Info For You Lot Ewondo (Yaunde) People: The Master Copy Inhabitants Of Yaounde, The Upper-Case Missive Of The Alphabet Of Cameroon

Ewondo or Yaunde are rain-forest agro-fishery as well as Kolo-speaking people of the larger  Beti-Pahuin ethnic grouping of Bantu root residing predominantly at Yaounde, the Capital metropolis of Cameroon. In fact, Cameroon`s upper-case missive of the alphabet metropolis Yaounde was named after them.
Beautiful Ewondo woman

The larger Beti-Pahuin or Beti-Ekang aboriginal Bantu grouping are located pelting wood regions of Cameroon, Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, as well as São Tomé as well as Príncipe. Though they separate themselves into several private clans, they all part a mutual origin, history as well as culture. They are divided into iii major groups as well as a pocket-sized ones. The start grouping, called the Beti, consists of the Ewondo (more just Kolo), Bane, Fang (more just M'fang), Mbida-Mbane, Mvog-Nyenge, as well as Eton (or Iton). The Eton are farther subdivided into the Eton-Beti, Eton-Beloua, as well as Beloua-Eton. The Fang (or Fan) cast the minute group. Individual ethnic groups include the Fang proper, the Ntumu, the Mvae, as well as the Okak. Fang territories laid about at the southern border of Republic of Cameroon S of Kribi, Djoum, as well as Mvangan inwards the South Province as well as proceed S across the border, including all of Rio Muni inwards Republic of Equatorial Republic of Guinea as well as S into Gabonese Republic as well as Congo.

                          Ewondo adult woman from Cameroon


The 3rd grouping is called the Bulu as well as makes upwards most a 3rd of all Beti-Pahuin inwards Cameroon. The Bulu include the Bulu proper of Sangmélima, Kribi, as well as Ebolowa, the Fong as well as Zaman of the Dja River valley, the Yengono, Yembama as well as Yelinda of the Nyong River valley, as well as the Yesum, Yebekanga, Yekebolo, as well as Mvele.
In addition, several other peoples are currently beingness assimilated or "Pahuinised" yesteryear their Beti-Pahuin neighbours. These include the Manguissa, Yekaba, Bamvele, Evuzok, Batchanga (Tsinga), Omvang, Yetude, and, to some extent, the Baka.
Ewondo people which belongs to the start group, Beti,  can equally good live found inwards the eastern Mefou sectionalization as well as the Mfoundi as well as Nyong as well as So divisions inwards the Centre Province. The balance of their territory lies inwards the northern portions of the Ocean sectionalization inwards the South Province.
Historically, Ewondo similar all Beti-Pahuin groups originated inwards the forests S of the Sanaga River, non far from their electrical flow territory. At some dot they crossed the Sanaga as well as moved northward until they reached the upper Kadéï River. They before long came nether laid on at that topographic point from the Vute or Mbum people, as well as hence they fled farther northward to the eastern Adamawa Plateau. The groups would non rest at that topographic point long, however. Their migration coincided with the jihad as well as Fulbe (Fula) conquests of Usman Dan Fodio as well as his lieutenant, Modibo Adama, inwards the early on 19th century. Under describe per unit of measurement area from Fulbe raiders, the Vute moved in i lawsuit to a greater extent than into Beti-Pahuin lands, as well as the Beti-Pahuin were forced to relocate in i lawsuit again. They moved S as well as due west inwards a serial of waves. The start grouping included the Bulu as well as Fang, who split somewhere close what is today the town of Ebolowa.

Ewondo city, Yaounde, the Capital town of Cameroon

The Bulu followed the Nyong River westward, patch the Fang turned S as well as followed the Dja River valley into the southernmost territories of modern Republic of Cameroon as well as into the expanse of present-day Gabonese Republic as well as Equatorial Guinea. Then the Ntumu as well as Mvae (Fang subgroups) moved toward present-day Gabon. The Beti, including the Ewondo, moved S inwards the terminal moving ridge as well as settled northward of their Bulu as well as Fang relatives.

                           Ewondo people of Yaounde, Cameroon

The Ewondo are known for their Bikutsi dancing musical genre from Cameroon. The give-and-take 'bikutsi' literally way 'beat the earth' or 'let's beat out the earth' (bi- indicates a plural, -kut- way 'to beat' as well as -si way 'earth'.) The cite indicates a trip the lite fantastic that is accompanied yesteryear stomping the feet on the ground. In its modern form, bikutsi is real popular, as well as rivals makossa equally the country's most renowned style. Popular bikutsi start appeared inwards the 1940s with the recording of Anne-Marie Nzie. Some 20 years later, the trend was electrified with the improver of keyboards as well as guitars.
"The Voice of Gold" as well as "The Queen Mother of Bikutsi": these are the phrases that are used to refer to Anne-Marie Nzie. 

