Info For Yous Duala (Douala) People: Ane Of The Cameroonian Coastal Ethnic Grouping To Convey Early On Contact Alongside Europeans

The Duala (or Douala) are skilful trading, skillful fishery together with agriculturalist Bantu-speaking ethnolinguistic grouping of the woods region of southern Republic of Cameroon living on the estuary of the Wouri River. They primarily inhabit the littoral part to the coast together with shape a portion of the larger Sawa (Cameroonian coastal) peoples. They take away hold historically played a highly influential purpose inward Republic of Cameroon due to their long contact with Europeans, high charge per unit of measurement of education, together with wealth gained over years equally traders together with terra firma owners.

                                      Duala human being from Cameroon

The Duala are related to several ethnic groups (or tribes) inward the Republic of Cameroon littoral, with whom they part a mutual traditional origin, together with similar histories together with cultures. These include the Ewodi, the Bodiman, the Pongo, the Bakole, the Bakweri (or Kwe), the Bamboko, the Isubu (Isuwu or Bimbians), the Limba (or Malimba), the Mungo, together with the Wovea. The Batanga of the part of Kribi could live added to the preceding listing equally they claim they are descendants of Mbedi together with they written report some grade of mutual comprehension betwixt their ain linguistic communication together with malimba. Moreover the linguistic communication of the Bakundu (also called oroko), although commonly non classified equally a Duala language, seems to live closely related to bakweri (or mokpwe), which is clearly a duala language. Thus the Bakundu may also live considered equally a duala people. The Duala take away hold dominated the others historically, together with these other groups all profess some kind of kinship to that people. In addition, many other coastal ethnic groups such equally Balong, Bakossi... - who are culturally together with historically to a greater extent than or less related to the Duala - are nether Duala influence together with most of these people utter Duala to some extent. Duala is also spoken yesteryear a non bad business office of the Bassa together with Bakoko people. The give-and-take "duala" may live used to refer to the Duala "proper" or to the whole laid upwardly of duala-like tribes or fifty-fifty maybe to some "duala-ized" Bassa, Bakoko or Manenguba tribes.


Duala farther kind themselves into a number of lineages or clans. Among the Duala proper, these are the Bonanjo (including the Bonapriso), the Bonaku, the Bonabela, together with the Bonaberi. These names correspond the principal families inward each clan: Njo, Priso, Akwa, Ebele-Deido, together with Bell, respectively. In addition, the Duala sometimes include the Bodiman, Pongo, together with Wuri with their ranks, but non equally sub-lineages.

                             Duala elders

Geography together with Settlement
The Duala are primarily concentrated inward Cameroon's Littoral Province inward the Moungo, Nkam, together with Wouri divisions. Their settlements prevarication largely along the coast or only inland. The Wouri estuary, where the Wouri, Mungo, together with Dibamba Rivers empty, forms the centre of Duala country. Douala is their traditional capital, together with many Duala alive inward together with or so the city, although today it has come upwardly to reverberate the multifariousness of Republic of Cameroon equally a whole.

Dual people utter Duala (also spelled Douala, Diwala, Dwela, Dualla, together with Dwala), which is a dialect cluster spoken yesteryear the Duala together with Mungo peoples of Cameroon. Duala is Bantu linguistic communication that belongs to the larger Niger-Congo linguistic communication family. The vocal "Soul Makossa", equally good equally pop songs that repeated its lyrics, internationally popularized the Duala give-and-take for "dance", "makossa". The vocal Alane yesteryear creative individual Wes Madiko is sung inward Duala together with reached #1 seat inward over ix European countries.

Duala is used equally a merchandise languages, due largely to the spread of the natural language yesteryear early on missionaries. This is especially truthful with the neighbouring Wovea, many of whom utter Duala inward lieu of their native tongue, together with the Isubu, many of whom are bilingual inward Duala.
Duala belongs to the Bantu linguistic communication family, inward a subgroup called Sawabantu. Maho (2009) treats Duala equally a cluster of v languages: Duala proper, Bodiman, Oli (Ewodi, Wuri), Pongo, together with Mongo. He also notes a Duala-based pidgin named Jo.

Duala are aboriginal Bantu people. According to their oral tradition Duala traces their ancestry to a powerful mystical leader Mbedi a Mbongo, the progenitor of all Coastal Cameroonian ethnic groups known equally Sawa people. It is recounted inward the traditions that Mbedi originally lived inward an expanse called Bakota inward what is today Gabonese Republic or the Republic of the Congo.
Vintage postcard: "Une elegante de Douala, Cameroun", circa 1910.

