Paper Summary. Untangling Blockchain: A Information Processing Persuasion Of Blockchain Systems

This is a recent newspaper submitted to arxiv (Aug 17, 2017). The newspaper presents a hype-free, rattling accessible, yet technical  survey on blockchain. It takes a data-processing centric sentiment of blockchain technology, treating  concurrency issues together with efficiency of consensus every bit starting fourth dimension bird citizens inwards blockchain design. Approaching from that perspective, the newspaper  tries to forge a connecter with blockchain technologies together with distributed transaction processing systems. I mean value this perspective is promising for grounding the blockchain inquiry better. When nosotros connect a novel expanse to an expanse with a large literature, nosotros take away hold opportunities to compare/contrast together with perform efficient OODA loops.

Thanks to this paper, I am finally getting excited virtually blockchains. I had a huge prejudice virtually blockchains based on the Proof-of-Work approach beingness used inwards BitCoin. Nick Szabo tried to defend this huge inefficiency, citing that it is necessary for attestation/decentralized/etc, but that is a simulated dichotomy. There are many efficient ways to pattern blockchains together with soundless furnish decentralization together with attestation guarantees. And the newspaper provides an exhaustive survey of blockchain pattern approaches.

In my summary below, I purpose many sentences (sometimes paragraphs) straight lifted off from the paper. The newspaper is easily accessible together with good written, together with worth reading if you lot similar to larn virtually blockchains.

Blockchain basics

Blockchain is a log of ordered blocks, each containing multiple transactions. In the database context, blockchain tin live viewed every bit a solution to distributed transaction management: nodes continue replicas of the information together with take away hold on an execution social club of transactions. Distributed transaction processing systems oft bargain with concurrency command via 2-phase commit. However, inwards social club to tolerate Byzantine behavior, the overhead of concurrency command becomes higher inwards blockchains.

Blockchains take away hold many applications inwards business, such every bit security trading together with settlement, property together with finance administration banking, together with insurance. Currently these applications are handled past times systems built on MySQL together with Oracle together with past times trusted companies/parties with whole bunch of lawyers/clerks/etc. Blockchain tin disrupt this status quo because it reduces infrastructure together with human costs. Blockchain's immutability, transparency, together with inherent security tending trim human errors/malice together with the demand for manual intervention due to conflicting data. The newspaper says: "Goldman Sachs estimated 6 billion saving inwards electrical flow upper-case missive of the alphabet market, together with J.P. Morgan forecast that blockchains volition start to supplant currently redundant infrastructure past times 2020."

Oops, I forgot to nurture Bitcoin. Bitcoin is also ane of the applications of blockchains, namely a digital/crypto-currency application. Cryptocurrency is currently the most famous application of blockchains, but every bit the newspaper covers smartcontracts, you lot tin encounter that those applications volition dwarf anything nosotros take away hold seen so far.

Private vs Public blockchains

In world blockchains, whatever node tin join/leave the system, thus the blockchain is fully decentralized, resembling a peer-to-peer system. In somebody blockchains, the blockchain enforces strict membership via access-control together with authentication.

Public blockchain: Bitcoin uses proof-of-work (PoW) for consensus: alone a miner which has successfully solved a computationally hard puzzle (finding the correct nonce for the block header) tin append to the blockchain. It is soundless possible that ii blocks are appended at the same time, creating a fork inwards the blockchain. Bitcoin resolves this past times alone considering a block every bit confirmed afterwards it is followed past times a number of blocks (typically half dozen blocks).  PoW plant good inwards Earth settings because it guards against Sybil attacks, however, since it is non-deterministic together with computationally expensive, it is unsuitable for applications such every bit banking together with finance which must grip large volumes of transactions inwards a deterministic manner. (Bitcoin supports seven transactions per second!)

Private blockchain: Since node identities are known inwards the somebody settings, most blockchains adopt ane of the protocols from the vast literature on distributed consensus. Hyperledger v0.6.0 uses PBFT, a byzantine tolerant Paxos, acre to a greater extent than or less other somebody chains fifty-fifty purpose manifestly Paxos. (Hyperledger  v1.0.0-rc1 adopts a no-Byzantine consensus protocol based on Kafka.)

However, fifty-fifty with PBFT (or XFT) scalability is a problem. Those Paxos protocols volition non live able to scale to tens of nodes, allow lone hundreds. An opened upwards inquiry query is how tin you lot take away hold big-Paxos? (The federated consensus approach mentioned below is a promising approach to solve this problem.)

What makes Blockchains tick?

The newspaper studies blockchain applied scientific discipline nether 4 dimensions: distributed ledger, cryptography, consensus protocol together with smartcontracts.

Distributed ledger: In blockchains, the ledger is replicated over all the nodes every bit an append-only information structure. A blockchain starts with to a greater extent than or less initial states, together with the ledger records entire history of update operations made to the states. (This reminds me of Tango together with especially the followup vCorfu paper. The ideas explored at that spot tin live used for efficiently maintaining multiple streams inwards the same log so that reading the whole chain is non needed for materializing the updates at the nodes.)

Cryptography: This is used for ensuring the integrity of the ledgers, for making for sure at that spot is no tampering of the blockchain data. The global states are protected past times a hash (Merkle) tree whose source hash is stored inwards a block.  The block history is also protected past times linking the blocks through a chain of cryptographic hash pointers: the content of block number n+1 contains the hash of block number n. This way, whatever modification inwards block n similar a shot invalidates all the subsequent blocks.

