Info For Y'all Makua People: Mozambique`S Largest Matriarchical Tribe Which Withal Holds Its Ancient Ancestral Worship Intact In Addition To Are Noted For Musiro Facial Painting

The Makua or Makhua also known every bit Makhuwa-Meetto, Macua, Emeto, Amakhua, Makhuwa-Shirima, Medo, Wamakua etc are Bantu-speaking African in addition to the largest ethnic grouping inwards Mozambique, in addition to also take hold a large population across the edge inwards the Masasi District of Mtwara Region inwards southern Tanzania. The Makua or Macua are good known for asset tight to their traditional African worship in addition to their unique white "musiro" facial mask. 
                      Makua adult woman from Mozambiquewith her tradititional Mukua white "musiro" facial mask

The Makhuas alive inwards an extensive expanse that covers the northern parts of Mozambique in addition to includes the Cabo Delgado, Niassa, Zambézia in addition to Nampula provinces. This expanse stretces from the Rovuma river inwards the North to the Licungo river inwards the South (in the vicinity of the Zambezi river) in addition to from the Indian Ocean inwards the East to the Lugenda river inwards the West. As far every bit the Maúa district is concerned, it forms role of Northern Niassa in addition to covers an expanse of precisely about 10 000km2 .

                                   Makua people

There is no uniformity amongst the few sources available when it comes to the population numbers of the Makhuas. According to Africa South of the Sahara 2001 (789, 805), the population of Mozambique inwards 2000 was 17 242 240. The biggest ethno-linguistic grouping is the Makhua-Lomwe grouping which comprises almost twoscore pct of the total population. Moseley & Asher (1924: 296) justice the Makhua-Lomwe speakers to live inwards the vicinity of 7,653,000. Dalby (1998: 386) is of view that in that location are almost 3,500,000 of these that speak Makhua ( every bit opposed to Lomwe speakers). The Pittman & Grimes Ethnologue of 2000 estimates that in that location are precisely about 900 000 Makhua Xirima speakers. This is definitely an over estimation. There are in all probability non to a greater extent than than 300 000 Makhua Xirima speakers.

Other Makua people were known to live residing inwards South Africa inwards a Durban urban center called Bluff. However, due to the Group Areas Act, they were forcibly removed from Bluff in addition to settled inwards Bayview, Chatsworth, Durban inwards 1960. Although the bulk of the Amakua people inwards South Africa were settled inwards Bayview, some alive inwards Wentworth, Marianhill, Marianridge, Umlazi, Newlands East in addition to West, Pietermaritzburg, Cape Town in addition to Johannesburg. The Makua people inwards South Africa are mostly Muslims.

                                               Makua woman
 The Makua/emakhua is a Niger-Congo or Bantu linguistic communication is predominantly spoken amid the people, with Afrikaans in addition to Zulu (in South Africa), Portuguese inwards Mozambique, some Swahili yesteryear the elders of the community but soundless spoken yesteryear many on the Tanzania-Mozambican border, in addition to English linguistic communication inwards South Africa in addition to Tanzania. According to Newitt (1995: 62 – 63) the distinctive Makhua dialects originated from i Makhua linguistic communication that was spoken almost a grand years ago. “The Makua linguistic communication is at nowadays spoken inwards dialects sufficiently distinct to advise that a grand years may take hold passed since the break-up of the master Makua speaking group”. There are no clear answers every bit to the etymology of the discussion “Makhua” . Hypotheses vary from “savages” (thus a non Makhua term ascribed to them from the outside) to “person who yell” (okhuwa/okhuwela agency to yell or hollo for joy) to “those who come upwards from Goa” (thus “MaKoa”). According to Prata (1960: 3) the most plausible solution is found inwards the discussion “nikhuwa” which in all probability comes from nikuwa in addition to which agency “an extensive desolate marshland” or fifty-fifty “jungle”.
The history of the Makhua Xirima in addition to its linguistic communication theatre unit of measurement tin can live described every bit follows (2000 Ethnologue):
                                Makua people

Martinez (1988: 38) in addition to Prata (1960: 6) split the dissimilar Makhua languages/dialects every bit follow:


Grupo Macua do interior (Províncias de Nampula e Niassa);

Grupo macua-meto (Províncias de Cabo Delgado e Niassa);

Grupo macua-lomwe (Províncias de Zabézia e Niassa);

Grupo do Rovuma (river that forms the edge with Tanzania), Província de Cabo delgado;

Grupo chaca, ao sul de Cabo Delgado e em Nampula

Grupo chirima (Nampula e Niassa)

Grupo macua do litoral (Marrevone, Nampamela, Mulai, Mogincual e Nahara)



The most scientific in addition to thorough partition that is available was done inwards 2001 yesteryear Oliver Kröger (from SIL or Sociedade Internacional de Linguística). He/they distinguish betwixt 8 bigger in addition to 4 smaller groups that tin can live summarized every bit follow:

Major Dialects
Central Makua, often referred to every bit E-Makhuwana….It is the dialects spoken inwards Nampula province, also reference dialect for linguistic description or literature production.

