Info For You Lot Amilcar Cabral: Swell Pan-Africanist Intellectual, Anti-Colonialist, Political Leader Together With The Best President Both Cape Verde Together With Guinea Bissau Never Had

Amílcar Lopes da Costa Cabral (12 September 1924 – 20 Jan 1973) was a Guinea-Bissauan in addition to Cape Verdean agricultural engineer, writer, in addition to a nationalist thinker (Pan-Africanist) in addition to political leader. Cabral was also  known past times his nom de guerre Abel Djassi, was also i of Africa's foremost anti-colonial leaders, an outstanding leader with a nifty prestige in addition to is commonly set inward the same category equally Africa's nifty personalities such equally Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Patrice Lumumba of Congo, Sekou Toure of Guinea, Abdel Gamal Nasser of Egypt, Eduardo Mondlane of Mozambique, Agostinho Neto of Angola, Ahmed Ben Bella of Algeria, Nelson Mandela of South Africa in addition to  Samora Machel of Mozambique.
Amilcar Cabral who was named after Africa`s all-time legendary Carthaginian War strategist in addition to leader Hamílcar Barca who founded the Castilian metropolis of Barcelona equally his father’s way of paying homage to the famous Carthaginian, committed a a shape suicide in addition to founded the PAIGC or Partido Africano da Independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde (African Party for the Independence of Republic of Guinea in addition to Cape Verde) inward 1956 past times abandoning his chore equally an agronomist inward Lisbon in addition to returned to Republic of Guinea Bissau to create out for independence of his country, a create out which he saw equally an human activeness of culture. He was at the same fourth dimension i of the founders of Movimento Popular Libertação de Republic of Angola (MPLA) (later inward the same year), together with Agostinho Neto, whom he met inward Portugal, in addition to other Angolan nationalists.
Cabral who is often referred to equally "One of the greatest of modern theoreticians of the Africa Revolution" cast inward the mold of Frantz Fanon in addition to Che Guevara", whose influence reverberated far beyond the African continent. He was a groomed pol in addition to a leader from his humble beginning. His begetter Juvenal Lopes Cabral who was also an intellectual inward his ain correct in addition to authored a volume "Memórias e Reflexões (Memories in addition to Reflections) inward 1947, tutored immature Cabral to live similar him. According to his woman parent Iva Pinhel Évora, "He was born with politics inward his head. He was the boy of a politician. Juvenal used to beak to him nigh everything." These words are pronounced inward 1976, a twelvemonth earlier Amílcar’s death.

                                   Amilcar Cabral during the revolutionary War years.


Cabral distinguished himself from other revolutionary leaders in addition to theorists past times the emphasis he set on civilisation in addition to its role inward the liberation struggle in addition to inward the transformation of society. He would have got been inward the forefront to rehabilitate African civilisation in addition to to reclaim our culture, including the important cultural objects stolen past times the colonial masters in addition to at nowadays located inward many European in addition to American museums.
The first off challenge in addition to premise which he set frontwards was that the peasantry was non a revolutionary forcefulness inward Guinea. In proverb this, he differentiated betwixt physical in addition to political force, equally the peasantry was genuinely a nifty forcefulness inward Guinea. They were almost the whole population in addition to produced the nation‘s wealth. However, because at that topographic point was no history of peasants‘ revolts, it was hard to build back upwards amongst the peasantry for the thought of national liberation (Chabal 2003.p.175).

