How To Add Together Header Paradigm Inwards Blogger Amongst Pictures

Hello friends, welcome to the Blogger tutorial today I volition demo you lot how to insert add together Header Image, Title as well as Description to Blogger blog with pictures.
 welcome to the  Blogger tutorial today I volition demo you lot how to insert add together Header  How to Add Header Image inwards Blogger amongst Pictures

Title as well as Description signal Blog content Like content most songs lyrics thence nosotros utilization championship “ Songs Lyrics ” as well as Description is “ this spider web log most all songs lyrics ” as well as final nosotros add together Header epitome inwards Blogger blog.

These are Following Steps:-

Step 1: Go to Blogger Layout as well as click Edit link inwards a Header.
 welcome to the  Blogger tutorial today I volition demo you lot how to insert add together Header  How to Add Header Image inwards Blogger amongst Pictures
Step 2: Here rank the Blog Title, Blog Description as well as Images. Example
 welcome to the  Blogger tutorial today I volition demo you lot how to insert add together Header  How to Add Header Image inwards Blogger amongst Pictures
Blog Title:-  Here my Blogger most Songs So i rank “Remix Mp3”.
Blog Description:- “List of Hindi as well as English linguistic communication Songs Lyrics”.
Images:- Click Choose File push as well as conduct the Blogger related epitome for Header. At final click Save button.
Step 3: Go to the Blogger Blog.

How to Add Header Image inwards Blogger blog

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