                                Makua fishermen

Makua-Met:. Spoken inwards Cabo Delgado Province.
Makua-Xirima: Spoken inwards Niassa Province.
Makua-Emoniga: Spoken inwards Pebane district of Zambezia Province. Since the Moniga people alive inwards a geographic pocket, “surrounded” yesteryear Lomwe-speakers, their oral communication is often considered every bit dialect of Lomwe.
Makua-Emarevone: Spoken inwards Moma District of Nampula Province. Of all coastal dialects, this is the most distinct from the fundamental variant.

Makua-Esaka. Both on the edge betwixt Nampula in addition to Cabo Delgado Province. Maybe intelligible with Makua-Meto.
Makua of Tanzania. Very Probable includes the Makua of Rovuma.
Makua Enahara, spoken on Mozambique Island an inwards the neighboring districts on the continent.

Smaller dialects:

Makua-Enlai: spoken due north in addition to north-west of Angoche city.
Makua-Empamela: spoken north-west in addition to due west of Angoche city.
Makua-Emwaja: spoken inwards parts of Memba district inwards northern Nampula Province.
Makua of Mogincual; spoken inwards the district of the same name.
Lomwe is considered yesteryear Kröger every bit “another language, but closely related to Makua”
                            Makua women, their faces smeared with nciro paste, split upwards the catch 
                            on Pangane Beach, northern Mozambique. Photographer: David Rogers

Myths (Creation)
 Many believe they originated on a sacred mount called mount Namuli. There is a cave on the mount from which all the animals were born. H5N1 woman individual pes is said to live imprinted on the exterior of the cave – hence the matrilineal theatre unit of measurement structure.
                         "Makua from the coast of Mozambique ." Circa: 1891 

History of Makhua

The Makua themselves claim that they migrated to this province from the so Portuguese East Africa at nowadays Mozambique earlier the Arabs had laid pes into this country. According to recent studies of the history of Mozambique, the Khoi in addition to San people groups were the foremost inhabitants of at to the lowest degree the fundamental in addition to Northern parts of Mozambique (Martinez, 1988: 43). Some of the so-called “cave-drawings” that are found inwards other parts of Africa in addition to are ascribed to the San people, are also found inwards Mozambique. “In nomadic bands of a few dozen people, these Stone Age folk hunted in addition to gathered nutrient instead of herding in addition to cultivating” (Henriksen, 1978: 3).
Axelson (1972) deducts that since in that location were archaeological items that were found inwards Republic of Zambia in addition to Republic of Zimbabwe that appointment to 100 AD in addition to 300 AD respectively, it is reasonable to suppose that parts at to the lowest degree of Mozambique were also occupied early on inwards the Christian era yesteryear Fe users, who were doubtless Bantu-speaking Negroes. Early immigrants would take hold included the Zimba, Tawara, Tonga in addition to Sena people groups. That Karanga establishes the renowned Mwene Mutapa (monomotapa) kingdom, maybe every bit early on every bit the tenth century AD. This kingdom covered a large role of today’s Mozambique in addition to Zimbabwe.

The Makhuas formed role of the foremost “Southern Bantu” groups that emigrated out of fundamental Africa. This migration took identify during the foremost v centuries AD. The Makhuas progressively occupied the fertile planes adjacent to the rivers inwards Northern Mozambique (Martinez, 1988: 44). The institution of the Makhuas inwards Mozambique during the fourth to the eighth century was a slowly but certainly process. This procedure was also at the same fourth dimension a transformation from a nomadic existence to a to a greater extent than stable in addition to permanent setup. During this fourth dimension the focus was upon settling, nutrient in addition to defence forcefulness (Martinez, 1988: 45).

The ninth to the 14th centuries grade the migration of new/other Bantu tribes to the Southern parts of Africa. These migrations also direct affected the Makhuas in addition to led to adjustments in addition to changes. New commercial alliances were formed in addition to the demand for defence forcefulness against frequent attacks from raiders increased. It was also during this fourth dimension that the Arabs appeared on the Mozambican scene. According to Axell (1972: 607) in that location are recordings of a see that dates every bit far dorsum every bit 922 AD from Arabs to Sofala.The Arabs, local tribes in addition to the Portuguese (when they appeared on the scene) all took role inwards the slave trade. Tribes similar the Yao in addition to Makhuas provided the Arabs in addition to Portuguese of slaves on a large scale. The Arabs in addition to Portuguese inwards plow sold the slaves to the slave ships (Van Aswegen & Verhoef, 1982: 11).