Mbedi had several children but he called his sons, Ewale together with Dibombo, migrated northward together with reached a identify called Pitti on the Dibamba River. Here, the brothers parted ways after a row. Ewale moved to the oral fissure of the Dibamba with his followers together with so northwest to the due east banking company of Wouri River estuary. The mgration of mbedi together with his children is known inward Sawa oral history equally Mbedine event.
Meanwhile, Dibongo together with his companions migrated southeast to the Sanaga River together with so split up, some heading upstream with Dibongo together with others moving downstream with a human being named Elimbe. Ewale's people became the Duala, together with Dibongo's the Limba.
According to Duala traditions, the Bakoko together with Bassa ethnic groups occupied the Wouri estuary when the Duala arrived. The Duala so drove them inland, a displacement that probable occurred inward the belatedly 17th or early on 18th century
Based on records of Dutch traders, the firstly known Duala ruler was a human being the merchants dubbed Monneba, who lived at the acquaint site of Douala inward the 16th century. Ardener together with others propose that Monneba was inward fact Mulobe, the boy of Ewale together with grandson of Mbedi according to Duala tradition. This would identify Mbedi's lifetime inward the belatedly 16th century
Duala  men dress. circa 1940`s
Duala woman

European contacts: Portuguese traders reached the Wouri estuary inward 1472. There they encountered a people they called the "Ambos" or "Ambozi". It is unclear whether these were the ancestral Duala, or perhaps the Bakoko or Bassa, whom the Duala afterward displaced. The Portuguese described the Ambos equally a line-fishing people who supplemented their diet with small-scale hunting together with farming.
Over the side yesteryear side few decades, to a greater extent than adventurers came to explore the estuary together with the rivers that feed it, together with to works life trading posts. The Duala provided ivory, kola nuts, together with peppers, but slaves proved ane of the to a greater extent than lucrative commodities. Most of these ended upwardly working the growing plantations on nearby islands such equally Annobon, Fernando Po, Príncipe, together with São Tomé. The Duala had long kept together with traded slaves, who lived inward separate settlements together with performed menial tasks such equally cultivation. Slave owners could alone merchandise their slaves to other Duala, however, together with owners were responsible for paying their slaves' debts together with arranging their marriages. With the Europeans providing such a hungry market, however, these customs gave way.
King Bell, cameroon, 1886

The Duala emerged yesteryear the 16th century equally the leading traders on the Cameroonian coast, though the Isubu together with Limba did non trail far behind. The earliest Duala merchants were probable chiefs or headmen. The main Duala villages presently grew into a prospering township named Douala for the people who lived there. The coastal Duala purchased goods together with slaves from interior groups such equally the Bakweri, Mungo, Bassa together with Bakoko. In turn, they sold these items to the Europeans, typically aboard their ships (and afterward at mainland factories or stores). In exchange, the Europeans provided alcohol, gunpowder, guns, mirrors, shoes, textiles, together with tools.
Europeans traders did their best to back upwardly friendly chiefs against their rivals, adulating them with titles such equally King, Prince, or Chief. In exchange, these indigenes offered merchandise monopolies to their patrons together with sometimes ceded land. In this way, Ndumb'a Lobe of the Bell lineage propped himself upwardly inward the 19th century equally King Bell. Heads of challenger sub-lineages presently rivalled him, including the self-styled King Akwa (Ngando Mpondo) inward 1814, King Deido (Jim Ekwalla) of the Deido (an Akwa splinter group), together with Prince Lock Priso (Kum'a Mbape) of the Bonaberi.
King Akwa of Duala, Circa 1875

By the mid-19th century, the British had taken the Pb inward merchandise with the Duala. This coincided with the abolition movement, together with the Crown employed the traders to goal slavery inward the Gulf of Guinea. On 10 June 1840 together with seven May 1841, Akwa together with Bell became the firstly to sign anti-slavery treaties. In exchange, the Europeans provided these rulers with annual gifts of alcohol, guns, textiles, together with other goods. In addition, the rulers outlawed practices the British viewed equally barbaric, such equally sacrificing a chief's wives upon his death.
The British also wanted to mould the Duala to their ain concepts of civilization. This meant educating them inward Western learning together with converting them to Christianity. Alfred Saker opened a mission inward Douala inward 1845. By 1875, numerous missions together with schools sprung upwardly inward Douala together with other settlements. The early on missionaries learned the Duala linguistic communication together with invented a written shape for it, equally Bible translation was ane of their earliest priorities. Cameroonian Pidgin English linguistic communication began to prepare at this time.
Ndumbé Lobé Bell or King Bell (1839 – Dec 1897] was a leader of the Duala people inward Southern Republic of Cameroon during the catamenia when the Germans colonized Cameroon

