Info For Y'all Haiti, Abode Of Voodoo In Addition To Their Vodoun Festival

In the American colonies, African Voodoo became what is known as Haitian Voodoo today. In 1492, Christopher Columbus landed on an isle known to its indigenous Taino inhabitants equally Ayiti, or "Land of the Mountains." Columbus re-named this isle Hispaniola, or "Little Spain." Colonists arrived, edifice plantations that became rich sources of crops similar sugar, java as well as indigo. To create these plantations profitable, colonists relied heavily on slave labor. Eventually, Hispaniola became the countries known equally Republic of Haiti as well as the Dominican Republic.
                        Voudouisants during a Haitian Vodou ceremony.

Many of the slaves brought to Hispaniola from northern as well as key Africa inwards the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries practiced Voodoo. But the colony's slave code required all slaves to live baptized equally Christians. This forced conversion had a large influence Voodoo. Since slaves could non discovery their faith openly, they borrowed many elements from Catholicism to protect their ain spiritual practice. This process, known as syncretization, strongly influenced voodoo inwards Haiti:
 A Haitian Vodou altar, incorporating symbols as well as elements from African religions, Christianity, as well as Vodou's ain syncretic symbolism.


Voodoo, an oft-maligned as well as misunderstood faith.
  • The names of Catholic saints became the names of loa. In many cases, the loa's purpose reflected that of the corresponding saint. For example, Saint Peter holds the keys to the kingdom of Heaven as well as corresponds to the loa Papa Legba, who is the spirit world's gatekeeper.
  • Catholic religious holidays became Voodoo holidays for the corresponding loa. For instance, celebration for a menage unit of measurement of spirits called the Gedes, who are personifications of dead ancestors, accept identify on All Saint's Day as well as All Soul's Day.
  • Christian crosses became symbols for the crossroads, which represents life-altering choices as well as steps inwards the spiritual path for followers of Voodoo.
  • Catholic hymns as well as prayers became portion of Voodoo services.
Several other influences affected Voodoo equally well, including the traditions of the local Taino tribes.
Haitian Voodoo priest praying
The resulting cast of Voodoo is a creolized religion, made upward of influences from many other religions. But inwards spite of these additions, Haitian Voodoo strongly resembles African Voodoo. Priestesses, known as mambos, as well as priests, known as houngans, demeanor religious services as well as render traditional folk remedies. People who wishing to become mambos or houngans often come inwards an apprenticeship equally initiates with other leaders rather than joining a large-scale worship center. Many ceremonies accept identify inwards a construction called ahonfour, which serves equally a temple or sanctuary.
Voodoo adult woman possessed past times spirit