                                                Mwehyerani - Makua Tribe

Because the economical in addition to merchandise activities of the Arabs increased so much (especially along the coast), in that location came into existence what Martinez (1988: 46) called “Estados afro-asiáticos independentes” or “coastal independent states”. These “coastal states” were rattling inviting to the Makhuas. The Arabs introduced central merchandise with the Makhuas on a grand scale. The Makhuas were moreover exposed to to a greater extent than modern agricultural techniques.

The Makhuas started to grouping themselves together into confederations inwards monastic enjoin to take hold a amend defence forcefulness in addition to to maintain command over the ivory in addition to slave trade. These confederations each consisted of a give away of families/clans. The Makhua Meto grouping formed role of such a confederation inwards the Lúrio valley.

The Portuguese foremost laid pes on Mozambique at the terminate of the 15th century. At that stage, they did non penetrate the areas where the Makhuas lived. The truthful occupation of these territories would solely start at the start of the 20th century. In the 18th century the renowned headman Mucuto-Muno from the Namarróis confederation became famous for the way he organized raids in addition to carried away slaves. He also imposed high taxes on the caravans that came from the interior (Newitt, 1995: 399).
                                           Makua human being from Tanzania

The most important upshot of the 19th century was in all probability the migration of the angoni people from Zulu ground inwards South Africa to Mozambique in addition to other countries inwards Southern Africa. In the middle of the 19th century they reached the Rovuma river which forms the edge betwixt Mozambique in addition to Tanzania. As they migrated, they waged state of war with the groups they encountered. From Tanzania they moved due south to Niassa in addition to Cabo Delgado at the terminate of the 19th century afterwards beingness defeated yesteryear the Germans.

During the Berlin Conference (1884 – 1885) Great Britain in addition to Portugal finally reached an understanding over the boarders of Mozambique. After this, Portugal started to formally in addition to systematically occupy the Makhuas’ territories. By agency of dissimilar campaigns lasting from 1890 to 1920 in addition to with the collaboration of some of the headmen that were inwards conflict with headmen from the coast, the Portuguese consummated the occupation of Makhua territories (Martinez, 1988: 49). The management in addition to commercial exploration of these occupied territories of Niassa in addition to Cabo Delgado was assigned to an English linguistic communication company, dubbed the “Niassa Company”. It was constituted inwards 1893 in addition to exercised all political, juridical, administrative in addition to commercial authorization (Newitt, 1995: 372 – 373).

During the foremost World War, in that location were some military machine activities inwards the areas where the Makhuas lived in addition to lives. Maúa is the nearest village/town from our mission station. It is almost xxx kilometers from Muapula to Maúa every bit the crow flies. In Feb 1918 a High German full general (Von Lettow) marched with 5 companies through Maúa. In Apr of the same year, an English linguistic communication battalion progressed to Maúa inwards their march against the Germans. After a vehement battle, the English linguistic communication took over the barracks (Botelho, 1936: 694 – 697) .

In 1938 the Niassa Company handed the regions nether its command dorsum to Portugal. On the 25th of June 1962, FRELIMO (Frente de Libertação de Moçambique) was founded yesteryear dr. Eduardo Chivambo Mondlane. This measurement introduces the lastly stage of the history of Mozambique in addition to the Makhua Xirima - that of the struggle for independence. FRELIMO took upwards arms on the 25th of September 1964. Portugal agreed to mitt over the authorities of Mozambique to FRELIMO inwards Apr 1974 (Cravinho, 2001: 789) in addition to on the 25th of June 1975 the official statement of national independence was decreed.

                         Makua kids inwards Mozambique

The Makhuas are mainly peasants that are making a living yesteryear planting maize in addition to other make on their piddling pieces of land. The so-called subsistence farming which characterize so many parts of Africa is also typical of the Makhuas. Other forms of economical activities include hunting in addition to fishing. In the Maúa District maize is produced on a large scale in addition to it is their main source of food. It is planted when the foremost rains denote the rainy flavor (“eyita”), usually inwards the middle of December. Other vegetables that are planted are pumpkin, sweetness potatoes in addition to rye. Some families in addition to peculiarly certainly areas also flora cotton, rice or beans. H5N1 lot of people inwards the Maúa District flora sunflowers these days because of the press in addition to manufactory on the mission station inwards Muapula.

