Paper Summary. Decoupling The Command Airplane From Programme Command Catamenia For Flexibility Together With Functioning Inward Cloud Computing

This newspaper appeared inward Eurosys 2018 as well as is authored past times Hang Qu, Omid Mashayekhi, Chinmayee Shah, as well as Philip Levis from Stanford University.

I liked the newspaper a lot, it is good written as well as presented. And I am getting lazy, as well as thus I purpose a lot of text from the newspaper inward my summary below.

Problem motivation 

In information processing frameworks, improved parallelism is the holy grail because it tin hand notice acquire to a greater extent than information processed inward less time.

However, parallelism has a nemesis called the control plane. While, command airplane tin hand notice have got a broad array of meaning, inward this newspaper command airplane is defined every bit the systems as well as protocols for scheduling computations, charge balancing, as well as recovering from failures.

A centralized command frame becomes a bottleneck later on a point. The newspaper cites other papers as well as states that a typical cloud framework command airplane that uses a fully centralized pattern tin hand notice dispatch fewer than 10,000 tasks per second. Actually, that is non bad! However, with machine learning (ML) applications nosotros are starting to force past times that limit: nosotros demand to deploy on 1000s of machines large jobs that consist of many many brusk tasks (10 milliseconds) every bit share of iterations over information mini-batches.

To meliorate the command airplane scalability, you lot tin hand notice distribute the command airplane across worker nodes (as inward Nimbus as well as Drizzle). But that also runs into scaling problems due to the synchronization needed betwixt workers as well as the controller. Existing command planes are tightly integrated with the command current of the programs, as well as this requires workers to block on communication with the controller at for certain points inward the program, such every bit spawning novel tasks or resolving information dependencies. When synchronization is involved, a distributed solution is non necessarily to a greater extent than scalable than a centralized one. But it is to a greater extent than complicated for sure: inward 1 feel that is the estimator analog of mythical man-month problem.

Another approach to meliorate scalability is to take the command airplane entirely. Some frameworks, such every bit Tensorflow, Naiad, as well as MPI frameworks, are scheduled in 1 lawsuit every bit a large project as well as they grapple their ain execution later on that. Well, of course of study the employment doesn't choke away, but plays within the framework level: the scalability is limited past times the applications logic written inward these frameworks as well as the frameworks' back upward for concurrency control. Furthermore, these frameworks don't play overnice with the datacenter/cloud computing environs every bit well. Rebalancing charge or migrating tasks requires killing as well as restarting a computation past times generating a novel execution programme as well as installing it on every node.

This newspaper proposes a command airplane pattern that breaks the existing tradeoff betwixt scalability and  flexibility. It allows jobs to run extremely brusk tasks (<1ms) on thousands of cores as well as reschedule computations inward milliseconds. And that has applications inward detail for ML.

Making the Control Plane Asynchronous

To foreclose synchronous operations, the proposed command airplane cleanly divides responsibilities betwixt controller as well as workers: a controller decides where to execute tasks as well as workers create upward one's heed when to execute them.

The command plane's traffic is completely decoupled from the command current of the program, as well as thus running a programme faster does non increase charge at the controller. When a project is stably running on a  fixed laid of workers, the asynchronous command airplane exchanges only occasional heartbeat messages to monitor worker status.

The architecture

Datasets are divided into many partitions, which determines the available flat of parallelism. Datasets are mutable as well as tin hand notice live updated inward place. This corresponds nicely to parameters inward ML applications.

The controller uses an abstraction called a partition map to command where tasks execute. The sectionalisation map describes which worker each information object should reside on. _Because project recipes trigger tasks based on what information objects are locally present, controlling the placement of information objects allows the controller to implicitly create upward one's heed where tasks execute._ The sectionalisation map is updated asynchronously to the workers, as well as when a worker receives an update to the map it asynchronously applies whatever necessary changes past times transferring data.

On the worker side, an abstraction called task recipes describes triggers for when to run a project past times specifying a pattern matched against the task's input data. Using recipes, every worker spawns as well as executes tasks past times examining the solid set down of its local information objects, obviating the demand to interact with the controller.

Task recipes

A project recipe specifies (1) a share to run, (2) which datasets the share reads and/or writes, as well as (3) preconditions that must live met for the share to run.

There are 3 types of preconditions to trigger a recipe:

  1. Last input writer: For each sectionalisation it reads or writes, the recipe specifies which recipe should have got concluding written it. This enforces local write-read dependencies, as well as thus that a recipe e'er sees the right version of its inputs.
  2. Output readers: For each sectionalisation it writes, the recipe specifies which recipes should have got read it since the concluding write. This ensures that a sectionalisation is non overwritten until tasks have got finished reading the onetime data.
  3. Read messages: The recipe specifies how many messages a recipe should read earlier it is ready to run. Unlike the other 2 preconditions, which specify local dependencies betwixt tasks that run on the same worker, messages specify remote dependencies betwixt tasks that tin hand notice run on dissimilar workers.

Since wrong preconditions tin hand notice Pb to extremely difficult to debug computational errors, they are generated automatically from a sequential user program. A unmarried recipe describes potentially many iterations of the same data-parallel computation.

