Info For Y'all Jacob Wilson Sey: The Kickoff Gilded Coast Millionaire, Nationalist Too Kickoff Financier Of Ghana`S Independence Too The President Of Aborigine`S Correct Protection Monastic Say (Arps

"The high tides of the ocean take away hold cipher to practise alongside a crablet." Jacob Wilson Sey
Jacob Wilson Sey aka “Kwaa Bonyi”, President of the Aborigines' Rights Protection Society. The maiden of all existent architect as well as financier towards Ghana`s independence. He was the maiden of all Gold Coast millionaire.
Image from "Political History of Ghana", yesteryear David Kimble, Oxford Press, 1963. Used alongside permission.

THERE were many keen people who were the accolade as well as leaders of their generations but who died unsung as well as their memories forgotten yesteryear posterity, so is that of Mr. Jacob Wilson-Sey, popularly known yesteryear his nick-name “Kwaa Bonyi”. This nick-name he earned from his low-cal hearted jokes which made many people consider him exactly every bit a joker who should non live taken seriously. These people nicknamed him “Kwaa Aboan’nyi” which literally meant – at that spot is Kwaw the ‘joker’. Wilson Sey of Anomabo, inwards Gold Coast straightaway Republic of Ghana was 1 individual who gave his all for his province as well as yet has non been properly rewarded. He was the maiden of all Gold Coast millionaire! His singular human activity of financing Gold Coast deputation to England to combat the Land Bill of 1897 saved the the entire West African coast from their reason existence ceased every bit the Queen`s property.
Jacob Wilson-Sey was born inwards Asafura-Biriwa, a angling hamlet close Anomabo to a pathetic as well as illiterate span on tenth March, 1832. His manful individual nurture was Paapa Saah – a Carpenter as well as his woman nurture Maame Abadua – a Farmer. Kwaa Bonyi belonged to the Akona Ebiradze menage unit of measurement of Anomabo.
Jacob did non take away hold whatever chance for formal instruction as well as correct from childhood, he was compelled to pursue his father’s calling as well as he also sold palm-wine for many years. Jacob was a neglected kid as well as apart from virtually vii pounds which his woman nurture gave him as well as which he used to purchase a farmland at Asafura hamlet close Biriwa, he received no other aid of whatever variety from whatever fellow member of his family.
Later, Jacob studied joinery as well as became a coffin vendor. Many people flocked to purchase coffins from him, because he used his keen feel of sense of humor as well as his jokes to practise laughter advertizement thus lightened the grief of bereaved families at his workshop. He was noted for coining his ain version of the English linguistic communication language spicing it alongside Fante words. For example:
"The Epo Prams of the ocean has cipher to practise alongside Akesaw’s Podise” – pregnant – the high tides of the ocean take away hold cipher to practise alongside a crablet.
Whenever he found the going tough alongside his coffin merchandise because of lack of money to fund it, he ever cruel dorsum on his palm-wine tapping as well as palm fossil oil manufacturing trade.
Jacob had 2 other brothers namely Ewusi – who came to live known every bit Joseph Wilson-Sey as well as a younger blood brother called Kwabena.
Jacob came yesteryear his enormous wealth inwards the trend that looked similar a fairly tale, an African ‘Aladdin Cave tale’ as well as became 1 of the very, real few multi-millionaires inwards the whole of Africa.
It is said that 1 early on morning time at virtually 12:45a.m., Kwaa-Bonyi decided to catch a for certain farm betwixt Asafura as well as Egyirfa where he could teach first-class palm fruits. He left for this farm when the whole hamlet was even so asleep. That day, he did non sing hymns, every bit was his habit whenever he was working or walking, but he restricted himself to praying silently. Fortunately, it was a brilliant Luna night. When he reached the farm, he saw a real tall palm tree close a hill. He went to the tree as well as began to climb it, but a serpent chased him upwards the palm tree.

