New The Marvelous Maps Of The Week

Eric Fischer at Mapbox has mapped vi billion geo-tagged Twitter messages. The 6 Billion Tweets Map is a corking visualization of Twitter's global appeal, non solely showing where Twitter is pop merely also where the social network has all the same to make traction.

Bath is a beautiful city, sum of beautiful Georgian buildings. It also forthwith has a beautiful historical map website.
I've seen a lot of historical map websites and History Map: Bath stands out every bit i of the improve designed visualizations of one-time maps. This Leaflet.js created map allows y'all to sentiment viii historical maps of the city, ranging from the 1500′s through to the 1940′s.
The site allows y'all to sentiment the historical maps on tiptop of the modern map of Bath using a magnifying drinking glass lens overlay. Alternatively y'all tin switch to sentiment each of the historical maps inward full-screen mode. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 map inset also provides a niggling information on each of the historical map overlays

One of the prettiest looking maps this calendar week was this animated map of Flights Over Queens. This CartoDB created map is a corking visualization of flying patterns over New York City.
The map animates flights on the eventide of Oct 1st 2014 coming into too exiting JFK, LGA too EWR. The map also shows the flying paths of each of the evening's flights. The resultant is a rather beautiful map of flying patterns over the city.
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