Info For Y'all Temne People: The Resilient As Well As Influential Aboriginal People Of Sierra Leone

The Temne people are the aboriginal Mel-speaking people of larger Niger-Congo linguistic communication household unit of measurement too the largest as good as influential ethnic grouping inwards Sierra Leone. The Temne consitutes close 35% of Sierra Leone`s population.  The Temne, who are rice farmers, fishermen, too traders are predominantly found inwards the Northern Province too the Western Area, including the uppercase Freetown.
Congo linguistic communication household unit of measurement too the largest as good as influential ethnic grouping inwards Sierra Leone Info For You TEMNE PEOPLE: THE RESILIENT AND INFLUENTIAL ABORIGINAL PEOPLE OF SIERRA LEONE
                           Temne missy tossing grain,Sierra Leone. Courtesy Gay Pasley

According to Esu biyi (1913) "the Temnes (written yesteryear some anthropologist as Timanis) were the master copy owners of the tract of ground at nowadays known as the peninsula of Sierra Leone, described yesteryear some ancient writers as "Hesperi Cornu," "Boure," etc. Some relics of Temne names soundless live on the peninsula (Sierra Leone) inwards such names as "Rokel," "Pasande," "King Jimi," "Robis," too "Kisi." The advert "Temne" is derived from the root "Otem," important "an old gentleman," to which reflexive "ne" is added as a suffix. The advert would so hateful "The Old Gentleman Himself," manifestly inwards allusion to the antiquity of the tribe too nation."
Temne civilization revolves closed to the paramount chiefs, too the hush-hush societies, especially the men's Poro companionship too the women's Bondo society. The most of import Temne rituals focus on the coronation too funerals of paramount chiefs too the initiation of novel hush-hush companionship members. During the 16th, 17th, too 18th century hundreds of thousands of Temne were shipped to the Americas as slaves.

                                Temne Poro Dance,Sierra Leone. Courtesy Anne-Sophie Cardinal

Before British domination, Temne were ruled yesteryear a manlike somebody monarch called the Bai or Obai. H5N1 famous Temne warrior too  leader (King) Bai Bureh of Kasseh (c. 1840–1908) inwards 1898, led i of a savage uprising against the British colonial might inwards what has go known as the ‘Hut Tax War’ (see Abraham 1974; Denzer 1971). The elbow grease of the state of war was the perceived overtaxation of the Temne people yesteryear British tax-collectors.
King Bai Bureh

Employing guerrilla tactics against British troops inexperienced inwards  bush warfare, Bai Bureh succeeded inwards evading capture for many months too was said to withdraw hold supernatural powers, to live bulletproof too to withdraw hold the might to go invisible or remain nether H2O for long periods (Kabba 1988:42).
The English linguistic communication give-and-take cola (as inwards Coca-Cola, which originally contained extracts of the kola nut), is said to derive from the Temne give-and-take aŋ-kola 'kola nut.'

Sierra Leone's national politics centers on the competition betwixt the north, dominated yesteryear the Temne too their vecino too allies, the Limba; too the south-east dominated yesteryear the Mende, who are a Mande people similar the Mandinka, Bamana, too Malenke (of Guinea, Senegal, Mali, etc.). The electrical current president of Sierra Leone Ernest Bai Koroma is the initiative off Sierra Leonean .
Dr Kadi Sesay,Temne tribe woman, woman parent of Isha Sesay of CNN too Sierra Leone's government minister of Trade too Industry from 2002–2007 too the electrical current National Deputy Chairman of the SLPP

Temne people beak Temne (also known as 'Themne' t̪emnɛ). Temne is a linguistic communication of the Mel branch of Niger–Congo, spoken inwards Sierra Leone yesteryear close 2 i chiliad m initiative off speakers. One of the country's most widely spoken languages, it is spoken yesteryear 40% of the country’s population. The Temne language, along amongst the creole Krio, serve as the major trading linguistic communication inwards northern Sierra Leone. It also serves as a tongue franca for an additional 1,500,000 people living inwards areas close the Temne people. It is closely related to the neighboring Kissi language.

Temne adult woman In Makoloh Village, Bombali District Sierra Leone. Courtesy Lindsay Stark

It is related to the Baga languages spoken inwards Republic of Guinea too to Sherbro spoken inwards Sierra Leone. Temne speakers alive mostly inwards the Northern Province too Western Area (Freetown too its environs) of Sierra Leone, Temne speakers tin can also live found inwards all 12 districts of Sierra Leone. Temne people tin can live found inwards a number of other West African countries as well, including Republic of Guinea too The Gambia. Some Temnes withdraw hold also migrated beyond West Africa seeking educational too professional person opportunities, especially inwards Great Britain, the United States, too Egypt. Temnes are mostly scholars, business organisation people, farmers, too coastal fishermen; too most are Muslims.
Temne women plaiting hair

Temne is a tonal language, amongst 4 tones. Among consonants, Temne distinguishes dental too alveolar, but unusually, the dental consonants are apical too the alveolar consonants are laminal (and slightly affricated), the contrary of the full general pattern, though i found also inwards the nearby linguistic communication Limba. Click here:TemneManual.pdf to larn Temne language.

