Happy Birthday Caleb!

 Our sweetness man child turns 12 today!

Caleb, we're then proud of y'all in addition to the incredible boyfriend that y'all are becoming.

We give thank y'all the Lord for y'all in addition to can't await to encounter what skillful things He has inwards shop for y'all this year! 

We took our guy out for a quick birthday luncheon in addition to rather than going out this evening he requested that I hit his favorite-Breakfast for Dinner/Biscuits in addition to Gravy-for his birthday repast tonight.  We'll celebrate alongside the menage unit of measurement tomorrow.

You tin read to a greater extent than most Caleb here.

In the midst of all the festivities, I'm trying to complete this up.  One to a greater extent than coat.  I think.  I hope!

Happiest of weekends, friends! 

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