Info For Y'all Raya Wollo (Raya Oromo) People: Northernmost Cushitic Oromo People Of Ethiopia

The Raya  Wollo people, sometimes called Raya Oromo are agricultural too music-loving Cushitic Oromo people but at nowadays mixed with minor amalgamated Tigre too Amhara bloodlines living inward the Debubawi Zone of the electrical current Tigray Regional State at the eastern border of the Ethiopian highlands inward Ethiopia.

                            Ethnic Raya Wollo girls from Ethiopia.  johangerrits

Historically, the Raya Wollo (Raya Oromo), with the Yejju Oromo, are the northernmost groups of the Oromo people too are a component subdivision of the Wollo Oromo Tribe. Their women especially are known past times their distinctive hair-braiding styles too facial tattoos.
The Wollo Oromo (particularly the Raya Oromo too Yejju Oromo) were early on Oromo holders of might alongside the increasingly mixed Ethiopian state. The later north-to-south displace of primal might inward Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia led to Oromos inward Shewa holding might inward Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia together with the Shewan Amhara. "In price of descent, the grouping that became politically dominant inward Shewa – too Subsequently inward Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia – was a mixture of Amhara too Oromo; inward price of language, religion too cultural practices, it was Amhara.
Man from the Raya Wollo tribe at Hayk market. Ethiopia. johangerrits

The official map of Oromia shown below includes the Raya-Azebo territory on its northernmost tip.
 sometimes called Raya Oromo are agricultural too music Info For You RAYA WOLLO (RAYA OROMO) PEOPLE: NORTHERNMOST CUSHITIC OROMO PEOPLE OF ETHIOPIA
Currently, Debubawi Zone/Raya-Azebo woreda (county) is bordered on the S past times Alamata, on the southwest past times Ofla, on the northwest past times Endamehoni, on the northward past times Hintalo Wajirat, too on the due east past times the Afar Region. The administrative catch of this woreda (county) is Mersa; other town inward Raya-Azebo includes Weyra Wuha.
Despite their historic resistance against ascendence (read whatever literature on Ethiopian history, the Raya Oromo revolt given below is mentioned every bit the starting fourth dimension revolt against the Teferi authorities every bit early on every bit the piece of cake 1920′s too every bit the predecessor of the Bale Oromo revolt), Raya’s ties with the repose of Oromia remove maintain weakened due to years of wars inward that component subdivision of the region. Today, the challenge should live given to Oromo artists to make music of the Raya inward Afan Oromo; music serves every bit a cultural ambassador every bit good every bit a path to reconnect to one’s historic past times (heritage). It’s also paramount that the Oromo Studies Association (OSA) ready a session during its annual coming together to deliberate on the history of Raya Oromo too on ways to convey virtually the renaissance of Oromummaa inward Raya.
Raya Wollo man

Why the call Raya Wollo?
Wollo was an historical portion too province inward the northeastern component subdivision of Ethiopia, with its uppercase metropolis at Dessie. The province was named after the Wollo Oromo, who settled inward this component subdivision of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia inward the 17th century. An older call for Wollo is Lakomelza.
Following the invasion past times UK of Britain too Northern Republic of Ireland that toppled Italian colonial authorization inward 1941, the provinces of Amhara Sayint, Azabo, Lasta, Raya Province, Wag, too Yejju were added to Wollo. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 number of peasant rebellions rocked Wollo, which included the Woyane rebellion inward 1943, too revolts of the Yejju Oromo inward 1948 too 1970. With the adoption of the novel constitution inward 1995, Wollo was divided betwixt the Afar Region, which absorbed the component subdivision of the province that extended into the Afar Depression; the Tigray Region, which annexed the northwestern corner; too the Amhara Region, which absorbed the residual of the province inward the Ethiopian highlands.
Young adult woman from the Raya Wollo tribe at Hayk market. Ethiopia. johangerrits

