My V Favorites: Recipes For The Holidays

Hello friends, it's fourth dimension for approximately other circular of My Five Favorites amongst Pam from Simple Details and Lisa from Shine Your Light.  Kris from Driven yesteryear Decor is difficult at move finishing upward her identify unit of measurement room for the One Room Challenge, she'll hold upward dorsum amongst us side yesteryear side month.

Today we're sharing our favorite recipes for the holidays.  I focused on the recipes that are my go-to, tried together with truthful winners to accept to parties or to serve when hosting a gathering inwards our home.

We're together with then happy to welcome our invitee Mary Ann from the earlier together with after, truly a remarkable transformation amongst non much to a greater extent than than pigment together with difficult work!

But, every bit pretty every bit her decorating is, Mary Ann is hither to part her favorite vacation recipes amongst us. I can't await to run into what she, Pam, together with Lisa possess got to part amongst us, I'm develop to endeavour something new!

s fourth dimension for approximately other circular of My Five Favorites amongst Pam from MY FIVE FAVORITES: RECIPES FOR THE HOLIDAYS

As I shared inwards the post for this recipe, it's a staple at every holiday gathering for our family.  It's a skillful side to accompany your vacation meal, tin ship away also hold upward a dessert, together with may or may non fifty-fifty stand upward inwards for breakfast if there's whatever left the solar daytime later on the vacation (not that I would know...).

s fourth dimension for approximately other circular of My Five Favorites amongst Pam from MY FIVE FAVORITES: RECIPES FOR THE HOLIDAYS

This is really a year-round favorite recipe, but it's an peculiarly skillful appetizer for parties.  It uses 4 uncomplicated ingredients, comes together inwards exactly a few minutes, together with couldn't hold upward easier.  The flavors are a skillful mix of savory, tangy, together with creamy.

s fourth dimension for approximately other circular of My Five Favorites amongst Pam from MY FIVE FAVORITES: RECIPES FOR THE HOLIDAYS

This recipe sounds strange, but TRUST ME together with endeavour it!  It really tastes nada similar lemon or iced tea.  I can't set my finger on what it does taste like, all I know is I desire to guzzle it yesteryear the tumbler total when I brand it.  A dandy non-alcoholic alternative for your parties that kids together with adults volition both love.

s fourth dimension for approximately other circular of My Five Favorites amongst Pam from MY FIVE FAVORITES: RECIPES FOR THE HOLIDAYS

This is an sometime identify unit of measurement recipe, together with was ever a favorite when I was growing upward to brand amongst my Mom.  I was the chocolate dipper.  :)  These tin ship away hold upward made inwards advance together with kept inwards the freezer, together with then you lot tin ship away describe out exactly every bit many every bit you lot need, permit them thaw a bit, together with they're develop to learn (but they're SO skillful nigh frozen, exactly soft plenty to eat, too!).  I similar to possess got these on paw for entertaining, but a handbag total also makes a dandy piffling gift for a friend or neighbor.  If you lot similar butter together with sugar, these are for you!

s fourth dimension for approximately other circular of My Five Favorites amongst Pam from MY FIVE FAVORITES: RECIPES FOR THE HOLIDAYS

I nigh didn't include this 1 because the photos aren't really good, but these meatballs are seriously the best.  The traditional meatball is ameliorate than the turkey meatball inwards my opinion, but the sauce is really the fundamental here.  I brand these throughout the year, actually- they're a huge striking when I brand them for our Vacation Bible School teachers every year, together with I ever possess got a pot of them at our Christmas Eve political party every year, too.  Honestly, RAVE REVIEWS on these every time!


s fourth dimension for approximately other circular of My Five Favorites amongst Pam from MY FIVE FAVORITES: RECIPES FOR THE HOLIDAYS

This 1 is also skillful non to include, too!  How addicting are candied almonds?  Yum!  I brand a large batch of these in the crock pot and proceed them on paw to purpose at vacation parties, or split them upward into process bags for political party guests to accept home.  They're also skillful to stick inwards someone's stocking!

What's your favorite go-to recipe for the holidays?  Be certain to caput over to Simple Details, Shine Your Lightand Classic Casual Home to depository fiscal establishment gibe out their favorite recipes, too.  

Missed whatever previous My 5 Favorites posts? Catch upward here!

My 5 Favorite Tips for Organizing Your Home
My 5 Favorite Home Decor Accessories
My 5 Favorite Ways to Decorate for Spring
My 5 Favorite Pillows
My 5 Favorite Ways to Decorate an Outdoor Space
My 5 Favorite Fabrics
My 5 Favorite DIY Projects
My 5 Favorite Ways to Use Mixed Metals
My 5 Favorite DIY Artwork Projects
My 5 Favorite Tabletop Accessories

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s fourth dimension for approximately other circular of My Five Favorites amongst Pam from MY FIVE FAVORITES: RECIPES FOR THE HOLIDAYS

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