As inwards Africa, possession is an of import portion of Voodoo inwards Haiti. The somebody existence possessed is often called a horse who is ridden by the possessing loa. The possessed somebody may motion unnaturally, beak inwards unknown languages or create clear, direct statements to the other followers. Sacrifice is also important, as well as many ceremonies involve sacrificing goats, chickens or other animals. In many cases, the combination of possession, animate existence sacrifice as well as the ritual dancing as well as music that accompany them tin seem dramatic or fifty-fifty frightening to exterior observers.
                                          Goat existence sacrificed for the gods
Haitian Voodoo also incorporates clothing, objects as well as decorations to invoke or present honour for the loa. Kongo packets, or medicine packets, concur healing or medicinal herbs as well as items. Worshippers ship flags called drapo through areas used for worship to present honour for the spirits. To telephone telephone to as well as invoke the loa, people play a variety of drums, bells as well as rattles. Altars concur numerous ritual objects, such equally decorated bottles, dolls and kwi, or calabashes total of nutrient offerings. Worshippers exercise the dolls equally mediums to contact specific loa or the spirit Blue Planet inwards general, non to inflict hurting or suffering on others. Today, many of the objects induce got go portion of Haitian artwork as well as crafts. Some Haitian artists, for example, focus on creating depictions of different loa, elaborate drapo or ornately decorated ritual objects.
                             Haitian Voodoo Papa - High Priest Max Beavoir (left)
As inwards African Voodoo, mambosand houngans do non typically curse or impairment other people. However, some followers believe that bokors, or sorcerers, induce got the powerfulness to exercise magic to crusade misfortune or injury. 
Voodoo is an of import portion inwards the day-to-day lives of many Haitians. Estimates vary, but inwards full general anthropologists believe that to a greater extent than than one-half of Haitians practise Voodoo. The faith has also played an of import purpose inwards Haitian history. The French Revolution inwards 1789 sparked revolutions elsewhere inwards the world, including inwards several colonies inwards the Americas. In 1797, a Voodoo priest performed a ceremony at Bois Caiman inwards the Haitian mountains. This ceremony prefaced a slave revolt that lasted until 1804, as well as the people of Republic of Haiti fought armies from Spain, French Republic as well as Britain. Eventually, Republic of Haiti became the foremost free, dark colony inwards the Americas. This ceremony as well as its importance are somewhat controversial, but they induce got go portion of the Haitian lore.
Voodoo is widely as well as openly practiced inwards Haiti. It also exists inwards diverse forms inwards New Orleans as well as the southeastern United States. In some cases, the Voodoo practiced inwards other parts of the Western hemisphere is mixed with other, similar traditions, heathen practices or other customs. However, inwards some regions, practices known equally hoodoo induce got overtaken Voodoo inwards the world eye. Hoodoo practitioners are said to exercise evil magic, or bad juju, to impairment other people. Love spells, curses as well as methods of revenge to a greater extent than often than non autumn nether the umbrella of hoodoo as well as are non Voodoo practices at all.
                     A adult woman walks with a bowl perched atop her caput inwards Haiti.
A adult woman passes La Mission Emmanuel Par La Foi, a protestant church building inwards Ville Bonheur, Haiti, on July 16, 2008. Protestantism is growing inwards the predominantly Catholic/voodoo worshiping country.

   Voodoo believers pray inwards a mud puddle inwards a ceremony during the Plain Du Nord Festival July 24,2008.Photo:Reuters/Eduardo Munoz
                       voodoo practitioner dancing on fire

                                      Goat existence slaughtered for voodoo rituals

Haitian Voodoo Practices as well as history from a practicing  Voodoo Mike Rock 

Haitian Vodou

Haitian Vodou, called Sevis Gineh or "African Service", is the primary civilisation as well as faith of the some vii 1 chiliad m people of Republic of Haiti as well as the Haitian diaspora. It has its primary roots with the Fon-Ewe peoples of West Africa, inwards the ground at nowadays known equally Benin, formerly the Kingdom of Dahomey. It also has rigid elements from the Ibo as well as Kongo peoples of Central Africa as well as the Yoruba of Nigeria, though many different peoples or "nations" of Africa induce got representation inwards the liturgy of the Sevis Gineh, equally do the Taino Indians, the original peoples of the isle nosotros at nowadays know equally Hispaniola. Haitian Vodou exists inwards Haiti, the Dominican Republic, parts of Cuba, the United States, France, Montreal, as well as other places that Haitian immigrants induce got dispersed to over the years.
                 An artistic impression of Vodou ceremony inwards Haiti
Other New World traditions it is closely related to or bears resemblance to include Jeje Vodun inwards Brazil, La Regla Arara inwards Cuba, as well as the Black Spiritualist Christian churches of New Orleans. Haitian Vodou also bears superficial resemblances inwards many ways with the Nigerian Yoruba-derived traditions of Orisha service, represented past times La Regla de Ocha or Lukumi, aka "Santeria", inwards Cuba, the United States, as well as Puerto Rico equally good equally Candomble inwards Brazil. While popularly thought of equally related to Haitian Vodou, what is ordinarily referred to equally "voodoo" inwards New Orleans as well as the southern US is a variant of the discussion "hoodoo", also called "rootwork" or "root doctoring". This is a folk magical tradition from Central Africa inwards the Congo part inwards which roots, leaves, minerals, as well as the spirits of the dead are employed to meliorate the lot of the living, often including the reciting of Psalms as well as other Biblical prayers. Rootwork also incorporates Native American herb lore as well as European as well as Jewish magical traditions. As a folk magic tradition, New Orleans "voodoo" as well as southern "hoodoo" root go are distinct from the RELIGION of Haitian Vodou as well as its siblings as well as cousins.
                     Haiti voodoo bathing rituals

