Patio Makeover Pattern Board

I've shared the structure plans for our patio makeover amongst you, but I've been dying to instruct to the pretty part... the design!  With the generous size that the competed patio volition be, we'll convey room for 2 "zones" that I'm planning inwards my head, 1 sitting/lounging/outdoor living area, too a dining expanse volition last on the other side.  

Here's the administration we're headed for the living area.  Remember that nosotros programme to add together an outdoor fireplace, which volition represent the brick on the outside of the trouble solid too my indoor fireplace, hence I included a photograph of that for reference.  

For the dining side of the porch, we're thinking along these lines...

Actually, I'm catching you lot upward today!  We've had the concrete completed for almost 2 months, but nada has changed since too then equally we've been waiting for the framer to start.  No surprise here, but I couldn't hold off to offset furnishing this space! So, we've already been collecting our novel pieces too using what nosotros convey for now.

Even idea it's merely a big slab of concrete correct at nowadays too things aren't located where they eventually volition be, we've already enjoyed many mornings too evenings sitting correct there.

I'll hand a source listing inwards a subsequently post, but I bought these chairs inwards the Spring at Ross. Even though they convey non genuinely been inwards continual right away sunlight, they haven't weathered really well.  Maybe I should convey sprayed them amongst a sealer when they were new, but who knew?  I genuinely yell back they'll instruct painted, along amongst the rattan tabular array serving equally a java tabular array currently but volition last used equally a side tabular array eventually, I'm merely trying to come upward up amongst a color!  I'm non certain what sort of java tabular array we'll role yet, but I'm thinking of trying the one-time 1 nosotros had out hither previously, but giving it a to a greater extent than natural makeover.   

This isn't our terminal landing spot past times whatever means, at that topographic point volition yet last lots of changing approximately too I'll convey to a greater extent than layers too accessories to add.

Last calendar week I shared a few patio dining slice of furniture options that I came across inwards my search.  I hinted that nosotros mightiness convey ended upward amongst a few things I posted, too nosotros did!  

We bought these chairs from Ikea too this table from Target (kind-of).  I've genuinely had the tabular array for a few months.  After a menage unit of measurement gathering where I was discussing our plans for the patio, my sis texted me a painting of the tabular array that her hubby flora at a thrift shop merely a few days later.  Sold!  So, I was surprised to uncovering the same tabular array currently yet for sale finally calendar week when I was researching other patio furniture.  I looks similar wood, but it's genuinely aluminum.  I'll convey some to a greater extent than details to portion amongst you lot near that inwards the future, it's already had a lilliputian makeover.

And amongst that, I yell back I've finally caught you lot upward to existent fourth dimension on this project.  The framer arrived yesterday too began the demonstrate portion that he needed to do.  He'll offset the novel structure today... yippee!  He expects to goal past times the terminate of side past times side calendar week probably, too then we'll quest to instruct the roof completed, electrical wiring done, too the masonry work.  It's slow-going, but at to the lowest degree we're moving forward!

If you lot missed whatever previous patio posts, pick out grip of upward here:

ve shared the structure plans for our patio makeover amongst you lot PATIO MAKEOVER DESIGN BOARD

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