Trade dramatically altered Duala society. European goods became condition symbols, together with some rulers appointed Western traders together with missionaries equally advisors. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 high proportion of Duala grew wealthy through the novel trade, together with tensions arose betwixt the haves together with have-nots. Competition escalated betwixt coastal groups together with fifty-fifty betwixt related settlements. Traders exploited this atmosphere, together with get inward 1860, German, French, together with Castilian merchants had established contacts together with weakened the British monopoly. The Duala had gained a virtual hegemony over merchandise through the Wouri estuary.
In reply to the threat from unusual merchants, the British pose pull per unit of measurement area on the Duala kings to asking British annexation. In 1879, King Akwa sent such a request; Bell followed arrange inward 1881 (some historians believe that these documents were faked, however). When King Pass All of the Limba ceded his territories to the French, British traders expressed the urgency of annexing the Duala territories to the Crown. In July 1884, however, High German explorer Gustav Nachtigal staged a coup yesteryear signing land-cessation treaties with Kings Akwa, Bell, together with Deido. The British arrived likewise belatedly together with on 28 March 1885 ceded Victoria to Germany.
King Bell

German Administration: Opposition to High German dominion followed the annexation. Prince Lock Priso soundless favoured the British together with staged a rebellion inward Dec 1884. Around this same time, King Bell faced off against his ain people, who were largely opposed to the High German rule. Bell so found himself upwardly against the other Duala chiefs inward the Duala War, which was fought over the killing of a Bonaberi Duala together with Bell's alleged refusal to part his profits with the other sub-lineages. Deutschland stopped the conflict when ane of its nationals was killed. Bell survived, but his ability had diminished significantly. Realising that the Duala would never in ane trial again follow the dominion of a unmarried king, the Germans instead played the competitors against ane another. They supported the weaker King Bell to counter the powerful King Akwa.

"Girls' School inward Bonaku (Duala, Cameroon). Miss Bucher unter a tree." Alternate title: "[original caption] Mädchenschule inward Bonaku (Duala)

Despite the unrest together with little terra firma area, Duala territory became the economical together with political nexus of Kamerun. The Germans initially ruled from Douala, which they called Kamerunstadt, but they moved their uppercase to the Bakweri settlement of Buea inward 1901. Constant transportation traffic along the coast allowed individuals to displace from ane plantation or town to some other inward search of work. The coastal groups intermingled similar never before, especially the Duala together with Bakweri.
High German arrival on the mainland meant that the coastal peoples' monopoly on merchandise had ended. Most Duala turned to subsistence farming or line-fishing to survive. Years of contact with Westerners together with a high bird of literacy had allowed a literate upper shape of clerks, farmers, together with traders to emerge. This shape were familiar with European police pull together with conventions, which allowed them to pull per unit of measurement area the High German colonial authorities with petitions, legal proceedings, together with special involvement groups to oppose unpopular or unfair policies. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 serial of these began inward 1910, when the High German direction initiated a novel poll tax, attempted to seize lands inward Douala township, together with so tried to oust the native population from the town completely. King Bell's successor, King Rudolf Duala Manga Bell tried to rally resistance yesteryear sending emissaries to see the leaders of inland groups. Ibrahim Njoya of the Bamum tipped the Germans off, together with Bell together with his collaborators were executed inward 1914 for high treason.

"Mrs Göhring inward her sewing room. Duala (Cameroon)." Circa 1916

British together with French administrations: In 1918, Deutschland lost World War I, together with her colonies became mandates of the League of Nations. French Republic became the novel steward of Duala territories.
The Duala continued to prosper. Though the French had largely stripped their kings of power, virtually one-half of the ethnic group's 15-20,000 members were of import traders, plantation managers or owners, chiefs, or clerks inward the civil service yesteryear the 1930s. The residuum of the people were fishermen together with farmers. By the 1940s, many Duala had attained prominence equally builders, equally well, servicing the growing cities of Douala together with Victoria.
The novel colonials maintained the High German policies of ousting uncooperative rulers together with of impressing workers for the plantations. Individuals could opt to pay a fine to avoid the labour, however, which led to a dearth of workers from the wealthier areas. The French therefore encouraged people from the interior to displace to the coast together with operate the plantations (settled good away from the influence of the Duala chiefs). These immigrants were primarily Bamileke. The newcomers grew numerically together with economically dominant over time, leading to ethnic tensions with the indigenes. By the early on 1930s, the Duala were a minority inward the town named for them.
By this time, the Duala had lost most of their reverence for Europeans. They did non hesitate to oppose novel taxes together with to demand their independence. On xix Dec 1929, for example, iv paramount chiefs sent a petition to the League of Nations asking for independence for the Cameroons. Their largest concern, however, was the render of seized Duala lands. This Duala terra firma work reached a caput inward 1925 when the French sold lands on the Joss Plateau that the Germans had appropriated. In reply to pull per unit of measurement area from the Bell clan, the French offered other territory inward compensation. The Bells initially refused, but the Great Depression eventually prompted them to convey the French compromise. The Bells gained terra firma inward Bali district, together with the French promised non to convey whatever of the Akwa or Deido clans' holdings.
In the belatedly 1930s, Alexandre Duala Manga Bell had emerged equally the unofficial leader of the Duala proper. The French grew to a greater extent than hostile toward these Duala elites, whom they considered "precociously developed".[citation needed] In 1937, they expelled the Duala from Akwa town (an expanse of Douala), although they allowed them to maintain ownership of the land. During World War II, the French together with British showed favouritism toward white-owned plantations, together with many Duala-owned farms became unprofitable. Meanwhile, other Cameroonian ethnic groups had caught upwardly to the Duala's Pb inward instruction together with Westernisation. Over the side yesteryear side ii decades, peoples such equally the Beti-Pahuin together with Bamileke came to challenger the Duala's position.
At war's end, the UN laid upwardly inward motion the decolonisation of Africa. The Duala remained of import inward this process. For example, many Duala supported the pro-independence Union des Populations du Cameroun political party (UPC) when it firstly formed. Other parties that had either Duala founders or pregnant backing include the Bloc Démocratique Camerounais (BDC), together with Action Nationale (AN).
Duala women