Northern Marginalization nether Shewan Rule
 The northern provinces of Gonder, Gojjam, Wollo too Tigray are  the heartland of  the "core" civilisation of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia -- the Ethiopian Orthodox church, the Amharic linguistic communication too script, plow-based agriculture, too many elements of the social scheme of the province derive from this historic region.  Most of the Emperors also came from here.
  At the terminate of the 19th century, the catch of might inward Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia decisively shifted from the northward to Shewa, with the supposition of  the  title of Emperor past times Menelik, King of Shewa.  Menelik was an Amhara, from  the dynasty that  ruled Manz, at the northern  tip of  the modern province of Shewa.  The bulk of the inhabitants of the repose of Shewa were Oromo -- every bit is the representative  today.    In  terms  of  descent,  the  group that  became  politically  dominant  in  Shewa  (and after inward Ethiopia) was a mixture of Amhara too Oromo; inward price of language, religion too cultural practices, it was Amhara.  The northern Amhara regarded the Shewans every bit "Galla" (the pejorative  term  for Oromo), too together with the Tigrayans too  some of  the Agau too Oromo people inward Wollo, resisted the novel Shewan domination, which led to their economical too political marginalization.
Tatooed Wollo Woman, Mezan Teferi , Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia © Eric Lafforgue

Revolt inward Wollo
 Between 1928 too 1930 at that spot was a rebellion -- or a serial of rebellions -- inward northern Wollo  against  Shewan  domination.   The  specific  political  cause was  support  for Ras Gugsa  Wale, a northern Amhara lord with a rigid claim on the throne, against the Shewan Ras Teferi  (who crowned himself the Emperor Haile Selassie after defeating the revolt). The authorities  suppression of the revolt led to quartering soldiers with local people, interrupting the tabular array salt trade,  and  involved massive  looting too confiscation of cattle.   Combined with drought too  locusts,  the  result was  famine. Haile Selassie  ordered  the  importation  of grain  from  India  to  supply  Addis Ababa, but at that spot was no relief for northward Wollo. Political measures were taken after the revolt, including the replacement of much of the administration, which formerly had local roots, with  appointees  from  Shewa;  and  the  joining  of  the  rebellious  districts  to  the  province  of  southern Wollo,  which  was  ruled  with  harshness  and  venality  by  the  crown  prince. These helped to contribute to the farther marginalization of the area, too the serial of famines which plagued the expanse upwardly to the autumn of the Emperor.
  The  cumulative  impact  of  imperial misrule  and  the  petty  tyrannies  of  local  landlords created  an  atmosphere  in  which  development  was  extremely  difficult,  as  described  by  two consultants investigating the possibility of starting livestock projects:
  Wollo is virtually impossible ... at that spot is such an obscuring weight of disbelief, suspected
innuendo too antagonisms; such a mess of mis-government at piffling levels, too such a
lading  of  landlords  that  there  is almost zilch  to  start with too nowhere  to start  that
volition  not  go  wrong  or  sour  ...  [there  is]  the  smothering  welter  of  the  weeds  of  an
entrenched too stagnant society.
The Weyane inward Tigray
  Following the restoration of Haile Selassie after the defeat of the Italians inward 1941, at that spot was a  revolt  in Tigray.   Known every bit  the Weyane,  this was  the most  serious  internal  threat  that Haile Selassie  faced.   An alliance of  the Oromo semi-pastoralists of Raya Azebo, disgruntled peasants, too  some  local  feudal  lords, nether  the military machine  leadership of a  famous shifta, Haile Mariam Redda, the rebels nearly succeeded inward overrunning the whole province.4  British aircraft had to live called inward from Aden inward monastic tell to bomb the rebels to ensure their defeat.  While some of the  aristocratic  leaders,  such  as  Ras  Seyoum Mengesha,  were  treated  gently  and  ultimately allowed  to  return  and  administer  the  recalcitrant  province,  there  were  reprisals  against  the ordinary people.  Most notably, the Raya too Azebo Oromo were subjected to wholesale the world alienation, too much of their territory was transferred to the province of Wollo.  This expanse was badly hitting inward subsequent famines, partly every bit a consequence.
Girl from the Raya Wollo tribe at Hayk market. Ethiopia. johangerrits

