, wearing a special brute os earring to signify his bravery to all.
The El Molo bury their dead nether a little cairn of stones on the lake shore, the whole hamlet thence moving
away from the spot of burial to avoid offending the dead.
The traditional "selah", a triangle of woven string worn every bit a shape of skirt is still worn on important occasions, although these are becoming fewer every bit the tribe's numbers dwindle.
Otherwise the El Molo wearing apparel exclusively inwards the materialsmost readily available to them, the blood-red cured hides of
cattle as well as goats or Nile Perch skins. Great lovers of adornment the women as well as girls sport necklaces of ostrich musical rhythm out disks as well as fish bones whereas the males traditionally apparel only a little 'apron'.
They wearing apparel their pilus much similar their Turkana cousins - a skull cap oftentimes made from the shroud of a moo-cow or ostrich inside which they may shroud a totemic lock of pilus from some brave or talented ancestor. Like most northern nomadic tribes they all send the wooden headrest that helps them maintain their coiffure when sleeping.

El Molo women wearing straw skirt
The El Molo are belike the only Kenyan tribe that exclusively survives on fish. They are practiced fishermen
He tugs the boat to the shore of the greenish waters of Lake Turkana, undresses as well as dives into the waters believed to conduct hold the largest population of crocodiles inwards the public “Crocodiles conduct hold never eaten our people,” says Charles Luya likewise known every bit Captain Luya.
At 79, Mr Luya looks fragile fifty-fifty to endure a chicken fight but the victorious grin across his wrinkled confront shows that he tin conduct hold on Lake Turkana as well as its dangers. His earrings as well as other ornaments made from crocodile teeth present how valiant he is. They are trophies, an accolade from his El Molo tribesmen for heroes who successfully hunt downwards hippos.

In this business office of the world, it’s practically impossible to find someone every bit quondam every bit Mr Luya, peculiarly inwards a tribe where the life expectancy is brusque – thirty to 45 years.
Lack of medical facilities as well as pathetic diet are to blame for the depression life expectancy amid the El Molo, a little community of well-nigh 700 people.

El Molo children inwards hamlet local school, El Molo bay of Lake Turkana, Kenya
The number of El Molo is largely unknown fifty-fifty past times the government. The 2009 census results did non listing their numbers every bit they roughshod inwards the negligible category. Village elders approximate their numbers to live 600 to 700, with “pure” El Molo inwards their dozens.In 2009, at that topographic point was an outbreak of cholera inwards their villages. By the fourth dimension the Médecins Sans Frontières medical squad got there, 7 had died from the disease. At that time, the organisation working with the Ministry of Public Health as well as Sanitation told the Nation that they had treated 47 people inwards El Molo as well as 157 inwards Loiyangalani.
About 10 years ago, the concluding mortal live to know the native El Molo linguistic communication died, leaving Mr Luya every bit the patriarch. He was likewise left with the difficult chore of continuing the traditions, customs as well as beliefs of this tribe. But with the decease of that man, Kaayo Lepolote, the El Molo linguistic communication began its journeying to extinction. Not fifty-fifty the electrical current patriarch is fluent inwards it But, fifty-fifty threatened with extinction, Kenya’s footling known as well as smallest tribe living inwards 2 villages inwards the southeastern shore of Lake Turkana is fighting to maintain its customs as well as traditions.

El Molo kids making fire
Fish is their staple, something which has been blamed for their pathetic nutrition as well as depression population growth rate. The El Molo are belike the only Kenyan tribe that exclusively survives on fish. And they are practiced fishermen.

“We conduct hold 2 meals a day; fish inwards the morn as well as for supper,” says Ekai Akinyanya, a fisherman whom Lifestyle works life past times the lakeside repairing his fishing net.
“A kid is regarded every bit quondam plenty to leave of absence his mother’s side when he is able to pike a fish inwards water,” Mr Luya says.
They purpose spears or harpoons, line-fishing rods (made from the roots of an acacia with doumpalm fibre as well as a forged atomic number 26 dot or hook), nets made from doumpalm fibre, as well as fishing as well as traditional rafts made of doumpalm logs tied together with rope.

El Molo hunters capture Hippopotamus
Fish, hippopotamus as well as crocodiles are of import animals to the tribe. In this community, killing a hippo is what killing a king of beasts is to a Maasai moran. Anyone who kills a hippo is decorated with a necklace made from the hippo’s teeth as well as a feast for the whole community is held.

