Info For You Lot Efik (Calabar) People: A Tribe Alongside Unique Together With Robust Fattening Room Tradition

The Efik are an ethnic grouping located inward southeastern Nigeria.‘Efik’ is also the holler of their language.  The actual rootage of the Efik people is unknown in addition to a dependent acre of debate. There are claims that the Efik people migrated from the hinterlands in addition to settled inward the Ibibio, Ibo in addition to Republic of Cameroon territories. The European missionaries in addition to traders that arrived inward the Calabar territory inward the early on 1400s concluded that the burial practise of the indigenous people was quite similar to that of the ancient Jews of Semitic origin. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 ritualistic sacrifice of animals for the purpose of purification, especially during times of sickness, was performed past times the predominant male(s) of each hamlet or grouping of villages.

            Young Efik tribe man child inward traditional attire dancing at a Festival inward Calabar,Nigeria

There is also a claim that suggests that the Efik are of Bantu origin. Due to civil conflicts in addition to war, the Efik people migrated downward the Cross River to seek novel homes for themselves inward the 1600s. They offset attempted to relocate to a identify which has since been called Old Efik. It rests on the upper terminate of ane of the next islands inward the Cross River. Various differences in addition to wars created to a greater extent than separation in addition to migration upwardly the river to Mbiabo. Some of the Efik people chose to settle inward what are straightaway known equally Creek Town, Duke town in addition to  Henshaw Town.
King Duke of Calabar inward Full Dress (published 1895).

The afore-mentioned locales are what contain introduce 24-hour interval Calabar. The Efik also created settlements such as: Efut Abua, Efut Ekondo, Qua settlements of Akim qua in addition to large Qua towns. Some of the Efik ascended the other branch of the river in addition to formed Adiabo. This surface area is inside the boundaries of the electrical current Cross River State, Nigeria. The Efik settlement over fourth dimension expanded into the territories of the modern 24-hour interval Ibibio of Akaw Ibom state, Ibo in addition to Qua. The Efik also migrated across the river onto a reason that is straightaway called Cameroon.

The Efik are an ethnic grouping located inward southeastern Nigeria Info For You EFIK (CALABAR) PEOPLE: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 TRIBE WITH UNIQUE AND ROBUST FATTENING ROOM TRADITION
                                        Efik Calabar Dancers
Firstly, all but ane get upwardly Ibom inward Arochukwu in addition to Uruan inward Eastern Ibibio equally major centres of dispersion of the Efik. The people seem to take hold run into problem offset inward Arochukwu:
The Aros wanted the Efik immigrants to worship their Longjuju called Ibritam
Chuku but the Efik refused in addition to said they were worshippers of Abasi Ibom (i.e. Ibom
god). The Aros asked them to acquire away from their town if they were non prepared
to worship Ibritam in addition to so a religious dispute arose (Hart, 1964, p. 59)
Secondly, the lastly major ethnic grouping alongside whom the Efik lived inward fairly recenttimes were the Ibibio (possibly at Uruan) from whom they may take hold acquired the holler Efik pregnant "oppressors" or "Those that oppress others" (Noah, 1980a, p. 6, 10).
Thirdly the bulk of the Efik ane time lived inward Creek Town (Okurotunko) past times the creeks of the non bad curvature of the Calabar river estuary, from where they finally settled inward the metropolis states of Old Calabar namely, Old Town (Obutung), Duke Town (Atakpa) in addition to Henshaw Town (Nsidung).
It would seem that what has gained currency inward the traditions of rootage of the Efikis share of their recent history inward which a department of Greater Ibibio clans crossed what mayhave been a non bad barrier, the Cross River, to the left banking concern where they came into contactwith the Qua, Efut, Ekoi in addition to other ethnic groups which were culturally different from theirown. Up till this 24-hour interval the Efik still pay homage to the Qua people (Noah, 1980a).

According to the 2006 Nigerian census, the Efik brand upwardly 2% of the nation’s population. The linguistic communication is predominantly spoken inward the Calabar municipality, Calabar south, Odukpani, Akpabuyo in addition to Bakassi local regime areas.  It is the minute predominant linguistic communication to the surrounding neighboring areas. Statistics shows that 360,000 people inward the afore-mentioned municipalities (as good equally inward parts of Cameroon) speak Efik equally a offset linguistic communication in addition to that 3.5 meg people speak Efik equally a minute language. It is believed all the same that, inward recent years, the usage of the Efik linguistic communication is decline inward western Cameroon.

                  Efik people

According to history, an Efik leader in addition to his entire hamlet of Obutong were captured past times the British slave traders in addition to taken to their lastly destination, Havana inward Republic of Cuba . This Efik Chief founded the Abakua guild inward Havana inward the 1830s. The offset Abakua grouping is named after "Obutong" an Efik town inward Calabar (Efi Kebuton). Most of the names mentioned inward the songs are places in addition to names of the Efik people in addition to town of Calabar . These societies has acquire an cultural identity of the Cuban people.
Afro-Cuba in addition to the Efik reunite

Efik Language 


The literal importance of the Efik linguistic communication dates dorsum to a fourth dimension menses  between 4000 in addition to 5000 BC. The linguistic communication is equally onetime equally the Ikom Monoliths which appointment dorsum to AD 170. The linguistic communication is perhaps the earliest known signifier of an effort at keeping written records after the Efik started a cast of hush-hush writing  known equally "NSIBIDI."