Terrified of the scaly monster, Kwaa Bonyi lost his travelling steal as well as cruel to the Earth unconscious. It is said that he heard a phonation commanding him to wake upwards as well as go inwards peace as well as thus present dear as well as kindness to the needy. On regaining consciousness, his eyes cruel on a glittering object. Out of curiosity, he cautiously approached it, took it upwards as well as examined it. To his amazement, it proved to live a gilded nugget. He also saw inwards the near-by bush what seemed to live a number of pots filled alongside pure gold.
He sealed off the identify as well as over a menses of time, managed to smuggle the pots of gilded secretly to his house. This treasure trove was supposed to live worth virtually 2 hundred billion pounds today. From that fourth dimension onward, his life changed dramatically.
No longer was he Kwaa Bonyi the pathetic as well as illiterate; no longer the palm vino seller;
People knew, no longer the carpenter who sold coffin as well as no to a greater extent than the palm fossil oil manufacturer,  he was Jacob Wilson-Sey Esq.
Clothed inwards expensive silk shirts, tail coats as well as trousers, peak as well as bowler hats. Jacob was a co-founder as well as the maiden of all President of the Aborigine Rights Protection Society, which was bent on opposing the Lands Bill of 1897. In this connection, Jacob led a deputation to nowadays a petition to Queen Victoria inwards England as well as was received at No. 10 Downing Street to parlay alongside the Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, Secretary of State for the Colonies on behalf of the kings, chiefs as well as the people of the Gold Coast on the abrogation of the notorious Land Bill of 1897 which had appeared inwards the Government’s Gazette extra-ordinary No.8 dated tenth March, 1897. The only 2 unofficial Gold Coast members inwards the Legislative Council at that fourth dimension were helpless inwards blocking its passage.
The petition was signed yesteryear xv kings made upwards of: Amonoo IV, King of Anomabu; Otu IV, King of Abura; Kwame Essandoh IV, King of Nkusukum; Badu Bonsa, King of Ahanta; Hima Denkyi, King Atta, King of Behin – Western Appolonia; Wiraku Atobura, King of Western Wassaw; Kwesi Ble, King of Atoabu, Eastern Appolonia; Nkwantabisa, King of Denkyira; Akyin II, King of Ekumfi; Kobina Kondua, King of Elmina; Kobina Hamah, King of Adjumaku as well as over 64 Chiefs from the western as well as Central provinces.
George Hughes, E.F. Hunt, T.F.E. Jones, the 1897 London Deputation of the Aborigines' Rights Protection Society Image from "Political History of Ghana", yesteryear David Kimble, Oxford Press, 1963. Used alongside permission.

With the legal aid of Edward F. Hunt, a solicitor from Sierra Leone who was assisted yesteryear a leading London theater of legal practitioners – Messrs Ashurst, Crips Co. as well as Mr. Corrie, Barrister at Law, the deputation consisting of Jacob Wilson-Sey (leader), Thomas Freemnand, Edward Jones as well as George Hughes (both merchants at Cape Coast) succeeded inwards their mission.
They returned to the Gold Coast alongside a missive of the alphabet from Queen Victoria abrogating the Land’s Bill as well as a gift of her bust. This was after mounted on a plot of reason close the ocean which after came to live known every bit Victoria Park for durbars as well as other province functions. The bust was unveiled inwards 1925 yesteryear Princess Anne, a granddaughter of Queen Victoria.

He encouraged the chiefs to laid other Victoria Parks inwards their parts of the province inwards accolade of this illustrious queen. Thus resulted inwards the edifice of Victoria Parks inwards Saltpond, Winneba, Elmina, Axim, Accra, Koforidua as well as Kyebi, etc. It is note-worthy that all the expenses on the deputation, running into thousands of pounds, were fully borne yesteryear Jacob Wilson-Sey alone. It is said that he hired a transportation called “Alba” to convey the deputation to as well as from Britain.
Jacob Wilson Sey`s money went into the transformation of this keen school