                                           Makua men inwards a boat,Nampula,Mozambique

Some products that are planted in addition to produced are used for barter in addition to some to live sold for money. Each adult fellow member is allocated a slice of ground (“ematta”) yesteryear the headman of the area. The foremost stage is so to clear the ground (“Mphelelo”). All the trunks in addition to roots are taken out during the dry out flavor (“elimwe”) that lastly from Apr to November. The human being chops downward the trees in addition to the adult woman dig upwards the ground. The 2nd stage starts with the sowing (“waala”). The rainy flavor is critically of import to the Makhuas for their survival. Sowing is mainly the woman’s task in addition to from the sowing fourth dimension until the harvest time, the main task is to create clean their lands (“olima”). Towards the terminate of the rainy flavor it is fourth dimension to harvest, the 3rd stage (“ohepha”). The whole theatre unit of measurement takes role inwards the harvesting. The harvest is seat into a “bush silo” (“ntatha”) that stands on wooden poles. The Makhuas basic diet consists of maize that are stamped (othita) yesteryear the adult woman in addition to are cooked to brand “eshima” or a type of maize porridge without salt.                                                                            

Sexual partition of production
 “Women take hold historically been responsible for all domestic tasks. In the towns in addition to cities, they by in addition to large are 
confined to the home, whereas inwards rural areas, they play an of import role inwards the agricultural labor force.” Woman also engage inwards making clay pots for cooking.

                                 Makua women washing angling net

Religious Belief
Makua people believe inwards their traditional ancient African worship. About 67% of Makua people practise ethnic traditional religions. Some statistics listing the Makua every bit the largest animistic people grouping inwards Africa. They believe inwards a God (“Muluku”) who created the whole Earth in addition to are almighty, but who is also remote in addition to non involved inwards the ordinary daily things of humans. The forefathers are treated every bit intermediaries betwixt them in addition to God. They take hold a saying inwards Makhua: “Muluku mukumi, makholo murette” : God is life, the forefathers are medicine. This is a rattling important saying. Muluku (God) is life – He is the writer of life.  He is the creator of all things. We take hold already received life. What is at nowadays needed from fourth dimension to fourth dimension is non life, but medicine – nosotros demand the forefathers during our lives, but God to give life. He is also almighty in addition to knows everything. But he is aloof in addition to non involved.
God is far away. In the Makhuas culture, the to a greater extent than of import people are often left solitary in addition to are non oftentimes disturbed yesteryear “ordinary” people with less of import matters. They are left solitary to alive peacefully (Martinez, 1988: 231). In a certainly sense they take hold the same mental attitude towards God. His distance from human being does non imply even so that He is ignorant of man’s activities. Some of the Makhua sayings underline the contrary:

Muluku mukwatapari: onneetta awehaka (God is similar an eagle: He goes almost looking down).

Muluku onnathokorera (God is watching over us).

Every clan inwards Makua had a shrine where they worshipped God. These shrines were unremarkably nether "Msoro" tree in addition to non at whatever other place. The identify was unremarkably kept create clean in addition to the Msoro tree was unremarkably wrapped upwards with a slice of a novel "Nakoto" textile made from the bark of a "Mpakala" tree to warn the would live worshippers that the identify is holy.

         Makua human being visiting a Tingatinga sacred identify inwards Mozambique.

The Makua has i holy shrine known to local spiritual tourists every bit "Tingatinga sacred places." The identify is called Mkwera Bwawani, simply translated every bit Mkwera pond situated 4 km from the main route Lindi - Ndanda. The pond is said to live a identify of miracles inwards 1960s. Bwawani has been visited yesteryear thousands of sick people in addition to fortune seekers alike. The bathe inwards the pond is holy in addition to a brusk ceremony must live executed earlier entering the waters. 

Makua Man walking inwards Mkwera Bwawani (pond) to engage inwards spiritual bathing purification rituals. The Makua people believe that the bathroom inwards Bwawani could heal, that is why thousands of people came here. The procedure of bathing has some rules similar entering the pond through ruddy in addition to white blankets.

Every morn worshippers gathered at the "Msoro" tree to say their morn prayers in addition to inquire God their God for his protection during the day. After the prayers they went away to move along with their daily activities.

At sun-set inwards the eve they visited the shrine (Msoro) to give thank yous God for protection afforded them during the twenty-four lx minutes menses in addition to asked Him for his protection afforded them during the twenty-four lx minutes menses in addition to they asked Him for his protection during oncoming dark in addition to bide their goodnight to him

Children were non allowed to come upwards to these shrines. However, in that location were special or of import situations when each Makua had to offering special offerings to God, peculiarly earlier the planting or harvesting season. Other major occasions or situations where offerings were given to God afterwards the outbreak of epidemic in addition to prolonged periods of drought. On each of such occasion many varied sacrifices were brought to the "Msoro" tree in addition to placed at the disposal of God. Those who brought the sacrifices at the identify of worship were of import or distinguished men similar "Mwene" (Chief) the best hunters or famous farmers in addition to warriors. These people had to squat at the shrine in addition to telephone phone their "Mluku" (God) yesteryear the customary names intended to give accolade to him. The occupation facing the villagers was unremarkably mentioned in addition to God was asked to assist or avert problems. Makua people believed that God was the creator of the Earth in addition to mankind in addition to that in that location was zip to a higher identify Him. God was unremarkably called yesteryear several customary names inwards Makua tribe.