The Efik are an ethnic grouping located inward southeastern Nigeria Info For You EFIK (CALABAR) PEOPLE: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 TRIBE WITH UNIQUE AND ROBUST FATTENING ROOM TRADITION
Ancient Nigerian numbers (nsibidi).

 Nsidibi is used past times the Ekpe hush-hush leopard society. Nsibidi was used equally a agency of transmitting Ekpe symbolism. In 1812 King Eyo Nsa Honesty II of Creek Town, Calabar, created the Efik linguistic communication orthography. Rev. Hugh Goldie became proficient inward the Efik linguistic communication in addition to inward 1862 Goldie translated the Old Testament in addition to the volume of Psalms into the Efik linguistic communication making it the offset Nigerian linguistic communication used inward translating the Holy Bible. Goldie's other publications included an Efik lexicon in addition to grammer books.

Ekpe, Nsibidi in addition to Ukara alongside the Efik of Calabar
While ‘Ekpe’ is the holler of a masquerade alongside the Efik of Calabar, the  term is also the holler of the
leopard in addition to of the traditional sacred establishment that owns the masque. The Ekpe (sometimes called Mgbe)
society is also called the ‘leopard’ guild because the Ekpe masquerade is a visual cultural reference to a
leopard – its costume, makeup in addition to props define it equally such. The link betwixt the Ejagham peoples, the Ekpe
society in addition to the leopard goes dorsum inward time. Koloss (1985) narrates a story that links the fright of the leopard to
Ejagham people inward 1904. At the fourth dimension the Ejagham in addition to their neighbours rebelled in addition to the High German colonial
administration had to resettle the population into larger villages, for easier control. However, much social
tension prevailed alongside the people, which resulted inward witchcraft accusations inward which many suspected
witches were murdered. Coincidentally, at the same fourth dimension witches were said to live killing people, man-eating
leopards were also mauling people inward the communities. The killer leopards  were non deemed culpable.
Rather, the communities interpreted the fearsome man-eating leopard equally the witches’ preferred form. It does
seem, equally Marwick (1965) suggests, that witchcraft accusations are indices of social tension in addition to accusing
others of witchcraft enables accusers to sever relationships with the accused, using existent or imagined
episodes. In this illustration the leopard in addition to the fright of it has remained alongside the Ejagham to a greater extent than oftentimes than non in addition to has
been appropriated equally share of the corporate ambience of the Ekpe  cult. The Ekpe guild is the most
renowned traditional establishment inward Efik history non simply because of its spiritual or cultic functions but also for the fact that the establishment was a pre-colonial constabulary in addition to judiciary system. The Ekpe was vested with the powers of policing in addition to bringing jurist to the Efik kingdom. In a Personal Interview (2011) with Chief Edem Okon, a long standing initiate of Ekpe, he made it rattling clear: “In the olden days earlier the white human being came into contact with the Efik people, Ekpe was government. Ekpe was inward command of everything. The white human being even used Ekpe to organize in addition to force people  to attend church building services. Nothing was possible inward Efik society
without Ekpe”. In essence, the Ekpe guild was  the  law earlier the advent of  colonialism in addition to western
democracy. Today, all the same  the Ekpe cult is still strong alongside the Efik. But it has no share inside the
postcolonial democratic frameworks of governance. Membership is still rattling strong in addition to masquerading and
other cultic performances are rattling visible inward the society.  
    One of the most prominent paraphernalia of the Ekpe guild is the ukara cloth, a stuff that is used by
members of the cult. As the official in addition to traditional clothes of the Ekpe society, the ukara is a bluish in addition to white
fabric inscribed with 2 dimensional motifs called  nsibidi  (it is called  nsibiri alongside the Ejagham). While
initiates vesture the ukara stuff equally a wrapper, the cloth may also acquire a wall hanging of sort inward the personal
spaces of private initiates or at a venue for the cult’s activities. Nsibidi motifs also cast a goodness share of the
visuality of the Ekpe masquerade’s costume.
    While scholars take hold written bout the Ejagham to a greater extent than oftentimes than non (Thompson 1974,  Kubik 1986, Onor 1994,
Röschenthaler 1996, in addition to Ojong 2008), the most comprehensive piece of job done almost the  nsibidi is Amanda
Carlson’s Nsibidi, Gender, in addition to Literacy: the Art of the Bakor-Ejagham, Cross River State (2003). Carlson’s extensive fieldwork alongside the Bakor Ejagham people dealt with funerary sculptures, monoliths,
masquerades, torso in addition to calabash decorations employing nsibidi motifs inward the broader context of sign-use. To
Carlson, nsibidi is performance, object in addition to graphic communication. Based on her interactions with producers of ukara cloth inward Aro Chukwu (Abia State) in addition to merchants inward Calabar who sell the fabric, the writer insists that the ukara cloth is both a merchandise goodness in addition to a contemporary channel for transmitting nsibidi.
Efik Ekpe