Haitian Voodoo History

Vodou equally nosotros know it inwards Republic of Haiti as well as the Haitian diaspora today is the trial of the pressures of many different cultures as well as ethnicities of people existence uprooted from Africa as well as imported to Hispaniola during the transatlantic African slave trade. (1) Under slavery, African civilisation as well as faith was suppressed, lineages were fragmented, as well as people pooled their religious noesis as well as out of this fragmentation became culturally unified. In add-on to combining the spirits of many different African as well as Indian nations, pieces of Roman Catholic liturgy are incorporated to supervene upon lost prayers or elements; inwards add-on images of Catholic saints are used to stand upward for diverse spirits or "misteh" ["mysteries"], as well as many saints themselves are honored inwards Haitian Vodou inwards their ain right. This syncretism allows Haitian Vodou to encompass the African, the Indian, as well as the European ancestors inwards a whole as well as consummate way. It is genuinely a "Kreyol" or Creole religion.

The nearly historically of import Vodou ceremony inwards Haitian history was the Bwa Kayiman (Bois Caiman) ceremony of August 1791 close the metropolis of Cap Haitien that began the Haitian Revolution, led past times the Vodou priest named Boukman. During this ceremony the spirit Ezili Dantor came as well as received a dark pig equally an offering, as well as all those nowadays pledged themselves to the handle for freedom. This ceremony ultimately resulted inwards the liberation of the Haitian people from their French masters inwards 1804, as well as the institution of the foremost as well as solely dark people's commonwealth inwards the Western Hemisphere, the foremost such commonwealth inwards the history of the world. (2) 
Haitian Vodou came to the US to a meaning flat kickoff inwards the belatedly 1960s as well as early on 1970s with the waves of Haitian immigrants nether the oppressive Duvalier regime, taking root inwards Miami, New York City, Chicago, as well as other cities mainly on the 2 coasts.
                Haiti Voodoo Priests belongings a spiritually possessed follower

Core Beliefs of Haitian Vodou

Vodouisants believe, inwards accordance with widespread African tradition, that at that spot is 1 God who is the creator of all, referred to equally "Bondje", from the French words "Bon Dieu" or "Good God". Bondje is distant from his/her/its creation though, as well as thence it is the spirits or the "mysteries", "saints", or "angels" that the Vodouisant turns to for help, equally good equally to the ancestors. The Vodouisant worships God, as well as serves the spirits, who are treated with award as well as honour equally elderberry members of a household mightiness be. There are said to live twenty-one nations or "nanchons" of spirits, also sometimes called "lwa-yo". Some of the to a greater extent than of import nations of lwa are the Rada (from Allada inwards Dahomey), the Nago (from Yorubaland), as well as the Kongo. The spirits also come upward inwards "families" that all part a surname, similar Ogou, or Ezili, or Azaka or Gede. For instance, "Ezili" is a family, Ezili Danto as well as Ezili Freda are 2 private spirits inwards that family.
In Vodou, spirits are divided according to their nature inwards roughly 2 categories, whether they are hot or cool. Cool spirits autumn nether the Rada category, as well as hot spirits autumn nether the Petwo category. Rada spirits are familial as well as mostly come upward from Africa, Petwo spirits are mostly native to Republic of Haiti as well as are to a greater extent than demanding as well as require to a greater extent than attending to exceptional than the Rada, but both tin live unsafe if angry or upset. Neither is "good" or "evil" inwards relation to the other.
     People swim inwards a sacred puddle during a voodoo ceremony inwards Souvenance, Haiti, on Sunday. Hundreds of voodoo followers move to Souvenance over Easter weekend to present their devotion to the spirits. 