Cabral‘s 2d premise was that some elements of the petite bourgeoisie were revolutionary. By petite bourgeoisie, he meant people working inward the colonial province apparatus, the people Abilio Araujo called ‘the colonial elites’, that is, people who benefited from colonialism but were never fully integrated into the colonial system. According to Cabral, these people were trapped inward the contradictions betwixt the colonial civilisation in addition to the colonized culture, with no clear interests inward carrying out a revolution. (Chilcote 1999.p.174-6). Acknowledging this weakness, Cabral wrote:
  "But nevertheless high the grade of revolutionary consciousness
   of the sector of the petite bourgeoisie called to fulfill its historical
   function, it tin non gratis itself from i objective reality: the petite
  bourgeoisie, equally a service shape (that is to say a shape non straight involved
 in the procedure of production), does non possess the economical base of operations to
 guarantee the taking over of power.
 In fact, history has shown that whatever the role—sometimes important—played
 by the individuals coming from the petite bourgeoisie inward the process
 of a revolution, this shape has never possessed political control.
  And it could never possesses it, since political command (the state) is
 based on the economical capacity of ruling class, in addition to inward the conditions
 of colonial in addition to neo-colonial fellowship this capacity is retained past times two
 entities: imperialist upper-case alphabetic character in addition to the native working class" (Chabal 2003:176).
The petite bourgeoisie, according to Cabral, was a novel shape created past times unusual domination in addition to indispensable to the functioning of colonial exploitation. But the petite bourgeoisie could never integrate itself into the unusual minority inward Republic of Guinea in addition to remained prisoner of the cultural in addition to social contradictions imposed on it past times the colonial reality, which defines it equally a marginal or marginalized class. But it is on them, the petite bourgeoisie, which the PAIGC revolution should rely (Chilcote 1999:80). Cabral delivered some other spoken language inward Havana inward 1966, stating that:
the option - to betray the revolution or to commit suicide equally a shape - constitutes the dilemma of the petite bourgeoise inward the full general framework of the national liberation struggle…(cited Chabal 2003:179).
To send out their historical business office for national liberation, the petite bourgeoise needed to undergo a procedure of déclassé or shape suicide, inward monastic say to organize in addition to build alliances with the farmers to create out against colonialism in addition to imperialism (Chilcote 1999:80).
Amilcar Cabral delivered 2 of import speeches on civilisation betwixt the early on 1970s in addition to when he was assassinated on 20 Jan 1973. In a spoken language delivered at Syracuse University, New York, on Feb 20, 1970, entitled National Liberation in addition to Culture, Cabral stated that:
"A people who gratis themselves from unusual domination volition live gratis culturally only if,
without complexes in addition to without underestimating the importance of positive accretions from
oppressor in addition to other cultures, they render to the upward paths of their ain culture, which is
nourished past times the living reality of its environment, in addition to which negates both harmful influences
in addition to whatever variety of subjection to unusual culture. Thus, it may live seen that if imperialist
domination has the vital demand to exercise cultural oppression, national liberation is necessarily
an human activeness of culture" (African Information Service 1973:43).
Cabral saw civilisation as: "an essential chemical factor of the history of a people. Culture is, perhaps, the production of this history exactly equally a bloom is the production of a plant. Like history or because it is history, civilisation has equally its textile ground the plane of the forces of production in addition to the manner of production."
According to Cabral, every society, everywhere, has both civilisation in addition to history. The colonial in addition to imperialist forces imposed cultural domination on the indigenous people, in addition to maintained their domination through organized repression. For example, the Apartheid regime inward South Africa was, to Cabral, a shape of organized repression. It created a minority white dictatorship over the indigenous people. But civilisation is also a shape of resistance against unusual domination. In a fellowship where at that topographic point is a potent indigenous cultural life, unusual domination cannot live surely of its perpetuation. Cultural resistance could live inward the shape of political, economical in addition to armed resistance, depending on the internal in addition to external factors, to competition the unusual domination, colonialism in addition to imperialism. The grapheme of imperialism was ‗distinct from preceding types of unusual domination (tribal, military-aristocratic, feudal in addition to capitalist domination inward the gratis competition era)‘. According to Amilcar Cabral, ‗the national liberation motion (against imperialism) is the organized political human face of civilisation of the people, who are task the struggle‘ (African Information Service 1973:43).

Amilcar Cabral farther reasserted his seat inward his spoken language entitled Identity in addition to Dignity inward the
Context of National Liberation Struggle, delivered at Lincoln University, Pennsylvania inward 15 Oct 1972. He argued that imperialist domination calls for cultural oppression in addition to attempts either straight or indirectly to do away with the most of import elements of the civilisation of the champaign of study people. On the other hand, a people could in addition to should maintain their civilisation alive, despite the organized repression of their cultural life, equally a ground for their liberation movement; they tin soundless culturally resist fifty-fifty when their politicomilitary resistance is destroyed. Eventually, he believed, novel forms of resistance - political, economical in addition to armed - would eventually render (African Information Service 1973:57-69).
The ideas of Amilcar Cabral were transformed into concrete actions inward the liberated zones inward Republic of Guinea Bissau. This was documented past times Patrick Chabal, professor of Lusophone African Studies at King‘s College-London, who provided extensive information nigh political in addition to economical reconstruction inward the liberated areas inward his book, Amilcar Cabal: Revolutionary Leadership in addition to People’s state of war (Chabal 2003).

