Info For You Lot Hedareb (To-Bdawe) People: Eritrea`S Mixed Arabs Together With Indigenous Agro-Pastoralist People

The Hedareb (also known equally T`bdawe/To-bdawe) people are amalgamated agro-pastoralist in addition to Arabic-Tigre speaking people composed of Standard Arabic in addition to Cushitic ethnolinguistic groups living inward the arid in addition to semi-arid lands located inward the northwestern parts of Barka inward Eritrea in addition to equally far equally amongst the borders amongst eastward Sudan. The Hedareb has ii major clans: the Beni-Amer people of Standard Arabic or Afro-Asiatic extraction and Beja people who are by in addition to large of indigenous Cushitic extraction.
Hedareb people of Eritrea performing their traditional dancing rituals

The Hedareb people accept sub-tribes such as Hashish, Labat, in addition to Halenqua. Hedareb people (Beni-Amer in addition to Beja) constitute virtually 3% of the total Eritrean population.
Hederab people utter Tigre and  Beja language. Most Hedareb people are pastoralists who moves from house to house on a seasonal basis. They predominantly go along large herds of camel, goats in addition to sheep. The Beni-Amer who are organized into hierarchical social structure, are known for their pastoral skills, peculiarly inward raising camels (Tesfagiorgis G, 2007:142)
Hedareb adult woman from Eritrea

The Hedareb territories are arid in addition to semi-arid. These highly organized pastoral communities practise creature husbandry equally their main activity inward the frail ecosystem of the northwestern parts of Eritrea in addition to equally far equally areas bordering Sudan.
 Beni-Amer Boy: the most iconic Eritrean paradigm  - Photo credit: James P. Blair/National Geographic, 1965

The Hedareb are by in addition to large devout Muslims. Their social structures are based on clans in addition to sub-clan organizations. Their lands are ain past times clans.
Tigre speaking people composed of Standard Arabic in addition to Cushitic ethnolinguistic groups living inward the Info For You HEDAREB (TO-BDAWE) PEOPLE: ERITREA`S MIXED ARABS AND INDIGENOUS AGRO-PASTORALIST PEOPLE
Hedareb adult woman from Eritrea at Asmara festuval

H5N1 Study inward Arab-Beja Relationships
past times A. PAUL, Pages 75-78
It is, I believe, i of the most firmly held tenets of anthropologists that where Hamite in addition to Semite accept intermingled it is the latter strain which predominates inward language, custom, in addition to racial characteristics inward general.
There are, however, exceptions to this equally to nearly every rule, in addition to i of them is to live found amidst the medieval Beja of the Sudan. Although for hundreds of years the descendants of Arab immigrants from the Hadramaut in addition to Arab Republic of Egypt were the dominant strength inward the Atbai, yet inward nearly every honor they are indistinguishable from the indigenous Beja amidst whom they settled.
At a appointment never exactly determined, just sure inward the Days of Ignorance prior to the Moslem era, in addition to most belike virtually the destination of the 6th century A.D. sections of a Himyarite tribe from Shihr inward Southern Arabia found its means across the Red Sea in addition to settled inward the Atbai in addition to mayhap also farther southward inward the vicinity of Sinkat in addition to Erkowit.
It is likely that their arrival found the nomadic Beja tribes of that expanse inward a to a greater extent than than ordinary province of flux in addition to confusion because, non then many years before, their domination of the southern Thebaid betwixt Ibrim in addition to Assuan had terminated amongst their decisive defeat past times Silko, King of the Nuba, who had ejected them from their riverain settlements in addition to thrown them dorsum into the inhospitable deserts from which they had come.
Crippled temporarily equally a fighting powerfulness the Beja relapsed into an anarchic catamenia of petty inter-tribal wars in addition to disputes inward which they had powerfulness to price none just themselves. The newcomers were not, therefore, annihilated or driven into the body of body of water equally they powerfulness accept been, just were able to last in addition to farther to amend their seat past times matrimony amongst the daughters of local chiefs.
Then past times argue of the matrilineal scheme of succession silent practised amidst the Beja their sons succeeded to tribal leadership, in addition to past times virtue of this in addition to a superior civilisation were able to institute themselves equally a dominant aristocracy, partly Arab inward blood, ruling over a really much larger publish of indigenous Beja. serfs.
The newcomers were described equally Hadareb, a local corruption of Hadarma (inhabitants of the Hadramaut) in addition to it is quite likely that they were also i in addition to the same people equally the Bellou (derived from the Tu-Bedawie belawiet=to utter a unusual tongue).
They are then referred to past times the anonymous historian of the Amarar in addition to past times Idrisi, though the scream does non seem to accept come upward into full general go until virtually the destination of the fourteenth century, when the Bellou are found struggling unsuccessfully for survival against the newly emerged in addition to aggressive tribe of Hadendowa.
Further written report of admittedly obscure in addition to conflicting show leads me firmly to the conclusion, in addition to inward this I am supported strongly past times local tradition, that the Bellou were inward fact the Hadareb at a afterwards phase inward their history. But patch they established a political in addition to social autocracy inward the Atbai the Hadareb at the same fourth dimension lost almost completely their racial individually inward adoption of Beja language, habits in addition to religion, which at that fourth dimension was a really nominal kind of Christianity.
Late inward the 6th century they had been converted past times the mission sent to Nubia past times the Empress Theodora, just it is to live believed that their observance of the novel faith was neither really thorough nor really strict, in addition to they did inward fact at this fourth dimension worship a nifty diversity of gods: Isis, whose statue they had i time been allowed to take away from Philae for adoration inward their desert fastnesses; Mandulis, for whom the Romans had built a temple at Talmis; in addition to Min, mayhap Apollo, the god of thunder.
H5N1 really considerable publish also were silent pagans, worshipping devils, in addition to really much nether the awe-inspiring demoniac influence of their shamans. Writing really much later, at the destination of the 9th century, the Arab historian in addition to geographer, Ya'qubi, gives a description of a Beja kingdom which he calls Tankish, lying betwixt Assuan in addition to Khor Baraka, containing aureate in addition to emerald mines, in addition to inhabited past times Hadareb in addition to their really much larger serf community, the Zenafig.