On his render to the Gold Coast from Britain, Jacob Wilson-Sey continued to innovation for the betterment of the people of Cape Coast as well as the entire Central Province. He turned his efforts to the introduction of railway to serve Cape Coast as well as its environs. In conjunction alongside his skillful friend John Mensah Sarbah who was on real cordial damage alongside Governors White, Griffith, Hodgson as well as Maxwell, they negotiated for this project.
The status given to them was that if Cape Coast as well as its hinterland would live able to create 2 tons of cocoa a year, a railway line would live built every bit an economical proposition. To implement this condition, it became necessary to get as well as encourage the native farmers to accelerate the growth of cocoa as well as palm oil. Jacob Wilson-Sey as well as Mensah Sarbah made substantial cash advances to them inwards monastic tell to achieved this, but the target was unattainable inside the fourth dimension set.
Indeed, if it had bee achieved it would take away hold been the 8th wonder of the world, since inwards 1919 the entire cocoa output of the whole province was only 80ibs – twenty-eighth of a ton. Each farmer would take away hold had to increase his output fifty-six times over the year. But he was able to convey aid of approximately other variety to the people of Cape Coast.
With the edifice of a wharf at Sekondi, the importance of Cape Coast began to wane. Many of its lawyers, e.g. Casely-Hayford, Riberrio, Charles Bannerman, Hutton Mills, Renner as well as Sapara-Williams left for either Accra, Axim, or Takoradi. Kwaa Bonyi bought many houses inwards Cape Coast as well as entreated these people as well as others to render as well as occupy them costless of charge.
Among the many houses old Sey bought inwards Cape Coast for the returnees were Candle House, Commissariat House, de-Graft House, Palm House, Fordgate House No.2, PWD Building, Rose Pillars, Colonial School, Russel House, Standard Bank Building, part of Supreme Court edifice as well as many others. On peak of these houses, he erected a replica of a pot of palm vino inwards clay inwards recognition of his early on beginnings as well as the skillful fortune which had made it all possible.
Jacob Wilson-Sey (Kwaa Bonyi) was a real staunch Methodist. He was known for his involvement inwards as well as back upwards of the church, financing the purchase of church; organs, repairing church building buildings as well as providing the choristers alongside robes as well as hymn books.
He also paid the salaries of the clergy as well as other missionary staff. The magnanimity was non limited to the Methodist Church alone. All other churches inwards Cape Coast derived practise goodness from it.
He was a skillful patriot as well as made generous contributions inwards back upwards of the moves to render to the Gold Coast Kings inwards exile – e.g. Kobena Gyan of Elmina as well as Nana Prempeh I of Ashanti. At last, after a brief illness, Kwaa Bonyi died inwards his theater on May 22, 1902, at the historic menses of seventy years. The bodies of both Kwaa Bonyi, as well as that of his married adult woman Amba Kosimah, also known every bit Agnes Charlotte Morgue were buried inwards the graveyard close the Cape Coast Town Hall.
In conclusion, it could live said that Jacob Wilson-Sey was non only a skillful boy of the Central Province/Region which he used his fabulous wealth to develop, but also a truthful patriot of the Gold Coast as well as indeed of the whole of Africa. But for the role he played inwards founding the Aborigines Right Protection Society as well as his sponsoring of a deputation to London to persuade Queen Victoria to abrogate the notorious Lands Bill of 1897, the lands of the Gold Coast would take away hold been vested inwards the Crown as well as the Gold Coast would take away hold been approximately other South Africa, approximately other Republic of Zimbabwe where reason reclamation from the Whites take away hold led to violence, anguish as well as several deaths of both the Blacks as well as the Whites.
Kwaa Bonyi should live lauded as well as his cry established inwards the history of the country; for piece other heroes’ as well as heroine’s piece of job affected only their areas of origin, Kwaa Bonyi’s affected the whole of the province as well as thus saved her from anguish as well as deprivation which would otherwise take away hold been its lot.


– The Palmwine Tapper

In the country’s Gallery of Celebrities,
We mountain you lot every bit a reminder to your countrymen
That they were kings of commerce,
Till they chose to live agents.

Your history is a touchstone for thrift,
One of which whatever patch tin strength out live proud.
The conversion of 4 pounds into 50 thousand
Is the piece of job of a commercial giant.

Born of landed aboriginals, you lot early on took to the soil as well as found turn a profit inwards the palm-tree.
Your mother, a wise woman, encouraged you, as well as gave you lot a trivial bank;
That depository fiscal establishment was the idol that usurped the rightful identify of your mightiness as well as talent,
Which were the agency of the acquisition of your wealth:

For your countrymen had the belief,
That your woman nurture entrusted you lot alongside a treasure-trove of gilded dust inwards 2 palm vino ports.
The value of which inwards English linguistic communication currency would live 5 M pounds.
This tin strength out live contradicted.