                       Temne tribe woman, Isha Sesay, is an ace journalist amongst CNN

The history of the Temnes' migration toward nowadays twenty-four lx minutes menstruum Sierra Leone was dated as far dorsum as the 11th too twelfth centuries, mainly due to the autumn of the Jalunkandu Empire inwards what latter go Fouta Jallon, inwards the High Lands of nowadays twenty-four lx minutes menstruum Republic of Guinea. In fact most Temnes upward till at nowadays acknowledged their ancestral abode to Fouta. Like other minorities ethnic groups inwards Fouta such as the Yalunka, the Susu, the Kurankohs, the Temnes started to migrated from the Fouta into what is at nowadays Sierra Leone to secure a settlement along the tabular array salt merchandise route from the coast to the due north too due north east. On their way downwards, the Temnes fought too forced the Limbas northeast too the Bulloms southwards to secure the novel merchandise route from Bakeh towards the northern component of the Pamoronkoh River which is today known as the Rokel River. They followed the Rokel River from its upper reaches to the Sierra Leone River, the giant estuary of the Rokel River too Port Loko Creek which forms the largest natural harbor inwards the African continent.

Temne tribe woman, Zainab Hawa Bangura, electrical current Foreign Minister of Sierra Leone too her tribe women

Historians believe the Temnes were involved inwards the long-distance kola nut merchandise during the menstruum of the Republic of Mali too Songai Empires when West African merchandise was directed due north across the Sahara Desert, too that they used their commercial expertise gained during that before menstruum into the novel coastal merchandise when the Europeans arrived
There were Temne speakers along the coast inwards what is at nowadays Sierra Leone when the initiative off Portuguese ships arrived, inwards the 14th century. Temne were indicated on subsequent Portuguese maps, too references to them too brief vocabularies appear inwards the texts. Trade began, albeit on a little scale, inwards the fifteenth century amongst the Portuguese too expanded inwards the belatedly sixteenth century amongst the arrival of British traders, too later traders of other nations. Slaves, gold, ivory too local foodstuffs were exchanged for European merchandise goods—mostly cloth, firearms, too hardware.
Temne missy washing her slippers inwards water

As Temne traders were inwards contact amongst the permanent European factories inwards the river mouths, so did they constitute too maintain relations amongst the settlement at Freetown after its founding inwards the belatedly eighteenth century. This settlement, inspired yesteryear philanthropic abolitionists, was regarded ambivalently yesteryear Temne traders, who had long been involved inwards the profitable export slave trade. Between 1787 when Captain Thomas Bouldon Thompson of the H.M. Nautilus landed inwards Sierra Leone amongst the initiative off batch of 550 freed slaves from England too 1807 when a Crown Colony was declared, a serial of ground agreements were negotiated yesteryear the British too the Temnes.  The cultural chasm betwixt the Temne too the British led each side to misinterpret the other side’s actions too intentions.  The British never understood the elaborate customs that principle Temne ground tenure.  The Temne expected to a greater extent than from the British than they received.

         Temne tribe manErnest Bai Koroma, is the electrical current president of Sierra Leone

In an article titled “Temne Land Tenure” that appeared inwards the Journal of the African Society, Esu Biyi listed the gifts Capt. Thompson offered the Temne as “an old  military cloak, an old beaver hat, some rum too tabular array salt too old atomic number 26 pots too tobacco.” While Capt Thompson thought that these gifts were plenty to buy the land, the Temnes thought otherwise. Each fourth dimension the British negotiated a treaty, they tucked inwards a few demands non made clear to the Temne too which were detrimental to their interests.
Temne adult woman from Sierra Leone,Isha Sesay

Traditionally, Temne resided inwards villages that varied inwards size too plan. During the nineteenth century, the hamlet of a Temne principal was larger too included people from several patricians; frequently it was either palisaded or had a walled fortress/redoubt built nearby, where the population could reside inwards times of emergency. Other villages inwards a chiefdom were built yesteryear those given land-use rights yesteryear the chief; subsequently, other patrikin groups settled if they were given land-use rights yesteryear the initial grantee. If a household farmed ground at some distance, people would construct a hamlet to trim travel. Paths connecting villages were frequently paralleled yesteryear hush-hush paths used solely yesteryear local people. During the colonial era, populace paths were cleared too hush-hush paths fell into disuse; hamlet palisades too mud walls were left to deteriorate. When the motor route scheme developed, villages cutting paths to the roads, too some Temne villages, inwards whole or inwards part, relocated along them. The compact hamlet innovation gave way to a linear blueprint along the roads, where larger garden areas separated houses.

                               Temne town of Port Loko,Sierra Leone

The traditional Temne solid was round, of varying diameter, amongst walls of mud plastered over a stick frame; the roof frame, of wooden poles connected yesteryear stringers, was conical too covered amongst bunches of grass thatching. Rectangular houses amongst a gabled roof became to a greater extent than commonplace during the colonial era. Houses became larger—and also fewer—after the "Hut Tax" was instituted. Chiefs too some subchiefs had rectangular, open-sided structures amongst thatch roofs, which they used for hearing courtroom cases too for diverse ceremonies. Some associations had little buildings for regalia. Adobe-brick too cement-block structures were introduced during the colonial era, along amongst iron-pan too tile roofs.

