Amaze March Monthly Update, Another Interview and the Breakthrough Conference Report

You might want to listen to the March monthly update Cobra interview by Rob Potter or read the transcript there:

Or listen to the Youtube version here:

You can send your questions to and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview. 
You can also read another excellent interview:
Or watch it on Youtube:
With the completion of the last Uranus-Pluto square the last Window of Opportunity has been closed. This simply means that all our portal activations have stabilized the etheric Light grid around the planet to the point that the Archons and the Chimera can never completely retake it again. We are now deep into the Breakthrough phase, energy steadily accumulating for the final Breakthrough which will culminate into the Event.
Our conference in Konstanz was accompanied by many signs in the skies. One week before the conference, the sky in Germany and Switzerland was lit by a bright meteor which later crashed somewhere in the Swiss Alps:
It is interesting to note that the path of the meteor went exactly above Konstanz:



Then, one day before the conference, we had a solar eclipse happening just a few hours before the equinox. This eclipse signifies the return of balance to the planet. I took this photo of the eclipse quite close to Konstanz:

The conference was a huge success, as we managed to create a breakthrough of balance with a strong, dedicated group. The energy of balance will be one of the most needed energies in the first hours and days after the Event.
The Breakthrough is near!

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