One Room Challenge- Girl's Bedroom- Finalizing Details {Week 4}

Yes, it's Week iv of the One Room Challenge as well as I'm silent finalizing details!!  Shouldn't that be happening inwards Week 2 or so? Or earlier the challenge fifty-fifty started?? Eeek! #iworkbestunderpressure

If you're joining me for the outset fourth dimension today, welcome! I'm making over my teenage daughter's room as well as you lot tin sack grab upwardly on Week 1 (Before Photos) here, Week 2 (Design Plan) here, as well as Week three (Paint as well as Ceiling Fan) here.

Let's start out today past times me telling you lot a few things that bring changed since the master copy pattern plan.  Here's a refresher-

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First of all, nosotros switched gears from the emerald light-green color scheme.  We went together to choice out cloth for her headboard, as well as she truly wanted kelly light-green instead of emerald.  No declaration from me (other than we'll bring 2 light-green headboards inwards the house!).  I'm using tthe linen that I used inwards my room as well as hence i'm hoping it's non also hard to move with.  I'll role it for her bedskirt too.  We're starting on the headboard today!

That's the headboard cloth alongside the drape cloth which I haven't shown you lot yet. I got the in conclusion of it several months agone on clearance at Hobby Lobby.  I can't honor it online as well as don't know the pattern name, I only know that the construct is Mill Creek.  I finished the curtains yesterday...yay!

I was thrilled to honor a large 36" mirror at Homegoods for to a higher house her dresser .  I originally wanted a elementary circular frame but they only had this ane alongside the beading along the edge.  It's growing on me though, as well as if I continue it in that location volition definitely hold upwardly to a greater extent than or less gilt spray pigment inwards it's future.

I've been on the hunt for an terminate of the bed bench (vintage or secondhand!).  H5N1 couplet of these popped upwardly on Facebook Marketplace for a steal, the tops are badly stained but they're truly sturdy and  slow plenty to recover.  I didn't realize, however, that they're real low- only close 16" tall.  They're also broad to role both of them at the terminate of the bed, as well as hence I'll only role ane if nosotros create upwardly one's heed to instruct ahead alongside this one.  I'm silent on the sentry for something ameliorate earlier I commit to this one. These would truly construct cute ottomans for a couplet of broad social club chairs!

I mentioned that my immature lady as well as I were debating on what to produce alongside the bamboo dresser...paint or continue it wood... as well as I intend she won.  I similar the view of a warm forest musical note inwards the room, I only really similar how those especial bamboo pieces hold off painted!  Oh well, I demand to deport upon upwardly a few spots as well as hopefully figure out a agency to take away the decals on the front end of the doors.  I'm also undecided close what to produce alongside the hardware.  The pocket-sized handles on the middle doors are metal, but all the drawer handles are wood.  I naturally lean towards epitome the hardware gold, but I'm non certain how that would hold off against the forest (although Bethany's is truly pretty!).  Most of the bamboo dressers on Pinterest are painted as well as hence that wasn't much aid for inspiration, but I did come upwardly across this pin in conclusion nighttime (my exact dresser) as well as intend it's interesting how they stripped the complete to to a greater extent than of a natural wood, as well as noticed that they left the hardware alone.

One large slice to the puzzle that finally came together yesterday was an accent fabric.  Since nosotros shifted from deeper precious rock tones to brighter colors (although non also many, she doesn't desire a ton of color), I needed to honor ane pattern to necktie everything together as well as innovate to a greater extent than or less other color or two.  With the aid of sweetness local designer friend, I finally flora this beauty.  It's SO perfect... I absolutely dearest it as well as desire to steal it for my bedroom!  #watchoutkid  The colors are a flake bolder inwards person.  The light-green is perfect, it plays good alongside the dark as well as white, as well as the watercolor experience gives me a niggling flake of a modern vibe I was looking for.  Now... what color to choice for a few pocket-sized complementing accents???  I'm leaning towards a soft pinkish or blue.

I added to a greater extent than or less blush pinkish lamps to the pattern board earlier landing on this floral fabric, but I intend we're going to alter the light color.  I'm finalizing that for certain today as well as volition percentage those alongside you lot adjacent week.

Lastly, I'm coming upwardly empty on a carpet that I love.  I'm leaning towards ane that I'm only close laid to clit the trigger on, but I'll allow you lot know adjacent calendar week what I terminate upwardly doing for that.

Now, to banking concern agree inwards alongside the to-do list.  I doesn't seem similar I got also much done in conclusion week, inwards my defence forcefulness I was out of town as well as working on a volunteer projection for iv of those days... I can't hold off to tell you lot close that soon!  However, I did arrive at a few tangible projects, as well as truly nailed downwards lots of details that hadn't been decided yet...that's one-half the battle!

I got the nightstands painted a few days ago.  It pained me to pigment over the ruby-red but the white is growing on me!  Since it was a pocket-sized project, I usedThis post has all the details as well as tips from when I painted them the outset time.

To-Do List

Paint Ceiling as well as Walls
New Desk
Replace Ceiling Fan
Make Upholstered Headboard
Make Bedskirt
Paint Nightstands
Restore or Paint Dresser
Paint Closet as well as Bathroom Doors?
Locate/Paint/Sew New Accessories- Mirror, Lamps, Pillows, Bench
Make as well as Hang Curtains
Artwork Plan- Gallery Wall?
Paint Marquee Letter
Room Styling

Make certain to halt past times as well as banking concern agree out the other participants inwards the One Room Challenge!

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