The Preacher’S Married Adult Woman As Well As The Baker’S Wife

We, every bit caregivers, friends as well as identify unit of measurement members of older people should sympathise that our elders lead hold wonderful gifts of stories to portion amongst us if nosotros volition exactly lead hold the fourth dimension to listen.

By Tom as well as Karen Brenner

 friends as well as identify unit of measurement members of older people should sympathise that our elders lead hold wonderf The Preacher’s Wife as well as the Baker’s Wife
They sat across from us, giggling, the preacher’s married adult woman as well as the baker’s wife.

They were telling us stories from their lives; snapshots, moments from before days.

This reminiscence session came most every bit nosotros were working amongst a serial of pocket-size flags from or therefore the world.

One of the women picked upwards the flag from Denmark, the other waved the flag from Norway. Holding the flags of their native lands inward their hands, the 2 women began to cry upwards their early on lives inward America.

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Rebecca was the preacher’s wife. She had grown upwards inward a sod trouble solid on the prairie. Rebecca took criminal offense if people idea a sod trouble solid was a bad identify to live. She described inward swell special the many fine qualities of this house. It kept the identify unit of measurement warm inward the wintertime as well as cool inward the summer. Their sod trouble solid was cozy as well as it was the outset domicile inward the USA for this immigrant identify unit of measurement from Denmark.

Rebecca left the prairie to attend college where she met her husband, who was inward divinity school. She told us that her hubby woke really early on every morning. It was his custom to acquire on a solitary walk every bit the Sun came up, no affair what the weather.

When they were outset married, Rebecca would inquire to acquire amongst him every bit he walked. Her hubby told her that this was his fourth dimension to pray as well as commune amongst his God as well as he needed to produce this alone.

Rebecca respected her husband’s demand for solitude, but she wanted to walk amongst him. So, she laid upwards out every morning time a few minutes afterwards her hubby left their trouble solid as well as walked behind him.

He never knew that she silently accompanied him on his walks amongst God. She was, she told us, her husband’s devoted shadow every bit he walked as well as prayed.

Mary was the baker’s wife. Her eyes took on a wistful expect every bit she described to us her feelings every bit the boat pulled away from the shore as well as she looked for the final fourth dimension at a plain of poppies blooming inward her dear Norway.

Mary came to the USA when she was fourteen. Her outset days inward America were filled amongst confusion as well as embarrassment. Mary was mortified to lead hold to sit down inward the pocket-size chairs of the outset bird classroom patch she tried to larn English.

Later, she would wed a bakery as well as they would start their ain bakery inward a large city.

Mary told us it was her project every morning time to awake at 4 a.m. as well as acquire downward to the bakery (which was below their apartment) as well as start the forest ship away for the ovens. Mary said that she did this to acquire far all prissy as well as hot for her hubby when he came downward at v a.m. to start baking.

Rebecca listened to this storey as well as therefore jabbed Mary amongst her elbow,
“I bet you lot got it hot for him every morning!”
Both ladies broke into peals of laughter at Rebecca’s joke.

Rebecca as well as Mary were 95 years onetime when they shared these stories amongst us.

They were both living amongst dementia.

Rebecca as well as Mary lived really unlike lives. Some would tell they lived ordinary lives. To us, their lives as well as their stories are extraordinary.

They are stories that are filled amongst sacrifice, courage, humour as well as swell love. These 2 older ladies giggling together were the keepers of stories that would lead hold fascinated Shakespeare, intrigued F. Scott Fitzgerald.

We, every bit caregivers, friends as well as identify unit of measurement members of older people should sympathise that our elders lead hold wonderful gifts of stories to portion amongst us if nosotros volition exactly lead hold the fourth dimension to listen.

When nosotros mitt elders something meaningful to hold, nosotros give them the fundamental that tin privy unlock a treasure of stories from their lives.

It is oftentimes said that when an older individual dies, a library burns down. Take a 2nd today as well as really, actually LISTEN!

Tom as well as Karen Brenner are Montessori Gerontologists, researchers, consultants, trainers as well as writers dedicated to working for civilization modify inward the plain of aging. They are the authors of  You Say Goodbye as well as We Say Hello: The Montessori Method for Positive Dementia Care. Learn to a greater extent than most Tom as well as Karen at Brenner Pathways


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