Info For You Lot The Caprivi People (Caprivians): The Minority Namibian Tribe Amongst Wonderful Eco-Tourism Sites As Well As Rich Ancient Tradition

"If You Don`t Fish. You Are Not a Caprivian."` Caprivian Saying.

                              Two  Caprivian women fishing for fish traditional Caprivian way

The Caprivians are the Lozi-speaking people living inwards eastward Caprivi part of Namibia, which borders on Angola,Zimbabwe, Republic of Zambia together with Botswana. The Caprivian population is virtually 92,000 together with this is unopen to 3.7% of the Namibian population” (Buys & Nambala 2003). They portion a mutual history together with civilization with Lozis together with Makololo of Barotseland across the edge inwards Zambia.

                                Caprivian tribal dancers from Katima Mulilo. Namibia

Caprivi is 1 of the thirteen regions of Namibia. It takes its cite from the Caprivi Strip which inwards plough was named later Leo von Caprivi. Katima Mulilo is the largest city, with other notable villages together with settlements including Musanga, Kongola, Chinchimane, Bukalo, Sibinda, together with Impalila, along with Kayuo, Wenela, Mapulanga, Sambeso, Katembo, Siambiza, Luzibalule, Sachona, Lubuta, Mulanga, Mashambo, Omega Ill, Chetto, Bwabwata, Gaucha, Geusha, Yishesha, Sekrige, Singalamwe, Choi, Ngonga, Muneambuanas, Dipito, Sangwali, Photo, Sikwalo, Matengu, Yaka, Linyati, Muketela, Sibbinda, Chengere, Sebukis, Katonga, together with Sachinga.

                                             Caprivian man child jumping into the river

The part is dominated yesteryear 2 tribes, the Mafwe together with Vasubia, together with inwards the due west on the banks of the Kavango are the Mbukushu usually classified with the Kavango people. In the eastward are Subia together with Fwe tribes together with the others including Yeyi, Totela, Mashi, Bushmen (Makwengo), Mbalangwe, together with the Lozi community. Outside Namibia the Caprivians are ethnically related to the Lozi (Luyana, or Luyi) together with the Kololo (Bafokeng) people inwards Barotseland, Republic of Zambia (Buys & Nambala 2003:). All these tribes brand upward their ancestral kingdom, known equally Barotseland. The Caprivians seat with the remainder of Namibia, equally Namibians together with they are socially inclined.

                             Caprivian people of Namibia

The H2O rich landscape is also the ideal seat for fishing enthusiasts, canoeing together with white H2O rafting. For those interested inwards to a greater extent than cultural pursuits, the Caprivi people are renowned for their traditional crafts, together with many festivals together with markets direct hold seat throughout the year. Other off-the-beaten runway destinations include the Zambezi Waterfront, the town of Katima Mulilo, together with the eastern most tip of Namibia, Impalila Island.

The Caprivi is a tropical area, with high temperatures together with much rainfall during the December-to-March rainy season, making it the wettest part of Namibia. The terrain is mostly made upward of swamps, floodplains, wetlands together with woodland.

In add-on to the Zambezi River, the strip also holds the Cuando together with Kwando River, which marks the edge with Botswana. Tributaries of the river hither perish yesteryear dissimilar names, including the Linyata together with the Chobe. The province's far eastern is where the Cuando meets the Zambezi.
Caprivian women

Most of them utter Lozi Kololo) also known equally siLozi together with Rozi, is a Bantu linguistic communication of the Niger–Congo linguistic communication household unit of measurement inside the Sotho languages branch of Zone S (S.30), that is spoken yesteryear the Lozi people, primarily inwards southwestern Republic of Zambia together with inwards surrounding countries

                  H5N1 traditional Cultural grouping from the Caprivi waiting to perform for tourists.

The Valozi  which brand upward the introduce 24-hour interval Caprivians are the remnants of the Kololo Kingdom,established yesteryear Chief Sebetwane of the Bafokeng (originally from the Orange Free State inwards South Africa), who crossed the Zambezi River inwards 1838 together with over-powered the Luyi. The largest Capri-vian tribal groups are the Masubia andMafwe. Other tribes are the Mayeyi,Matotela, Mashi together with Mbukushu.Within communal areas at that topographic point are dissimilar levels of traditional authority.

                                            Caprivi Strip

The Caprivi Strip is a narrow slice of nation virtually 400 kilometres long, inwards the far North-East of Namibia. During the colonial period, the Caprivi was called “Eastern Caprivi Zipfel” (Pretorius 1971:1). The East Caprivi is bordered yesteryear the Kwando Linyanti known equally Chobe (Pretorius 1971:1).