These days, the El Molo have every bit many visitors every bit one-half their population. But to teach there, visitors conduct hold to conquer ane of Kenya’s most difficult terrains as well as harshest climates.
The El Molo are straight off finding tourism an first-class source of income. The floor of how the El Molo came into beingness is borrowed from a pop floor of their keen heroine, Sepenya.“A long fourth dimension ago, Lake Turkana did non exist,” narrates Makambo Lotorobo, the curator of the Desert Museum where El Molo’s history
is beingness preserved. “A meaning adult woman known every bit Sepenya visited a local outflow as well as forgot to encompass it with a lid afterwards fetching water. Water flooded the whole expanse forming a lake.”

Later on, Sepenya gave nativity to a boy called Melissa. Without whatever other human beingness around, woman bring upwardly as well as boy bore the El Molo community which inhabited the southeastern shores of the lake at El Molo Bay.
“If you lot walk exactly about the bay, you lot volition find members who are disabled,” Mr Lotorobo says adding that it’s because the people conduct hold a closed blood relationship. The other reason, he says, is that they drinkable salty H2O from the lake.
Count Samuel Teleki as well as Lt L. von Hohnel, the first Europeans who first came across the community inwards 1888, described them every bit a grouping of people “living alone on fish, crocodiles as well as hippopotamus meat”. Their population was estimated to live 200-300.
In the interrogation paper, The Elmolo past times W. S. Dyson as well as V. E. Fuchs published inwards The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great United Kingdom of Great Britain as well as Northern Ireland of Britain as well as Northern Republic of Ireland as well as Ireland, it is indicated that inwards 1934 when the Lake Rudolf Expedition visited them, at that topographic point were only 84 of them left. The mass says when discovered, the El Molowere the pathetic of the 3 surrounding tribes – Rendille, Dasenech as well as Samburu – as well as their way of life was modified past times extreme poverty every bit they depended on whatever they caught from the lake for food.
In 1976, an El Molo principal inwards Loiyangalani presented 369 every bit the number of his tribesmen, an increment from 233 inwards the 1973 census results. The members are spread across 7 clans, out of which 4 conduct hold shrines known every bit gantes.
The shrines are Marle, where prayers for cursing enemy tribes, pelting as well as protection from ophidian bites are conducted; Orikala for sacrifices to heighten goodness luck when hunting the hippopotamus; Origaltite for approbation barren women to conceive; as well as Orisole, which the clan uses to asking for protection against calamities such every bit diseases as well as curses of troublemakers inside the community.“Different clans conduct hold their ain powers every bit illustrated past times the diverse shrines,” says an elder, William Lengotok.

The shrines are located on an isle called the “Island of Ghosts” or “Island of no Return” which the community considers every bit sacred places. When attacked past times enemies, every bit legend goes, they used to retreat to this island, grab lots of catfish as well as spread them across the entrance to the island. As the raiders approached, they would teach pricked past times the catfish bones as well as never accomplish them.
“We remain away from this isle because it’s a breeding expanse for fish,” Mr Lengotok adds.
For several years the tribe maintained their exercise of endogamy but started to intermarry with neighbouring tribes exactly about 1973. They go on changing some of their traditions as well as customs as well as adopting ways of life of the Samburu, Turkana as well as Christians.

El Molo adult woman showing a beaded Christian cross
Mr Luya has 3 wives; an El Molo, a Samburu as well as a Turkana. The people wearing apparel traditionally as well as inwards Western clothes. Some apparel the traditional selah as well as beads as well as caprine animal or fish skins. One of Mr Luya’s children, Fabian Luya, goes to schoolhouse as well as has a Christian name.
“We are intermarrying with other tribes as well as nosotros promise that this volition relieve us from beingness termed a dying people,” Mr Luya says. But their interaction with other communities is non without challenges because of their history, economical activities as well as regard past times neighbours every bit a “lesser people”.
El Molo elders tell the Pokots do non similar them for their fish eating. “They chase away our women married amid them accusing them of beingness ‘worthless fish eaters’,” says Mr Luya.
Among the Maasai, El Molo loosely way “those who brand a living from other sources other than cattle”. The Samburu position them with fish from the phrase loo molo onsikirri, which way “the people who eat fish.”
Unlike their neighbours, the El Molo are non pastoralists as well as rarely eat meat. When they have cows, goats as well as donkeys every bit dowry, they do non maintain them for long. But the donkeys are important.
“We purpose them to send our fish,” says Mzee Edidio Njokulo.

Their little huts on the shores of Lake Turkana are made of doum palm fronds supported with wood from acacia trees.
Although they live a 30-minute drive from Loiyangalani, an oasis, the H2O is non direct available to El Molo Bay.

