New Google Maps Of The Week

The stand-out map of the concluding calendar week has to hold out Blocky Earth, a fabulous WebGL experiment using the Google Maps API to present a 3d representation of the Earth.

I actually shouldn't claim i of my ain maps equally i of the best of the week. Especially when this map is withal far from perfect merely ... IT'S STREET VIEW ON MARS!
Martian Street View uses panoramas of Mars captured from NASA's Mars' missions alongside the Custom Panorama business office inward the Google Maps API to assistance y'all stimulate got a virtual walk on the moon.

Weather Underground's WunderMap directly allows the user to persuasion historical weather condition records on a Google Map.
A calendar command to a higher house the map allows the user to select a appointment in addition to persuasion the historical weather condition records for that day. The records include radar, tempest reports in addition to fifty-fifty weather condition related photographs in addition to webcam images taken on that day.
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