Amilcar Cabral in addition to Fidel Castro of Cuba

It is a shame that after leading the nationalist motion of Republic of Guinea-Bissau in addition to Republic of Cape Verde Islands in addition to the ensuing state of war of independence inward Guinea-Bissau, he was assassinated on 20 Jan 1973, nigh 8 months earlier Guinea-Bissau's unilateral annunciation of independence.  While he was influenced past times Marxism, he was non a Marxist.
On 20 January, 1973 Amilcar Cabral was kidnapped inward Guinea-Conakry in addition to shot past times an assassinator inward the service of the Portuguese hugger-mugger police, PIDE. The African world was aghast with stupor in addition to many of the African intellectuals were devastated. Cabral was a symbol of a novel leadership emerging on the continent. H5N1 fearless leadership which was viscerally anti imperialist but non racist. H5N1 leadership which was willing to beak to the colonialists but was determined to live independent inward thought in addition to action. The Portuguese know why Cabral had to go. With Agostinho Neto, Angola, Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique, Cabral had coordinated in addition to spearheaded a serial of military machine actions against the Portuguese inward their colonies inward Africa that would weaken the fascist colonial ability inward Lisbon in addition to finally oblige them to choose in addition to grant independence to their African colonies.
The assassination of Amilcar Cabral stands inward a long line of prominent African politicians eliminated past times Western imperialism inward its attempts to stabilize its political hegemony inward Africa.
As Kwame Opoku (2008) averred "Amilcar Cabral showed past times his ain life in addition to works the exemplary leadership which seems to live missing inward some of the countries on the continent. He volition forever live remembered past times those who are non prejudiced equally a selfless leader who contributed to the liberation of Africa in addition to demonstrated that with the confidence of the people i could defeat an oppressor who had powerful armies behind him. African youth tin only gain past times learning nigh Amilcar Cabral in addition to pondering over his writings, the problems in addition to conflicts of his times."
In his tribute to Amilcar, Fidel Castro posits that Amilcar is " of the most lucid in addition to vivid leaders inward Africa, Comrade Amílcar Cabral, who instilled inward us tremendous confidence inward the hereafter in addition to the success of his struggle for liberation. ” — Fidel Castro, 1966 Tricontinental Conference inward Havana, Cuba
Amilcar Cabral during the revolutionary War years.

Amilcar Lopez Cabral was born on 12 September 1924 inward Bafatá, Guinea-Bissau, from Cape Verdean parents Juvenal Antònio Lopes da Costa Cabral in addition to Iva Pinhel Évora. The first off call on his nascency certificate was Hamilcar, his father’s way of paying homage to the famous African Carthaginian Hamílcar Barca, the military machine strategist in addition to the founder of the Castilian metropolis of Barcelona. Amilcar`s father, Juvenal was born inward Republic of Cape Verde inward 1889 to i of the of import landowning families. At his tender historic catamenia Juvenal stayed with his grandfather, but equally a final result of misfortunes inward the identify unit of measurement had to live with his godmother, Simoa Borges. Borges paid for Juvenal`s instruction in addition to sent him to study at the Viseu Seminary, inward Portugal. Juvenal who was destined for the priesthood abandoned his studies when his benefactor could non pay his tuition in addition to returned to Republic of Cape Verde 1906. He continued his studies at the St. Nicolau Seminary.  At the historic catamenia of eighteen Juvenal abandons his studies in addition to leaves for Republic of Guinea inward search of a job. He go a civil retainer inward Bolama and, later, started his activities equally a teacher, fifty-fifty though he has no diploma. It was hither that he met in addition to married a immature lady Iva Pinhel Evora, the wedlock that saw the nascency of the nifty leader, Amilcar Cabral.
Young Amilcar Cabral

 Cabral was was generally tutored past times his begetter at his basic level. In 1941 he started his secondary schoolhouse instruction at Liceu (Secondary School) Gil Eanes inward the town of Mindelo, on the isle of São Vicente (Cape Verde). At this schoolhouse Cabral exhibited high display of intellectual brilliance in addition to consequently graduated inward 1943 with an outstanding grades, 17 out of a possible eighteen dot total. At this juncture, Amílcar was gaining popularity. He was at nowadays called "Larbac" (Larbac is Cabral spelled backwards). That’s how he signed his dearest poems: Quando Cupido acerta no alvo (When Cupid Hits the Bull’s-eye), Devaneios (Daydreams), Arte de Minerva (Minerva’s Art), amongst others. The themes betoken classical influences. His inspiration came from the poets he studied inward school: Gonçalves Crespo, Guerra Junqueiro, Casimiro de Abreu. In fact, Amílcar’s lyricism reveals a romantic sensitivity which tin live seen inward his prose writings, his brusque stories, annotations in addition to commentaries. In these writings  you tin discovery a potent awareness of what is happening in addition to a want to participate inward the life of his isle world. Later inward Lisbon, these feelings volition go fifty-fifty stronger.
Amilcar Cabral

In 1944, a twelvemonth after his completion of Secondary school, Cabral obtained a chore at the National Printing Office, inward Praia, the upper-case alphabetic character of Cape Verde, on São Tiago Island. After working for some over a year, inward 1945 Amilcar received a scholarship to study Agronomy at the Instituto Superior de Agronomia, inward Lisbon (the upper-case alphabetic character of Portugal, which was in addition to so the colonial ability ruling over Republic of Guinea-Bissau in addition to Cape Verde). While an agronomy pupil inward Lisbon, he founded pupil movements dedicated to opposing the ruling dictatorship of Portugal in addition to promoting the motion of liberation of the Portuguese colonies inward Africa.