The upper-case missive of the alphabet of the kingdom was Hadjr or Dherbe, lying inward the aureate solid reason betwixt Kus in addition to Aidhab on the coast, in addition to it does non seem besides fanciful to seat this amongst Derheib inward the Wadi Allagi where the remains of medieval strongholds may silent live seen.
About A.D. 850 after an interval of nearly iii hundred years, the Beja went raiding over again into Arab Republic of Egypt amongst the consequence that the Tulinid sultans sent against them a serial of expeditions inward which they were defeated in addition to compelled to acknowledge the Sultan's suzerainty. H5N1 farther consequence of thus calling downwards upon themselves the attentions of the rulers of Arab Republic of Egypt was the renewed exploitation of the ancient aureate workings inward their hills.
The Wadi Allagi mines were re-opened inward 878, in addition to in that location followed for to a greater extent than or less years a steady influx of free-booting Arab tribes, mainly of the Rabi'a, the Beni Tamim, in addition to the Mudr, who fought ferociously amidst themselves for the mastery of the mines. Final victory went to the Rabi'a who had allied themselves to the Beja past times matrimony amongst Hadareb wives, in addition to were successful inward persuading them to abandon Christianity for Islam, just who were otherwise racially assimilated equally easily in addition to equally completely equally their Himyarite predecessors had been earlier them.|
From the diverse accounts of Arab travellers in addition to historians such equally lbn Selim, Masoudi, lbn Jubayr, Ibn Batuta, in addition to others, it is possible to slice together a really full general motion-picture demonstrate of weather condition inward the Atbai inward this the
heyday of Hadareb rule.
It is a motion-picture demonstrate non really unlike from that of the acquaint day. There were a nifty publish of petty tribal sections each nether its ain chief, leading a pastoral nomad existence each inside the express orbit of its ain well-fields in addition to grazing grounds, in addition to exclusively vaguely admitting the paramountcy of the Hidirbi, the original of the Hadareb.
They were goodness camel masters, just seem also to accept owned considerable numbers of cattle, much admired for their color in addition to yield of milk, in addition to inward fourth dimension of state of war the Hidirbi could get together a small-scale strength of Hadareb cavalry, in addition to a much larger i of camel-mounted spearmen recruited from the Zenafig.
From twentieth century survivals amidst the Beni Amer it is possible also to accept to a greater extent than or less thought of the relationships of the Hadareb in addition to their serfs. The latter were camel or cattle herdsmen, paying tribute in addition to otherwise ministering to the needs in addition to comforts of their masters, supplying whatever animals or hit they powerfulness from fourth dimension to fourth dimension require, in addition to enabling them to alive a life of indolent case.
Serfs powerfulness live transferred similar chattels from original to master, just they powerfulness non live bought in addition to sold, in addition to inward the rare lawsuit of a serf killing a Hadarbi compensation took the cast of the transfer of the offender in addition to 5 of his kinsfolk to the household unit of measurement of the deceased. Serfs powerfulness ain property, just their social inferiority was emphasised past times sure outward signs-they powerfulness non ride a horse, go riding saddles on their camels, or acquit swords, though it does non seem that inter-marriage of Hadareb amongst serf women was then strictly forbidden equally afterwards on amidst the Nabtab aristocracy of the Beni Amer.
Serf obligations to their masters were thus considerable, just inward render they benefited past times patronage in addition to protection, which inward those days of constant tribal warfare in addition to ferocious blood feuds were benefits of no petty value.
Judging past times the nifty wealth which the Sultans of Arab Republic of Egypt were able to extract from the aureate in addition to emerald mines of the eastern deserts a really considerable amount of treasure must also accept found its means into Hadareb hands, yet despite it all they seem never at whatever fourth dimension to accept risen much higher upward the grade of desert nomads, in addition to accept left behind them no discernible traces of their existence, a most remarkable fact when it is remembered that for nearly 8 hundred years they were masters of the Atbai amongst its wealth of aureate in addition to emeralds, in addition to that for much of that fourth dimension also they had command of i of the richest ports of medieval times.
This was Aidhab, whose ruins are silent to live seen on the coast non far northward of Halaib, an unlovely spot, where H2O was scarce, in addition to nutrient in addition to fuel non much to a greater extent than plentiful, yet nevertheless inward its twenty-four hr catamenia i of the most of import ports of the known world, beingness the terminus of the Far East merchandise amongst Arab Republic of Egypt in addition to the west, equally good equally beingness the main pilgrim port for northward Africa, much equally Suakin is today.
Its merchandise was sufficiently lucrative for the Sultan to hold an agent in that location for the collection of port dues of which, however, he was able to secure exclusively a third, the residual beingness collected past times the Hidirbi. Ibn Jubayr, who spent several months in that location inward the hottest business office of 1283, describes it equally lacking inward all forms of amenity, such H2O equally was available beingness less agreeable than thirst, in addition to the inhabitants an unpleasant breed of no regard. Even then he is much less critical of them than Maqrizi who states tersely that they were brute beasts rather than men, in addition to that no human characteristics were thus to live expected of them.
What betwixt its climate in addition to the unscrupulous greed of its inhabitants, who fleeced the pilgrims past times every known device, Aidhab must accept been equally close an approach to hell on public equally makes no difference, in addition to it is no wonder perhaps that the graveyards on the landward side of the dunes are equally extensive equally they are, in addition to that legend marks it equally the location where Solomon was wont to imprison refractory demons.
About the middle of the fourteenth century the fortunes of the Hadareb inward the Atbai began to reject equally the mines became exhausted, in addition to merchandise in addition to the pilgrim traffic began to movement to other to a greater extent than convenient ports.
They no longer had powerfulness to exercise such strict command over their dependent area peoples, in addition to the destination of the century saw the emergence of the Beja tribes which nosotros know today, the Beshariin, the Hadendowa, in addition to the Amarar whose showtime struggles were for liberty from Hadareb authority.
The destination came finally carly inward the fifteenth century. The Beshariin claim to accept driven them from the northern Atbai virtually this time, in addition to inward 1426 Aidhab was destroyed past times Bars Bey, the Mamluke Sultan of Egypt, equally penalisation for the plunder of a caravan on its means to Mecca.
The Hadareb fled southward and, if Leo Africanus is to live believed, suffered in conclusion annihilation at the hands of their merchandise rivals, the Arteiga of Suakin. This may live so, just it seems nevertheless that a department of them managed to hold themselves inward the glens in addition to hills circular Sinkat in addition to Erkowit until i time to a greater extent than driven southward beyond Khor Baraka past times the Hadendowa, who refer ever to their opponents inward these early on tribal wars equally the Bellou.
Beyond Khor Baraka they were able to last in addition to retain their feudal scheme intact until slowly inward the sixteenth century when they suffered a crushing defeat at Asaramaderheib at the hands of a Fung, or to a greater extent than belike an Abdullab, army.
Tigre speaking people composed of Standard Arabic in addition to Cushitic ethnolinguistic groups living inward the Info For You HEDAREB (TO-BDAWE) PEOPLE: ERITREA`S MIXED ARABS AND INDIGENOUS AGRO-PASTORALIST PEOPLE
Hederab woman