     In some other light, Carlson underscores the fact that different men’s usage  of it, Ejagham women usage  nsibidi
visual forms without “overt emphasis on secrecy or the mediation of power” (216). As women pigment both their bodies in addition to that of ancestral representations similar monoliths, they “are actively involved inward a discourse that
creates pregnant inward relation to the body, ane of the most strong in addition to powerful symbols inside Ejagham culture” (217). Thus, equally an African writing system, nsibidi, live it on the body, stuff or other cultural spaces “provides a language that is non dependent on verbal communication” equally “it allowed for linkages betwixt the numerous peoples of the Cross River region” (217).
     Whereas the term nsibidi is popularly known equally the visual motifs or writings on Ejagham cultural artifacts
like the Ikom monoliths, the ukara cloth in addition to equally torso decorations alongside the Efiks, it is also the holler of a
special squad of 7 virgin immature men (members of the Ekpe society) who are sent to brand arrests for
serious crimes that commonly attract the decease penalty. On this trip the nsibidi are masked with multicolour body
painting. Pre-outing preparations accept 7 days inward the woods until they acquire ‘spiritual’ entities. Only second
sons (and never offset sons) of initiates are permitted to acquire nsibidi. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 offset boy must go into hiding when
nsibidi is passing, else the nsibidi volition literally extract flesh from his body. While on an arrest mission, the
nsibidi boys do non utter but take hold fresh palm fronds inward their mouths in addition to tin exclusively brand a humming sound.
They come upwardly topless in addition to vesture exclusively a skirt made from palm fronds also. As far equally the Efik tradition goes, it is
forbidden for women to gaze upon the nsibidi except women that are initiates of the Ekpe (Chief Edem Okon, Personal Interview). At the terminate of the assignment, the nsibidi must go dorsum into the woods to live debriefed and neutralised earlier it becomes condom for them to re-enter the society. As a distinguishing characteristic of the broad Ejagham cultural grouping spread across Nigeria in addition to Republic of Cameroon (Thompson, 1974), the nsibidi motifs inscribed in the ukara textile’s surface share equally both ideograms in addition to pictograms (Onor, 1994, Kubik, 1986). In fact, Ojong (2008) has compared the Ejagham  nsibidi to the Egyptian hieroglyphics. To the Efik people, the pictographic in addition to ideographic nsibidi is inward fact a ‘language’ rather than a mere organization of motifs. Chief Edem Okon puts it succinctly:
"Whereas the ukara cloth produced today are on white fabric, the olden days types were made on thicker
brownish calico. The scripts on the ukara cloth are nsibidi. But nsibidi is non limited to the symbols on the
ukara cloth. Nsibidi is to a greater extent than than that. Nsibidi includes a whole hit of verbal in addition to non-verbal sign

                                             Efik picayune girls from Calabar

systems, including torso movement, optic language, drawing inward the air, or on the flooring with the feet and
many more. It is with the nsibidi that initiates utter alongside themselves in addition to with the Ekpe. Right nether the
nose of non-initiates, an initiate tin take hold a conversation with the Ekpe using exclusively optic movements.
Nsibidi is the linguistic communication of Ekpe in addition to nsibidi is Ekpe."

Nsibidi sign organization is used alongside initiates of the Ekpe guild inward Efik reason to communicate with ane another
and with the Ekpe. While individuals may inscribe it equally tattoos or on walls at domicile or the cult’s spaces, the
ukara cloth, which is the official clothes of the Ekpe society, is the most prominent surface on which nsibidi is
utilized in addition to circulated alongside the Efik of Calabar. Members of the Ekpe guild necktie the cloth during the cult’s
activities in addition to meetings. Larger versions of the ukara stuff are sometimes hung on ane wall of the leopard
society’s coming together identify equally backdrop  for ritual in addition to other social occasions to which exclusively initiates are in
     The ukara is dyed exclusively inward indigo in addition to nsibidi signs are embedded on the stuff past times stitching in addition to tie-dyeing
the fabric. After dyeing, the stitches in addition to ties are removed to discover the white designs that appear against the
deep bluish background. The production procedure is essentially a resist dyeing method which, equally Boser (1985)
notes, may live the oldest method of producing non-woven patterns on dyed fabric. The finished ukara cloth is a patchwork of signs that uniformly screen the surface of the fabric. Besides  functioning equally a symbol of
membership inward the Leopard Society the ukara cloth acts equally a summary of the Ekpe cult, its social reputation
and its principles.

There are several nsibidi signs such equally leopard, snake, turtle, birds etc that appear on
ukara cloths in addition to may signify multiple levels of pregnant beyond the representation of the actual dependent acre (see
Figures 2 in addition to 3). However, at that topographic point may live deeper to a greater extent than esoteric meanings associated with some symbols that
may exclusively live known to sure enough category of initiates. According to  Elder Etok from Calabar municipality, a
member of the cult, ukara cloth serves several functions to the members of the Ekpe guild including the
1. Ukara cloth is used past times Ekpe members of sufficient rank in addition to wealth, in addition to these men are its designers.
2. Most ukara cloths are custom-made for specific individuals or ritual uses. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 goodness many are
personalized these days with their owner’s names “written” inward ane corner.
3. Patterns are drawn from the Ukara cloth past times Ekpe guild members, incorporating both mutual Ekpe
designs in addition to symbols with personal meanings for the prospective owner. (Personal Interview, 2011)
In a Personal Interview with Mr. Nsa Efangha, a native of Nsidung in addition to an initiate of the Ekpe Society, he
reveals that piece at that topographic point is a newer cast of ukara produced on white cotton fiber fabric, at that topographic point was an older version
that was made of rattling thick calico.