                                     Temne people

Division of labour
In farming, the traditional gender partition of tasks, which never held for domestic slaves, has substantially broken downwards inwards the twentieth century, although men soundless make most of the clearing too hoeing, too women make most of the weeding. Basically, Temne withdraw hold ever had—and withdraw hold today—a household mode of production: most farmwork is done yesteryear members of the household on the household's farmland.
Temne seller

 At times of peak labor input, cooperative operate groups are utilized when possible, for hoeing (Kabotho) harvesting (Ambira), too so on. Domestic slavery inwards Sierra Leone ended inwards 1926, but, before then, wealthier Temne used slave workers as well. H5N1 household's nutrient too income production is augmented yesteryear selling or bartering surplus products locally, inwards the marketplaces of provincial towns, or to builders. Remittances from household members who withdraw hold migrated also help. Little wage labor is used inwards agriculture.

Land tenure
The principal of each chiefdom is said to "own" the ground comprising it, given that he "bought it" too the people on it during that component of his installation ceremonies normally called "Makane." The ground or chiefdom was originally secured yesteryear the chiefly kin grouping yesteryear line of vacant ground or yesteryear conquest.

                      Temne adult woman inwards her village

According to tradition, chiefs "gave" portions of ground to farm, too the receivers reciprocated amongst a homecoming gift, to the grantor-chief as seal on the agreement. The receivers, inwards turn, could reallocate portions of their ground to others, receiving a lambe from them. Such transfers were regarded as permanent. After 1900, as the best farmland became shorter inwards supply, temporary land-use rights were negotiated amongst the principal to seal the deal.

Each Temne individual's surname indicates the patrician amongst which he or she is affiliated. There are twenty-five to 30 such patricians. The names are mostly of Temne root too are also found amid several neighboring ethnic groups, especially amid their neighbors too closed allies the Limba, Loko too Kuranko.

                             Temne adult woman amongst triplets,Sierra Leone. Courtesy  Anne-Sophie Cardinal

Inter-ethnic marriages betwixt the Temne, Limba, Loko too Kuranko are really common, but the kid is considered a Temne if his or her begetter is a fellow member of the Temne tribe. Most patricians withdraw hold option names, too each is normally geographically concentrated, resulting from isolation during migration. In general, however, Temne patricians are dispersed too are neither ranked nor exogamous. Each patrician has several totems—usually of animals, birds, fish, or plants—and prohibitions on seeing, touching, eating, or using that vary considerably from i expanse to another. Penalties for violating a prohibition are mild, too many adults make non know what the prohibitions are until a diviner diagnoses the elbow grease of a misfortune. Early sources too some contemporary Temne dot that a mutual patrician bond was formerly of important social importance, but that is non the illustration today. Each patrician consists of smaller, localized segments or patrilineages, each of which comprises a number of (usually extended) families, each of which inwards plough normally forms the pith of a household. Temne kinship terminology is the type that Murdock calls "Eskimo," inwards which mother's brothers too sisters are non differentiated terminologically from father's brothers too sisters. In discourse, seniority is indicated to a greater extent than frequently than laterality. H5N1 somebody is normally closest to too receives most assistance from his or her ain father's patrilineage, but frequently ties amongst the mother's patrilineage are nearly as important; Temne beak of their mother's patrilineage as their "second line of aid too protection."

                                       Temne kids

To live married is strongly desired yesteryear adult Temne, especially inwards the rural agrarian context, where subsistence is really hard for a unmarried adult, especially if that adult has children. In the traditional Temne matrimony system, bride-wealth, composed of consumer goods especially kola passes from the groom's kin grouping to the bride's too or to guardians too is afterward distributed to a greater extent than widely. The substitution of bride-wealth too dowry or counterpayment seals the transfer of rights too obligations from the bride's begetter or guardian; this transfer marks a truthful matrimony from other forms, which may live as permanent but non as acceptable to the kin groups concerned. The rights transferred are those amongst abide by to domestic service, labor too the income from that labor, children, too sexual services. All subsequent major decisions are made yesteryear the husband, who may or may non consult amongst his wife. Marriage ceremonies differ betwixt Temne Muslim, Christian or non-Muslim.
Although the incidence of polygynous marriages has declined since the 1950s, especially inwards urban areas, nearly 4 of every 10 married men soundless had ii or to a greater extent than wives, too half-dozen of every 10 married women were component of a polygynous family. H5N1 polygynously married man's initiative off married adult woman becomes the caput wife. Co-wife tensions tin can atomic number 82 to discord but normally make not. The human being is responsible to provide for his whole family.
Since the 1950s, divorce rates withdraw hold increased inwards urban areas; There are mostly accepted grounds for a husband, too also for a wife, to secure a divorce inwards the urban areas too amid the Temne Christians, but a married adult woman normally make non withdraw hold the might to divorce her hubby inwards the rural areas, especially amid Temne Muslims.
Temne adult woman asset her baby

Domestic unit
The manlike somebody or female-headed household is the primary residential unit. There are diverse types of households, but most withdraw hold a household unit of measurement (husband, married adult woman or wives, too their children) as the core. Some are complex (two or to a greater extent than married men, either begetter too boy or ii brothers), frequently amongst other, more-distant kin or fifty-fifty strangers inwards residence. The household caput resolves disputes yesteryear mediation too moot proceedings too represents the household inwards hamlet affairs.
Temne girls

Land-use rights too most portable forms of wealth are inherited patrilineally; women's jewelry, clothing, too rare other items exceed from woman parent to daughter. Disputes occur betwixt the deceased's brothers, betwixt his sons, too betwixt his brothers too his sons.