They would refer to him every bit "the solely who pays every individual according to his merit, the saviour of mankind in addition to guardian in addition to protector." They unremarkably made upwards names designed to give Him honour. Makua people maintain strongly that they trust inwards God-"the invisible one" in addition to dispute bitterly claim that earlier the arrival of the Arabs in addition to the white human being Makuas were pagans in addition to worshipped trees in addition to idols. They claim that such claims saved the involvement of the foreigners in addition to contributed to the massacre of the Makua scheme of worshiping which ultimately erased makua culture.

The Makua were converted to Islam due to Arab influence inwards the portion earlier the arrival of Europeans. About 18% of Makua are Islam, in addition to almost 15.00 %  of them are Christians (Evangelical: 4.00 %).
                                        Makua muslims

Passage of Rites

In Makua tribe circumcision is mandatory. When a man child attain the historic menses of 12 years his parents brand arrangements for his circumcision. The local main commonly known every bit the Mwene unremarkably summons his top advisor in addition to a appointment is unremarkably laid for the circumcision ceremony. It is the Mwene's responsibleness to appoint 2 people who are specialised inwards circumcision work. When all organization are ready the parents take hold a lastly assignment to accomplish. They take hold to create a hut to accommodate the children. The hut is unremarkably built on the eve of the circumcision ceremony. On this twenty-four lx minutes menses all parents in addition to their relative in addition to friends instruct into a festive mood in addition to ngomas (tam-tams) volition played throughout the night. The man child to live circumcised must shave his pilus in addition to inwards the eve all boys to live circumcised must live sent to the Mwene who prays to God in addition to our ancestor to protect the children in addition to avert all shortcomings spell they are away from their parents. When the Mwene's, prayers are over the children are never allowed to instruct dorsum to their homes. They unremarkably housed or grouped inwards i selected room. From hither each boys volition live nether the closed optic of his NAMKU - a individual charged with the task of taking aid of the man child spell away from his parents. It is the NAMKU's task to convey the man child to the circumcision the world commonly known every bit MANAVA. The province of affairs abruptly became serious. The circumcision the world is genuinely laid nigh the M'MERA (hut) the ultimate residence of the children. As a dominion the boys must take hold a heavy repast with a cock earlier their divergence but are warned never to consume its peel or pause a bone. When the meals are over the boys are at in i lawsuit seat nether a strict guard in addition to every NAMKU gets grip of his boy. At this stage the boys are advised to move in addition to ease upwards themselves earlier beingness ushered to the circumcision ground.

I t is the main of the clan (MWENE) who unremarkably leads the people including the boys to live circumcised to the circumcision place. The boys are genuinely deceived that when they instruct inwards in that location volition bask or consume honey. The Makua circumcision exercise is unremarkably cruel in addition to cruel. What takes identify is that the man child is striped of his loin textile in addition to is forced to prevarication on the the world when the (ngaliba) pulls upwards the peel of the penis in addition to chops off the peel with a acuate knife in addition to the wound is dressed with either local medicine of flavine. From hither the man child is forced to potable mutual frigidness H2O in addition to placed to residue inwards the hut specially built for them.

It takes almost iii weeks for the wound to heal in addition to it is the responsibleness of the NAMKU to convey aid of the boy. After a calendar week inwards the bush where they are non allowed to come across with women the boys start intensive grooming on Makua traditions. Songs are unremarkably sung in addition to the boys are unremarkably instructed to behavior every bit grown-up in addition to discard their sometime way of life.

If for whatever argue a Makua is non circumcised, he tin can non hold off to conjoin a married adult woman amid the Makua. No Makua miss volition convey whatever human being who is non circumcised.

The boys volition remain away from their mothers for at to the lowest degree a calendar month afterwards which they are sent dorsum to their homes.

Makua do non circumcise girls but afterwards the historic menses 12 the immature girls are initiated in addition to are taken away to their chiputu places. Two elders are chosen to develop the girls Makua traditions. The girls unremarkably remain away from their parents for 2 weeks.
                               Makua man child carrying his babe with a cloth

When a miss reaches or attain the puberty stage she must undergo grooming for her futurity life. When her woman parent or aunt gets data from their miss they laid the MATENGUSI appointment in addition to invites relative who unremarkably convey part, inwards grooming the girl, an exercise which takes the whole day. The miss is warned never to take hold an affair with a human being in addition to is asked to protect her virginity if she is to instruct a husband.
     Makua miss from Quirimbas,Mozambique inwards her traditional dressing wearing white  "musiro" facial mask

No Makua miss volition convey a human being inwards union earlier attaining the puberty stage. It is the responsibleness of the woman parent to instruct in addition to guide her miss so that she may non autumn a victim to the traps laid yesteryear men. If a miss instruct important earlier she is traditionally married, she is treated every bit an outcast in addition to her presence is a bad omen. Her woman parent inwards turn, is looked upon every bit an irresponsible. For this argue special precautions were unremarkably taken. As presently a miss attain the puberty stage in addition to afterwards the Matengusi education, she is taken to a specially room, until she gates a sweetheart. From so on-wards she is ready for marriage.
                               Makua miss with human face upwards mask. The mask is a moisturizing extract from a
                                tree bark. Ibo Island, Mozambique.© Ariadne Van Zandbergen.