Mr. W.T. Duncan was your neighbor inwards a theater that faced the Cape Coast Castle.
You informed him that the even of your wealth was unfounded.
As it concerned the gilded inwards palm pots,
And you lot confided to him, that the nowadays from your woman nurture was only.
“Esuanu” – 4 pounds 1 shilling.

Sire, alongside this foundation, you lot built a fortune yesteryear hard toil:
First, from the sale of palm-wine;
Secondly, from joinery as well as the sale of coffins;
And thirdly, from the sale of palm-oil.

At the 3rd stage, you lot had risen to the enviable seat of a commercial magnate.
Your fortune rose into tens of thousand.
You had no instruction to aid you,
But you lot were able to maintain an equilibrium that carried you lot on till your death.

At the fourth dimension of your death, you lot had over 30 M pounds inwards cash;
Ten M pounds owing to you, as well as your existent estate exceeded x M pounds,
These are non wonderful figures inwards now-a-day world.
But they are the magnificent fruits of the seed of 4 pounds as well as toil.

We teach out the even to history.
It was the palm that gave you lot wealth.
We remind your countrymen of this,
And inquire them to milk shiver off the incubus of the foreigner-cocoa.

We teach wealth, as well as nosotros teach out it:
But, if nosotros aid our country, nosotros gain fame.
Your cry has gained renown.

You volition live remembered every bit a Patriot who helped his province alongside thousands;
Who, on the crisis of the Land Bill, his affairs as well as became an Ambassador of State to nowadays a memorial to the Queen of England, And saved his country.
You volition also live remembered every bit the maiden of all President of the Aborigines Protection Society.

But, yesteryear his keen as well as variety deeds, Jacob Sey even so lives for his countrymen.

In the country’s Gallery of Celebrities, your province offering you lot a Chief place,
And hands you lot her Banquets

Aborigines' Rights Protection Society

Building the foundation of modern Ghana

LaRay Denzer, Article Author
In West Africa, the final decade of the nineteenth century was marked yesteryear the aggressive establishment of colonial dominion throughout the sub-region, oftentimes yesteryear armed services conquest. In the wake of armed services line of piece of job as well as the forced exile of notable traditional rulers, similar the Prempeh I, Asantehene of Asante, as well as Jaja of Opobo, the educated elite as well as traditional authorities inwards the colonies of the Gold Coast as well as Lagos joined forces to cast novel associations to protect their indigenous laws as well as customs.

The ideas behind these organizations rested on a long tradition of constitution-making as well as protestation that tin strength out live traced dorsum to the original constitutions of Sierra Leone (1787) as well as Republic of Liberia (1847), as well as the political treatises of James Africanus Beale Horton (1835-1883), Edward Blyden (1852-1912) as well as their intellectual circles. Mindful of the prevailing political climate of oppression as well as retaliation, indigenous chiefs as well as their educated subjects inwards the colonies evolved strategy as well as tactics that emphasized a conservative as well as constitutional approach to protest, ever stressing their loyalty every bit British subjects. One of the most important of these organizations was the Aborigines? Rights Protection Society (ARPS), founded inwards Cape Coast inwards 1897 (Tenkorang 1975; Edsman 1979: 54-67; Kimble 1963: 330-81).

The ARPS emerged from a protracted protestation carried out yesteryear the Fante chiefs as well as people against a sustained attempt yesteryear the colonial authorities to laissez passer on legislation restricting their rights of reason ownership as well as usage every bit good every bit assuming command of mineral as well as woods rights. In 1894, the colonial authorities submitted its maiden of all Lands Bill for consideration of the Legislative Council, inwards which at that spot were only 2 African unofficial members. From the maiden of all whiff of the government?s plans, the chiefs as well as the educated elite organized petitions, world demonstrations, majority meetings, as well as a powerful press campaign, masterminded yesteryear Reverend Samuel Richard Brew Attoh-Ahuma (formerly Samuel Solomon) (1875-1921), who made no apology for turning his newspaper, the Gold Coast Methodist Times, from a religious organ into an engine of political protest.