Schooling El Molo kids
The El Molo seldom present desperation inwards their faces but they are fighting for survival. The lake, which they depend on, is greatly beingness polluted, it is evaporating at a steady charge per unit of measurement of well-nigh 30cm a year. Lack of sanitary facilities as well as express access to fresh drinking H2O is increasing the pressure level on them. The conservationist group, Friends of Lake Turkana, says the blockage of the Omo River as well as Lake Turkana past times the Ethiopian Gibe dam is projected to number inwards a driblet of 7 to 10 metres inwards the lake’s depth inwards the first five years.
While over the centuries obscure dialects as well as isolated communities conduct hold come upwardly as well as gone, dispersed past times conquest or ecological disaster, Mr Luya wishes continuity of his people. And he does this past times telling their floor to visitors to the area.
“I exactly promise that they save the memories for our children as well as futurity generations,” he told journalists, marketers as well as researchers from the Republic of Kenya Tourist Board as well as National Museums of Republic of Kenya who visited the hamlet recently.

Whatever the case, El Molo is ane of the country’s communities threatened with extinction.
They conduct hold lost their linguistic communication as well as most of their civilization through assimilation to influential neighbours, mostly the Samburus. They speak Samburu linguistic communication as well as most of their civilization is borrowed from the same community.
There are no official records to present the population of this dying community.
In the 1979 census, the El Molos were works life to live scattered inwards Coast, Central, North Eastern as well as Rift Valley provinces.
Their total number thence was 289.

Christiana Sairi Louwa, of the El Molo community, at UNPFII, New York Apr 2008. source:Minority Rights Group...
The El Molo live inwards what is known every bit El Molo Bay on the southward eastern shores of Lake Turkana.
They live 10 kilometres from Loiyangalani township, which is inhabited past times the Turkana, Samburu as well as Rendille people.

El Molo Bay, which is inwards Marsabit South District, is a rattling little expanse comprising of 2 villages — Layeni as well as Komote.
Here, the El Molos, who are hunters as well as gatherers, endure almost alone on line-fishing using nets made from the doum palm fibre.
It is the same fibre or dried woods that they purpose to build their circular grass-thatch huts.
The El Molo are known to hunt the giant Nile Perch. They likewise hunt animals similar hippos as well as crocodiles inwards Lake Turkana.

The yell El Molo, according to linguistics experts, is a Samburu yell referring to people who do non purpose livestock every bit their source of income.
There is ane theory advanced past times people inwards Marsabit on why at that topographic point are rattling few El Molos.
They believe the El Molo teach out early on because of drinking the alkaline metal waters of the lake. It is hard to discovery an El Molo adult man older than threescore years.

At the superlative of concluding year’s drought inwards the country, the Sabbatum Nation visited El Molo Bay village.
And when nosotros sought an interview with a adult man the villagers referred to every bit a local elderberry nosotros asked him his age.
“I’m 25 years quondam as well as a manly mortal bring upwardly of three,” the adult man said.

“Do you lot thence qualify to live an elder?” nosotros asked as well as the adult man confidently responded affirmatively.
This is because most of his historic flow mates are inwards the category of the aged inwards the community.
And the adult man only agreed to speak to us on assurance of a local Catholic priest as well as other church building workers that our squad had no bad intentions for the El Molo.

