How To Packet Your Ideas Using The Winston Star

I came across this advice serendipitously yesteryear reading a random Hacker News comment. The advice shows upwards towards the terminal 10 minutes of an Artificial Intelligence lecture yesteryear Patrick Winston. Winston, a prominent professor at MIT, tells his course of written report that he volition give away them of import advice that may brand or pause their careers. It is well-nigh how to pack in addition to acquaint ideas.

His advice is simple. Follow this 5-tip star to pack your ideas better. All the tips firstly amongst "S":

  • Symbol: usage a symbol to brand your sentiment visual in addition to memorable
  • Slogan: discovery a catchy slogan for your idea
  • Surprise: highlight the unconventional/counterintuitive/interesting role of your idea
  • Salient: focus on the essential role of your idea, remember: less is more, fewer ideas is better
  • Story: pack your sentiment amongst a story, human brains are hardwired for stories

Here allow me endeavour to apply the  Winston's Star method on itself, to brand this to a greater extent than concrete.

  • Symbol: star is the symbol of the Winston's method
  • Slogan:  with these 5-star tips, you lot tin 5x the deport on of your expert ideas
  • Surprise: you lot tin plow over fame in addition to deport on yesteryear packaging your ideas ameliorate next these uncomplicated presentation tips
  • Salient: devising a expert presentation is equally of import equally having expert ideas in addition to doing expert work
  • Story: these presentation tips are told yesteryear a last yesteryear MIT prof to his undergraduate AI course of written report equally secrets to career success

After about googling I constitute about other relevant video from Patrick Winston. This i is titled "How to Speak". (As always, lookout at 1.5x speed.)

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