Smart Contracts: A smart contract refers to the computation executed when a transaction is performed. At the footling destination of the spectrum, Bitcoin nodes implement a unproblematic replicated state car model which moves coins from ane address to another. At the other extreme, Ethereum smart contracts tin specify arbitrary computations together with comes with its ain virtual car for executing Ethereum bytecodes. Similarly, Hyperledger employs Docker containers to execute its contracts written inwards whatever language. Smart contracts take away hold many emerging concern applications, but this makes software bugs rattling critical. In the DAO attack, the aggressor stole $50M worth of property exploiting a bug.


Since I am partial to distributed consensus, I am reserving a dissever department to the purpose of consensus inwards blockchains.

Proof of work: All POW protocols require miners to discovery solutions to cryptographic puzzles based on cryptographic hashes. How fast a block is created is theme on how hard the puzzle is. The puzzle cannot live arbitrary due east because it leads to unnecessary forks inwards the blockchain. Forks non alone Pb to wastage of resources but take away hold security implication since they move far possible to double spend. Ethereum, to a greater extent than or less other PoW-based blockchain, adopts GHOST protocol which helps convey downwards block generation fourth dimension to tens of seconds without compromising much security. In GHOST, the blockchain is allowed to take away hold branches every bit long every bit the branches practise non comprise conflicting transactions.

Proof of Stake: To alleviate huge terms of PoW, PoS maintains a unmarried branch but changes the puzzle's difficulty to live inversely proportional to the miner's stake inwards the network. A stake is essentially a locked concern human relationship with a for sure residuum representing the miner's commitment to continue the network healthy.

Paxos protocols: POW suffers from non-finality, that is a block appended to a blockchain is non confirmed until it is extended past times many other blocks.  PBFT protocol is deterministic. Implemented inwards the before version of Hyperledger (v0.6), the protocol ensures that ane time a block is appended, it is in conclusion together with cannot live replaced or modified. It incurs O(N^2) network messages for each circular of understanding where northward is the number of nodes inwards the network. (This is because inwards contrast to classical Paxos, where every player talks alone with the leader, inwards PBFT,  every player talks to every other player every bit well.) The newspaper reports that PBFT scales poorly together with collapses fifty-fifty before reaching the network limit. Zyzzyva optimizes for normal cases (when at that spot are no failures) via speculative execution. XFT, assumes a network less hostile than purely Byzantine, together with demonstrates ameliorate performance past times reducing the number of network messages.

Federated: To overcome the scalability woes with PBFT, Ripple adopts an approach that partitions the network into smaller groups called federates. Each federate runs a local consensus protocol alongside its members, together with the local agreements are so propagated to the entire network via nodes lying inwards the intersections of the federates. Ripple’s security weather are that at that spot is a large bulk of honest nodes inwards every federate, together with that the intersection of whatever ii federates comprise at to the lowest degree ane honest node. Ripple assumes federates are pre-defined together with their security weather tin live enforced past times a network administrator. In a decentralized surround where node identities are unknown, such assumptions practise non hold. Byzcoin together with Elastico suggest novel, two-phase protocols that combine POW together with PBFT. In the starting fourth dimension phase, POW is used to cast a consensus group. Byzcoin implements this past times having a sliding window over the blockchain together with selecting the miners of the blocks inside the window. Elastico groups nodes past times their identities that alter every epoch. In particular, a node identity is its solution to a cryptographic puzzle. In the bit phase, the selected nodes perform PBFT to decide the adjacent block. The destination result is faster block confirmation fourth dimension at a scale much greater than traditional PBFT (over thou nodes).

Nonbyzantine: The latest release of Hyperledger (v1.0) outsources the consensus factor to Kafka. More specifically, transactions are sent to a centralized Kafka service which orders them into a flow of events. Every node subscribes to the same Kafka flow together with hence is notified of novel transactions inwards the same social club every bit they are published.

I dearest that Blockchains brings novel constraints together with requirements to the consensus problem. In Blockchains, the participants tin at nowadays live Byzantine, motivated past times fiscal gains. And it is non sufficient to bound the consensus participants to live iii nodes or v nodes, which was plenty for tolerating crashes together with ensuring persistency of the data. In Blockchains, for reasons of attestability together with tolerating colluding groups of Byzantine participants, it is preferred to continue the participants at 100s. Thus the work becomes: How practise you lot pattern byzantine tolerant consensus algorithm that scales to 100s or 1000s of participants?

I dearest when applications force us to invent novel distributed algorithms.

Blockbench together with evaluation

The newspaper introduces a benchmarking framework, BLOCKBENCH, that is designed for understanding performance of somebody blockchains against information processing workloads. BLOCKBENCH is opened upwards source together with contains YCSB together with SmallBank information processing workloads every bit good every bit to a greater extent than or less pop Ethereum contracts.

The newspaper so presents a comprehensive evaluation of Ethereum, Parity together with Hyperledger. The comparing against H-Store presented demonstrates that blockchains perform poorly at information processing tasks currently beingness handled past times database systems. Although databases are designed without security together with tolerance to Byzantine failures, the gap remains besides large for blockchains to live disruptive to incumbent database systems.

The primary findings are:

  • Hyperledger performs consistently ameliorate than Ethereum together with Parity across the benchmarks. But it fails to scale upwards to to a greater extent than than sixteen nodes.
  • Ethereum together with Parity are to a greater extent than resilient to node failures, but they are vulnerable to security attacks that forks the blockchain.
  • The primary bottlenecks inwards Hyperledger together with Ethereum are the consensus protocols, but for Parity the bottleneck is caused past times transaction signing.
  • Ethereum together with Parity incur large overheads inwards terms of retentiveness together with disk usage. Their execution engine is also less efficient than that of Hyperledger.  
  • Hyperledger’s information model is depression level, but its flexibility enables customized optimization for analytical queries.

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