According to historians the El Molo’s originated from Somalia or Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia as well as settled along the shores of Lake Turkana. Source:
Unlike their neighbours, the El Molo are non pastoralists as well as rarely eat meat. Among the Maasai, El Molo loosely way “those who brand a living from other sources other than cattle”. The Samburu position them with fish from the phrase loo molo onsikirri, which way “the people who eat fish.”
El Molo adult woman drinking inwards Lake Turkana, Kenya. By Eric Lafforgue
The acquaint population is largely comprised of mixed blood,combining elements of Samburu, Turkana as well as El Molo, although many of the customs as well as the El Molo way of life are maintained past times many.Thirty years agone an anthropologist who visited the El Molo wrote, `I felt every bit if I'd stumbled on a race that had survived merely because fourth dimension had forgotten to complete them off.'
E Molo adult man line-fishing on Lake Turkana Kenya. By Nigel Pavitt
El Molo tribe adult man showing his tribal body marks as well as belongings traditional wooden caput dress, Lake Turkana, Kenya. By Eric Lafforgue
El Molo is a hamlet inwards Kenya, situated on the southeast shore of Lake Turkana, exactly 10 km northward of Loiyangalani town. Its population is well-nigh 200. The tiny population fishes the lake for giant Nile perch.
El Molo tribe hamlet inwards front end of Lake Turkana
Their dwellings resemble igloos, built from what footling scrub vegetation at that topographic point is to live works life with the volcanic wasteland surrounding the alkaline metal waters of this inland body of water. The hamlet is located inwards Loiyangalani Division of Marsabit District.
Fisherman hamlet of El Molo people, El Molo Bay, Lake Turkana, Kenya
Lake Turkana
Known variously every bit the “Jade Sea” as well as the “Cradle of Mankind” Lake Turkana offers the intrepid traveler unrivaled opportunities. This remote, arid expanse of northern Republic of Kenya never ceases to enthrall its visitors. The lake never appears at rest, abrupt squalls, total blown storms ruffle its heart, this 180 mile long stretch of inland ocean is serene ane moment, vicious the next, every bit unpredictable every bit the huge crocodiles that prevarication sunning themselves on its banks.
Tilapia fish haul, Lake Turkana, Kenya
Not far inland from the lake see an ancient petrified forest, tree trunks standing forlorn testament to the passingof millions of years of public history. The expanse surrounding the lake is no less interesting, position to
numerous arid lands adapted game such every bit the Grevy’s Zebra, Gerenuk as well as Oryx, is an explorers paradise untouched past times the modern world.
Lake Turkana (Jade Sea), Kenya
The Chalbi Desert as well as the people that inhabit it, the Rendille, the Boran, the Merille as well as Gabra atomic number 82 ancient lives as well as guard their traditional existence proudly. The contrasts hither are phenomenal, no to a greater extent than thence than when it comes to climate soaring temperatures as well as howling gales tin live rudely interrupted past times a trigger-happy thunderstorm as well as replaced exactly every bit rapidly past times the most soundless eventide as well as clearest of nighttime skies ever
El Molo quondam adult man nigh El Molo settlement
The linguistic communication of El Molo
The El Molo people (or Gurapau “people of the lake” according to the auto-ethnonym) live on the eastward banking concern of the Lake Turkana Lake. At the present, they are mainly works life inwards 2 little villages (Layeni as well as Komote) located inwards the neighbourhoods of the location site of Loiyangalani.
The master copy linguistic communication of the El Molo was an East Cushitic linguistic communication of the Omo-Tana grouping (The concluding fluent speaker inwards the community died 10 years ago), as well as its closest relatives are the Dhaasanac as well as the Arbore languages of southwest Ethiopia. The El Molo basically abandoned their linguistic communication inwards favour of the Nilotic Samburu linguistic communication during the 2nd one-half of the 20th century.

Basic information on the linguistic communication were collected past times the High German linguist as well as Africanist Bernd Heine inwards the early on 1970s, as well as were published every bit 2 brusque grammatical sketches (1975-76, inwards German; 1980 inwards English, with few changes) as well as a basic lexicon (197-73). In the early on ‘90s some other High German Africanist, Matthias Brenzinger, published a study of the linguistic communication shift amid the El Molo as well as added a few linguistic notes.
During the 70s the El Molo were roughly extinguished (almost 100 individuals), but the number of ethnically defined El Molo is nowadays currently increasing.
Three years agone the El Molo community, which is represented past times the cultural association (Community Based Organisation) “Gurapau”, decided to outset a revitalisation projection intended to recover their ethno-linguistic identity. The projection is partially founded past times the Christensen Foundation (, according to which the projection is intended “To back upwardly partnerships betwixt El Molo fisher people of Lake Turkana inwards Northern Republic of Kenya and
local researchers to document as well as revitalise their language, ethno-ecological knowledge, cultural heritage as well as sacred sites as well as restore identity as well as lost pride every bit a ground for community development.”)
Therefore, the recovering of the El Molo linguistic communication goes mitt inwards mitt with the rehabilitation of the traditional customs as well as knowledge.It is of import to stress that many members of the community still conduct hold some cognition of the El Molo linguistic communication inwards the shape of words, songs as well as proverbs, as well as that the whole El Molo community is willing to collaborate to the recovering of their linguistic communication (a little El Molo vocabulary has already been collected)
Young daughter from El Molo tribe, Kenya
The rootage of El Molo people is non certain, some schoolhouse of thoughts aver that El Molo people came from Ethiopia, others tell Somalia. It is asserted that they originally settled on the northern shores of Lake Turkana, where they were mostly wiped out past times other tribes as well as forced to motion southward to the little islands. Due to farther pressure level from tribes inhabiting that area, they moved farther southward to the southeastern shores -where they live today- inwards front end of the "Island of Ghosts"or "Island of No Return"
Melisaki: princess loingalani, el molo bay, lake rudolf, kenya, 1987 photograph past times Peter Beard
Here they are gathered into 2 villages, ane called Anderi consisting of well-nigh 150 individuals as well as the other, Illah of well-nigh lxx inhabitants. Due to their almost constant historical suffering from other tribes, they conduct hold opted to remain cutoff from much of the world, maintaining a rattling traditional life on the little isle as well as the shore at El Molo Bay.
Oral history:The floor of how the El Molo came into beingness is borrowed from a pop floor of their keen heroine, Sepenya.“A long fourth dimension ago, Lake Turkana did non exist,” narrates Makambo Lotorobo, the curator of the Desert Museum where El Molo’s history is beingness preserved. “A meaning adult woman known every bit Sepenya visited a local outflow as well as forgot to encompass it with a lid afterwards fetching water. Water flooded the whole expanse forming a lake.”
Later on, Sepenya gave nativity to a boy called Melissa. Without whatever other human beingness around, woman bring upwardly as well as boy bore the El Molo community which inhabited the southeastern shores of the lake at El Molo Bay.

