Cse 610 Distributed Consensus, Decentralized Ledgers, Together With Blockchains

This semester I am teaching a small-scale question course of teaching on Distributed Consensus, Decentralized Ledgers, in addition to Blockchains.

Blockchains! You?

One should hold upwards able to telephone band bullshit when 1 sees bullshit. In this blog, I did that several times for certain claims most blockchains technology. 

But, simply because of simply about stupid/hyped-up claims in addition to simply about first-generation inefficient implementations, it is unacceptable to brand fun of in addition to ridicule the entire blockchains field. (Yes, it is definitely a field, when a Turing Award winner in addition to a rigid candidate for Turing Award publishes papers on the topic.) A researcher should non purpose a wide brush to paint. Truth is multidimensional.

Even when parts of a plain is impractical correct now, that doesn't justify putting the entire plain down. P2P was impractical. It lost to the centralized model. But the best ideas from those operate institute their agency to traditional datacenter computing. The distributed hash tabular array thought got adopted for distributed key-value stores. Bittorrent saw simply about purpose inward datacenter application-layer networking.
In this 2 infinitesimal video Bertram Gilfoyle makes this betoken rattling well. Here is the entire gear upwards of slides he used inward the presentation, they are hilarious. I volition demonstrate these to my cast tomorrow.

Course content

My blockchains course of teaching starts alongside classical distributed consensus employment Definition in addition to algorithms, in addition to and then considers the decentralized consensus employment inward permissioned/permissionless setting alongside Byzantine participants.

The course of teaching covers the fundamental concepts for the pattern in addition to analysis of such distributed consensus algorithms including: Paxos, PBFT, Tendermint, HotStuff, Nakamoto consensus algorithms. It too discusses formal verification of smartcontracts using TLA+ specification linguistic communication in addition to model checker. Finally, it reviews state-of-the-art blockchain systems in addition to applications.

1. Distributed consensus: consensus problem, synchronous in addition to asynchronous setups, Paxos, Ben-Or, Texel, Nakamoto, Tendermint, HotStuff, QSCAvalanche

3. Blockchain systems: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Libra, Hyperledger, DFinity, ConcordBFT

4. Smartcontracts: Smartcontract basics, creating rubber smartcontracts, formal specification of smartcontracts, crosschain deals in addition to adversarial commerce

5. Applications: Internet of value, blockchaindb, multiparty collaboration

The cast volition receive got 1 midterm, several assignments, in addition to 1 project. The projection qualifies equally MS project. Two students tin flame cast a squad in addition to conduct a projection that involves (1) TLA+ modeling in addition to Paxi implementation of a blockchain protocol or (2) TLA+ modeling in addition to deployment of a smartcontract on a blockchain platform.

There is no required textbook for the course, silent ample reading fabric (i.e., question papers) volition hold upwards assigned. A suitable reference mass that covers the blockchain basics is https://bitcoinbook.cs.princeton.edu (free preprint at https://d28rh4a8wq0iu5.cloudfront.net/bitcointech/readings/princeton_bitcoin_book.pdf)

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