             Ukara cloth                                                               Nsibidi writing

In Efik mythology, Abassi is the creator god. His married adult woman is Atai, who convinced him to allow 2 humans (their children, ane human being in addition to ane woman) to settle on Earth, but to prevent them to reproduce or piece of job in addition to they returned to sky when Abassi rang the dinner bell; these rules were designed so that they would non overstep Abassi inward wisdom in addition to strength. Eventually, they broke this dominion in addition to Atai killed them both, equally good equally caused strife, decease in addition to state of war betwixt their children. Abassi in addition to Atai were so disgusted that they withdrew from the affairs of their descendants.

Others believe the creator, Abassi, created 2 humans in addition to and then decided to non allow them to live on earth. His wife, Atai, persuaded him to allow them do so. In monastic tell to command the humans, Abassi insisted that they consume all their meals with him, thereby keeping them from growing or hunting food. He also forbade them to procreate. Soon, though, the adult woman began growing nutrient inward the earth, in addition to they stopped showing upwardly to consume with Abassi. Then the human being joined his married adult woman inward the fields, in addition to earlier long at that topographic point were children also. Abassi blamed his married adult woman for the way things had turned out, but she told him she would grip it. She sent to reason decease in addition to discord to maintain the people inward their place.

The Sun in addition to the Luna are married adult man in addition to wife
The Efik Ibibio people of Nigeria inward West Africa

The Fattening Room (Nkuho)
The Fattening Room is an aged onetime tradition of the Efik people of Calabar, which has been greatly modified for today's generations. This ancient tradition is the preparation given to immature women piece they are inward seclusion to prepare them for wedlock in addition to womanhood.

The Efik are an ethnic grouping located inward southeastern Nigeria Info For You EFIK (CALABAR) PEOPLE: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 TRIBE WITH UNIQUE AND ROBUST FATTENING ROOM TRADITIONThe Efik are an ethnic grouping located inward southeastern Nigeria Info For You EFIK (CALABAR) PEOPLE: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 TRIBE WITH UNIQUE AND ROBUST FATTENING ROOM TRADITION
— L. W. G. Malcolm, 1920s.
A fattened Efik miss rounds off her fattening parade(Mbobo ceremony) inward the market

During this menses the miss is existence cared for past times older women in addition to is non allowed to come upwardly inward contact with other people. She is seat inward a room where on a daily basis, is massaged 3 times, fed almost half dozen large portions of nutrient (like porridge ekpang, plantain, yam fufu in addition to assorted pepper soups), drinks 3 pints of H2O 3 times in addition to gets plenty of sleep. This procedure ensures the bride gets a good for you lot waistline. According to the Efik people, they believe a adult woman who is total figured with a good for you lot waistline is beautiful.

   Coming out of fattening room

In the Fattening Room the miss goes through domestic preparation of domicile economic science (like cooking in addition to housekeeping), childcare in addition to how to abide by in addition to brand her married adult man to live in addition to his solid unit of measurement happy. The older women give advice almost their sense inward wedlock to ensure a successful one.
      The Hairstyle of Efik bride

Another of import parts of Efik cultural preparation are the cultural dances (Ekombi), folklore, folktales, songs in addition to other forms of entertainment. Skills inward artistic designs on Calabash in addition to other materials are taught equally well. All this to prepare her for wedlock in addition to womanhood.
                Efik wedding ceremony brace inward their traditional attire

At the terminate of the seclusion period, people all over are invited to witness the graduation ceremony to honour her success inward passing through this ordeal. This ceremony is celebrated with traditional Efik dances (Ekombi) in addition to other forms of entertainment.

      Efik wedding ceremony bride

 This large feast in addition to merriment continues through out the whole 24-hour interval in addition to nighttime equally families, friends in addition to good wishers limited their joy in addition to happiness with gifts in addition to donations to the bride. Finally she in addition to her hereafter married adult man embraces in addition to dances welcoming everybody that take hold come upwardly to bring together the celebration. Everybody thank you lot the happy couple.

                 Efik woman individual wedding ceremony attire

Further reading on Fattening tradition:
The confront in addition to torso icon with Ndom alongside the Efik people symbolizes purity in addition to love. In the onetime days it was a cast of self-expression where personal identities or pattern were developed in addition to recorded. These patterns came from diverse families in addition to take hold developed into solid unit of measurement identities.
Efik women with their facial icon dancing inward their traditional attire

In some occasions the icon of confront or torso with Ndom is an human face of joy of nativity of a kid or whatever other goodness intelligence the solid unit of measurement mightiness receive. The painted confront is also an indication that the bearer has been initiated into all women society. The Abang dancers vesture confront icon for personal human face of beauty, femininity in addition to love.