El Molo kids
Their isle refuges are at the oral fissure of the bay, Loriyam as well as Koran, (island of goats). Living inwards doum palm frond huts the El Molo genuinely eke out an existence inwards an environs that offers them few resources beyond the doum palm, stones, thorny bushes as well as the brackish waters of the Lake position to hippo as well as some of the largest Nile Crocodiles inwards Africa.
El Molo tribe hamlet on Lake Turkana, kenya
The Nile Perch that manage to avoid the crocodiles are hotly pursued past times the El Molo, hunting from boats
constructed literally of 3 doum palm trunks lashed together.
El Molo adult woman standing inwards front end of her hut
The life of the El Molo is to a greater extent than oftentimes than non based on fishing, using spears or harpoons, line-fishing rods (made from the roots of an acacia with doumpalm fiber as well as a forged atomic number 26 dot or hook) as well as nets( made from doumpalm fiber).
Modern' boats are hard to maintain as well as are rarely available due to their expense. Their traditional rafts are made of doumpalm logs as well as tied with rope. It is quite a feat to ride this into the waves of Lake Turkana as well as chase afterwards crocodile, hippo as well as Nile perch—all killed with a mitt harpoon! The caught fish is normally either roasted or cutting into long strips as well as dried inwards the Sun on the roofs of the huts, or on fiber mats set on the ground.