Everyone has spirits, as well as each somebody has a special human relationship with 1 exceptional spirit who is said to "own their head", all the same each somebody may induce got many lwa, as well as the 1 that owns their head, or the "met tet", may or may non live the nearly active spirit inwards a person's life.

The lwa are all said to alive inwards a metropolis beneath the sea called Ile Ife or Vilokan. Except for Agwe as well as his escort, who alive inwards a different metropolis below the waters.

Pantheon inwards Haitian Vodou

All of the lwa of Republic of Haiti are initiated manbos as well as houngans. Many are also Masons. Some of the to a greater extent than of import spirits are equally follows.
                                         A womam participate inwards a ritual, 

RADA Pantheon inwards Haitian Vodou

Papa Legba Atibon - He is imaged equally an old man, St. Lazarus is used to stand upward for him inwards the hounfo or temple. He opens the gate to the spirits, as well as translates betwixt human languages as well as the languages of the spirits. 
Marasa Dosu Dosa - They are twin children, either inwards twos or threes. Imaged with Sts. Cosmas as well as Damien, or the Three Virtues.

Papa Loko Atisou as well as Manbo Ayizan Velekete - The prototypical priest as well as priestess of the tradition. They confer the purpose of priesthood inwards initiation.

Danbala Wedo as well as Ayida Wedo - The white serpent as well as the rainbow, together they are the oldest living beings. Danbala brings people into the Vodou. St. Patrick as well as Moses are used for Danbala.

Ogou Feray - He is a tearing full general who works difficult for his children but tin live moody as well as sullen at times equally well.

Ogou Badagri - He is a diplomat, as well as is Ogou Feray's main rival.

Ezili Freda - She is a mature light-skinned adult woman who enjoys the finest things, jewelry, expensive perfume, champagne etc. She is said to ain all men (or she thinks she does) as well as tin live really jealous. She gives romance as well as luxury. She is thence pure she must never touching the bare ground. Her main contender is her sis Ezili Dantor.

Agwe Tawoyo - He rules the sea as well as those who induce got crossed the ocean, as well as is symbolized past times his boat named "Imammou". St. Ulrich is his saint counterpart.
PETWO (Petro) Pantheon inwards Haitian Vodou
Gran Bwa Ile - His mention agency "Great Wood". He is a spirit of wilderness. He is tearing as well as unpredictable, as well as a department of the grounds of a Vodou temple is ever left wild for him. St. Sebastian is used to stand upward for Gran Bwa. 

Ezili Dantor - a Petwo lwa, she is a rigid dark unmarried mother. She does non speak, but makes a "kay kay kay" audio inwards possession. She is nurturing as well as protective but is unsafe when aroused, fifty-fifty to her ain children. Her prototype is the Mater Salvatoris of Czestokowa. She often uses a dagger or bayonet, as well as her colors are often carmine as well as nighttime blue. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 trivial known fact is that she is really a hermaphrodite, as well as takes both men as well as women inwards marriage.
     (On the left is a photograph of the Black Madonna of Częstochowa. The chromolithograph on the correct is ordinarily used inwards Republic of Haiti to push clit the loa Erzulie Dantor)

Ti January Petwo - the boy as well as lover of Ezili Dantor.

Simbi - the Simbi lwa alive inwards fresh H2O rivers as well as are knowledgeable inwards the areas of magic as well as sorcery.

The Bawons - they dominion the cemetary as well as the grave. There are 3 - La Kwa, Samdi, as well as Simitye.

The Gedeh - The Gedeh spirits are all dead spirits who dominion decease as well as humour as well as fertility. They drinkable rum steeped with 21 habanero peppers as well as bathe their faces as well as genitals with this mixture also, to bear witness that they are who they say they are. They are sung for concluding at a political party for the spirits. Chief of the Gedeh is Gedeh Nibo, with his married adult woman Maman Brijit. St. Gerard represents the Gedeh.
                      Voodoo practitioner takes portion inwards rituals belongings a chopped caput of a goat

