Add This I To The Thrifting List

I can't terminal thinking nearly Jenny's postal service concluding week, where she showed her novel establish chandelier together with this inspiration photo:

                                 Source: via Jennifer on Pinterest

Ray agreed that nosotros could guide keep the ceiling fan downward inward our sleeping accommodation if nosotros run a freestanding tower fan, which I am totally ok with!  So now, my wheels are turning for lighting options.

I'm non certain what color I would pigment mine yet, exactly I dearest the twist of the circular bulbs (although I would run clear) together with vivid color to brand together with former brass fixture hold off to a greater extent than modern.

I'm clearly non afraid of pigment or colored lite fixtures-this thrifted chandy got a transformation together with proudly hangs inward my laundry room.

Here are another painted brass beauties-

                                                                         Source: via "Grateful" Kim on Pinterest


Vintage Revivals



Faith, Trust, & Pixie Dust

Vintage Revivals

I'm hoping something similar to this lite won't locomote likewise hard to abide by piece thrifting.  
The hunt is on!


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