El Molo fisher people at Lake Turkana
The dried fish is thence soaked inwards the lake for softening earlier beingness boiled as well as eaten. The El Molo eat rattling footling meat, dissimilar their cousins the Samburu as well as Turkana who volition purpose their smallstock for food, as well as dissimilar these cousins, they are non pastoralist - they do non maintain cattle. The 2nd mainstay of diet is the 'loka' , the nut or engagement of the doumpalm- eaten mostly past times the children
El Molo hunters kill crocodile, Lake Turkana, Kenya
Currently the El Molo endure greatly from the increased pollution of the Lake, lack of sanitary facilities as well as no fresh drinking water. WildiZe Foundation is working closely with the El Molo Bay Gurapau community grouping on creating an environmentally friendly as well as easily sustainable fresh H2O still. Every few years cholera outbreaks run rampant through the hamlet causing decease to the rattling quondam as well as the rattling young.
El Molo people kill hippo
Securing funding for a fresh H2O drinking source would tremendously better the lifestyle of the El Molo without damaging their civilization or traditional integrity, as well as allow this little tribe to go on into the future. WildiZe likewise provided funding for the creation of a novel coming together hall- an enclosed doumpalm hut construction creating shade, where the elders run into as well as speak over community matters, as well as where the tourists who come upwardly through the expanse are welcome to store the 'market' as well as buy El Molo crafts. This, inwards turn, helps furnish some farther economical stability for the community's needs.
Bride`s maids from Kenya`s smallest ethnic grouping El-molo grin during a hymeneals ceremony inwards El-molo bay inwards Loiyangalani, northeastern Kenya, June 29, 2006. El-molo, who live on the southern shores of Lake Turkana are inwards rattling little numbers but the population has increased at well-nigh 300-400 people past times intermarriages with neighboring Turkana as well as Samburu tribes. According to their tradition the bride is circumcised on her hymeneals day. On the correct is the bride`s mother. Picture taken June 29, 2006. REUTERS/Boniface Mwangi/Files (KENYA)
El Molo people maintain many of their traditional customs as well as way of life. Unlike the Turkana the El Molo do exercise circumcision, both of boys as well as girls.
El Molo boy, Rift valley, kenya
Of the quondam as well as largely unrecorded traditions, that of the ngwere is the most revered. As El Molo lodge requires no principal every bit such the elders of the tribe convene as well as supervise the hunting of the hippo, oftentimes associated with wacq, the God of the lake.
El Molo Christian devotee.
Dances as well as songs pay tribute to the ancestors earlier the elders plough on the immature warriors, slashing them across their bodies it whip them to a frenzy of excitement earlier spending them out to pursue the mammal belike responsible for to a greater extent than deaths inwards rural Africa than whatever other, the Hippopotamus.
Dancers at El Molo village, Lake Turkana, Kenya
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 chosen hunter must hurl himself, literally, without hesitation at the target beast, whilst his companions slash at it with their razor abrupt blades. This chosen warrior volition non live allowed to eat whatever of this delicacy until he returns home, yet he volition live the hero of the whole tribe at the next feast as well as volition live feted for his whole life, wearing a special brute os earring to signify his bravery to all.
The El Molo bury their dead nether a little cairn of stones on the lake shore, the whole hamlet thence moving
away from the spot of burial to avoid offending the dead.
El Molo daughter removing dust from her elderberry past times blowing air from her mouth
The traditional "selah", a triangle of woven string worn every bit a shape of skirt is still worn on important occasions, although these are becoming fewer every bit the tribe's numbers dwindle.
Otherwise the El Molo wearing apparel exclusively inwards the materialsmost readily available to them, the blood-red cured hides of
cattle as well as goats or Nile Perch skins. Great lovers of adornment the women as well as girls sport necklaces of ostrich musical rhythm out disks as well as fish bones whereas the males traditionally apparel only a little 'apron'.
They wearing apparel their pilus much similar their Turkana cousins - a skull cap oftentimes made from the shroud of a moo-cow or ostrich inside which they may shroud a totemic lock of pilus from some brave or talented ancestor. Like most northern nomadic tribes they all send the wooden headrest that helps them maintain their coiffure when sleeping.
El Molo women wearing straw skirt
The El Molo are belike the only Kenyan tribe that exclusively survives on fish. They are practiced fishermen
He tugs the boat to the shore of the greenish waters of Lake Turkana, undresses as well as dives into the waters believed to conduct hold the largest population of crocodiles inwards the public “Crocodiles conduct hold never eaten our people,” says Charles Luya likewise known every bit Captain Luya.
At 79, Mr Luya looks fragile fifty-fifty to endure a chicken fight but the victorious grin across his wrinkled confront shows that he tin conduct hold on Lake Turkana as well as its dangers. His earrings as well as other ornaments made from crocodile teeth present how valiant he is. They are trophies, an accolade from his El Molo tribesmen for heroes who successfully hunt downwards hippos.
In this business office of the world, it’s practically impossible to find someone every bit quondam every bit Mr Luya, peculiarly inwards a tribe where the life expectancy is brusque – thirty to 45 years.
Lack of medical facilities as well as pathetic diet are to blame for the depression life expectancy amid the El Molo, a little community of well-nigh 700 people.
El Molo children inwards hamlet local school, El Molo bay of Lake Turkana, Kenya
The number of El Molo is largely unknown fifty-fifty past times the government. The 2009 census results did non listing their numbers every bit they roughshod inwards the negligible category. Village elders approximate their numbers to live 600 to 700, with “pure” El Molo inwards their dozens.In 2009, at that topographic point was an outbreak of cholera inwards their villages. By the fourth dimension the Médecins Sans Frontières medical squad got there, 7 had died from the disease. At that time, the organisation working with the Ministry of Public Health as well as Sanitation told the Nation that they had treated 47 people inwards El Molo as well as 157 inwards Loiyangalani.