                                               Caprivi bridge

The Southern edge follows a straight describe parallel to the northern edge together with xxx kilometers S of it from the Kavango to the Linyanti River, from at that topographic point it follows the main flow of the Linyanti equally far equally the main flow of the Zambezi River (where Linyanti is also known equally the Chobe).
The Zambezi River is a part of swamps together with overflowing plains together with the Caprivi Strip was obtained from Great United Kingdom of Great Britain together with Northern Ireland yesteryear Federal Republic of Federal Republic of Germany inwards 1890 to give German linguistic communication South West Africa (now Namibia) access to the Zambezi River, due west of Victoria Falls. Originally role of Republic of Botswana was referred to equally (Bechuanaland), the Caprivi was ceded yesteryear United Kingdom of Great Britain together with Northern Ireland to the Germans inwards a complicated nation telephone commutation bargain designed to link German linguistic communication colonies from the due west to the eastward of Africa.

Buys & Nambala (2003:130) state of Caprivi:
“Due to its geographical seat on the map of Africa, the history of Caprivi was
ever linked straight to the histories of its neighbouring countries, reverse the great
rivers: Kwando, Zambezi, Chobe together with Linyanti. Geographically, demographically,
economically together with fifty-fifty culturally, Caprivi was ever much closer to Zambia,
Republic of Zimbabwe together with Botswana, than to fundamental Namibia. Extensive literature is available on
the effects of the colonial ‘scramble for Africa’ inwards the previous century….”

                                        Caprivi strip

In the 1970s together with 1980s, the territory was used equally a raise base of operations yesteryear the South African regular army at the elevation of the apartheid era inwards its state of war against the Namibian independence movement, South West Africa People’s Organisation (SWAPO), which is Namibia’s ruling political party today.

 Caprivian Human correct activists/freedom fighters. They championing the campaign of Caprivian people against Namibian governments discrimination against their minority tribe.

 The Caprivi is considered strategically of import inwards Namibia because it is a narrow panhandle extending out from Namibia's northern edge together with is contiguous with 4 other countries, namely Republic of Botswana inwards the south, Republic of Angola together with Republic of Zambia inwards the due north together with Republic of Zimbabwe inwards the east. It is also of import because some of the arid southern African region's most of import rivers, including the Zambezi together with the Okavango, run along or through it. And equally a pop goal for international tourists, the Caprivi brings inwards difficult currency to the national coffers of Namibia.

                                  Wildlife inwards Caprivi Strip

Flora together with fauna inwards Caprivi
The part is abode to 450 animate existence species, including elephants, making Caprivi a pop game-watching spot.

The wild fauna is protected yesteryear several national parks, Bwabwata National Park, Mamili National Park, together with Mudumu National Park; animals move freely across the unmarked edge with Botswana, where the Chobe National Park lies. The strip is also a prime number bird-watching area, with almost seventy pct of aeroplane species found inwards Namibia existence recorded here.

Bwabwata National Park is 6,100 foursquare kilometres (2,400 sq mi) together with extends for virtually 180 km (110 mi) from the Kavango River inwards the due west to the Kwando River inwards the east. Deciduous woodlands are dominated yesteryear trees such equally wild seringa, copalwood together with Zambezi teak. While the commons is sanctuary to 35 large together with numerous little game species, visitors are non probable to reckon many of these animals equally vehicles are restricted to the route betwixt Kavango together with Eastern Caprivi. Animals probable to live on seen are elephant, roan together with kudu, buffalo occur towards the west. As many equally 339 aeroplane species direct hold been recorded inwards due west Caprivi.

                              White bells with pinkish tongues.

The wild together with niggling visited Mamili National Park is Namibia's equivalent of the Okavango Delta, a watery wonderland of wild fauna rich islands, river channels together with wetlands. The focal points of the 320 km2 (120 sq mi) national commons are Nkasa together with Lupala, 2 large islands inwards the Kwando/Linyati river. During the dry out flavour the islands tin live on reached yesteryear route but later the rains 80% of the expanse becomes flooded, cutting them off from the mainland.

Scallow's Turaco (The erstwhile Subspecies of Livingstone's Lourie) which are entirely found inwards the Katima Area. Very rare if you lot reckon it is simply inwards 1 town, but quite abundant inwards the town. Shy birds, they mostly shroud with thick greenery. This 1 took a bathroom together with went to sit down inwards clear Sun for a fleck of warming together with drying.

A juvenile Black-headed Heron together with Pied Kingfisher sitting close. The Juvenile has a mostly greyness caput together with speckles on the chest, spell the adult has a dark caput together with crest.

Mudumu National Park is a vast 1,000 km2 (390 sq mi) expanse of dense savannah together with mopane woodland with the Kwando River at its western border. The commons is abode to little populations of sitatunga together with cerise lechwe spell spotted cervix otter, hippo together with crocodile inhabit the waterways. Animals to live on encountered are elephant, buffalo, roan, sable, kudu, impala, oribi, zebra, wild domestic dog equally good equally some 430 species of birds.