Tax Revolts inward Gojjam
  Gojjam treasured its independence for centuries, too did non submit willingly to Shewan rule. The  issue roughly which opposition  repeatedly coalesced was whatever endeavor past times  the primal authorities  to stair out  land too  tax  it.   Taxation was non alone  resented every bit  the  imposition of unjust exertions past times government, but was feared every bit the way whereby the traditional the world tenure scheme would live undermined, too the farmers' independence destroyed.
  In the 1940s too '50s at that spot was a serial of attempts to stair out the world inward Gojjam, prior to taxation.  In the appear upwardly of peasant resistance, including violence, all attempts failed.  In the early on 1960s, alone 0.1 per cent of the the world had been measured, too Gojjam, i of the richest too most populous provinces, paid less the world revenue enhancement than the hapless too thinly populated province of Bale.  In 1950/1 at that spot was armed resistance, including a plot to assassinate Haile Selassie.  However the most  serious  revolt  occurred  in  1968,  in  response  to  the most  systematic  attempt  to  levy  an agricultural income revenue enhancement to date.
  In  February  1968,  in  reaction  to  the  arrival  of  parties  of  government  officials accompanied  by armed  police,  the  peasants  of Mota  and Bichena  districts  resorted  to  armed resistance.  After months of stalemate spell much of the province remained out of authorities control, Haile Selassie sent troops to Gojjam inward July too August.  The air strength bombed several villages;  it burned houses but  its original  task was likely  intimidating  the  resistance.   Several hundred people died, according  to contemporary accounts, but the Gojjamis remained defiant.
Finally, inward December, Haile Selassie backed down.  He visited Gojjam inward 1969, cancelled all tax
arrears, too made no serious endeavor to collect the novel taxes.

