Colorful Christmas Mantel Amongst Hobby Lobby

This is a sponsored conversation written past times me on behalf of Hobby Lobby. The opinions together with text are all mine.

I hope I'm non amount out decorating for Christmas until after Thanksgiving is over, but today I'm together with thus excited to portion my colorful Christmas mantel amongst you. For this project, I was challenged to pass $100 at Hobby Lobby to mode my mantel for Christmas. Let me nation you, specially during weeks where Christmas is 50% off, that goes a long way!

Actually, a skillful portion of my vacation decorations are already from Hobby Lobby (I ever add together inwards a few novel things each year), together with thus I took this chance to add together a few bigger pieces to my collection, knowing that I had enough of smaller things to fill upwards inwards with.

Here are the results of my shopping trip- a huge 24x36 chalkboard fine art piece, vintage mode together with peppermint striped shatterproof ornaments, 2 artificial trees, 2 nutcrackers, together with merely about gilt metallic element newspaper fans.

I convey LOVED that artwork ever since I used it inwards my Christmas styling promo video amongst Hobby Lobby a piece back, together with I couldn't resist getting it to purpose inwards my ain home. My hubby couldn't believe it wasn't an actual chalkboard together with asked if I had done the pattern myself. Nope! (I'm non that good!) I encounter together with thus much potential for this slice inwards the future, too. It would live dandy on the porch or patio, inwards an entry, over a sideboard, inwards a kid's room... together with thus many possibilities.

After adding inwards merely about things I already had together with a few clippings of fresh greenery, here's what I came upwards with.

This is a sponsored conversation written past times me on behalf of Hobby Lobby COLORFUL CHRISTMAS MANTEL WITH HOBBY LOBBY

I already had everything else shown from Christmases past times or stashed inwards my arts and crafts together with decor closet. You all know I honey using these newspaper fans at Christmas, together with I was together with thus happy to discovery the white together with gilt metallic element laid that is at nowadays available. They also convey merely about dandy patterned fans inwards diverse colors, together with lots of solid colored options.

This is a sponsored conversation written past times me on behalf of Hobby Lobby COLORFUL CHRISTMAS MANTEL WITH HOBBY LOBBY

To add together merely about fun to the front end of the mantel earlier afterwards inwards the calendar month when the stockings are hung, I used a tissue tassel garland that I made ages ago. I convey tassels inwards all dissimilar colors together with switch them out depending on the occasion. I most often purpose it for birthdays, but to larn inwards travel for my Christmas palette I removed the orangish together with yellowish tassels together with added inwards a few hot pinkish ones. Then, I anchored the ends together with middle amongst the large blood-red together with white striped ornaments. I expire on really pocket-size nails inwards the exterior edges of my mantel, together with thus I tin claw upwards a garland when desired. Command hooks would travel good also if you lot don't wishing to or are unable to purpose nails. To line upwards the middle I merely used a pocket-size thumbtack.

This is a sponsored conversation written past times me on behalf of Hobby Lobby COLORFUL CHRISTMAS MANTEL WITH HOBBY LOBBY

For fifty-fifty to a greater extent than interest, I added these colorful vintage mode ornaments inwards betwixt merely about of the tassels. They await together with thus good, I can't believe they're plastic! #shatterproofforthewin

This is a sponsored conversation written past times me on behalf of Hobby Lobby COLORFUL CHRISTMAS MANTEL WITH HOBBY LOBBY
(That wired gingham ribbon is HL too- it's inwards the floral ribbon department twelvemonth round!)

The infinitesimal I saw these trees I knew they'd live coming domicile amongst me too. The needles are truly plastic together with the branches are wired for slow shaping. These are dandy rather than the typical nylon needled trees because they won't shed or larn smashed after a few years similar the nylon needles tend to do.

This is a sponsored conversation written past times me on behalf of Hobby Lobby COLORFUL CHRISTMAS MANTEL WITH HOBBY LOBBY

They come upwards inwards an attractive circular metallic element base, but I slipped them inwards merely about pots I've had for years to coordinate amend amongst the residual of my space. Then I filled the base of operations amongst mini ornaments inwards my color palette, together with a mini disco ball hither together with in that location for skillful measure!

This is a sponsored conversation written past times me on behalf of Hobby Lobby COLORFUL CHRISTMAS MANTEL WITH HOBBY LOBBY

My final novel improver was a span of nutcrackers. I already had a few that I've had for ages, but convey been wanting to add together to my collection. Using an particular inwards multiples ever makes it to a greater extent than special together with to a greater extent than of a focal point. The drummers were meaningful to add together inwards this twelvemonth since my boy moved upwards to playing the snare inwards drumline this year. Now I'll ever associate that retention amongst these guys when I line them out each year!

This is a sponsored conversation written past times me on behalf of Hobby Lobby COLORFUL CHRISTMAS MANTEL WITH HOBBY LOBBY

I honey the base of operations that my novel pieces allowed me to construct on to create this fun, festive space.

This is a sponsored conversation written past times me on behalf of Hobby Lobby COLORFUL CHRISTMAS MANTEL WITH HOBBY LOBBY

This is a sponsored conversation written past times me on behalf of Hobby Lobby COLORFUL CHRISTMAS MANTEL WITH HOBBY LOBBY

And yes, all of the wrapping newspaper is from Hobby Lobby too. I know you lot convey your optic on that cute bluish gingham! It's inwards the regular political party department amongst the other gift wrap. I already had the stripes together with dark polka dot, but I recollect they convey them 1 time again this twelvemonth (or really similar) amongst the Christmas gift wrap selections.

This is a sponsored conversation written past times me on behalf of Hobby Lobby COLORFUL CHRISTMAS MANTEL WITH HOBBY LOBBY

HL is also my go-to source for disco balls. They convey them inwards together with thus many sizes together with lots of colors this year. I added a larger 1 inwards amongst the gifts, together with a few smaller ones mixed inwards amongst the ornaments along the mantel. If your mantel happens to live inwards a spot that receives conduct Sun during the day, larn create for a sparkle demonstrate all over your room!

This is a sponsored conversation written past times me on behalf of Hobby Lobby COLORFUL CHRISTMAS MANTEL WITH HOBBY LOBBY

For slow sourcing, the entirely things pictured non from Hobby Lobby are the bluish together with white pots, the vintage chair together with brass fireplace screen, the light-green garden stool, together with the 2 pillows inwards the chair. Everything else (or the supplies to larn inwards similar the tissue newspaper for garland) tin live institute inwards store together with merely about online. Even though I've had many of the Hobby Lobby things for years, they bear similar seasonal items from twelvemonth to twelvemonth together with thus it should live pretty slow to discovery everything shown here.

This is a sponsored conversation written past times me on behalf of Hobby Lobby COLORFUL CHRISTMAS MANTEL WITH HOBBY LOBBY

Be certain to halt inwards to Hobby Lobby to larn your creative juices flowing for your Christmas decor this year- together with hooray that Christmas products are 1/2 off this week! And inwards illustration you lot travel on to discovery something that's non on sale, here's your handy coupon to purpose on a regular cost item.   Go larn your ain adorable Merry Christmas chalkboard!

And what most you...have you lot been able to resist the urge to showtime decorating for Christmas? Or is your solid already a wintertime wonderland? I wishing to listen all most it!

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