The press characterized this legislation every bit ?civilised Robbery or British Brigandism.? Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 fundamental theme developed yesteryear the press as well as petition-writers was that neither the Bond of 1844 nor the 1874 Proclamation defining British jurisdiction mentioned anything virtually the soil of the Gold Coast existence the belongings of the British monarch.

Agitation against the lands bills stemmed from the deep reverence for reason every bit the foundation of West African community as well as menage unit of measurement life. One historian has concluded that seldom had a mensurate so far-reaching inwards its impact on social club been introduced alongside so trivial agreement of its implications (Kimble 1963). According to customary law, all reason was owned yesteryear the traditional authorities who administered it for the collective skillful of their people as well as their futurity descendants. For the authorities to accept over fifty-fifty a part of the command over reason implied a important reduction inwards the say-so of the chiefs as well as menage unit of measurement heads of families. In the physical care for of defending indigenous institutions, John Mensah Sarbah (1864-1910) published Fanti Customary Laws (1897) as well as Fanti National Constitution (1906) as well as J. E. Casely Hayford (1866-1930) published Gold Coast Native Institutions (1903), which take away hold remained of import sources for agreement traditional polities.

In Great Britain, the ARPS agitation received back upwards from several groups. Influential commercial interests joined the protest: mining companies, merchant groups alongside long-term links (and sometimes kinship ties) alongside Gold Coast merchants, as well as most worrying for the Colonial Office, the Chambers of Commerce of London, Liverpool as well as Manchester. But yesteryear far the most of import backing came from the anti-imperialist clit per unit of measurement area group, the Aborigines? Protection Society (APS), led yesteryear its secretary, F. H. Fox Bourne. Links betwixt Fox Bourne as well as the leaders of the ARPS went dorsum to 1891, when he proposed a fact-finding tour of West Africa. Then, he advised the editor of the Gold Coast Chronicle that interested residents inwards the principal towns should cast local committees inwards monastic tell to render data to the social club for the purpose of securing jurist inwards authorities policy throughout the Colony as well as the Protectorate. His missive of the alphabet received much publicity inwards the Gold Coast, as well as the Chronicle used it effectively to drive for political unity as well as purposeful agitation. Although his catch never took place, ?united action? became the catchword of the day.

Throughout 1897 as well as the early on months of 1898, the ARPS improved their methods of consultation, organizing regular meetings alongside the chiefs as well as setting upwards branches inwards all the main coastal towns as well as of import chiefdoms. The executive arranged for legal advice inwards London, as well as laid virtually collecting historical background information. The Colonial Office was duly informed that the Kings as well as Chiefs of the Western Province (Fanteland) intended to nowadays their objections against the Lands Bill to Parliament while, at the same time, the administrators inwards the Gold Coast, proffered contradictory data that these same traditional rulers were to a greater extent than or less resigned to the pending legislation. In May 1898, the ARPS delegation, composed of 3 prosperous Cape Coast merchants

After an eloquent presentation of their instance against the lands legislation, Chamberlain assured them that indigenous constabulary as well as custom would prevail inwards all cases involving local peoples, as well as that cases involving indigenous constabulary as well as custom would live decided inwards a judicial court. This represented a noun victory for the ARPS as well as ensured the respectability of the displace at home, winning them widespread national publicity. Thereafter, quite a number of traditional rulers signed a proclamation recognizing the ARPS executive to human activity on their behalf. The ARPS had no rigid fundamental organisation until 1907 when the maiden of all formal constitution was drawn up.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 major difficulty concerned the enquiry of how to practise a permanent association that would neither bound the traditional say-so of chiefs inwards their ain states nor laid whatever item main inwards higher seat than the others. This number was solved yesteryear delegating mightiness to non-chiefs, the educated officers of the executive, who were authorized to human activity on behalf of the chiefs inwards summoning them together as well as inwards carrying out articulation decisions. The president had the mightiness to invite whatever or all of the chiefs for discussions of mutual problems or united action.

