Amaze Agartha Network Developments

In the West, Agartha network was integrated with the Resistance Movement more than a decade ago. In the East, it was kept as a separate entity until now for security reasons.
Eastern (Asian) Agartha network was created 25,000 years ago when many immortals (xian) left the surface of the planet:
And created an underground kingdom of Light in their grotto-heavens:
I took this photo in one such cave recently somewhere in Asia:

Eastern Agartha network is the source of Taoist alchemy and immortality teachings:
Up until a few centuries ago, many taoist monasteries had access to the underground Agartha network through a cave or a tunnel near or under the monastery.
A certain Dragon group is still a guardian of those entrances and portals.
Eastern Agartha network is a very distinct underground culture about which not much has been written:
They occasionally make contact with the surface population, as you can read in this very interesting book:
Last year in November, as we were approaching the IS:IS Portal activation in December, an important integration process was initiated between the Resistance Movement and the Eastern Agartha network. Many protocols were exchanged and a thorough clearing process has been initiated, since the uppermost subterranean layer up to 30 meters (100 feet) below the surface in Asia was and to some extent still is a hiding place for Cabal-related individuals and their crime syndicates, in the same way as underground tunnels not too deeply below Naples in Italy are still a hiding place for the Mafia. 
During and after the IS:IS Portal activation, a high level connection was made between the Resistance Movement, the Eastern Agartha network and the Andean Agartha network. Nothing more can be released about that connection at this point. 
At the IS:IS Portal activation, a cosmic Goddess named Dou Mu has left her home star system, teleported into the Eastern Agartha network and then arrived on the surface of the planet. Now she lives in her physical Light body on a very powerful vortex point on the surface somewhere is Asia, channeling cosmic Goddess archetypes of Nut (sky), Maat (justice) and Hathor (love) for the planet, with members of a certain Dragon group being her guardians:

Taiwan is one of main places with strong Dragon presence and a deep connection with Eastern Agartha network. 
The first Breakthrough conference will therefore take place in Taiwan, on January 24th and 25th. You are more than welcome to join us:
The Breakthrough is near!

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