Maobong Oku (painted face) is a beautiful in addition to dynamic dancer, instructor, in addition to percussionist from the Efik tribe of Calabar, Nigeria . Filled with the loose energy of a child, the wisdom of a wise adult woman in addition to the ageless spirit of a dancer, she has touched many audience’s hearts.

The Efik people from the Cross River State inward Nigeria perform this "Abang" dance. The discussion "Abang" means, "pot" symbolizing fertility. Originated from the worshiping of the H2O goddess Ndem, this trip the lite fantastic is also a tribute in addition to celebration of abide by in addition to gratitude to the reason goddess Abasi Isong, who is credited for the abundance resources, fertile reason for growing crops in addition to clay for pottery.
                     Abang dancers

Abang trip the lite fantastic displays beauty in addition to femininity emphasizing on flexibility in addition to grace. It is a trip the lite fantastic of space, beat in addition to unity that attracts in addition to holds the attending of the audience, giving them the appearance of lightness in addition to balance.

Lead dancers e'er vesture a headgear decorated with vibrant colors of red, greenish in addition to yellowish raffia called Ibuot Abang. Sometimes these are decorated with plane feathers that are placed inward 5 formations attached to the flexible stems made out of cane called Basinko giving flexibility.
Several silk scarves in addition to handkerchiefs are hung from the basinko for the atomic number 82 dancer to take hold on to for support.

While the Abang dancer bears the Ibout Abang she undergoes some even out of transformation, taking on the spiritual in addition to physical responsibleness of representing the Ancestors or Spirits. During this fourth dimension she remains soundless for the duration equally she carries the Ibout Abang.
As share of her costume, her cervix is adorned with elaborate colorful beads called Nkwaesit Itong. Across the shoulder she wears brilliant coral beads called Anana Ubok equally her arms are covered with colored raffia called Ekpaku Ubok. Her legs are also covered with raffia in addition to bells called Mkpat Etim.
The dancer wears simply about the waistline an Akasi made out of cane. This symbolizes the ideal beauty of an Efik adult woman total figured with a good for you lot waistline. The Akasi is covered with a large slice of stuff to present beauty, femininity in addition to grace equally the dancer moves their body.

                          Efik Madens displaying the "Ekombi" dance

Masquerades are ane of the oldest traditional in addition to cultural events through out Africa . It is accompanied with chant, songs in addition to dances. Masquerades symbolizes the celebration in addition to render of ancestors who came out occasionally to give messages to their people from spirit world. This of import occasion is rattling pop alongside the Efik people inward Cross River State equally its' roots are deep inward the traditional religion.

There are different kinds of Masquerades for diverse events similar the coronation of the Obong (king of Calabar), burial, Chieftancy in addition to other seasonal celebrations in addition to ceremonies.
The most distinguished in addition to highest of all other masquerades is the Ekpe Masquerade. Its' members are exclusively men in addition to is played on special occasions.

The Efik are an ethnic grouping located inward southeastern Nigeria Info For You EFIK (CALABAR) PEOPLE: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 TRIBE WITH UNIQUE AND ROBUST FATTENING ROOM TRADITION
The Efik are an ethnic grouping located inward southeastern Nigeria Info For You EFIK (CALABAR) PEOPLE: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 TRIBE WITH UNIQUE AND ROBUST FATTENING ROOM TRADITIONThe Efik are an ethnic grouping located inward southeastern Nigeria Info For You EFIK (CALABAR) PEOPLE: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 TRIBE WITH UNIQUE AND ROBUST FATTENING ROOM TRADITION
The Efik are an ethnic grouping located inward southeastern Nigeria Info For You EFIK (CALABAR) PEOPLE: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 TRIBE WITH UNIQUE AND ROBUST FATTENING ROOM TRADITIONThe Efik are an ethnic grouping located inward southeastern Nigeria Info For You EFIK (CALABAR) PEOPLE: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 TRIBE WITH UNIQUE AND ROBUST FATTENING ROOM TRADITION
Masquerades of the Efik people

The Efik traditional attire is rattling elaborate in addition to colorful. The women clothe similar queens in addition to princesses wearing long flowing gowns, adorning their necks with colorful coral beads in addition to wearing traditional made beaded shoes. They send beaded handbag piece some vesture a headdress to check their outfit.

The men vesture white shirts over a colorful wrapper tied simply about their waist. They also hang a long slice of cloth on their cervix called Okpomkpom inward improver to beaded shoes in addition to a cap.

The artistic civilization of the Efik people belongs mostly to the women since the are naturally artistic. The fine art of calabash carving in addition to brass carving with brasstray ornamentation are still a large share of the women culture. This fine art is existence handed downward to the younger generation.
Other artistic works past times the women are beadwork similar beaded shoes, mitt bags in addition to the special chewing stick pocketbook called Ekpat okok. There, is also raffia in addition to mat weaving handbasket making, woodcarving in addition to cane making which are done past times the men.

Please lookout adult man this video of traditional Efik dancers from South-Eastern Nigeria.

The Efik are an ethnic grouping located inward southeastern Nigeria Info For You EFIK (CALABAR) PEOPLE: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 TRIBE WITH UNIQUE AND ROBUST FATTENING ROOM TRADITION
Skin covered mask by Tex Texin on Flickr.

