New When Pigs Wing On Google Maps

Team Maps has released a dandy novel library for adding overlays to Google Maps Street View. There are 2 examples of the code inward action, Street View Overlay together with Street View Tour.

The Street View Overlay displays an epitome on acme of Street View. The epitome is synchronised to the Street View together with thence that when the user pans the Street View the epitome overlay likewise moves. The Street View Tour uses the same regulation exactly allows y'all to exercise a publish of epitome overlays for unlike locations.

The javascript for each is available nether the Apache License. Therefore developers are gratis to purpose together with alter the code. Team Maps has been sort plenty to fifty-fifty add together a niggling credit to yours truly. However I accept to acknowledge that I contributed really niggling to this, beyond Photoshopping a moving-picture exhibit of a flight pig.

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