About 10 years ago, the concluding mortal live to know the native El Molo linguistic communication died, leaving Mr Luya every bit the patriarch. He was likewise left with the difficult chore of continuing the traditions, customs as well as beliefs of this tribe. But with the decease of that man, Kaayo Lepolote, the El Molo linguistic communication began its journeying to extinction. Not fifty-fifty the electrical current patriarch is fluent inwards it But, fifty-fifty threatened with extinction, Kenya’s footling known as well as smallest tribe living inwards 2 villages inwards the southeastern shore of Lake Turkana is fighting to maintain its customs as well as traditions.
El Molo kids making fire
Fish is their staple, something which has been blamed for their pathetic nutrition as well as depression population growth rate. The El Molo are belike the only Kenyan tribe that exclusively survives on fish. And they are practiced fishermen.
“We conduct hold 2 meals a day; fish inwards the morn as well as for supper,” says Ekai Akinyanya, a fisherman whom Lifestyle works life past times the lakeside repairing his fishing net.
“A kid is regarded every bit quondam plenty to leave of absence his mother’s side when he is able to pike a fish inwards water,” Mr Luya says.
They purpose spears or harpoons, line-fishing rods (made from the roots of an acacia with doumpalm fibre as well as a forged atomic number 26 dot or hook), nets made from doumpalm fibre, as well as fishing as well as traditional rafts made of doumpalm logs tied together with rope.
El Molo hunters capture Hippopotamus
Fish, hippopotamus as well as crocodiles are of import animals to the tribe. In this community, killing a hippo is what killing a king of beasts is to a Maasai moran. Anyone who kills a hippo is decorated with a necklace made from the hippo’s teeth as well as a feast for the whole community is held.
These days, the El Molo have every bit many visitors every bit one-half their population. But to teach there, visitors conduct hold to conquer ane of Kenya’s most difficult terrains as well as harshest climates.
The El Molo are straight off finding tourism an first-class source of income. The floor of how the El Molo came into beingness is borrowed from a pop floor of their keen heroine, Sepenya.“A long fourth dimension ago, Lake Turkana did non exist,” narrates Makambo Lotorobo, the curator of the Desert Museum where El Molo’s history
is beingness preserved. “A meaning adult woman known every bit Sepenya visited a local outflow as well as forgot to encompass it with a lid afterwards fetching water. Water flooded the whole expanse forming a lake.”
Later on, Sepenya gave nativity to a boy called Melissa. Without whatever other human beingness around, woman bring upwardly as well as boy bore the El Molo community which inhabited the southeastern shores of the lake at El Molo Bay.
“If you lot walk exactly about the bay, you lot volition find members who are disabled,” Mr Lotorobo says adding that it’s because the people conduct hold a closed blood relationship. The other reason, he says, is that they drinkable salty H2O from the lake.
Count Samuel Teleki as well as Lt L. von Hohnel, the first Europeans who first came across the community inwards 1888, described them every bit a grouping of people “living alone on fish, crocodiles as well as hippopotamus meat”. Their population was estimated to live 200-300.
In the interrogation paper, The Elmolo past times W. S. Dyson as well as V. E. Fuchs published inwards The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great United Kingdom of Great Britain as well as Northern Ireland of Britain as well as Northern Republic of Ireland as well as Ireland, it is indicated that inwards 1934 when the Lake Rudolf Expedition visited them, at that topographic point were only 84 of them left. The mass says when discovered, the El Molowere the pathetic of the 3 surrounding tribes – Rendille, Dasenech as well as Samburu – as well as their way of life was modified past times extreme poverty every bit they depended on whatever they caught from the lake for food.
In 1976, an El Molo principal inwards Loiyangalani presented 369 every bit the number of his tribesmen, an increment from 233 inwards the 1973 census results. The members are spread across 7 clans, out of which 4 conduct hold shrines known every bit gantes.
The shrines are Marle, where prayers for cursing enemy tribes, pelting as well as protection from ophidian bites are conducted; Orikala for sacrifices to heighten goodness luck when hunting the hippopotamus; Origaltite for approbation barren women to conceive; as well as Orisole, which the clan uses to asking for protection against calamities such every bit diseases as well as curses of troublemakers inside the community.“Different clans conduct hold their ain powers every bit illustrated past times the diverse shrines,” says an elder, William Lengotok.
The shrines are located on an isle called the “Island of Ghosts” or “Island of no Return” which the community considers every bit sacred places. When attacked past times enemies, every bit legend goes, they used to retreat to this island, grab lots of catfish as well as spread them across the entrance to the island. As the raiders approached, they would teach pricked past times the catfish bones as well as never accomplish them.
“We remain away from this isle because it’s a breeding expanse for fish,” Mr Lengotok adds.
For several years the tribe maintained their exercise of endogamy but started to intermarry with neighbouring tribes exactly about 1973. They go on changing some of their traditions as well as customs as well as adopting ways of life of the Samburu, Turkana as well as Christians.
El Molo adult woman showing a beaded Christian cross
Mr Luya has 3 wives; an El Molo, a Samburu as well as a Turkana. The people wearing apparel traditionally as well as inwards Western clothes. Some apparel the traditional selah as well as beads as well as caprine animal or fish skins. One of Mr Luya’s children, Fabian Luya, goes to schoolhouse as well as has a Christian name.
“We are intermarrying with other tribes as well as nosotros promise that this volition relieve us from beingness termed a dying people,” Mr Luya says. But their interaction with other communities is non without challenges because of their history, economical activities as well as regard past times neighbours every bit a “lesser people”.
El Molo elders tell the Pokots do non similar them for their fish eating. “They chase away our women married amid them accusing them of beingness ‘worthless fish eaters’,” says Mr Luya.
Among the Maasai, El Molo loosely way “those who brand a living from other sources other than cattle”. The Samburu position them with fish from the phrase loo molo onsikirri, which way “the people who eat fish.”
Unlike their neighbours, the El Molo are non pastoralists as well as rarely eat meat. When they have cows, goats as well as donkeys every bit dowry, they do non maintain them for long. But the donkeys are important.
“We purpose them to send our fish,” says Mzee Edidio Njokulo.
Their little huts on the shores of Lake Turkana are made of doum palm fronds supported with wood from acacia trees.
Although they live a 30-minute drive from Loiyangalani, an oasis, the H2O is non direct available to El Molo Bay.