Makua people regards union every bit a sacred noble computer program to raise a theatre unit of measurement inwards line with God's wishes. In Makua the nascency of a babe miss carries special task in addition to responsibilities. It is the duty of the woman parent to instruct in addition to guide her miss to avoid manoeuvres of men. H5N1 miss who instruct important earlier her traditional union is treated every bit an outcast in addition to her presence every bit eyesore.
Makua Woman    (Matemo Island, Quirimbas, Mozambique)                                 Makua Woman (Matemo Island, Quirimbas, Mozambique). By: Fatima Serrao Gomes

 Likewise, her woman parent is looked upon every bit an irresponsible sex-maniac. To avoid such short-coming special precaution are taken in addition to adhered to until the miss gets married inwards accordance with Makua tradition. Before the massacre of makua tradition no makua miss was allowed to conjoin a non -makua man; likewise no makua man child was allowed to cross Makua boarders in addition to convey inwards union a non-Makua girl. Makua people paid no dowry to conjoin a girl. They regard a dowry every bit commercialising marriage. 

                                   Makua woman

When a boyfriend thinks he is ready to convey a married adult woman he makes his intentions known to his parents. If his parents are no longer living he contact his uncle or his nearest relatives who volition desire to know how much coin he has. If he is financially resourceful ( in addition to provided he is of historic menses ) his manlike individual parent volition approve the plan. Friends in addition to relative volition live informed of the sons noble computer program to ain a family. He instruct them with the duty of looking for a immature miss of untarnished character. Beauty is non the deciding constituent but skillful grapheme theatre unit of measurement history in addition to background are important. If a miss is found who appeals to the suitor union arrangements instruct into motion. The mans uncle is unremarkably responsible for establishing contact with the miss parents. As a dominion a appointment is onrush which the parties volition meet. On the appointed day, the human being must move to his in-laws to live accompanied with his uncle in addition to few friends loaded with a skillful amount of coin conversation volition arrive at from the days activities to the of the foreigner. After the conversation i of the elders accompanying the hubby -to- starts talking inwards proverbs in addition to every bit presently every bit rattling individual has understood to the purpose of the mission, the hostess serves nutrient for the guest.
Makuas Women (Matemo Island, Quirimbas Archipel, Mozambique)
               Makua Women (Matemo Island, Quirimbas Archipel, Mozambique). By: Fatima Serrao Gomes

After the repast is over, the human being calls his miss who volition appear putting an air of indifference. All eyes are at nowadays focused inwards her the girls manlike individual parent volition inquire her miss whether she is prepared to convey the human being every bit her husband. If she convey in addition to confirm that she loves the man, so her manlike individual parent mentions the dowry cost but if she turns downward the offering the thing ends there. The hubby to live volition pass the dark at his laws in addition to may move dorsum to his dwelling the adjacent day.
                                      Makua women with white facial mask

The dowry must live paid inwards total yesteryear the hubby to live uncle's earlier they depart for home. From hither on the immature brace are considered every bit hubby in addition to wife.

The Makua regards expiry every bit unwanted, accidental in addition to an called for upshot in addition to caused yesteryear bad spirits or man. They believe that God never created us every bit his dearest sons in addition to miss solely to kill us inwards the end. They also believe that in that location are potent forces or spirits which are to a greater extent than powerful than God Himself in addition to that is why nosotros unloosen our lives in addition to die. There is no expiry inwards Makua which is non connected with witchcraft or bad spirits.
                                            Makua adult woman from Tanzania

Some Makua Traditions
Ikathi (child-birth) Ceremony

The pregnancy is vi months sometime the couples parents must come across to prepare Ikahi briefings. H5N1 twenty-four lx minutes menses volition unremarkably live fixed in addition to the parents volition inform friends in addition to relatives who must attend in addition to participate. Ikahi briefings are mandatory to a brace who hold off to raise their foremost child. Defaulters are seriously reprimanded in addition to deplored. Ikahi is a adult woman solely business. Men are non allowed to attend the briefings, likewise a adult woman who has never conceived may non attend the briefings.
                     Women of ethnic Makua - Mozambique