Role of Clergy inwards Haitian Vodou

In serving the spirits, the Vodouisant seeks to attain harmony with their ain private nature as well as the Blue Planet about them, manifested equally personal powerfulness as well as resourcefulness inwards dealing with life. Part of this harmony is membership inwards as well as maintaining relationships within the context of menage unit of measurement as well as community. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Vodou draw of piece of job solid or social club is organized on the metaphor of an extended family, as well as initiates are the "children" of their initiators, with the sense of hierarchy as well as mutual obligation that implies. 
                             voodoo ceremony

Most Vodouisants are non initiated, referred to equally existence "bosal"; it is non a requirement to live an initiate inwards monastic say to serve one's spirits. There are clergy inwards Vodou whose responsibleness it is to save the rituals as well as songs as well as maintain the human relationship betwixt the spirits as well as the community equally a whole (though some of this is the responsibleness of the whole community equally well). They are entrusted with leading the service of all of the spirits of their lineage. Priests are referred to equally "houngans" as well as priestesses equally "manbos". Below the houngans as well as manbos are the hounsis, who are initiates who human action equally assistants during ceremonies as well as who are dedicated to their ain personal mysteries. One doesn't serve precisely whatever lwa but solely the ones they "have", which is a affair of one's private nature as well as destiny, as well as sometimes a affair of which spirits 1 has met as well as who accept a liking to oneself. Since the spirits are individuals, they respond best to those whom they know or induce got been personally introduced to. Which spirits a somebody has may live revealed at a ceremony, inwards a reading, or inwards dreams. However anyone may as well as should serve their ain blood ancestors.
                                                          Haitian Voodoo Papa - High Priest Max Beavoir 

That said, at that spot are a few spirits or groups of spirits that induce got a exceptional human relationship with humankind such that, it is non unreasonable to say, anyone mightiness approach them with some confidence if a few basic forms as well as preferences are known, with these existence Papa Legba Atibon, the gatekeeper of the spirits, Danbala Wedo, who is said to ain all heads as well as is the oldest ancestor of all life, as well as Papa Gedeh, who gives vox to the spirits of the dead, as well as everyone has Dead. I acquire out it to the reader to investigate the identities of these spirits farther from other sources such equally the Vodouspirit Yahoo! forum. Also the Catholic saints are all really approachable to anyone who asks for their help, such equally St. Anthony or St. Michael.
                                   Priest using herbs to cleanse a voodoo devotee

Standards of Conduct inwards Haitian Vodou

The cultural values that Vodou embraces centre about ideas of award as well as honour - to God, to the spirits, to the menage unit of measurement as well as sosyete, as well as to oneself. There is a plural thought of proper as well as improper, inwards the sense that what is appropriate to someone with a Danbala equally their caput may live different from someone with an Ogou equally their head, for instance -- 1 spirit is really cool as well as the other 1 is really hot. I would say that coolness overall is valued, as well as thence is the powerfulness as well as inclination to protect oneself as well as one's ain if necessary. Love as well as back upward within the menage unit of measurement of the Vodou sosyete seems to live the nearly of import consideration. Generosity inwards giving to the community as well as to the pitiable is also an of import value. Our blessings come upward to us through our community as well as nosotros should live willing to give dorsum to it inwards turn. Since Vodou has such a community orientation, at that spot are no "solitaries" inwards Vodou, solely people separated geographically from their elders as well as house. It is non a "do it yourself" faith - a somebody without a human relationship of some sort with elders volition non live practicing Vodou. You can't pick the fruit if you lot don't start with a root.

The Haitian Vodou faith is an ecstatic rather than a fertility-based tradition, as well as does non discriminate against gay people or other queer people inwards whatever way. Unlike inwards some Wiccan traditions, sexual orientation or gender identity as well as aspect of a practitioner is of no draw of piece of job concern inwards a ritual setting, it is precisely the way God made a person. The spirits assist each somebody to but live the somebody that they are.
                                   Voodoo ritual dance