The most pop performer of this menstruum was Messi Me Nkonda Martin, frontman for Los Camaroes as well as known equally "the manly someone raise of modern bikutsi music"International acclaim began inwards 1987 with the formation of Les Têtes Brûlées yesteryear Jean Marie Ahanda. The belatedly guitarist of Les Têtes Brulées, Zanzibar, invented the flim-flam of damping the strings of his guitar with a strip of foam prophylactic to make the music's feature balafon-like thunk. (The balafon is a marimba-like musical instrument that is widely used inwards African folk music.) More modern performers include Jimmy Mvondo Mvelé as well as Mbarga Soukous.
Present-day bikutsi equally performed yesteryear artists similar Lady Ponce, K-Tino, Racine Sagath as well as Natascha Bizo is sometimes regarded equally controversial. It has been criticized for the perceived sexual content of its lyrics as well as dancing style. In this honour bikutsi resembles mapouka from Côte d'Ivoire, which is equally good considered indecent yesteryear many Africans. The main departure is that nowadays solar daytime bikutsi is soundless ofttimes performed yesteryear woman someone artists who exercise it equally a way of self-expression inwards a traditionally male-dominated society.
Thus a vocaliser similar K-Tino, self-styled femme du peuple (woman of the people) sees herself equally having an of import business office to play inwards the emancipation as well as liberation of the women of Cameroon.
Among the electrical flow crop of artists are Patou Bass as well as Ovasho Bens, the promoter of a trip the lite fantastic as well as philosophy called "zig zag". His start album is composed non exclusively of Cameroonian traditional rhythms only equally good West Indian zouk as well as Jamaïcan-style reggae.
Bikutsi has influenced Western musicians such equally Paul Simon on his album Rhythm of the Saints.
The Ewondo are equally good known for their traditional Nkul drum, equally a number they are  popularly known equally "the People of Drum of God." It is said that inwards the past, the beat out of an nkul, a wooden slit drum, reverberates at dawn around as well as through the trees as well as houses of the Ewondo people.

                           Ewondo man
Ewondo people (or Kolo-Beti) verbalize Ewondo or Kolo linguistic communication which is Bantu linguistic communication that belongs to the larger Niger-Congo linguistic communication family. Ewondo is equally good a merchandise language. Dialects include Badjia (Bakjo), Bafeuk, Bamvele (Mvele, Yezum, Yesoum), Bane, Beti, Enoah, Evouzok, Fong, Mbida-Bani, Mvete, Mvog-Niengue, Omvang, Yabekolo (Yebekolo), Yabeka, as well as Yabekanga. Ewondo speakers alive primarily inwards Cameroon's Centre Region as well as the northern business office of the Océan sectionalization inwards the South Region.
 It is a dialect of the Beti linguistic communication (Yaunde-Fang), as well as is intelligible with Bulu, Eton, as well as Fang.
In 2011 at that topographic point was a line concern alongside Cameroonian linguists that the linguistic communication was beingness displaced inwards the the world yesteryear French.
Apart from Kolo, Ewondo people verbalize Ewondo Populair, which is a Beti-based pidgin of Cameroon, spoken inwards the expanse of the upper-case missive of the alphabet Yaoundé.
“Ba kar ki loué nvou live bele nding.”  (proverb ewondo)
“On n’appelle pas le chien avec le fouet.” (proverbe ewondo)
“One does non telephone yell upwards a domestic dog with a whip.” (Ewondo proverb)
Meaning: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 hateful someone cannot claim to desire to assemble as well as reconcile people.