The solely human being allowed to attend Ikahi is the hubby of the important woman. As rule, the human being must sit down side yesteryear side with his wife. They volition unremarkably clothes inwards dark stuff in addition to all of them must live one-half naked. The women volition environs the brace dancing around. The briefings are accompanied with songs. They instruct briefings on how to protect the pregnancy in addition to follow certainly ethics until delivery day-In makua version the exercise is known-"Wiinanela Iwei". The expectant miss is warned never to take hold an affair with whatever other human being except her husband. The human being volition also warned likewise. It is on Ikahi twenty-four lx minutes menses that the expectant miss is given a calabash known every bit Ikahi with which to potable her H2O with in addition to no other individual is allowed to touching Ikahi. The expectant woman parent on receiving Ikahi is instructed to remain mute until delivery day. She is non allowed to consider anybody. Only her hubby in addition to rattling closed relatives are permitted to consider or speak with her. The principal lectures on Ikahi briefings are unremarkably sometime women conversant with makua tradition. These elderly women volition warn the expectant miss that delivery is a painful blood-spilling exercise. Courage in addition to endurance are necessary prerequisite on delivery day. The expectant woman parent is warned that if she contravenes whatever of the briefings , she volition live doing so at her ain peril.

Our traditional mid-wives also give their briefings to the expectant mother. Ikahi in addition to Ntara briefing thus meant to prepare the expectant woman parent on her foremost delivery. The so-called civilised ideas move along to denounce Ikahi in addition to Ntara with claim that the whole affair is primitive.

Besides this prohibition in that location are other prohibitions commonly known yesteryear Amakhua community that important women are expected to follow carefully. It’s believed that failing to follow this prohibitions a important adult woman tin can terminate upwards inwards serious wellness problems. So amid many other prohibition I volition render five:

1. H5N1 important adult woman must non take hold sexual practice with other men:
The belief behind this prohibition is that if a important adult woman has a sexual contact with dissimilar human being from her husband, she volition live joining 2 dissimilar kinds of semen which is called Ephome inwards Emakhua linguistic communication to hateful blood inwards this context. Therefore joining 2 kinds of “Iphome” (bloods) may Pb to an abortion because every human being has his ain form of ephome(blood) in addition to the iphome (bloods) should non live mixed inwards i adult woman or else the adult woman tin can take hold an abortion.

2. She must non potable H2O given yesteryear some other adult woman that is inwards her menstrual period:
Culturally when a adult woman is inwards her menstrual menses is on i mitt considered to live impure that she tin can non serve nutrient or other things to her husband, on the other mitt beingness inwards menstrual menses agency that what would live pregnancy is destroyed. So giving H2O to a important adult woman is to top on her bad luck which may Pb to an abortion.

3. She must non participate funerals:
Culturally when somebody dies, it is the saddest fourth dimension for the theatre unit of measurement every bit good every bit the community. So, to demonstrate profound sorrow in addition to solidarity anyone inwards the community does something to comfort the mourning family. Be it yesteryear offering food, firewood, H2O etc; or yesteryear preparing the body for burial in addition to participating all ceremonial activities. But over again a important adult woman is prohibited to participate the ceremony direct for fearfulness that the same supernatural ability that caused the ‘person’ to decease volition easily bear on the babe that she carries inwards her womb, in i lawsuit amid the participants the babe is the weakest.

4. The important woman’s hubby is prohibited to dig a grave:
If her hubby participates a funeral ceremony, he should non dig the grave. If he does so, the babe volition never come upwards every bit dead people never come upwards out of the grave where they are buried. The thought hither is, if the manlike individual parent digs the grave inwards which the body volition live buried, in addition to in i lawsuit the body volition never come upwards out, the same way the babe that is beingness expected volition never come.

5. She should non denote her pregnancy progress:
During pregnancy the adult woman is advised to avoid telling anybody almost her pregnancy progress. She tin can non denote the province of her pregnancy. For illustration when she feels that the babe is fine or is not, she is prohibited to reveal it because It tin can give an chance for witches to onrush the baby. Also she tin can non denote when in addition to where the childbirth labor is going to to convey place. If jealous people are aware of that they volition easily kill the babe during the labor through curse or witchcraft.

Every hamlet inwards Makua had "specialists" or medicine-men whose main task was to administer oaths. When disputes of conflicts reached a stage where they could non live solved the people locked into such dispute in addition to afterwards careful analysis of the province of affairs at mitt in addition to on seeing that it an solvable Mwene would monastic enjoin that the people concerned live sent to the people administrator of oaths commonly known every bit "MWAAVI"

After consultation with the administrator of oaths, a twenty-four lx minutes menses volition live fixed when Mwaavi is to live taken. The whole local population of the hamlet volition live informed.