The broken remnants fled to the Samhar (the coastal patently behind Massawa) where their descendants silent remain; in addition to their seat equally overlords of a large serf population was usurped past times a contingent of Sha'adinab/Ja'aliin who had fought inward the Abdullab army, in addition to who remained on equally masters of the country, in addition to gave to themselves in addition to their newly conquered dependants the generic scream of Beni Amer.
The scream Hadareb silent survives, firstly equally applied to the Tu-Bedawie-speaking sections of the Beni Amer, mayhap because they were remnants of sometime Hederib serfs, in addition to secondly, inward slight amended form, Hadarba, to all traders of Arabian origin, the Sheikh of the Arteiga inward Suakin for long beingness known equally the
Emir el Hadarba.
There seems petty incertitude that the iii nifty tribal confederations mentioned higher upward accept for their ancestors the one-time serf peoples of the Atbai who were nether Hadareb rule. So anxious accept they been, however, to claim Arab ancestry, the Beshariin in addition to Amarar from the Aulad Kahil, in addition to the Hadendowa from the Ashraf, that their truthful tribal antecedents accept been forgotten, in addition to their cognition of their pre-Islamic history is to a greater extent than than commonly vague in addition to incorrect.
And yet despite the infusion from Arabia of non a petty of the blood both of Joktan in addition to of Ishmael they rest inward nearly everything essentially in addition to unmistakably a Hamitic people.
Source: Carolina Rediviva University Library
Uppsala - Sweden

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