The Aging Puzzle

Recently I came across this site. Looks similar Sebastian Baltes has been doing interesting work. He studies the human aspects of software engineering. He interviews software engineers to acquire close their run habits together with processes, for example, how they accomplish software evolution expertise past times practicing through some tasks, together with how this expertise helps them perform amend inwards other software evolution tasks.

One of the things he investigated is how aging effects surgery for software development. He inspects this through self-reporting of the developers, together with thence the information is subjective together with non empirical. The developers reported they felt their brusk term retentiveness became express together with it got harder to write code equally they aged. Some of the developers said "when you lot are immature you lot are to a greater extent than competitive, but equally you lot acquire old, you lot don't experience similar competing that much."

Is this true? What create nosotros get got to hold back forrad to equally nosotros age?

What does the information say?

"Young people are only smarter." 
--Mark Zuckerberg (2007), when he was 24

It turns out, amid another things, Mark Zuckerberg got this rattling wrong. by beingness to a greater extent than mindful close this.

Finally, it is a fact that immature people are statistically to a greater extent than probable to hold out risk takers.
MAD Questions  This entire matter was already rattling speculative anyways. So I volition hold out lazy together with locomote out it amongst ane MAD question.

How create nosotros dig our fashion out of ageism?

Many people tell (and I agree) that ageism inwards software manufacture is a existent problem.
The software manufacture is overwhelmingly young. The median historic menstruum of Google together with Amazon employees is 30, whereas the median historic menstruum of American workers is 42. A 2018 Stack Overflow survey of 100,000 programmers or together with thence the Blue Planet works life that three-quarters of them were nether 35. Periodic posts on Hacker News ask, "What happens to older developers?" Anxious developers inwards their belatedly thirties chime inwards together with order themselves equally amid the "older." 
Kevin Stevens, a 55-year-old programmer, faced a similar mental attitude when he applied for a order at Stack Exchange 6 years ago. He was interviewed past times a younger engineer who told him, "I'm ever surprised when older programmers proceed upwards on technology." Stevens was rejected for the job. He right away works equally a programmer at a hospitality fellowship where he says his historic menstruum is non an issue.

How create nosotros dig our fashion out of this situation? Could the capitalist complimentary marketplace order offering a solution eventually? How probable is it that nosotros volition meet a fellowship that disrupts the agist companies past times hiring together with making amend purpose of older developers?

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