Famines inward Wollo too Tigray
  In 1974,  the Emperor Haile Selassie became notorious  for his attempts  to conceal  the beingness of  the  famine of 1972-3  in Wollo.   This, however, was alone i  in a succession of such incidents.  Prof. Mesfin Wolde Mariam of Addis Ababa University has documented how the  famines  of  1958  and  1966  in  Tigray  and Wollo were  treated  with  official  indifference, bordering on hostility towards the peasants who were considered sufficiently ungrateful for the divinely-sanctioned  rule  of Haile Selassie every bit  to let  themselves  to defame his  reputation past times dying of famine.
  There was severe famine inward Tigray inward 1958 which went without pregnant authorities relief.  In 1965/6, reports of famine from Were Ilu awraja inward Wollo arrived at the Ministry of the Interior inward Nov 1965, i calendar month after the province of affairs became clear to the local police, but no activeness was  taken.   The  information  took  a  further  302  days  to  reach  the Emperor, who  then requested the Ministry of the Interior to human activity -- which it did past times asking officials inward Wollo to ship a listing of the names of the people who had died.6  A minor relief distribution was too thus authorized.
The alone consistent answer to famine was to regard it every bit a safety occupation -- famine created destitute migrants, who needed to live prevented from entering towns, especially Addis Ababa.
  Both the 1958 too 1965/6 famines killed tens of thousands of people.
  The famine that struck Wollo during 1972-3 played a crucial role inward Ethiopian history:
"the revelation of that famine past times the British telly journalist Jonathan Dimbleby played a key
role  in  precipitating  the  downfall  of  the  rule  of Haile Selassie.   Between  40,000  and  80,000
people  died." The  famine  also  led  directly  to  the  creation  of  the  Relief  and  Rehabilitation
Commission (RRC), the powerful authorities subdivision mandated to foreclose too ameliorate
hereafter famines, too to coordinate international assistance.  The 1972-3 famine was the finally one
inward which  there were  no  functioning mechanisms  for  the  delivery  of  large-scale  humanitarian
  The Wollo  famine was  popularly  blamed  on  drought,  a  backward  and  impoverished
social system, too the cover-up attempted past times the majestic government.  These factors were all
of import -- though it must live remembered that specific actions past times the government, especially
after  the  Ras  Gugsa  and  Weyane  revolts,  were  instrumental  in  creating  the  absence  of
development.  In addition, forcible alienation of resources too violence also played an important
  The  group  that  suffered most  from  the  famine were  the Afar  pastoral  nomads  of  the
Danakil desert.  Famine had already gripped them inward early on 1972.  The Afar inhabit an arid semi-
wilderness, utilizing pastures over a large expanse to back upwardly their herds.  In times of drought, they
are  forced to displace  to areas which they make non commonly exploit.   Traditional drought reserves
included the Tcheffa Valley, on the rift valley escarpment, too pastures along the inland delta of
the Awash  river where  the waters  dissipate  into  the  desert.    In  the  1960s  the Tcheffa Valley
became the location of commercial sorghum farms, too minor farmers from nearby also began
to utilisation much of the land.  Meanwhile, large cotton fiber plantations were developed along the Awash.
 By 1972, 50,000 hectares of irrigated the world had displaced 20,000 Afar pastoralists.
  During the years of expert rainfall, the loss of the drought reserves was non noticed past times the
Afar, but when repeated drought struck, they flora that a necessary resources they had utilized
sporadically for generations had been alienated, without compensation.  Famine alongside the Afar
was surely caused past times drought -- but past times drought acting on a social club that had been deprived of
the way of responding to that threat.
  Official indifference to the plight of the Afar is illustrated past times an incident inward 1974, when
the alluvion waters of the Awash river were directed to the Dubti valley inward monastic tell to irrigate cotton
plantations.  The resident Afar population was non informed, too 3,000 lost their homes, while
100 were "missing."
  Mobility is crucial to survival alongside the Afar.  Nomadic inward normal times, the might to
displace freely over large distances becomes a vital draw of piece of work organisation when resources are short.  In the early
1970s,  the Afar's mobility  was  further  restricted  by  the  flow  of  weaponry  to  their  nomadic
neighbors  and  competitors,  the  Issa  (who  are  ethnic  Somali).    The  Issa  themselves  were
suffering from the alienation of much of their pasture too restrictions on their movement.  The
resultant was an endeavor past times  the Afar  to appropriate wells  formerly used past times  the  Issa.   This  led  to
widespread armed clashes, especially inward 1972.  One Afar reported "Many people die.  Disease is
the starting fourth dimension crusade but the Issa are the second."  Meanwhile, a survey done alongside the Issa reported
that homicide past times the Afar was a major crusade of death.  The famine also resulted inward large-scale
armed clashes betwixt the Afar too their Oromo neighbors inward Wollo.
  The minute grouping which suffered severely from the famine included farmers inward a narrow
strip  of middle-altitude areas  of northern  and  central Wollo.   Those who  suffered most were
tenants.  The Raya too Azebo Oromo had been reduced to that province past times massive the world alienation
after they participated inward the Weyane revolt against Haile Selassie inward 1943.  Others were forced
to mortgage  or  sell  their  land  by  the  stresses  of  repeated  harvest  failures  in  the  early  1970s.
Landlords  took  advantage  of  their  tenants' penury  by  insisting on  the  payment  of  large  rents,
oft inward kind.   This demand could live backed upwardly past times  force, every bit most  influential  landlords had a
retinue of armed guards.  The enforcement of crippling tenancy contracts inward fourth dimension of shortage had
the effect of taking nutrient from the hungry.  Thus, during 1973, the famine expanse exported grain to
the provincial capital, Dessie, too to Addis Ababa.
  The famine was much less severe inward Tigray province, despite the drought affecting both
provinces.  The departure tin live largely accounted for past times the dissimilar modes of the world tenure --
inward Tigray, most farmers owned their ain land; inward middle-land Wollo, most were tenants.
Finally,  the Emperor Haile Selassie considered that the peasants too nomads of Wollo
were shaming His reputation past times starving, too resolved to ignore them.  Reports of famine were
consistently  ignored  or  denied.    In  response  to  a  report  by  UNICEF  documenting  famine
weather  in  July  1973,  the Vice-Minister  of  Planning  retorted:  "If nosotros  have  to  describe  the
province of affairs inward  the way you lot remove maintain inward monastic tell  to generate  international assistance, too thus nosotros don't want
that assistance.  The embarrassment to the authorities isn't worth it.  Is that perfectly clear?"
  Though  the  governor  of Wollo,  Crown  Prince  Asfa Wossen,  was  both  greedy  and
incompetent  (at the fourth dimension of  the  famine he forced  the closure of commercial sorghum farms in
the  Tcheffa  Valley  by  engaging  in  litigation,  claiming  their  ownership),  Haile  Selassie was
never  in  ignorance  of  the  conditions  in Wollo.   Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 United Nations  official visited him  in early on 1973 and
flora  him well-informed  --  his  attitude was  that  peasants  always  starve  and  nothing  can  be
done,  and  that  in  any  case  it was  not  the  Shewan Amhara who were  dying.   On  belatedly
visiting the province inward Nov 1973, his i remedial activeness was to denote that all who
had sold or mortgaged their the world inward the previous twelvemonth could render too turn it during the coming
season, alone leaving it to their creditors afterwards.  Even this minimal too tardy gesture was
non enforced.
Portrait of a Man Holding a Christian Symbol, Bieta Golgotha, Lalibela, Wollo Region