Europeans Arrival as well as Ewondo people
The Ewondo as well as their other Beti-Pahuin relatives` migrations equally good coincided with the apex of European merchandise off the Cameroonian coast. The newly claimed jungle as well as near-coastal territories of the Beti-Pahuin allowed them to ensconce themselves into a lucrative exercise equally middlemen; inwards central for European goods, they provided items such equally kola nuts, ivory, as well as slaves. After the institution of a British naval presence inwards 1827 to hinder the West African slave trade, Beti-Pahuin merchants widened their operations to include such products equally palm kernels as well as prophylactic (though slaves continued to live sold secretly).
Beginning inwards 1887, High German colonisers penetrated Beti-Pahuin territory to search for individuals to enslave on their coastal plantations. They equally good stopped the coastward migration of the peoples. Meanwhile, the French stopped farther Fang penetration into their colony at Gabon, though the Fang of Republic of Equatorial Republic of Guinea continued unimpeded toward the bounding main as well as began using copper as well as Fe money introduced yesteryear the Spanish.
In time, the Germans expanded their Cameroonian plantations inland, as well as the Beti-Pahuin formed the easiest as well as most accessible source of enslaved labour to operate them, to laid upwards the accompanying route network, as well as to serve equally sexual prisoners for the High German overseers. The Germans equally good outlawed or tried to suppress native customs that they deemed "barbaric" or unsavoury, such equally the sacrifice of a chief's wives after his decease as well as the sso initiation rite.[citation needed] Among these alleged barbaric practices the Germans were to outlaw, slavery as well as sexual exploitation at the hands of the Germans was non i of them.
It was non long earlier the Beti-Pahuin showed resistance. The Bulus revolted first, inwards 1891. Their main electrical charge was that the coming of the Germans had stripped them of their profitable seat equally traders. The rebellion was squelched inwards 1895. Later that year, Ewondo chiefs of the Mvog Betsi clan were deemed "disruptive" as well as whipped earlier their village. In response, the villagers killed the men who did the whipping, as well as the Ewondos rose upwards over the insult. This rebellion lasted less than a twelvemonth earlier the Germans suppressed it. Elements of the Bane as well as Mbidambani equally good led rebellions.
In reply to these aggressive actions, the Germans instigated a policy of removing uncooperative chiefs from ability as well as propping upwards puppet rulers as well as paramount chiefs inwards their places. The most good known illustration of this is the 1911 engagement of the German-sympathiser as well as interpreter Charles Atangana, a fellow member of the Mvog Atemenge sub-lineage, equally paramount master copy of the Ewondo as well as Bane. The Bulu feared that their merchandise relations as well as autonomy would live threatened yesteryear Atangana's appointment. Martin-Paul Samba led an uprising inwards 1912, only it was quelled.
French colonial dominion of Republic of Cameroon began inwards 1916 as well as largely followed inwards the High German mold. Plantations multiplied as well as expanded equally the French concentrated chiefly on cocoa. Meanwhile, the Beti-Pahuin continued to render a pregnant source of complimentary labour. The French equally good maintained a arrangement of indoctrinating as well as installing handpicked tribal rulers. However, equally French Republic granted increasing levels of self-rule to its African holdings, the Beti-Pahuin were quick to seize upon it. An early on illustration was the Bulu tribal union, a grouping of representatives from all clans who met to found mutual tribal policies.
Since the goal of the colonial menstruum inwards the 1960s, the Beti-Pahuin accept succeeded inwards making themselves politically of import inwards both Republic of Cameroon as well as Equatorial Guinea. Likewise, the Fang brand upwards some 80-90% of the population of Equatorial Guinea, which has allowed them to travel politically dominant inwards that country. The large number of Beti-Pahuin involved inwards lucrative enterprises such equally cocoa as well as java farming equally good lends them a potent economical influence.

                          Yaounde ladies
Most Ewondo people hold an agrarian lifestyle. Manioc as well as maize cast the staple crops with plantains, yams, as well as groundnuts equally good playing a vital exercise (in fact, "Ewondo" as well as "Yaoundé" hateful "groundnut"). Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 diversity of wood products, such equally greens, insects, mushrooms, as well as diverse palm products, supplements the diet. Livestock is limited to pocket-sized animals that may live left to provender unattended, such equally goats, pigs, as well as chickens.
Fishing is key to the lives of many Beti-Pahuin, peculiarly inwards Republic of Equatorial Republic of Guinea as well as São Tomé as well as Príncipe. Toward Yaoundé inwards Republic of Cameroon as well as other large towns, bushmeat forms a substantial cast of income for many villagers, who sell their kills to passing vehicles for sale inwards the urban centres. The Ewondos farther northward ofttimes discovery operate equally unskilled labour, equally their surround is much to a greater extent than urbanised.
As belatedly equally the colonial period, many Beti-Pahuin were highly skilled workers inwards wood, ivory, as well as soapstone. They were peculiarly noted for their lively masks. Today, however, real trivial of this traditional arts and crafts is soundless pursued, though missionary groups accept encouraged some carvers to proceed to do with an oculus toward the tourist market.

Hilton Hotel

                           Yaounde, the original domicile of Ewondo people of Cameroon

               Yaounde, Home of Ewondo people

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