Way of Worship inwards Haitian Vodou

After a twenty-four hours or 2 of grooming setting upward altars, ritually preparing as well as cooking fowl as well as other foods, etc., a Haitian Vodou service begins with a serial of Catholic prayers as well as songs inwards French, as well as thence a litany inwards Kreyol as well as African "langaj" that goes through all the European as well as African saints as well as lwa honored past times the house, as well as and thence a serial of verses for all the main spirits of the house. This is called the "Priye Gineh" or the African Prayer. After to a greater extent than introductory songs as well as thence the songs for all the private spirits are sung. As the songs are sung spirits volition come upward to see those nowadays past times taking possession of individuals as well as speaking as well as acting through them. Each spirit is saluted as well as greeted past times the initiates nowadays as well as volition give readings, advice as well as cures to those who approach them for help. Many hours afterward inwards the wee hours of the morning, the concluding vocal is sung, guests leave, as well as all the exhausted hounsis as well as houngans as well as manbos tin go to sleep.
                             voodoo ceremony

On the individual's household level, a Vodouisant or "sevite"/"serviteur" may induce got 1 or to a greater extent than tables laid out for their ancestors as well as the spirit or spirits that they serve with pictures or statues of the spirits, perfumes, foods, as well as other things favored past times their spirits. The nearly basic educate is precisely a white candle as well as a clear drinking glass of H2O as well as maybe flowers. On a exceptional spirit's day, 1 lights a candle as well as says an Our Father as well as Hail Mary, salutes Papa Legba as well as asks him to opened upward the gate, as well as and thence 1 salutes as well as speaks to the exceptional spirit similar an elderberry menage unit of measurement member. Ancestors are approached directly, without the mediating of Papa Legba, since they are inwards one's blood.
                Vodoun priest performing a ritual

If a somebody feels similar they are existence "called" or approached past times the spirits of Haiti, the foremost thing a somebody should get to do is to serve their ancestors, maybe kickoff with an ancestor novena (see the links below). Mon is the twenty-four hours of the ancestors inwards our house, but ideally 1 speaks to their ancestors daily. If you lot do non  honor your ancestors first, they may acquire upset as well as stand upward betwixt you lot as well as other spirits. The instant thing is to seek out a competent as well as trustworthy manbo or houngan for a reading or consultation. It may accept some fourth dimension of prayer, patience as well as endeavour to discovery a suitable person. Travel may fifty-fifty live necessary. They tin assist create upward one's heed what spirit(s) if whatever may live involved as well as what if anything mightiness demand live done. Expect to pay some sort of fee for their fourth dimension - different many Neo-Pagan traditions, inwards Haitian Vodou "manbo e houngan travay pa pou youn gwan mesi" ("The manbo as well as the houngan don't go for a large give cheers you") . This is truthful of other African-based traditions equally well.
                               Haitians participate inwards a ritual

Role of Initiation into Haitian Vodou

    Haitian dancers whirl as well as twirl at a Voodoo initiation ceremony inwards Port-au-Prince.

Initiation inwards Haitian Vodou is a serious matter, as well as it is advised to non run off to Republic of Haiti with the foremost somebody you lot encounter, on the cyberspace or elsewhere, sight unseen or otherwise, who says they volition initiate you. Take the fourth dimension to acquire to know your prospective Maman or Papa inwards the Vodou, as well as the members of their society. Attend ceremonies inwards person, inquire questions, learn, cheque references. Serve your ancestors, cultivate patience, as well as wait. Pay attending to dreams or other messages from the spirits. For nearly people initiation is totally unnecessary. It may live advised to inquiry (as you lot would anyone else!) as well as weigh carefully, but maybe non necessarily discount out of hand, anyone actively promoting initiation into the Haitian Vodou priesthood with marketing slogans as well as New Age buzzwords. Haitian Vodou does non proselytize as well as it is non for sale although fifty-fifty valid initiations do toll some money, due to the time, people, materials as well as move involved. If you lot yell upward of the fourth dimension as well as aid it takes to create the best choice when you lot invest inwards a auto or a home, or to hire a babysitter for the kids, how much to a greater extent than of import are one's concerns of the Spirit? At the destination of the day, reputations as well as rumors are less of import than an honest response to 1 interrogation however: "Will I live happy as well as satisfied having this person/these people inwards my life? Is this a community where I tin larn as well as grow inwards a positive way?" Only the seeker tin response that interrogation for themselves, with God's help. And the assist of the Advanced Bonewits Cult Danger Evaluation Frame'
                                                   voodoo followers next an initiation process