Fattening room: Efik’s robust, fading culture

The concept of the ‘Fattening Room’ is an age-old tradition of the Efik people of Calabar, Cross River State. Today, it has gone through a lot of transformation in addition to modifications to fit the introduce generation in addition to electrical current life-style. This age-long tradition is geared at giving all-round preparation to immature ladies equally a major share of preparing them for wedlock in addition to home-making. It includes all circular beauty handling from caput to foot, using fragrant massage oils from natural plants, soaking inward mud baths in addition to eating scrumptious dishes. The preparation in addition to beauty therapy is carried out over a menses of fourth dimension piece the girls are each housed inward seclusion away from the populace piece they are inward seclusion to prepare them for wedlock in addition to womanhood.
                                 Efik adult woman after  fattening room

By custom in addition to tradition, a adult woman is non considered ready for wedlock fifty-fifty if she is at puberty in addition to regardless of what her educational achievements are, until she has undergone the fattening room process. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 miss who has non done so is considered unsmooth in addition to this rubs off negatively on her family. Many families inward the past times believed that without this, their obligation to their miss was incomplete. The eldest miss of the solid unit of measurement commonly has a longer remain than her younger sisters. Christianity has changed all these inward modern times.

In some instances, the fattening room preparation is divided into 3 stages: a few months earlier the marriage, a calendar week earlier wedlock in addition to after childbirth. Among the Efiks, at that topographic point are 3 known phases of the fattening room: the circumcision betwixt historic menses half dozen in addition to 10 for a menses of almost 3 to half dozen months. This is called nkuho eyen-owon.

The minute stage is called nkuho-ebuah for circumcised women who acquire pregnant earlier marriage. This exercise follows closely after her delivery after which she is confined to a room inward her solid unit of measurement compound.

The most impressive in addition to pop ane is the ane that comes simply earlier marriage.
 Bethrothed Efik miss returning from fattening room.(circa 1920)

Dressed naked from waist to top with simply a slice of cloth simply about her waist, her arms dangle with beads in addition to bangles equally some beads run across her chest.

The history of the cultural practise dates dorsum to a menses when the Efiks were said to take hold lived alongside the Egyptians. It is said that the Efiks had sojourned into Arab Republic of Egypt in addition to imbibed the civilization of the Egyptians after staying at that topographic point for almost 4 hundred years. They also imbibed the tradition of the Egyptians. It is evident inward the tradition of the mourning solid which could live opened upwardly for almost a twelvemonth inward the Egyptian culture. The exclusively difference with this custom equally it is practiced alongside the Efiks is with mummifying the bodies. This may live equally a upshot of the unavailability of the necessary herbs used inward the preservation of the bodies.

According to Etubom Charles Ironbar, Head of the Ironbar House, “there is also a tardyon alongside the Efiks similar to the Passover whereby a lamb is slaughtered in addition to the blood sprinkled on doorposts. This they practiced until their fourth dimension with the Ibos inward Arochukwu inward the fourteenth century earlier moving on to Uruan from where they left inward 1312. It is on concern human relationship of this practise that the Ibos had to demand the Efiks leave of absence their land.
               An Efik initiatory after fattening seclusion.

“Following their remain inward Arab Republic of Egypt in addition to their deviation afterwards, the Efiks decided to emulate the beauty therapy of the Egyptian women tin so that their ain women tin glow inward the same manner. The Efiks decided to brand this a wedlock affair.”

According to the Efik custom, the fattening room ceremony is performed when a adult woman comes of historic menses inward preparation for wedlock in addition to inward most cases, at that topographic point must live a ready suitor. Being inward the fattening room is to prepare the lady for life inward her matrimonial domicile equally regards her husband, in-laws, children in addition to guests to her home.

Ironbar explained further. “In Efik civilization inward those days, the lady had to live sent at that topographic point where she is fed, nourished in addition to trained on how to accept aid of the domicile in addition to how to appreciate her married adult man in addition to also to instruct her how to cook, prepare the home, in addition to have visitors. Another thing is that it is also an evidence to demonstrate that her parents take hold plenty agency to accept aid of their daughter. Also, wedlock inward Efikland is non equally inward other places where the bride toll is so high equally if ane is selling a daughter. When the miss is sent out to marry, it is purely for that purpose. In other words, the suitor who comes to wed her inward her robust goodness wellness must accept aid of her inward the same trend that her parents did.”

In the fattening room, the lady is treated with the highest even out of aid in addition to sometimes, forced to consume fifty-fifty when she doesn’t desire to. The rations given to her are commonly that meant for 3 or 4 people. This is accompanied past times the daily massage of her torso using white chalk.

No human being is allowed to go into the fattening room except her suitor; in addition to fifty-fifty earlier he enters, she must live informed inward advance of his coming. She is also non exposed to everybody in addition to exclusively attendants in addition to members of her immediate solid unit of measurement equally good equally her playmates take hold access to her.

After eating, she has to slumber in addition to repose properly. She learns the Efik trip the lite fantastic steps, the Ekombi, ntimi in addition to ebak-idok from experts who are brought inward simply for the purpose of teaching her because on the 24-hour interval of her wedding, she volition take hold to dance. She is also taught some craftwork similar tabular array in addition to chair screen making so that when she gets to her husband’s house, she volition brand them to decorate her domicile in addition to non take hold to go in addition to buy.

