Merry Christmas From Our Household Unit Of Measurement To You!

Wishing each together with every 1 of you lot a blessed Christmas together with vacation season, filled amongst comfort together with His peace!  I residuum inward that idea daily, knowing that no affair what, spell nosotros celebrate the babe Jesus born inward a manger, He is directly on His throne together with inward command of fifty-fifty the smallest details of our lives.

I idea I'd stimulate got the chance to portion a few household unit of measurement photos nosotros had taken a pair of weeks ago.  For the record, it was close 35 degrees, then if our hands await a lilliputian clenched together with faces frozen... they were!  :)  How perfect volition this fun graffiti wall backdrop hold upwards framed inward my house?  We e'er create casual photos, then I wanted but about amongst us all dressed upwards this time, together with I honey the contrast of the graffiti together with our Dominicus best.

Thank you lot all for continuing to read postal service later on post.  Each fourth dimension I wonder if this is worth all of the fourth dimension together with endeavour spent, I have the sweetest encouraging comment at but the correct fourth dimension to maintain me going.  You all are completely the argue I proceed to portion here, together with I'm genuinely grateful for your faithful back upwards together with encouragement!  Merry Christmas, sugariness friends.  I'll run across you lot inward 2017!

But the angel said to them "Do non hold upwards afraid; for behold, I convey you lot practiced intelligence of bang-up joy which volition hold upwards for all people, for today inward the metropolis of David at that topographic point has been born for you lot a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."  Luke 2:10-11

P.S. If you're local to OKC together with don't stimulate got a church building home, we'd honey to stimulate got you lot bring together us for our Christmas Eve together with Christmas Morning services!  Service times together with details here.

*Photos past times Angela Maze Photography

 Wishing each together with every 1 of you lot a blessed Christmas together with vacation flavour MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM OUR FAMILY TO YOU!

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