H5N1 kid is socialized yesteryear a comparatively large number of people including parents, older siblings too elders inwards the household where he or she grows up. For a diverseness of reasons, fosterage is common; many children are raised exterior the parental household.
Temne missy carrying her kid sister

Significant socialization formerly took house during a girl's initiation into the Bundu companionship too a boy's initiation into Poro society. Since close the 1940s, however, initiates into both societies withdraw hold been younger too withdraw hold spent lilliputian fourth dimension receiving grooming inwards seclusion. Both societies helped prepare adolescents for their roles inwards adult life. Socialization continued intermittently throughout adult life as people learned from novel experiences too patterned their conduct on purpose models who came to live widely respected too fifty-fifty revered.
Temne boy

Social organization
Traditionally, chiefly kin groups enjoyed superior status, as elders, such as wealthier farmers too traders, successful subchiefs or hamlet headmen, companionship officials, Muslim "holy men," prominent warriors, too the heads of large households. There were wealth differentials betwixt households, based on size, access to farmland, numbers of domestic slaves, too people amongst specialized skills; the head's prestige was largely determined yesteryear his household's relative wealth. As the colonial era progressed too the urban population grew, a social-class scheme developed, based on wealth as traditionally defined, on money, on nontraditional occupations, too on literacy inwards English. Elderly males dominated traditional society, too at that spot was a marked "upward flow of wealth" to such men. Slaves, children, junior males, too most females were largely powerless.
Heydon Adama Bangura, beautiful Temne tribe lady

Political organization
The Temne were traditionally organized into fifty-odd chiefdoms, each atomic number 82 a principal (called bai inwards the Temne language), whom the British would later telephone telephone a paramount chief. Some of the larger chiefdoms were sectioned, but normally each large hamlet or grouping of smaller villages had its ain untitled subchief. Each hamlet also had an elected headman. In the chief's hamlet at that spot normally resided 4 to half-dozen titled subchiefs, who served their principal as advisors too facilitators. One of these, normally titled kapr me se m, served as interim ruler after his chief's demise. H5N1 principal selected his subchiefs, too they were installed amongst him. Each subchief, titled or not, selected a sister's missy as his helper (mankapr), too each principal selected i or to a greater extent than sister's daughters to aid him. These "female subchiefs" had solely ritual—not administrative—duties.
In the western too northern Temne chiefdoms, the chiefs too subchiefs are installed too buried amongst Muslim ceremonies too conduct titles such as alkali, alimamy, too santigi. Elsewhere, the Ramena, Ragbenle, or Poro societies perform these rites; at that spot is considerable variation. In the "society chiefdoms," the principal is divine; he has a mystical connectedness amongst the chiefdom too the line of previous chiefs. These chiefs withdraw hold prohibitions—some on their ain behavior, too others on the conduct of people toward them.

Chiefly succession systems are either alternating betwixt ii patricians or ii lineages inside i patrician, or rotating amid iii or to a greater extent than lineages of i chiefly patrician. The fixed rotational patterns were frequently abrogated. In the nineteenth century it was non unknown for a human being who didn't wishing the chore to live selected.
The intrachiefdom might game was primarily a struggle betwixt the principal too those elders who supported him too those elders who opposed him. In some instances, the principal too his supporters ruled tyrannically; inwards others, the principal became a manipulated figurehead. Some chiefs were good liked too had a broad base of operations of pop support; others were disliked, distrusted, too mostly opposed.

                               Isaiah Washington,Temne man

With the annunciation of the Protectorate inwards 1896, the chiefdoms became units of local government, too the chiefs, on stipend, became low-level administrative bureaucrats. Some little chiefdoms were amalgamated to brand fewer, economically to a greater extent than feasible units. Each British district commissioner worked amongst too through the paramount chiefs of the chiefdoms comprising his district. As chiefly administrative responsibilities widened, nonliterate chiefs had to hire literate assistants, chiefdom clerks. After the Native Administration (N.A.) scheme was implemented, the chiefs' courts were to a greater extent than closely regulated, and, inwards the larger chiefdoms, N.A. messengers/police were hired. In 1951 a district council was created inwards each district, composed initially of the paramount chiefs too an equal number of elected members too chaired yesteryear the district commissioner. When political parties were initiative off formed inwards the 1950s, they dealt amongst the chiefs too depended upon them as "ward healers" to plough out their voters for elections.
Former ruthless Sierra Leonean RUF leader too founder Foday Saybana Sankoh is Temne tribe man.

Social control
Among nineteenth-century Temne, the law did non withdraw hold the preeminent house inwards the resolution of disagreements too conflicts inwards the way courtroom systems make inwards twentieth-century democracies. There was no separate, largely independent judiciary; sociopolitical leaders tried sure cases as a prerogative of their positions. Rather than applying abstract ideals of justice, equity, too goodness conscience, these leaders made decisions inwards low-cal of the detail political too social settings inwards each specific instance. Disagreements too conflicts betwixt individuals too groups were adjudicated at, first, the kin-group too residence-group level; second, at the association grade (especially the Poro too Bundu societies); too third, at the chiefdom too subchiefdom grade (in a chief's court). The initiative off grade used primarily moot proceedings, the 2d normally inquisitory techniques, too the third, a sort of adversarial contest. In the colonial courtroom system, solely courts of those chiefs recognized as paramounts served as local courts. Somewhat modified, the scheme continues today.