A lot of preparation goes on there; all circular preparation to brand her a consummate adult woman inward her home. In many cases, the menses of the fattening room could lastly upwardly to ane twelvemonth or sometimes fifty-fifty more. At the terminate of the fattening room period, at that topographic point must live an outing. She is dressed inward the traditional outfit, atiai. This is a slice of damask tied simply about her waist, with beads running downward across her chest. Her pilus is designed inward a specific way, showing that she is a fattening room graduate. She is in addition to then taken to the market. There volition live some people making upwardly a develop specifically to present her off in addition to how good her solid unit of measurement has been able to accept aid of their daughter.

The climax of the fattening room is the graduation or ‘out-going’ ceremony equally it is referred to where the damsel is paraded. In the course of report of this parade, at that topographic point are donations made inward admiration of what they see. Onlookers in addition to admirers alike driblet coin out of their ain complimentary volition with nobody begging or bespeak them to. “The intention is non to go in addition to beg for coin but people who reckon her appreciate what they reckon in addition to shower her with money,” said Ironbar.

After this, the preparation for the wedlock begins.
In spite of  inflation in addition to alter inward damage of unusual telephone commutation rates, over the years, the bride toll has remained so because it is linked to the history of the Efik people which has been traced to the twelve tribes of Israel.

The twelve pounds Etubom Ironbar informed are important inward that they depict each of the tribes of the Israelites piece they were inward Egypt. “In next the custom, they take hold maintained that in addition to never accuse or have more.”

As is customary inward the course of report of the wedlock rites, in addition to particularly, to prevent her from looking beyond her married adult man for money, during the traditional wedlock rites, the would-be married adult man is asked to pay something which is a denomination of all the monies inward circulation. With the married adult man doing this, it agency she has no correct whatsoever to acquire out in addition to expect for money. This is forbidding promiscuity.

The term fattening room is non symbolic but genuinely refers to a room especially dedicated to fatten the lady. All she has at that topographic point is a bed in addition to a chair for the suitor when he comes around.

Unlike the notion that some of the girls slumber on a mat spread on the floor, an Fe bed with poles which inward the early on days was a bed depicting wealth in addition to affluence, is provided for her. Only those from piteous homes slumber on mats.

“In those days, the Efiks were involved inward merchandise from hither in addition to United Kingdom of Great Britain in addition to Northern Ireland in addition to were quite successful inward what they did. It would hence live unheard off for children of such wealthy merchants to slumber on mats in addition to especially non inward a fourth dimension equally the fattening room period.  “The reason is besides difficult for you lot to maintain a lady whom you lot are trying to rear this way. It is exclusively at funeral ceremonies that people sit down on mats inward Efikland equally a sign of mourning. ”

There is no manful individual version of the fattening room equally at that topographic point was no demand to seat the men through the same grooming process. Biased or chauvinistic would you lot say? As hereafter husbands in addition to protectors of their families, they are trained on how they tin brand coin in addition to render for their families.
The Efik are an ethnic grouping located inward southeastern Nigeria Info For You EFIK (CALABAR) PEOPLE: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 TRIBE WITH UNIQUE AND ROBUST FATTENING ROOM TRADITION
                         Efik Bride

The bride is non handed over to the married adult man but to her manful individual parent in-law whose attending volition live drawn to the fact that she has been given to the solid unit of measurement inward the best of wellness in addition to physic in addition to she must live taken rattling goodness aid of. He is asked to render her dorsum to her solid unit of measurement if she is constitute wanting inward whatever way in addition to the dowry volition live refunded.

The fattening room was a tradition that was widely welcomed past times all which all families took non bad pride inward having their kid fancied past times someone. Even at that, it was non compulsory for girls to live sent to the fattening room in addition to at that topographic point were families who didn’t desire it. But the fright was that if you lot didn’t do it, at that topographic point would live gossip inward town ridiculing the solid unit of measurement for non existence able to send their miss to a fattening room in addition to also ridiculing her size. Then, it was a non bad pride to live fatty in addition to robust. But on her own, a miss did non take hold the correct to decline going to the fattening room. In whatever case, it was the ambition of all immature girls that fourth dimension to live sent there.

This practise was also adopted past times the Ibibios of Akwa-Ibom State who refer to it equally Mbobo which is the menses of circumcision. You cannot give out your miss without circumcision which they do when the girls are fully mature in addition to at the verge of marriage.

In many cases, girls equally shortly equally they are born were betrothed to the sons of their fathers’ friends equally a way of sealing the relationships. In some cases, the men after making their intentions known to a miss of their choice, would in addition to then go to their families to allow them know. Such families would in addition to then go to the solid unit of measurement of the miss to declare the intentions of their son.

Investigations are in addition to then carried out past times the families to ensure at that topographic point is no witchcraft, mysterious deaths, sicknesses in addition to that the men are capable of taking aid of their daughter.

