Have yous e'er left a bar at 2 inwards the morn inwards desperate postulate of a burger or pizza?
What's Open is a handy fiddling Google Maps based app that allows yous to search for nearby nutrient together with pizza establishments that are opened upward when yous postulate them.
What's Open uses the Google Places API to entirely exhibit yous establishments unopen to yous opened upward correct now. Share your place amongst the application together with all the pizza together with nutrient institution yet opened upward inwards your expanse are displayed on a Google Map. You tin fifty-fifty click on each establishment's mark to detect out how many hours are left until it closes.
If yous are the form out of difficult drinking political party brute who is to a greater extent than probable to last desperate for a potable at 2 inwards the morn together with thence don't worry. What's Open is open-sourced together with yous tin see the code for the app from
GitHub. All yous accept to create is re-create together with glue the code together with switch out 'pizza' for 'bars' together with yous tin detect all the nearby bars yet opened upward for your all-night drinking pleasure.
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