Raiding too warfare amid Temne too betwixt Temne too people of other groups were long-standing. In the eighteenth too nineteenth centuries raids were carried out to pocket foodstuffs too people, both disposed of inwards domestic too unusual trade. People on too close the coast tried to preclude inland traders from having direct contacts too thus save middleman profits for themselves. H5N1 menstruum of "trade wars" occurred inwards the 2d one-half of the nineteenth century, too a body of professional person warriors developed then. These were full-time, itinerant mercenaries, known for their cruelty too fearlessness, who inspired terror too specialized inwards quick, surprise raids. For defense, Temne surrounded larger villages amongst walls of tree trunks too mud too built divide fortresses, to which people from several smaller villages could retire inwards times of emergency. The institution of the colonial over-government seat an destination to Temne raiding too warfare.

                            Temne people at the Kitchen

Religious beliefs
The Temne traditionally believe inwards a supreme Being or a creator God called Kurumasaba (meaning God inwards English).  Kuurumasaba, inwards judging the Temne, is thought to live kind, generous, just, too infallible. Kurumasaba is never approached directly, solely through patrilineal ancestors as intermediaries. These ancestors also approximate their descendants. Sacrifices are offered to them to obtain aid for the living. Various nonancestral spirits, some regarded as goodness too helpful, others as mischievous too fifty-fifty vicious, also have sacrifices too brand agreements to aid or—at to the lowest degree non to harm—the living.

 Temne also believe inwards witches (rashir), individuals, both manlike somebody too female, who tin can brand victims autumn idle, withdraw hold an accident, or fifty-fifty die. The identity of a witch may live determined yesteryear several divinatory techniques and, in i lawsuit identified, tin can live countered yesteryear magical medicines. Especially useful are "swearing medicines," which convey disease too decease to an identified witch, thief, or other target. Borrowings from Islam too Christianity withdraw hold altered many traditional beliefs during the twentieth century.
Traditional diviners used diverse methods too made protective charms for individuals to protect farms from thieves too to protect a solid or farm from witches. These specialists paid for the necessary cognition from established practitioners during an apprenticeship. Morimen, itinerant Muslims, provided the same make of services amongst dissimilar methods. Officials of the major associations (Poro, Ragbenle, Bundu, too so on) used techniques detail to their group. Confidence inwards detail practitioners too detail techniques varies over time.

Muslim contacts in all probability go dorsum several centuries, too fifteenth-century Portuguese were cognizant of Muslim peoples. Early traders, holy men, too warriors brought Islam into the Temne expanse from the due north yesteryear the Susu too northeast yesteryear the Fula too Mandinka. Through the nineteenth century, as the volume of merchandise grew, Muslim influences increased; inwards the belatedly twentieth century a important proportion of Temne claim to live Muslim converts.
Although xc to 95% of Temne withdraw hold converted to Islam, they soundless exercise their traditional religion, as well. Many of the Temne are superstitious too believe inwards witches who tin can live either manlike somebody or female. These witches are believed to derive pleasance from causing accidents too spreading sickness amid the tribe. As a result, many fright the witches too send charms or medicines amongst them to ward off their evil acts.
Missionary Effects; Portuguese Christian missionary efforts began before the Protestant Reformation but had no lasting effects on the Temne. The Protestant presence accompanied the founding of Freetown inwards the belatedly eighteenth century; Church Missionary Society representatives were active upward the Rokel River too elsewhere inwards Temne ground throughout the nineteenth century. In the 1890s the Soudna Mission was the initiative off American mission inwards the Temne area; American Wesleyans too the Evangelical United Brethren afterward joined the field. Today, 5 to 10% of Temne are followers of Christianity.

Ceremonies are held for most life-stage transitions for both sexes. For women, circumcision, coming of age, initiation into the Bundu society, marriage, too giving nativity are paramount. For men, circumcision, initiation into the Poro society, marriage, too fathering children are most important.

The primary populace ceremonies are those that score the destination of initiation of groups into Bundu too Poro, both for ordinary initiates too the rarer initiation of officials, too those that are component of the installation or burial of a chief. The principal Christian too Muslim holidays are also marked yesteryear ceremonies (e.g., Christmas too the destination of Ramadan).
Temne Bundo Nowo initiation Mask

Graphic too plastic arts are essentially limited to the adornment of utilitarian objects too the masks too other items used yesteryear the diverse societies. In the past, the Ragbenle masks, especially, were many too varied. The verbal arts are stressed, too Temne utilisation riddles too proverbs inwards instruction, engage inwards storytelling that verges on dramatic performance, too employ song music too drumming on diverse occasions. Jewelry is becoming to a greater extent than popular.