Also at that spot are other options likewise initiation inwards Haitian Vodou to go closer to the spirits. While the concept of initiation gets a lot of airplay with outsiders, far to a greater extent than mutual with the Haitian community is the "maryaj mistik", or the mystical marriage, inwards which the Vodouisant literally marries 1 or to a greater extent than lwa, inwards a ceremony consummate with bridal dresses, rings, cakes, as well as a priest. In render they gain special protection as well as favor from the spiritual spouse. This is to a greater extent than often than non inwards telephone substitution for 1 twenty-four hours of sexual abstinence per calendar week inwards which the human husband receives the spirit inwards their dreams, as well as whatever other price spelled out inwards the matrimony contract.
                         Woman going thru voodoo initiation

Initiation for its portion creates a reciprocal bond betwixt initiator as well as the novel initiate with obligations every fleck equally serious equally marriage, deeper fifty-fifty since it cannot live undone. Initiator as well as initiate go menage unit of measurement with all the joys as well as burdens that may entail. It also entails surely promises, responsibilities as well as commitments with regard to the spirits. With persistence as well as patience, the spirits volition Pb a somebody to the draw of piece of job solid as well as elders that are correct for them. Vodou is non a race, thence every seeker tin good afford to accept their time. Personal relationships are the really foundation of Vodou as well as at that spot is no substitute for the fourth dimension it takes to cultivate them. I knew my houngan for 3 years prior to my ain sevis lave tet ("washing of the head"). We were friends long earlier I had whatever involvement inwards or notion of whatever connector to Haitian Vodou that I mightiness have. Some of my god-brothers waited longer than that. This is how it should be. In Republic of Haiti these would all live people you lot grew upward with as well as you lot would precisely know who is who or would know someone who knew someone. In the United States, those of us who are non-Haitian induce got a few to a greater extent than obstacles to overcome, but past times the grace of God as well as the spirits they are non insurmountable.
                                    voodoo initiation ceremony

                                    voodoo priest brandishing a knife that he volition exercise to slaughter a moo-cow for initiation

                                  innards of the slaughtered moo-cow used inwards the initiation ceremony
Regleman Gineh

Initiate or not, in 1 trial you lot belong to a draw of piece of job solid as well as induce got chosen an elder, it is of import to follow the guidance they render equally to the way things are done inwards their house, called the "Regleman Gineh". There is a variety of practise inwards Vodou across the ground of Republic of Haiti as well as the diaspora, for instance inwards the northward of Republic of Haiti the sevis tet or kanzwe may live the solely initiation (according to my elders from Republic of Haiti inwards 3 different houses) equally it oft is inwards Republic of Cuba as well as the Dominican Republic, whereas inwards Port gold Prince as well as the southward they practise the kanzo rites with 3 grades of initiation -- senp, si pwen, as well as asogwe -- as well as the latter is the nearly familiar way of practise exterior of Haiti. Some lineages combine both, equally Manbo Katherine Dunham reports from her personal experience inwards her mass "Island Possessed." Kay Aboudja, my ain house, is 1 of these lineages. Although the full general construction of ritual as well as practise are the same across Haiti, small-scale details of service as well as the spirits served volition vary from draw of piece of job solid to house, as well as data inwards books or on the cyberspace may live contradictory. When inwards doubt, etiquette dictates that 1 consult their ain Maman or Papa inwards the Vodou, as well as practise equally they direct according to the regleman of their lineage, since "every manbo as well as houngan is the caput of their ain house", equally a mutual maxim inwards Republic of Haiti taught to me past times Houngan Aboudja states.
                                 Haitian vodoun initiates