The main objectives of the ARPS was ?to protect the rights as well as interests of the Aborigines of the Gold Coast as well as to promote as well as outcome unity of purpose as well as activeness as well as to live medium of communication as well as correct agreement betwixt the authorities as well as the people.? In addition, it laid out to written report legislative measures as well as monitor full general authorities policy. The novel constitution delineated the construction of the organization, providing rules for membership, entrance fees as well as subscriptions, the rules of procedure, as well as provided for sub-committees on such matters every bit commerce, sanitation, the press, as well as education.

Headquarters was located inwards Cape Coast, as well as the executive was to selected from the educated elite, consisting of a president, 3 vice-presidents, a recording secretary, a corresponding secretary, a treasurer as well as a Kyiami (a linguist). It laid upwards a newspaper, The Gold Coast Aborigines.Clearly, the ARPS adopted a real conservative style, dedicated to a constitutional approach to protest, as well as careful inwards its expressions of loyalty to the British crown. The educated elite deployed it every bit a agency of putting themselves inwards a seat to mountain effective protestation against maiden of all the Lands Bill as well as and then whatever other mensurate they perceived every bit inimical to the people?s interests. Thus backed yesteryear the chiefs, they knew that the authorities could non lightly dismiss their protests every bit existence from exactly from a modest grouping of alienated scholars.

Its original founders as well as members included approximately of the most distinguished intellectuals of the day, including Joseph Peter Brown (1843-1932), a distinguished merchant prince; John Mensah Sarbah, the maiden of all Gold Coaster to qualify every bit a barrister; J. E. Casely Hayford, after to go 1 of the Gold Coast foremost politicians; Reverend Samuel Richard Brew Attoh-Ahuma (formerly Samuel Solomon), a distinguished clergyman as well as educator; as well as many other community leaders. In after years, William Esuman-Gwira Sekyi (1892-1956) (popularly known every bit Kobina Sekyi), an of import cultural nationalist as well as writer, came to dominate the displace (Okonkwo 1985; Rhodie 1965). Some of these men published important industrial plant that were read widely throughout the dark world. They contributed to the evolving Definition of the African Personality as well as African Nationhood.

In addition, at that spot was a important amount of interaction through personal meetings as well as correspondence alongside key African American as well as dark British leaders. For example, Attoh-Ahuma, who served every bit the maiden of all secretarial assistant of the ARPS, after traveled to England as well as the United States, where he took upwards a succession of preaching appointments inwards diverse Protestant (some of them white) churches, obtained an M.A. at Livingstone College, as well as published a number of books on West African personalities as well as history (Ephson 1969: 76-78)During the twentieth century, the ARPS retained the same guiding principles that had sustained it during the Lands Bill agitation. Unfortunately, it became hidebound as well as failed to maintain abreast of the times.

Its leaders grew complacent, assuming that they would retain their seat every bit the link betwixt the colonial authorities as well as the people. Moreover, the leaders inwards Cape Coast seemed oblivious to the fact that the centers of mightiness had shifted to Accra as well as Kumasi. They could non adapt the construction as well as tactics of the organisation to the changed circumstances of the colonial situation. Only likewise late, its leaders realized that mightiness had slipped away from them, inwards favor of leaders alongside a to a greater extent than progressive outlook, who sought fundamental alter inwards the colonial relationship. In 1920, it was eclipsed yesteryear the to a greater extent than progressive strategy as well as wider horizon of the National Congress of British West Africa (NCBWA), although it continued to play a role inwards the ongoing political combat until 1935.


Edsman, Bjorn M. Lawyers inwards Gold Coast Politics c.1900-1945: From Mensah Sarbah to J. B. Danquah (Uppsala: Borgstroms Tryckeri Aktiebolag, Motala, 1979).

Ephson, Isaac S. Gallery of Gold Coast Celebrities 1632-1958, vol. I (Accra: Ilen Publications, Ltd., 1969).

Kimble, David. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Political History of Ghana: The Rise of Gold Coast Nationalism 1850-1928 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1963).

Okonkwo, Rina. ?Kobina Seky: Forgotten Alternatives for African Development?, Heroes of West African Nationalism (Enugu: Delta of Nigeria, 1985).

Rhodie, Samuel. ?The Gold Coast Aborigines Abroad,? Journal of African History, 6, 1965.Tenkorang, Sammy. ?Gold Coast Aborigines Rights Protection Society 1897-1935,? Ph.D., University of London, 1975.

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