Disease too sick wellness are viewed inwards damage of obvious surface symptoms (like fever, rash, swelling) too the "underlying causes" of those symptoms (e.g., witchcraft, beingness caught yesteryear a swearing medicine). Symptoms tin can live relieved yesteryear traditional or Western medicine, but these withdraw hold no upshot on the underlying cause(s), which require divination too the proper supernatural response.

                             Temne adult woman too her baby

Death too afterlife
Relatives get together after a death, too the corpse is washed, oiled, too dressed inwards goodness clothing. Burial normally occurs inwards or close the deceased's house. Mourning periods too the number too shape of sacrifices vary amongst the condition of the deceased. Divination of the elbow grease of decease was usual inwards the past. Witches require special burial procedures, too companionship officials too chiefs are also prepared too buried inwards special ways. One mutual thread inwards all is the endeavor to appease the spirit of the deceased too preclude disturbance of the living inwards the future.
Temne women


Isha Sesay,Temne lady

Bai Bureh (1840 – August 24, 1908) was a Sierra Leonean ruler too armed services strategist who led the Temne too Loko uprising against British dominion inwards 1898 inwards Northern Sierra Leone.
Congo linguistic communication household unit of measurement too the largest as good as influential ethnic grouping inwards Sierra Leone Info For You TEMNE PEOPLE: THE RESILIENT AND INFLUENTIAL ABORIGINAL PEOPLE OF SIERRA LEONE
Photograph: Bai Bureh, Chief of the Timini when a prisoner at Sierra Leone inwards 1898.  An master copy photograph yesteryear Lieutenant Arthur Greer West Bharat Regiment who died August 7, 1900, when storming a blockade after the relief of Kumasi.
Mr. Schulze is the co-discoverer of a remarkable historical discovery, a clear, face-on photograph of Bai Bureh, Sierra Leone’s greatest hero. The photograph shows Bai Bureh sitting inwards a relaxed mode amongst his hands folded on his lap, looking slightly away from the camera.  He’s wearing his trademark “ronko” gown (or state of war shirt) too a little embroidered Muslim hat.  A Sierra Leonean police officer inwards uniform stands adjacent to Bai Bureh keeping a watchful optic on his captive, too asset a large rifle amongst a fixed bayonet. But the soldier is also clearly relaxed. Click to read to a greater extent than close the regain of the photograph.

Early life too ruler of Northern Sierra Leone
Bai Bureh was born inwards 1840 inwards Kasseh, a hamlet close Port Loko inwards Northern Sierra Leone. His initiative off name, Bai, agency Chief inwards the Temne language. Bureh's begetter was an of import Loko war-chief too his woman parent was a Temne trader from Makeni.
When Bureh was a immature human being his begetter sent him to the little hamlet of Gbendembu inwards northern Sierra Leone, where he was trained to go a warrior. During his grooming at the village, he showed that he was a formidable warrior too was given the nickname of Kebalai which translates as ‘one who doesn’t tire of war’. When Kebalai homecoming to his abode village, he was crowned ruler of Kasseh.
During the 1860s too 1870s, Bureh had go the top warrior of Port Loko too the entire Northern Province. He successfully fought too won wars against other villagers too tribal leaders who were against his innovation to constitute right islamic too indigenous practices throughout Northern Sierra Leone. In 1882, Bureh fought against the Susu people from French Republic of Guinea (now Guinea) who invaded Kambia, a town inwards northern Sierra Leone. Bai Bureh's fighters defeated the Susu, pushed them dorsum into French Republic of Guinea too returned the ground to the local Kambia people. After winning several major wars, his popularity spread. The people of the northern tell felt they had found a warrior who would defend their land. In 1886, Bai Bureh was crowned as the principal of Northern Sierra Leone.

As a ruler, Bureh never wanted to cooperate amongst the British who were living inwards the uppercase metropolis of Freetown. Bai Bureh refused to recognise a peace treaty the British had negotiated amongst the Limba without his participation; too on i occasion, his warrior fighters raided the British troops across the border into French Guinea. On Jan 1, 1893, the British colonials instituted a hut taxation inwards Sierra Leone too throughout British-controlled Africa. The taxation could live paid inwards either money, grain, stock or labor. Many Africans had to operate as laborers to pay the tax. The Hut Tax enabled the British to construct roads, towns, railways too other infrastructure amenities inwards British-controlled Sierra Leone.
Bai Bureh refused to recognise the hut taxation that the British had imposed. He did non believe the Sierra Leonean people had a duty to pay taxes to foreigners too he wanted all British to homecoming to Britain too allow the Sierra Leoneans solve their ain problems. After refusing to pay his taxes on several occasions, the British issued a warrant to arrest Bureh. When the British Governor to Sierra Leone, Sir Frederic Cardew, offered the princely amount of i hundred pounds as a payoff for his capture, Bai Bureh reciprocated yesteryear offering the fifty-fifty to a greater extent than staggering amount of 5 hundred pounds for the capture of the governor. In 1898, Bureh declared state of war on British inwards Sierra Leone. The state of war later became known as the Hut Tax War of 1898.
Most of Bureh's fighters came from several temne too Loko villages nether his command, but other fighters came from Limba, Kissi too Kuranko villages, sent to his aid. Bai Bureh's men non solely killed the British soldiers but also killed dozens of Creoles who were living inwards Northern Sierra Leone because it was thought yesteryear the indigenous people of Sierra Leone that they supported the British. One of the most notable Creole people who was killed yesteryear Bai Bureh's warriors was a trader John "Johnny" Taylor, who was killed inwards his solid inwards Northern Sierra Leone.
Bai Bureh had the payoff over the vastly to a greater extent than powerful British for several months of the war. By 19 February, 1898, Bai Bureh's forces had completely severed the British line of communication betwixt Freetown too Port Loko. They blocked the route too the river from Freetown. Despite their arrest warrant, the British forces failed to defeat Bureh too his supporters. Hundreds of British troops were killed, too hundreds of Bureh's fighters also died during the war.