While the overall style inwards Haitian Vodou is really conservative inwards accord with its African roots, at that spot is no singular, definitive, One 
And Only True Right And Only Haitian Vodou (tm), solely what is correct inwards a exceptional draw of piece of job solid or lineage. In other words, if you lot read something on a spider web page or a book, as well as it contradicts what your manbo or houngan says to do, go with what they say. This may seem restrictive on the surface from a lone Neo-Pagan perspective, but since you lot induce got done your homework as well as taken the fourth dimension to construct a positive human relationship of trust with your elder(s) ahead of time, this volition non live the instance inwards practice. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 adept parallel is the way everyone practices the same way inwards a Wiccan coven context. Ultimately everything comes from the spirits as well as the ancestors however. It is non a affair of personal preferences equally it often may live inwards pop Witchcraft or other heathen traditions, as well as this reality becomes clearer with experience inwards the Sevis Gineh.


Hatian voodoo practitioners from all walks of life troop abode every twelvemonth to participate inwards their annual voodoo festival on eighth Apr as well as 15th July of every year. The appointment coincides with Easter festivities.

                           Haitian voodoo devotees buying cleansing ceremony stuffs at Saut d` Eau Waterfalls

                                           Woman existence cleansed with voodoo herbs

                                             Voodoo devotees dancing past times the waterfalls

                                                Voodoo practicing adult woman inwards a trance

                                  Man inwards a trance

                          Voodoo devotee cleansing his soul at Saut d` Eau inwards Haiti

Crowds of Voodoo practitioners worship beneath a waterfall during the Saut D'eau Voodoo festival inwards Haiti.
Thousands of voodou worshippers bathe inwards the waters of Saut D'eau inwards key Republic of Haiti during the annual 3 twenty-four hours festival at that spot inwards mid-July. Pilgrims come upward to award the Virgin Mary or la vyej, her voodou counterpart, Ezili Freda, equally good equally Danbala, the bang-up serpentine lord of the waterfall, as well as other lwas, or spirits.
                                                 Rah rah band Republic of Haiti voodoo festivalBy davidzentz

           A immature Voodoo practitioner bathes himself inwards the waters of Saut D'eau during the annual Voodou festival held  
             at the base of operations of the Saut D'eau waterfalls inwards key Haiti, on July 15, 2008.

                      Woman bathing at Saut d` Eau waterfall during voodoo festival

     Voodoo pilgrims bathe inwards a waterfall believed to induce got purifying powers inwards Saut d' Eau, Haiti, Thursday, July 16, 2009
     The annual feast is inwards award of Haiti's nearly celebrated patron saint Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Legend has it she appeared on a palm tree inwards 1847 inwards the Palms Grove inwards Saut d'Eau, as well as was integrated into Haiti's voodoo culture. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)

                                                                               woman inwards a trance

                    Old human as well as grand kid at Saut d` Eau waterfall

         Every July, thousands of Haitians caput to Saut d'Eau, a waterfall located threescore km northward of Port au Prince, the nearly of import pilgrimage voodoo faith of this Caribbean Area country. Haiti. 14/07/09.

                                   Haiti voodoo festival

                             woman inwards trance

                Voodoo devotees praying inwards the waterfalls

                        Voodoo devotee is a trance

                  voodoo devotees bathing

                    A voodoo believer takes a mud bathroom during the Plain Du Nord Festival inwards Hati Photo: REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz

                Voodoo devotee bathing her herbal portion at the voodoo festival

A Haitian carries the caput of a moo-cow inwards a mud puddle during a Voodoo festival at the hamlet of Plaine de Nord inwards Cap-Haitien July 23, 2006. Hundreds of Voodoo believers are inwards Plaine Du Nord to celebrate the annual festival. [Reuters]

 A Haitian holds upward a candle inwards a mud puddle during a Voodoo festival at the hamlet of Plaine de Nord inwards Cap-Haitien, July 23, 2006

              Haiti, the powerfulness of voodoo - Plaine du Nord - This festival is 1 of the nearly of import voodoo pilgrimages inwards the country. Began Wed with rituals to Ogou, the voodoo god of war, as well as ended Sat with rites to Erzuli, the goddess of love. The pilgrims sacrifice animals to the gods.

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