Eyelash Extension Diy: How To Achieve Professional Results Without Leaving Home

How to DIY Lash Extensions at Home
How to DIY Lash Extensions at Home from www.makeup.com

Doing your own eyelash extensions at home may sound intimidating at first, but with the right tools and techniques you can create beautiful, long-lasting eyelashes with a professional finish. DIY eyelash extensions can be a great way to save money and time, while still achieving the results you want. In this guide, we'll cover how to do eyelash extensions at home, the tools you'll need, and how to safely remove them.

What You'll Need for DIY Eyelash Extensions

Before you start, you'll need to make sure you have all the necessary tools and materials. You'll need eyelash extensions, tweezers, adhesive, lash glue remover, a lash brush, lash primer, and a magnifying lamp. You may also want to have some cotton swabs and a cleansing lotion on hand.

Eyelash extensions come in different lengths, thicknesses, and colors, so you'll want to find the ones that best suit your needs. The adhesive should be specifically designed for eyelash extensions and should be applied sparingly. You'll also need lash glue remover if you want to remove the extensions later.

Preparing Your Eyelashes for Extensions

Before you begin, you'll need to make sure your lashes are clean and free of any makeup or oil. Use a gentle cleansing lotion to remove any makeup, dirt, or oil. Then, use a lash brush to comb through your lashes and remove any tangles.

Once you're done, you'll want to use a lash primer to prep your lashes for the extensions. This helps to keep your lashes healthy, as well as making them more receptive to the adhesive. Allow the primer to dry completely before you start.

Applying the Extensions

Once you have all your materials ready, it's time to start applying the extensions. Using tweezers, carefully pick up an eyelash extension and apply a thin line of adhesive to the base. Then, carefully attach the extension to your natural lashes, making sure it is centered and not too close to your eyelid.

Repeat this process until you're satisfied with the look. Be careful not to apply too many extensions, as it can be heavy and uncomfortable. You can always add more later if you want a fuller look.

Setting and Caring for the Extensions

Once the extensions are applied, you'll want to set them in place with a lash brush. This helps to ensure the adhesive is securely attached and that the extensions don't move around. You'll also want to make sure the extensions are not too close to your eyelids, as this can cause irritation.

To keep your extensions looking their best, you should avoid rubbing your eyes and use a gentle cleanser when you wash your face. You should also avoid using mascara, as this can damage the extensions.

Removing the Extensions

When you're ready to remove the extensions, you'll need to use lash glue remover. This is a special liquid that helps to dissolve the adhesive and make it easier to remove the extensions. Be sure to follow the instructions on the remover and use it sparingly.

Once the adhesive is dissolved, use a cotton swab to gently pull off the extensions. Do not pull too hard or you may damage your natural lashes. Once the extensions are removed, use a gentle cleanser to remove any remaining adhesive.


With the right tools, techniques, and patience, you can create beautiful eyelash extensions at home. DIY eyelash extensions can be a great way to save money and time, while still achieving the results you want. Just make sure to use the proper tools and materials, and to follow all safety instructions to avoid any potential irritation or damage.

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