Capture too exile
Bai Bureh was finally tracked downwards inwards swampy, thickly vegetated countryside yesteryear a little patrolling political party of the newly organised West African Regiment on Nov 11, 1898 inwards Port Loko. His Temne too Loko warriors resisted to the last, but they did non evade the troops for long. Bai Bureh was taken nether guard to Freetown, where crowds gathered closed to his quarters twenty-four lx minutes menstruum too dark to gain a glimpse of the corking man.
The British sent Bai Bureh inwards exile to the Gold Coast (now Ghana), along amongst the powerful Sherbro principal Kpana Lewis too the powerful Mende principal Nyagua. Both Kpana Lewis too Nyagua died inwards exile but Bai Bureh was brought dorsum to Sierra Leone inwards 1905, reinstating him as the Chief of Kasseh. Bai Bureh died inwards 1908.

The legacy of Bai Bureh
The significance of Bai Bureh's state of war against the British is non a affair of whether he won or lost the state of war but that a human being who had none of what could live called formal armed services grooming was able to demo that for a important number of months he was able to select on the British who were really proud of their corking armed services successes across the globe. The British troops were led yesteryear officers trained at the finest armed services academies where state of war is studied inwards the same way that i studies a discipline at university. The fact that Bai Bureh was non executed after his capture has led some historians to claim that this was inwards admiration for his prowess as an adversary to the British.
The tactics employed yesteryear Bai Bureh inwards his struggle against the British are really much the forerunner of tactics employed yesteryear guerilla armies worldwide. At the fourth dimension these tactics were really revolutionary too he "succeeded" for the goodness argue he had practiced cognition of the terrain across which the state of war took place. Bai Bureh had pursued the state of war non simply amongst audio armed services encephalon but also a sense of humour. When Governor Cardew had offered the princely amount of 100 pounds as a payoff for his capture, Bai Bureh had reciprocated yesteryear offering the fifty-fifty to a greater extent than staggering amount of 5 hundred pounds for the capture of the Governor.
Many Sierra Leoneans sentiment Bai Bureh today as the greatest human being to ever come upward out of the country. There is a really large Statue of Bai Bureh inwards telephone substitution Freetown. He pictured on several Sierra Leonean newspaper bill. H5N1 Sierra Leonean professional person football game gild called the Bai Bureh Warriors from Port Loko is named after him.

Famous quotes
'De state of war done done' (said when Bureh was captured yesteryear the British) The British were good aware of Bai Bureh's folk hero condition he had cultivated during the war, which made them less inclined to hang him. It was likewise much of a chance to take: yesteryear killing Bai Bureh they would withdraw hold probable created a martyr. Such actions would withdraw hold led to a battle quest liberty against British dominion inwards Sierra Leone too if the British were defeated there, so that would withdraw hold emboldened their subjects inwards other regions to rebel, threatening their Imperial dominion inwards West Africa.

 Temne tribe woman, Zainab Hawa Bangura, electrical current Foreign Minister of Sierra Leone amongst erstwhile US President Bill Clinton

Photospeak: Eye Candy Of Life: Sierra Leonean Singer/Actress Adama Bangura of Temne Tribe

By  on Jan 18, 2013
Congo linguistic communication household unit of measurement too the largest as good as influential ethnic grouping inwards Sierra Leone Info For You TEMNE PEOPLE: THE RESILIENT AND INFLUENTIAL ABORIGINAL PEOPLE OF SIERRA LEONE
The West African land of Sierra Leone prides itself inwards churning out some of the best creative people inwards the world.
Isha Sesay, i of the most treasured journalists at the American cable network CNN, is a typical Sierra Leonean success story. All over the world, to a greater extent than Sierra Leoneans are excelling inwards their chosen fields of trade.
One such pot of Sierra Leonean gilded is 22 year-old singer, model too actress Heyden Adama Bangura. She perfectly fits into that Definition of a torchbearer, too national asset.
A successful immature lady who is slow but for sure becoming a known figure inwards the globe of modeling too music, Bangura does a goodness chore of keeping her advert upward there.
Staying relevant inwards these trades tin can live daunting too challenging but as determined as she is; she’s created her ain parameters, too has a loyal fan-base already.
Congo linguistic communication household unit of measurement too the largest as good as influential ethnic grouping inwards Sierra Leone Info For You TEMNE PEOPLE: THE RESILIENT AND INFLUENTIAL ABORIGINAL PEOPLE OF SIERRA LEONE
Bangura shuttles betwixt the US of America too Sierra Leone, managing to conform to ii dissimilar cultures.