The Mwaavi administrator volition instruct the plaintiff in addition to the accused almost a give away of things that they take hold to fulfil earlier taking Mwaavi.
                                              Makua women dancing inwards the sand,Mozambique

On the appointed twenty-four lx minutes menses those supposed to convey the oath (Mwaavi) are expected to study to mwaavi administrator earlier sunrise in addition to volition live ready waiting for them. People volition flocked to capacity eagerly for the management of Mwaavi. The people waiting to convey Mwaavi or the oath must come upwards accompanied with their relatives. The oaths specialist volition mitt over a pot to all of the people assembled to witness the oath taking. He volition farther monastic enjoin that all them our H2O into the pot which must live one-half full. . The pot volition live seat on the burn until the H2O boils. After uttering few words inwards a depression vocalisation he volition seat few object into the boiling pot in addition to at in i lawsuit monastic enjoin the plaintiff to soak his mitt inwards the boiling pot. If his claims were simply lies or baseless he volition live wound if he was fighting for his correct in addition to that he is non a cheater the boiling H2O won't wound him.

Alternatively the oaths administrator depending on the severity of the conflict may monastic enjoin the plaintiff in addition to accused to potable medicine specially prepared for Mwaavi. After drinking the medicine they volition milkshake hands in addition to proceed to their homes. Any of them who has told lies volition decease instantly earlier taking a step.

Makua claim that courts of police push clit may at times mistake inwards the dispensation of justice but cases or conflicts settled yesteryear Mwaavi are impartial.
                              Makua girls, lower Bairro, Mozambique | © Tom Cockrem /Lonely Planet

Makua value in addition to uphold principles of communal move practically. There are many areas inwards which they do their move communally. Communal projection or self-help schemes were done fifty-fifty earlier in addition to soundless known until today every bit "Ichiyao".

                   Makua adult woman from Quirimbas Archipelago inwards Mozambique

Any makua wanting a projection done which can't live successfully accomplished yesteryear a theatre unit of measurement volition instruct his married adult woman to prepare the local brew "Utheka". What is unremarkably done is that the theatre unit of measurement wishing in that location projection done volition inform their neighbours of the projection in addition to the twenty-four lx minutes menses when "Ichiyao" volition convey place. On the appointed twenty-four lx minutes menses people volition flock to the theatre where "Utheka" is brewed in addition to the caput of the theatre unit of measurement volition demonstrate them the site where the task is to live done . It could live tilling the ground or edifice a novel theatre for the family. "Ichiyao" unremarkably start at 7.00 a.m in addition to the people volition labour until they consummate the assignment.

                                 Makua fishermen

 After doing the task to the satisfaction of the theatre unit of measurement the people at nowadays render for a drinking spree. As dominion they must take hold plenty drinks. Those who cannot afford to prepare the local brew may prepare nutrient commonly known every bit "Ishima" in addition to is known "Ichiyao yo Shima". In this way many projection were successfully accomplished. There rare instance where Makua families prepare in addition to distil the local gin "Nipa" for ichiyao projects.. Such were some of the methods adapted inwards doing self-help scheme.

                            Makhua children with traditional Makhua make-up

Cultural stuff (art, music, games)
 They play a version of mancala with pebbles in addition to holes dug inwards the dirt, traditional weaving is  common amongst men in addition to women, men brand mats to sit down on instead of dirt floors, in addition to women weave baskets every bit good every bit mats.
                            Masked in addition to costumed Makua men stilt trip the low-cal fantastic toe inwards the sand,Mozambique

 The civilisation has a rich  musical tradition that includes accapella every bit good every bit traditional percussion in addition to instrumentation. Dancing is a large role of celebrations in addition to religious ceremonies.
                                               Makua dancers from Tanzania

 Makua men trip the low-cal fantastic toe on two-foot-tall stilts, hopping about the hamlet for hours, bedecked inwards colorful outfits in addition to masks. Story-telling is some other traditional fine art shape every bit much of the expanse maintains a depression literacy rate.

                          Makua traditional drummer at 2012 MakuYa traditional trip the low-cal fantastic toe festival

The video for Run The World (Girls), Beyonce doing Mozambiqcan dance

Source: (Br. Edwin Mpokasaye SDS, Fr. Kazimierz Kubat SDS)

                                       Faces of Makua

                                  Mukua miss from Ibo island,Mozambique

               Makua miss Eating Cassava  (Matemo Island, Quirimbas, Mozambique). By: Fatima Serrao Gomes

Faces    (Matemo Island, Quirimbas, Mozambique)
                        Makua girl. By: Fatima Serrao Gomes

Meddling thoughts    (Matemo Island, Quirimbas, Mozambique)
                        Makua miss inwards meddling thought. By: Fatima Serrao Gomes

                                         Makua woman

                                               Makua women from Tanzania dancing

                                    Makua adult woman from Mozambique

                        Makua woman

                                                Makua girl

            Makua adult woman with white human face upwards mask, August 27, 2009 inwards Pangane, Mozambique

                         Pangane Beach, Mozambique

                                    Makua Dancers

                    Makua adult woman from Pangane, Mozambique with muciro root extract human face upwards mask

                                               Makua kids


                                                            Makua men from pengane mozambique


Two immature Makua mothers with their children sitting beside a hut on the beach of Pangane. Mozambique

                                                                      Makua woman

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