                                     Kudu bull

                       A lechwe inwards Caprivi

                                                    Caprivi Zebras

Most Caprivians are subsistence farmers who brand their living on the banks of the Zambezi,  Kwando, Linyanti together with Chobe rivers. Land is cultivated nether a scheme of private correct of business equally allocated yesteryear the people’s authorities.Grazing together with veld products are used on a communal basis. In add-on to fishing together with hunting, a meaning but non exclusive chemical component of the local economy, they maintain cattle together with cultivate the land.

 When the Zambezi together with Chobe rivers come upward downward inwards flood,more than one-half of Caprivi eastward of the Kwando may live on nether water. During this menstruation Caprivians usage their mikolo (dug-out canoes) to traverse the routes commonly used yesteryear trucks together with pedestrians

Socio-poltical structure
In eastern Caprivi each hamlet has a headman, mostly the most senior manful someone member. He advises the senior headman, who represents several villages. The senior headmen human activeness equally local representatives on the tribal council orkuta , over which together with then gambela (chief councillor) presides.

                                  Caprivian household

The kuta is the highest legislative, administrative together with judicial trunk inwards the tribal area. In western Caprivi, traditional authorities are less structured, but are similar inwards that authorities attain from the local hamlet headmen to a primary who is inwards accuse of a large area.In Caprivian guild the household unit of measurement is the most of import socio-economi cunit. Families usually alive inwards villages.Two systems are distinguishable inthe social organisation. The Masubias are patrilineally oriented, spell the Mafwe refect distinct matrilineal features inwards their rules of succession.The shape of authorities consists of hereditary chieftainships, 1 for the Masubia together with 1 for the Mafwe.
Caprivian woman

Dress Code:
Mashamba- worn yesteryear both men together with women:
these are a shape of shirt made of sparse bamboo cuttings together with rope thread.
Shitenga-rappers worn yesteryear women
                                Caprivi woman

Caprivians are traditionally religious people similar whatsoever other African people. Even though their religious exercise is associated with ancestors together with nature, they direct hold a comprehensive agreement of God equally the Creator of all things. Traditionally, several places inwards the Caprivi region, such as, nether the Baobab trees, inwards the thick bushes, together with some deep spots inwards the river, are however associated with religion. The Caprivian religio-culture resembles the Israelite cult, on views such equally polygamy; abstinence from for sure food, together with payment of bride cost (lobola). Most rituals direct hold seat when at that topographic point is less rain; ancestors are together with then consulted.

              Caprivian (Mafwe) people doing their traditional worship dance

Nyambe is the cite of the Supreme Being of Caprivians. He is accorded with a realization of having created all things. Nyambe is thus superior to all spirits (Jalla 1928:143). Some of his attributes include omniscience together with omnipotence equally seen from diverse proverbs together with myths (Mainga 1972:95; ikenga-Metuh 1982:17).

                                            Caprivian medicine man

 Lozi legend has it that inwards the beginning, Nyambe lived on world inwards consort with his wife, Nasilele (Jalla 1928: 144; Turner 1952:49; Mainga 1972:95). The aggressive style of man, Kamunu, compelled Nyambe to flee to sky where he ready his village, Litooma. The myth of this episode recounts how Nyambe ascended to sky riding on a spider. Upon his arrival, he poked the spider’s eyes together with sent it dorsum to earth. The purpose of blinding the spider was to deter human from imitating him equally he had done at dissimilar occasions.
With the divergence of Nyambe to heaven, the Sun was recognized equally his proxy, spell the satelite represented Nasilele (Turner 1952:49). At other times, people thought Nyambe lived with the stars from where he influenced their lives together with expiry (Arnot 1889:88).

Further, prayers were made at sunrise perhaps, demonstrating associations with Sun worship. Those who shout out upward the ancient Nyambe worship, await upward to the rising Sun each forenoon for continued provision. With heads bowed to the ground, they clasp their hands inwards prayer (Jalla 1954:3; Rooke 2006:2).

                                       Masubiya festival at Caprivi,Namibia

 Caprivianer together with her baby

Caprivian people

Caprivian kids playing inwards the river

Caprivian daughter entering a canoe

Caprivian people

A manful someone aeroplane doing a trip the low-cal fantastic toe to attract a female

Caprivi people


Caprivian kids

Impalila Island Lodge East Caprivi

Caprivian people

Caprivi homestead

Nguni cattle of Caprivi

Wildlife of Caprivi

Buys, Gerhard L. & Nambala SVV. 2003. History of the Church inwards Namibia: An
Introduction. Gamsberg Macmillan.

Pretorius, Johan L. 1997. The Fwe of the Eastern Caprivi Zipfel. H5N1 Study of their
Historical together with Geographical Background, Tribal Structure together with Legal Systems, with
Special Reference to Fwe Family Law together with Succession. University of Stellenbosch.

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