Etubom Ironbar explained that, she is circumcised piece inward the fattening room. It is for this argue that the seclusion is necessary so that she recovers properly from the injure in addition to and then begins the training. In those days, the Efiks never believed inward educating their daughters. That is why they had the fourth dimension to go through the fattening room. Their belief was that if you lot trained a woman, when she marries, the family’s holler volition change. Another argue was that schools gave corporal penalization for misbehaviours. The bluebloods did non desire their daughters to sense this.  To them the woman’s duty was inward the kitchen.
A photograph from the archives of the Old Residency Musueum inward Calabar shows a immature Efik adult woman earlier she enters "Ufok Nkuho" (seclusion)

The girls, fifty-fifty when with ugly torso shapes were systematically massaged to improve their looks. White chalk was used to mop the torso with the miss tying a slice of cloth from across her cervix down.

Today, at that topographic point is no such thing equally fattening room. No adult woman who sees what some other looks similar existence slim in addition to cut down wants to go in addition to fatten herself. It is a discarded tradition. Also, the guild is so different inward modern times. Nobody is going to leave of absence schoolhouse to go in addition to remain inward the fattening room.

The preparation is non lost because it is a continuous procedure which already starts inward the home. It is basically the same things they are taught inward the fattening room that mothers instruct them at home.

Before sending their daughters to the fattening room, families commonly consulted oracles to ensure that at that topographic point were no forces against them that could pose a threat to their kid piece there. Where it is revealed that it could cost her her life, the computer programme was aborted or something done to avert the anticipated tragedy.
After attending a university, Glory Ita Asuquo (left) volition render to the fattering room to get 
ready for the wedlock market.

Lessons learnt were good carried out inward the matrimonial domicile fifty-fifty today. It is for this argue that Efik women are the most sought after inward Nigeria. They band it inward their ears saying, “Before your happiness must live your husband’s”.

If at the terminate of the 24-hour interval the wedlock is non successful, the married adult man is allowed to render the bride dorsum to her parents on the status that he returns her equally inward goodness a reason equally he took her. With the bride toll costing so little, twelve guineas inward those days or twelve pounds which comes to almost 3 M naira today.
Gone through the fattening room procedure herself, Mma Eka Ekpenyong straightaway inward her eighties said, “It was all fun in addition to excitement for us inward those days, except for the circumcision share of it which was a existent terror”, she added amidst a hearty laughter.

“I was maybe a size 10 when I entered. By the terminate of ane twelvemonth I was what I would depict equally an 18 or 16 at the slimmest. I ate until I was sick of eating. I would throw upwardly at the initial stage but after a calendar month my torso began to acquire used to the portions in addition to grew to a greater extent than tolerant of them. Unfortunately, I never lost the weight. But I was happy existence married because my married adult man was happy with the way I looked in addition to enjoyed bespeak me to come upwardly in addition to entertain his guests. Later on, I realised it was to a greater extent than the sake of showing off my physique to a greater extent than than for my culinary skills.
I was kept inward a room where on a daily basis, I was massaged 3 times, fed almost half dozen times with large portions of ikpang kukuo, eba, plantain, yam, fufu, along with assorted soups in addition to meat. I also drank a lot of H2O in addition to slept simply equally much. My woman parent when she came to see would tell me my waistline had to grow because the bigger it was the better.

My woman parent had already begun teaching us how to create in addition to maintain a domicile correct from when nosotros the girls were almost 7 years old. The ane thing I looked frontward to when I was existence sent to the fattening room was the massaging bit. I had heard so much almost it from my elderberry sis in addition to already impatient for my fourth dimension to acquire there. I was looking very, rattling fresh; my peel was finer in addition to supple in addition to the pimples which used to scar my confront almost all gone. Even I couldn’t concur less that I was a prettier adult woman at the terminate of my fattening room encounter.”

Everybody hears all the glorious tales of the fattening room experience. The gory tales are hardly ever allow out. Some immature girls did lose their lives equally a upshot of obesity equally Mma Eka stated. “I take hold an aunty who went inward at that topographic point in addition to didn’t come upwardly out live because of how obese she became. Knowledge was quite limited at the fourth dimension in addition to rather than acquire medical help, her solid unit of measurement members believed they were existence witch hunted in addition to faced that instead of looking after her.”
           Efik wedding ceremony couples

Nowadays, nobody bothers with the thought of the fattening room because the younger women say they larn it all at domicile in addition to take hold to a greater extent than priorities that accept upwardly their fourth dimension than investing ane twelvemonth getting fattened up. “I am happy I wasn’t born inward that generation,” says Mrs Ikpa Effiom. “I would take hold ran away from domicile to avoid existence sent to the fattening room. It is a grave injustice to your torso equally a adult woman in addition to especially inward this historic menses where nosotros are all crazy almost existence fit in addition to trim. I am married in addition to I reckon from my husband’s reactions with the things I do at domicile that he is rattling pleased with all I do. Fattening room I believe was simply a way of massaging men’s ego inward that time.”

Today’s men don’t desire to live married to a adult woman fattened up, says Charles Etim. “There is no way I volition wed whatever adult woman who weighs to a greater extent than than lx 5 kilograms in addition to she must take hold some height. It’ll live penalization for me to wed a large adult woman inward today’s world. I volition live besides embarrassed to accept her out because she volition live scattered all over the place. In whatever case, why would people desire to seat themselves through such hassles?”

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