Outdoor Mantel Decor {With Mounted Tv}

Hey guys!  I am inwards the habitation stretch of wrapping upwards my Powder Bath for the One Room Challenge Reveal TOMORROW!  As I write this ship service Tuesday evening, I nonetheless guide maintain 2 semi-major projects in addition to four odds in addition to ends to complete up, in addition to then I tin flame clean, style, in addition to photograph! I guide maintain literally used every spare instant (in betwixt lots of recent events/parties) in addition to lots of multiple nights to wrap this matter up.  And to intend I persuasion this would live on a fairly quick in addition to slowly makeover!  So, wretched the weblog has been slightly neglected lately!  I'm piling upwards lots of adept things to percentage alongside you in addition to volition live on dorsum to a normal posting schedule adjacent week.  Thanks for hanging inwards at that spot alongside me, in addition to here's a sneak peek that I shared on IG because you are thence sweet!

I am inwards the habitation stretch of wrapping upwards my  OUTDOOR MANTEL DECOR {WITH MOUNTED TV}

I'm also good aware that I haven't shared a total break of our patio yet.  I was waiting for things to instruct dark-green in addition to pretty outside, in addition to it's taken me forever to complete upwards accessorizing the space.  I intend we're close, though!

One crucial slice to the puzzle was figuring out what to practise on the mantel.  We guide maintain a television receiver over the mantel, but I nonetheless wanted a lilliputian something decorative upwards there.  Here's what I needed to consider when looking for accessories:

*The opened upwards infinite on each side of the mantel beside the television receiver is small, thence anything tall placed at that spot would guide maintain to live on skinny.
*The current of air tin flame instruct cruel out at that spot at times.  I had a duet of metallic lanterns sitting on the ends of the mantel for a land in addition to ane of them truly blew off in addition to shattered ane night. So, whatever it is needs to live on heavy.
*For the same reason, I can't purpose anything that's likewise top-heavy- it would live on similar a canvass inwards the wind.
*It needs to live on outdoor friendly in addition to cute!

My master computer program was to notice ii tall, skinny lanterns to flank the tv, in addition to either laid them on the curtain or purpose hangers in addition to mountain them to the brick on each side of the tv.  I never constitute the correct size that I loved, in addition to later lantern #1 blew off, I ditched the persuasion of only setting them on the mantel.  I also wanted to notice some form of planter that was long in addition to depression to instruct nether the tv, but at the same fourth dimension didn't desire things to instruct likewise busy, peculiarly since I guide maintain plants nether the mantel on the hearth.  I knew I'd postulate to notice a container that was long in addition to narrow, in addition to persuasion the chances of finding the correct size were slim.  I could guide maintain built a box out of wood, but didn't desire that since the mantel is basically a large forest box.

So... all of that to say you the background on the infinite in addition to what I was thinking...

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 few weeks agone I striking Lowe's at only the correct fourth dimension when the clearance flora racks were full.  They had darling lilliputian succulents for only $1 each.  I knew I wanted to purpose succulents on the mantel fifty-fifty though I hadn't figured out the container yet, thence I snatched upwards ix or 10.

Inside the identify I've planted several succulents inwards modest cups or mugs, in addition to land dusting or thence those I persuasion nigh those cute lilliputian patterned rice bowls that are adept for thence many uses, in addition to persuasion they would live on perfect alongside the succulents inwards them.  And, they're depression in addition to weighty plenty that the current of air won't bother them, in addition to I could purpose multiple bowls to work the mantel all the agency across.  Bingo!

I am inwards the habitation stretch of wrapping upwards my  OUTDOOR MANTEL DECOR {WITH MOUNTED TV}

Of class Anthropologie has some adept options (too pricey for this projection in addition to slightly larger than I wanted) in addition to World Market does too (but no store hither inwards OKC- boo!), but I knew I had seen them at TJ Maxx in addition to Marshalls.  Marshalls is correct or thence the corner, thence I checked at that spot in addition to they had a a adept diversity of blueish in addition to white (perfect!) choices.  (Similar bowls to mine here.)  I wanted some diversity inwards the bowls but for them nonetheless to all relate, but this persuasion would live on only equally cute alongside whatsoever color combo, or fifty-fifty alongside all unlike designs.  

Now alongside the parts in addition to pieces rounded up, I added a layer of modest rocks to the bottom of each bowl earlier adding a chip of soil for the succulents.  Since at that spot is no drainage hole, the rocks overstep away along excess H2O drained away from the plant.  Also, I've constitute the undercover to succulents is making certain they instruct plenty light, in addition to I hardly always H2O them.  Like hold off until they're past times os dry out in addition to you guide maintain no persuasion how they're nonetheless alive, in addition to then H2O them.  ;)

I am inwards the habitation stretch of wrapping upwards my  OUTDOOR MANTEL DECOR {WITH MOUNTED TV}

I similar this blueprint also because inwards the wintertime when it's mutual frigidity I tin flame only stick some mistaken succulents inwards the bowls.  You could practise the same if you're non confident alongside live on succulents, or if you desire to purpose them inwards an expanse without much light.  Hobby Lobby has some non bad looking mistaken succulents.

I am inwards the habitation stretch of wrapping upwards my  OUTDOOR MANTEL DECOR {WITH MOUNTED TV}

It would also await overnice to add together some moss to encompass the soil, peculiarly if you purpose mistaken succulents, but I left mine uncovered for now.  I intend birds would accept off alongside the moss for their nests!

I am inwards the habitation stretch of wrapping upwards my  OUTDOOR MANTEL DECOR {WITH MOUNTED TV}

Alright, alongside the mantel decor box checked, we're ane mensuration closer to beingness finished on the patio!  I've been likewise busy alongside the ORC to instruct some pots together, in addition to I'm searching for ane to a greater extent than non bad pillow cloth to purpose out there, in addition to and then I'll live on laid upwards to demo you!

I am inwards the habitation stretch of wrapping upwards my  OUTDOOR MANTEL DECOR {WITH MOUNTED TV}

See you tomorrow for my Powder Bath reveal, in addition to inwards the hateful fourth dimension depository fiscal establishment jibe out all of the featured designers' room reveals today!  I can't hold off to encounter them all!

I am inwards the habitation stretch of wrapping upwards my  OUTDOOR MANTEL DECOR {WITH MOUNTED TV}

I am inwards the habitation stretch of wrapping upwards my  OUTDOOR MANTEL DECOR {WITH MOUNTED TV}

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