Amaze Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Activation

Time has come for a huge number of physical Sisterhood of the Rose groups to be activated on the surface of this planet.

From now on, those groups will be supplementing the planetary Cintamani energy grid in transmitting the energies of Compression Breakthrough. They will also serve as vortex nodes to activate meetings of Soul Family members which will facilitate spiritual activation of the planetary Soul Family mandala.


Positive emotional connections between members of the planetary Soul Family mandala will speed up the process of the Compression Breakthrough.
Many physical Sisterhood of the Rose groups have already been created and you can join them. Over 50 groups are already listed here:

Many more groups are being created daily, and if you have a physical group that meets regularly and has three people or more, you can have it listed on the above list so that people who live in your area can join. To have your group listed, please contact

General instructions for your group are very simple.

First, your Sisterhood of the Rose group is a Goddess Temple:

Second, do the Return of the Goddess and Goddess Vortex meditations. Instructions for both meditations are here:

Second, do the Return of the Goddess and Goddess Vortex meditations. Instructions for both meditations are here:

Third, you can do the Sexual Healing meditation:

1. Relax your body and watch your breath for a few moments.

2. Visualize a brilliant white light entering your physical body and all energy bodies as you inhale, then exhale that white light into your surroundings.

3. Now visualize a soft pink rose bud in your heart chakra. As you breathe that rose starts to bloom. Keep doing this for a few minutes.

4. Visualize a red rose at your intimate area. As you breathe that rose starts to bloom. Keep doing this for a few minutes.

5. As you inhale, the sexual energy of the red rose is rising up your energy channels to the pink rose at your heart chakra.

6. As you exhale, visualizing the loving, healing energy of the pink rose descend into the red rose at your intimate area creating a loop of energy. Repeat this for a few minutes.

When you keep meeting regularly doing those meditations, your group will become a powerful channel of Goddess energy and will greatly assist in building the planetary network of Light.

Goddess wants Light and Light it will be!

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