The Duala today are divided into the urban together with rural. Those who alive inward the cities, especially Douala itself, earn a living at a number of skilled together with unskilled professions. Many Duala soundless ain parts of the city, allowing them to alive off rents together with development. The rural Duala, inward contrast, operate equally fishermen together with farmers, generally at the subsistence level. Fishing is the merchandise of choice.

Traditional Duala lodge was divided into 3 strata. At the move yesteryear were the Wonja, native Duala, with total rights of terra firma ownership. The side yesteryear side tier consisted of the Wajili, either non-Duala peoples or the descendants of slaves. Finally, the Wakomi, or slaves, made upwardly the bottom rung. Chiefs together with headmen sat at the pinnacle of this hierarchy inward the past, though today such figures take away hold really fiddling ability inward their ain right. Instead, such individuals are to a greater extent than probable to ain belongings together with to take away hold inherited wealth. Councils of elders together with subway scheme societies allow communities to produce upwardly one's heed of import issues.

Duala woman

Assemblies, subway scheme societies, together with other groups play an of import purpose inward keeping the Duala unified, helping them laid upwardly goals, together with giving them a venue to observe solutions to mutual problems. Chief with these is the Ngondo, an assembly of of import chiefs. Another of these is the muemba (plural: miemba), a grouping of all Duala of a sure enough historic catamenia arrive at or tribal clan. The miemba serve to permit their members network together with socialise. Other subway scheme societies include the Ekongolo, Jengu, Losango, together with Munji.
Duala woman

Marriage together with kinship patterns
Duala inheritance is patrilineal; upon the father's death, his belongings is split with his virile individual heirs. The Duala take away hold traditionally practiced polygamy, although with the introduction of Christianity, this custom has move rarer.

                                      Duala wedlock ceremony

The Duala take away hold never barred wedlock betwixt sub-lineages of the same group, nor take away hold they always pose much restriction on inter-tribal marriage. In fact, today, such unions take away hold grown increasingly common, especially inward urban centres similar Douala. Children of such marriages move total members of their father's ethnic group.

                                 Duala hubby together with married adult woman at wedding ceremony ceremony, Douala Cameroon

The Duala take away hold been generally Christianized since the 1930s. Evangelical denominations dominate, especially the Baptist church. Nevertheless, remnants of a pre-Christian ancestor worship persist.
The Duala believe inward Supreme together with Creator God known equally Loba (Owasi or  Iwonde or Ebasi).
As mightiness live expected for coastal peoples, the body of body of water also plays an of import purpose inward this faith. For example, Duala belief holds that their ancestors alive inward the sea. In this worldview, demi-human H2O spirits known equally Miengu (singular: Jengu) alive inward the waters together with mediate betwixt worshippers together with God. Other, evil sprits alive inward the forests together with the sea, together with many Duala believe that witchcraft holds a malign influence on everyday life. Traditional festivals held each yr serve equally the most visible facial expression of these traditional beliefs inward modern times

Pirogue racing has traditionally been the most of import sport with the Duala. The sport reached its peak during the High German colonial period, when organisers held races annually on 27 Jan (the Kaiser's birthday).

Duala state of war canoe, 1884.

Under the French, they became semiannual, occurring on xiv July (Bastille Day) together with eleven Nov (Armistice Day). Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 typical Duala racing pirogue is 20–28 metres long with no keel together with a bow carved with intricate designs. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 squad of 40-50 canoeists, generally men who brand their livings equally fishermen, mans each vessel. In the past, diviners used the results of these races to predict the future, but today a Christian priest presides instead. Up to the belatedly 1930s, a identify unit of measurement on Jebale Island claimed to live able to summon the Miengu H2O spirits to assistance favoured participants

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