Seeing Alzheimer's Differently - My Thoughts Together With Beliefs

On Tueday May 7, I volition hold out given the chance to portion my beliefs on Alzheimer's caregiving, to utter most my growing belief that Alzheimer's patients are capable of to a greater extent than than nosotros tin strength out imagine, as well as utter over what I learned most how Alzheimer's patients recollect as well as experience from my mother, Dotty.

By +Bob DeMarco 

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On Tuesday, May 7th, I'll hold out giving ii divide educational talks inward conjunction amongst the Alzheimer's Association Greater Pennsylvania chapter inward Erie, Pennsylvania.

How to Get Answers To Your Questions About Alzheimer's as well as Dementia

The Erie, Pa. chapter is offering tending workers as well as wellness tending professionals the chance to earn iii continuing didactics units (CEU) at an afternoon plan that volition hold out heled from 1 - iv PM. I'll hold out speaking most Seeing Alzheimer's Differently, as well as Meg Maly volition speak most Keeping a Light Heart.

On Tuesday eve at vii PM, I'll hold out speaking at the Jefferson Educational Society of Erie.

Since this volition hold out a broader audience it is my intention to focus on my continued potent as well as growing belief that persons living amongst Alzheimer's are capable of to a greater extent than than nosotros tin strength out imagine amongst our ain brains; as well as that, although non intentional, nosotros are constraining those who are living amongst dementia from living a richer, fuller life.

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These ii talks volition hold out my start formal presentations this year. I am developing a serial of talks that I recollect to hand inward the future.

In Erie at the early on presentation, I volition focus on talking most what I did differently amongst Dotty, as well as how this approach helped me acquire off the path of burden as well as on to the path of Joy. I fully recollect to include concrete examples of what nosotros did, how nosotros did it, as well as what happened every bit a result.

For those of yous that convey been reading on the ARR since 2009, yous already convey a goodness agreement of my approach as well as the results.

Since the expiry of my mother,  I convey been developing a potent as well as growing belief that Alzheimer's patients are capable of to a greater extent than than nosotros tin strength out imagine. I am instantly coming to the agreement as well as belief that acre non intentional, we frequently constrain Alzheimer's patients. The we inward this equation includes caregivers, the Alzheimer's community. as well as club inward general.

In Erie, I desire to start educating Earth most how Alzheimer's patients recollect as well as feel.

I desire to crusade abode the message that these patients are capable of more. I every bit good desire to propose that the concerned ciizens of Erie, Pa start considering how they powerfulness brand their ain town to a greater extent than dementia friendly.

Quite frankly, it is fourth dimension for us to halt shunning people living amongst Alzheimer's, as well as to start embracing them.

I am actually excited most the chance to speak at Jefferson Educational Society of Erie.

I am every bit good thankful to the Alzheimer's Association inward Erie, Pa for giving me the chance to portion my thoughts as well as beliefs.

If yous are inward the surface area I promise to watch yous there.

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Bob DeMarco is the Founder of the (ARR). Bob is a recognized Influencer, speaker, as well as adept inward the Alzheimer's as well as Dementia Community Worldwide. The Alzheimer's Reading Knowledge Base contains to a greater extent than than 5,000 articles, as well as the ARR has to a greater extent than than 900,000 links on the Internet. Bob lives inward Delray Beach, FL.

"The is the i house on the Internet, as well as inward the world, where those who are searching for information, encouragement as well as guidance tin strength out abide by the assist they bespeak from people who completely empathise their questions as well as their journey".
Tom as well as Karen Brenner, Montessori Gerontologists, Brenner Pathways

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