Schooling El Molo kids
The El Molo seldom present desperation inwards their faces but they are fighting for survival. The lake, which they depend on, is greatly beingness polluted, it is evaporating at a steady charge per unit of measurement of well-nigh 30cm a year. Lack of sanitary facilities as well as express access to fresh drinking H2O is increasing the pressure level on them. The conservationist group, Friends of Lake Turkana, says the blockage of the Omo River as well as Lake Turkana past times the Ethiopian Gibe dam is projected to number inwards a driblet of 7 to 10 metres inwards the lake’s depth inwards the first five years.
While over the centuries obscure dialects as well as isolated communities conduct hold come upwardly as well as gone, dispersed past times conquest or ecological disaster, Mr Luya wishes continuity of his people. And he does this past times telling their floor to visitors to the area.
Kenya, Rift Valley, Turkana lake region, El Molo tribe
“I exactly promise that they save the memories for our children as well as futurity generations,” he told journalists, marketers as well as researchers from the Republic of Kenya Tourist Board as well as National Museums of Republic of Kenya who visited the hamlet recently.
Fear of extinction every bit the El Molo numbers drop
There is a large riddle well-nigh the total population of the El Molo community. While some websites approximate the total population of the El Molo at 200, some observers believe the number could live 300. It is the smallest as well as sure enough ane of the smallest tribes inwards Kenya. El Molo villagers stand upwardly exterior their shelters at Loiyangalani hamlet inwards north-eastern Kenya, some 567km from the uppercase Nairobi. El Molo is Kenya's smallest tribe. REUTERS
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 foreign thing well-nigh the El Molo people is that none of them volition unwrap the population of their community. They believe that disclosing their number endangers them to a greater extent than since they conduct hold over the years been assimilated past times their neighbours – the Samburu, Rendille as well as the Turkana from intermarriage.Whatever the case, El Molo is ane of the country’s communities threatened with extinction.
Turkana girl
They conduct hold lost their linguistic communication as well as most of their civilization through assimilation to influential neighbours, mostly the Samburus. They speak Samburu linguistic communication as well as most of their civilization is borrowed from the same community.
There are no official records to present the population of this dying community.
In the 1979 census, the El Molos were works life to live scattered inwards Coast, Central, North Eastern as well as Rift Valley provinces.
Their total number thence was 289.
Christiana Sairi Louwa, of the El Molo community, at UNPFII, New York Apr 2008. source:Minority Rights Group...
The El Molo live inwards what is known every bit El Molo Bay on the southward eastern shores of Lake Turkana.
They live 10 kilometres from Loiyangalani township, which is inhabited past times the Turkana, Samburu as well as Rendille people.
El Molo Bay, which is inwards Marsabit South District, is a rattling little expanse comprising of 2 villages — Layeni as well as Komote.
Here, the El Molos, who are hunters as well as gatherers, endure almost alone on line-fishing using nets made from the doum palm fibre.
El Molo adult woman plumbing fixtures her hut
It is the same fibre or dried woods that they purpose to build their circular grass-thatch huts.
The El Molo are known to hunt the giant Nile Perch. They likewise hunt animals similar hippos as well as crocodiles inwards Lake Turkana.
The yell El Molo, according to linguistics experts, is a Samburu yell referring to people who do non purpose livestock every bit their source of income.
There is ane theory advanced past times people inwards Marsabit on why at that topographic point are rattling few El Molos.
They believe the El Molo teach out early on because of drinking the alkaline metal waters of the lake. It is hard to discovery an El Molo adult man older than threescore years.
At the superlative of concluding year’s drought inwards the country, the Sabbatum Nation visited El Molo Bay village.
And when nosotros sought an interview with a adult man the villagers referred to every bit a local elderberry nosotros asked him his age.
“I’m 25 years quondam as well as a manly mortal bring upwardly of three,” the adult man said.
“Do you lot thence qualify to live an elder?” nosotros asked as well as the adult man confidently responded affirmatively.
This is because most of his historic flow mates are inwards the category of the aged inwards the community.
And the adult man only agreed to speak to us on assurance of a local Catholic priest as well as other church building workers that our squad had no bad intentions for the El Molo.
According to historians the El Molo’s originated from Somalia or Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia as well as settled along the shores of Lake Turkana. Source:
El Molo adult woman smiling. Lake Turkana,Kenya
El; Molo kid crouching
El Molo fisherman
El Molo tribe adult woman as well as baby. Circa 1979
Hunting crocodile

Turkana adult woman with a beaded necklace
Lake Turkana
Turkana daughter living with El Molo tribe
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