Writers as well as readers are specified past times their phase number, a global counter that every worker maintains. The counter counts the stages inward their programme order, as well as increments later on the application determines which branch to have got or whether to hold approximately other loop. (Using the counters I retrieve it is possible to implement SSP method easily every bit well.) All workers follow an identical command flow, as well as and thus have got a consistent mapping of phase numbers to recipes.

Exactly-once Execution as well as Asynchrony

Ensuring atomic migration requires a careful pattern of how preconditions are encoded every bit good every bit how information objects motion betwixt workers. No node inward an asynchronous command airplane has a global sentiment of the execution solid set down of a job, as well as thus workers grapple atomic migration with themselves. To ensure that the project from a given phase executes precisely in 1 lawsuit as well as messages are delivered correctly, when workers transfer a information sectionalisation they include the access history metadata relevant to preconditions, the concluding author as well as how many recipes have got read it.

Partition Map

A sectionalisation map is a tabular array that specifies, for each partition, which worker stores that sectionalisation inward memory. A sectionalisation map indirectly describes how a project should live distributed across workers, as well as is used every bit the machinery for the controller to signal workers how to reschedule project execution.

The controller does 5 things:
(1) Starts a project past times installing the job's driver programme as well as an initial sectionalisation map on workers.
(2) Periodically exchanges heartbeat messages with workers as well as collects workers' execution statistics, e.g. CPU utilization as well as CPU cycles spent computing on each partition.
(3) Uses the collected statistics to compute sectionalisation map updates during project execution.
(4) Pushes sectionalisation map updates to all workers.
(5) Periodically checkpoints jobs for failure recovery.

Maximizing information locality

To maximize information locality, the controller updates the sectionalisation map nether the constraints that the input partitions to each possible project inward a project are assigned to the same worker. The execution model of project recipes is intentionally designed to brand the constraints explicit as well as achievable: if a phase reads or writes multiple datasets, a project inward the phase only reads or writes the datasets' partitions that have got the same index, as well as thus those partitions are constrained to live assigned to the same worker.


The grouping designed Canary, an asynchronous command plane, which tin hand notice execute over 100,000 tasks/second on each core, as well as tin hand notice scale linearly with the seat out of cores.

The driver constructs the project recipes. A driver programme specifies a sequential programme order, but the runtime may reorder tasks every bit long every bit the observed lawsuit is the same every bit the programme gild (just every bit how processors reorder instructions).

Canary periodically checkpoints all the partitions of a job. The controller monitors whether workers neglect using periodic heartbeat messages. If whatever worker running a project is down, the controller cleans upward the job's execution on all workers, as well as reruns the project from the concluding checkpoint.

Checkpoint-based failure recovery rewinds the execution on every worker dorsum to the concluding checkpoint when a failure happens, land lineage-based failure recovery every bit inward Spark only needs to recompute lost partitions. But the toll of lineage-based failure recovery inward CPU-intensive jobs outweighs the benefit, because it requires every sectionalisation to live copied earlier modifying it.

Evaluation results

Current synchronous command planes such every bit Spark execute 8,000 tasks per second; distributed ones such every bit Nimbus as well as Drizzle tin hand notice execute 250,000 tasks/second. Canary, a framework with an asynchronous command plane, tin hand notice execute over 100,000 tasks/second on each core, as well as this scales linearly with the seat out of cores. Experimental results on 1,152 cores present it schedules 120 1000000 tasks per second. Jobs using an asynchronous command airplane tin hand notice sew together to an gild of magnitude faster than on prior systems. At the same time, the mightiness to split computations into huge numbers of tiny tasks with introducing substantial overhead allows an asynchronous command airplane to e ciently residue charge at runtime, achieving a 2-3× speedup over highly optimized MPI codes.

Evaluations are done with  applications performing logistic regression, K-means clustering, as well as PageRank.

MAD Questions

1. Is it a practiced thought to brand tasks/recipes dependent/linked to private information objects? How create nosotros know the information objects inward advance? Why does the code demand to refer to the objects? I retrieve that model tin hand notice operate good if the information objects are parameters to live tuned int ML applications. We alive inward the historic catamenia of the `big model'. I guess graph processing applications tin hand notice also fit good to this programming model. I retrieve this tin hand notice also fit good with any(?) dataflow framework application. Is it possible to brand all analytics applications fit to this model?

2. The Litz newspaper had similar ideas for doing finer-grain scheduling at the workers as well as obviating the demand for synchronizing with the scheduler. Litz is a resource-elastic framework supporting high-performance execution of distributed ML optimizations. Litz remains full general plenty to suit nigh ML applications, but also provides an expressive programming model allowing the applications (1) to back upward stateful workers that tin hand notice shop the model parameters which are co-located with a sectionalisation of input data, as well as (2) to define custom project scheduling strategies satisfying fine-grain project dependency constraints as well as allowances. At runtime, Litz executes these strategies within the specified consistency requirements, land gracefully persisting as well as migrating application state.

3. Since it is desirable to have got one tool for batch as well as serving, would it live possible to adopt Canary for serving? Could it live nimble enough?

4. Is it possible to apply techniques from the Blazes paper to meliorate how the driver constructs the project recipes?

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