The sexy too beautiful vocaliser got her initiative off recording bargain amongst Jmac Records inwards 2011. This came after her highly successful debut single Fit en Gbet (Just Perfect), which won her a SLMTV (Sierra Leone Music on Television) award. Her other single Love is Blind is soundless receiving massive rotation nationwide.

Fit en Gbet brought her nationwide fame. She became i of Sierra Leone’s most adored artistes at the time. Bangura’s trend of music is i that adopts a rather laid-back yet eclectic mix of genres inwards Reggae, R&B, too Afrobeats, which inwards itself is a subtle mix of traditional African rhythms.

Her music is heavy on consciousness too projects Africa inwards a really positive light. Bangura’s debut album is set for release inwards a few months, too volition withdraw hold benefitted from the sense of some of Africa’s best producers. The album volition live handled yesteryear Boxx Productions, her novel label.
Bangura’s has said several times that her inspiration to make music comes from some of the world’s best singers including South Africa’s Brenda Fassie, as good as Rihanna. Fassie’s withdraw hold on music for instance, Bangura has said, is amazing too flawless, making it like shooting fish in a barrel for her to tap into the inspiration she needs.

So how did Bangura acquire into music? Some years ago, on i of her regular trips to Sierra Leone, Bangura got invited yesteryear a friend to a studio. And that was it. It marked the showtime of what would go on to become, a huge local too international testimony.
Congo linguistic communication household unit of measurement too the largest as good as influential ethnic grouping inwards Sierra Leone Info For You TEMNE PEOPLE: THE RESILIENT AND INFLUENTIAL ABORIGINAL PEOPLE OF SIERRA LEONE

Congo linguistic communication household unit of measurement too the largest as good as influential ethnic grouping inwards Sierra Leone Info For You TEMNE PEOPLE: THE RESILIENT AND INFLUENTIAL ABORIGINAL PEOPLE OF SIERRA LEONE

Congo linguistic communication household unit of measurement too the largest as good as influential ethnic grouping inwards Sierra Leone Info For You TEMNE PEOPLE: THE RESILIENT AND INFLUENTIAL ABORIGINAL PEOPLE OF SIERRA LEONE

Congo linguistic communication household unit of measurement too the largest as good as influential ethnic grouping inwards Sierra Leone Info For You TEMNE PEOPLE: THE RESILIENT AND INFLUENTIAL ABORIGINAL PEOPLE OF SIERRA LEONE

Congo linguistic communication household unit of measurement too the largest as good as influential ethnic grouping inwards Sierra Leone Info For You TEMNE PEOPLE: THE RESILIENT AND INFLUENTIAL ABORIGINAL PEOPLE OF SIERRA LEONE
 Source: MSN

Notable Temne peopLe[edit]


  • King Tom, negotiated the settlement of the Province of Freedom with the British
  • Bai Bureh, Sierra Leonean ruler too armed services strategist who led the Temne uprising against the British inwards 1898.
  • Ernest Bai Koroma, electrical current president of Sierra Leone
  • Kande Bureh, Sierra Leone government minister of Transportation too Communications from 1962–1967 too i of the founded members that guided Sierra Leone to Independence
  • Foday Sankoh, erstwhile Sierra Leonean rebel leader
  • Zainab Hawa Bangura, electrical current Foreign Minister of Sierra Leone
  • Abdul Serry-Kamal, Sierra Leone's electrical current Minister of Justice too Attorney General
  • Alpha Kanu, Sierra Leone's electrical current Minister of Mineral Resources
  • Yahya Kanu; Sierra Leone Army officer
  • Momodu Koroma, unusual government minister of Sierra Leone from 2002–2007
  • Ibrahim Kemoh Sesay, Sierra Leone's erstwhile government minister of Transportation too Aviation too a erstwhile fellow member of Parliament from Port Loko District from 2002–2007
  • Kadi Sesay, Sierra Leone's government minister of Trade too Industry from 2002–2007 too the electrical current National Deputy Chairman of the SLPP
  • Soccoh Kabia, Sierra Leone's electrical current Minister of Social Welfare too Children's affairs
  • Okere Adams, Sierra Leone government minister of Marine Resources from 2002 t0 2005 too government minister of Tourism too Cultural Affairs from 2005–2007
  • Thaimu Bangura, erstwhile Sierra Leone government minister of Finance too leader of the PDP political party
  • Edward Turay, erstwhile leader of the All People's Congress (APC) too a currently a fellow member of Parliament from Bombali District
  • Abdul Kady Karim, Sierra Leonean political leader too leader of the UNPP political party
  • Karefa Kargbo, Foreign government minister of Sierra Leone from 1993–1994
  • Alpha Timbo, Sierra Leone government minister of Labour too work from 2002–2007
  • Alhaji Andrew Kanu, the electrical current mayor of the metropolis of Makeni
  • Musa Kamara,Sierra Leonean Belgian,Navigator Ship Captain too School Science Governor inwards London,England,UK.
Andrew Turay, Sierra Leonean politician
  • Abdul Karim Koroma, Sierra Leone government minister of Education from 1977–1982
  • [Musa Kamara),Sierra Leonean Belgian,Navigator Ship Captain too School Science Governor inwards London,England,UK.
Momodu Munu, erstwhile Sierra Leon$1 government minister from 1985–1989


Football And Sport stars

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