The 1975 Northern Rebellions
  The Wollo famine contributed to the downfall of Haile Selassie, non because the hungry
peasants  and  nomads  revolted  and  forced  him  out,  but  because  the  issue  gained  political
currency alongside the students too middle classes of Addis Ababa.  However, that is non to say
that the famine, too to a greater extent than mostly the 8 decades of political marginalization too economic
stagnation that preceded it, did non remove maintain serious consequences at the fourth dimension of the 1974 revolution
too the years following.
Man from the Raya Wollo tribe at Hayk market. Ethiopia.  johangerrits

  In  the  early  1970s,  "peasant  risings  in  various  provinces  [were] an fifty-fifty to a greater extent than closely
guarded  secret  than  the  famine".   These  revolts  intensified  in  during  the  revolution, with  a
serial of rebellions led past times feudal leaders inward each of the northern provinces.  In Wollo, at that spot was
a  revolt  by  a  feudal  lord,  Dejazmatch  Berhane  Maskal.    In  March  1975,  he  destroyed  an
Ethiopian airlines DC3 at Lalibella.  In October, he rallied supporters after a spree of killings of
former landlords past times peasants too authorities safety officers.  Dej. Berhane's ill-armed force
of 5,000 was defeated past times authorities militia too air  force attacks close Woldiya inward December
1975, but he continued to crusade problems for the authorities for years.  Another feudal leader,
Gugsa  Ambow,  had  brief  military  successes  in  northern Wollo,  before  the  army  foiled  an
endeavor  to  capture  Korem  in  mid-1976,  reportedly  causing  1,200  fatalities  among  Gugsa's
peasant regular army too local villagers.18  Other smaller revolts occurred inward Gojjam too Shewa.
  The most  significant  rebellion  started  in Tigray.   This was  an  insurrection  led  by  the
former governor, Ras Mengesha Seyoum (son of the governor at the fourth dimension of the 1943 Weyane).
 Ras Mengesha fled to the hills with virtually 600 followers inward Nov 1984, when the Dergue
executed lx officials of the previous regime.  Ras Mengesha combined with other members of
the aristocracy, notably General Negga Tegegne  (former governor of Gonder) too formed the
Ethiopian  Democratic  Union  (EDU)  in  1976.    They  obtained  encouragement  from  western
countries.  With Sudanese military machine assistance, the EDU occupied the towns of Metema, Humera
too Dabat (all inward Gonder province) betwixt Feb too Apr 1977,19 but was defeated past times the
militia strength sent to the province inward June-July.
 Proud manful someone parent with his miss from the Raya Wollo tribe at Hayk market. Ethiopia.  johangerrits

  The  EDU  remained  active  in  Tigray,  where  two  other  rebel  groups  were  also
operational.  The Tigrayan People's Liberation Front (TPLF) was ready inward Feb 1975 past times a
grouping  of  left-wing  students  and  peasants,  incorporating  the  Tigray  National  Organization,
created  three  years earlier.   Prominent alongside  its early on  leaders was Berihu Aregawi;  later  the
front end was  headed  by Meles Zenawi.    In  1978,  the TPLF  set  up  the Relief Society  of Tigray
(REST),  headed  by  Abadi  Zemo.    It  espoused  a mix  of  Tigrayan  nationalism  and  socialist
transformation.   The Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Party (EPRP), after defeat  in the urban
Red Terror (see chapter 6), retreated to a base of operations inward rural eastern Tigray inward mid-1977.
  The EDU was rent past times divisions betwixt its leaders, too its aristocratic leaders failed to
gain pop back upwardly alongside their quondam tenants.  Crucially, it suffered defeat at the hands of
the TPLF.20  The EPRP was also defeated past times the TPLF too driven into Gonder, creating lasting
bitterness betwixt the ii organization.
  After  the  ill-fated Peasants' March  of  1976,  the  government  launched  a  series  of  five military machine  offensives  in Tigray: Nov  1976,  June  1978, October-November  1978, March-
Apr 1979 too May-June 1979.  Small towns such every bit Abi Adi changed hands several times.  By
1979,  REST  estimated  that  50,000  people  in  Tigray  were  displaced  on  account  of  war.
Refugees from Tigray too Gonder began to teach inward in Sudan inward early on 1975.  By May at that spot were
34,000; past times 1978  there were 70,000.    In Feb 1979,  the Ethiopian regular army  invaded Sudanese
territory at Jebel Ludgi, forcing the evacuation of the nearby refugee military camp of Wad el Hileui.
 sometimes called Raya Oromo are agricultural too music Info For You RAYA WOLLO (RAYA OROMO) PEOPLE: NORTHERNMOST CUSHITIC OROMO PEOPLE OF ETHIOPIA
Young adult woman from the Raya Wollo tribe at Hayk market. Ethiopia.  johangerrits

Dates too  Event of Raya Wollo (Raya Oromo) people          
1929: Oromo peasants too nomads inward Yejju, Raya or Wajerat districts of nowadays southern Tigray too northern Wallo revolted against the dominion of Haile Selassie too refused to pay the heavy taxes imposed on them.  The authorities dispatched troops to lay downwards the revolt.  The peasants with few arms they possessed were able to defeat the troops too capture a large quantity of arms too ammunition.  Additional arms were obtained past times the nomads from the Red Sea coast inward Tajura.

1929: The Oromo fighters of the revolt inward Yejju too Raya controlled a large component subdivision of their expanse too shut the merchandise road that connected Dasee, the uppercase of Wallo, to the south.  In a battle with the authorities forces inward Oct 1929, the Oromo fighters captured 2,000 rifles too 12,000 cartridges.

1930: Tafari Makonnen, throne call Haile Sellassie I, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Elect of God too Emperor of Ethiopia, succeeded Zawditu to the throne.
Woman from the Raya wollo tribe.  johangerrits

1930: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 large authorities force, led past times the state of war minister, Mulugeta, arrived inward Yejju too Raya regions.  The Oromo fighters lay upwardly rigid resistance.  The Oromo resistance was finally lay down, although temporarily, mainly past times the utilisation of airplanes.  It was the starting fourth dimension time airplanes were ever used inward a state of war inward the Empire.

1931: The starting fourth dimension constitution of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia was introduced.  In this document the term "Abyssinia" was dropped inward favor of "Ethiopia," thereby defining Abyssinians too all the colonized peoples every bit "Ethiopians."
woman from the Raya Wollo tribe at Hayk market. Ethiopia.  johangerrits

1935/1936: Oromo of Raya too Qobbo were fighting Haile Selassie’s army.  At i point, on Apr 3, 1936 close Ashange Lake, they almost trapped Haile Selassie himself fleeing from the Italians.  He never lay his feet inward this expanse over again after that.  During the same period, the Oromo guerrillas attacked the retreating Ethiopian regular army led past times Ras Mulugeta too inflicted heavy casualties.  They revenged his before (1930) aerial assault on them past times killing his son; he himself narrowly escaped.  One of the reasons for the assault was, the Ethiopian regular army on its way to the state of war had looted the belongings of the Oromo communities.

1943: The Oromo uprising inward Raya was temporarily suppressed with the assistance of the British Royal Air Force stationed inward Aden.  Many of the leaders of the Oromo displace were also implicated inward the Woyane revolt inward Tigray inward 1943.

1947/1948: The Raya Oromo rose upwardly inward arms again.  Again after they had liberated a large expanse of their land, the displace was stopped when the British Royal Air Force inward Aden, at the asking of the Ethiopian regime, bombed the Oromo guerrilla positions.
Young adult woman from the Raya Wollo tribe at Hayk market. Ethiopia.  johangerrits


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