Amílcar Cabral, Maria Helena e Clara Schwarz

Apart from his political activism on campus, Amilcar also had fourth dimension for romance. He met his first off wife, Maria Helena de Athayde Vilhena Rodrigues, with whom she would have got 2 children, Iva Maria in addition to Ana Luísa. Maria was his classmate at the Agronomy Institute in addition to this is how she describes her first off coming together with her hereafter married adult man equally written past times Mário de Andrade:   "I met Amílcar during our freshman twelvemonth at the Agronomy Institute, inward 1945. School had begun inward Nov in addition to he arrived inward December. . . . I didn’t belong to his grouping but I think real good seeing him amongst the other students. He stood out, since he was the only negro inward the group. . . . 
Amílcar had non taken the college entrance examination. . . . Everybody talked nigh him . . . they praised his intelligence and, on top of that, he was real pleasant in addition to easygoing. As far equally his political activities were concerned, I think that my beau students were gathering signatures inward back upwards of democratic movements. Amílcar was actively engaged inward these antifascist pupil organizations. Whenever at that topographic point was a full general meeting, he acted equally moderator because he expressed himself so well. . . .
In the kickoff of our 3rd year, inward October, 1948, nosotros were inward the same group, which was composed of the lastly twenty-five students who had passed the examinations."
"Amílcar Cabral e Maria Helena Rodrigues",, Fundação Mário Soares. Circa 1950

As described past times his first off married adult woman Amílcar`s persona equally an private of contagious energy, a nifty sense of humor, in addition to an enormous capacity for making friends, was  corroborated past times his classmates in addition to friend.  He was said to live real charming in addition to women were easily attracted to him. “He was the best dressed in addition to groomed of all of us,” recalled his friend, the journalist Carlos Veiga Pereira.
 “My blood brother could brand friends anywhere,” says Luís Cabral, Guinea-Bissau’s first off president.  In an interview to the paper Diário Popular, he revealed that “...It was because of Amílcar’s charm that the soviets gave us the missiles to command the Portuguese Air Force.  The Italian tycoon Perelli was his friend in addition to gave us the officeholder uniforms nosotros used.  It was all because of friendship in addition to affection.”
On campus, despite strenuous exertion to his studies, his political activities in addition to his romantic affairs, Cabral soundless found fourth dimension to exercise his favorite sport:  soccer. According to the sports columnists, he could have got made a career of it, if he had wanted to.  His performance with the institute’s football game squad was so impressive that he was invited to play for Benfica, i of the top teams inward Portugal.
Amilcar Cabral, pupil inward Lisbon

But Amílcar did non choose the offering in addition to preferred to stick with the informal games at school.
In the lite of all these, Cabral never stopped to think nigh the motherland, Africa. He felt an irresistible calling during his college years, a feeling that affected other Negro students equally well: " it was necessary to render to Africa."  Not only because of his family, which he loves so deeply, but because “...millions of people demand my contribution inward the hard struggle against nature in addition to against man, himself...There, inward Africa, inward spite of the beautiful in addition to modern cities on the coast, at that topographic point are soundless thousands of human beings who live inward the utmost darkness."  In 1949, he writes:  “I live life intensely in addition to from life I have got extracted experiences that have got given me a direction, a route that I must follow, whatever the personal losses that I mightiness come upwards to suffer.  That is my ground for living.
The life he was referring to was lived inward Lisbon, at the Agronomy Institute, inward the Casa dos Estudantes do Império in addition to through the books that opened upwards up horizons for the agreement of the world of his times.  One of such books had a fundamental influence: "Anthologie de la nouvelle poésie négre et malgache" (Anthology of the New Black in addition to Malagasy Poetry), edited past times Léopold Sédar Senghor.  This volume convinced him that “...the Negro is awakening everywhere inward the world.”  He theorizes on the status of the Cape Verdean man, the final result of the miscegenation of the archipelago’s first off inhabitants, dark in addition to white.  He knew that the number of mestiços (people of mixed races) was already half dozen times that of the whites in addition to 3 times that of the Negros.  From a psychological dot of persuasion at that topographic point was a “Cape Verdean spirit,” a cape-verdeanness.  This profession of organized religious belief must live brought into harmony with his militancy.
In his 5th twelvemonth at school, Amílcar returned to the archipelago (Cape Verde) for a summertime vacation. He proceeded to learn in addition to overstep along to his beau Cape Verdeans all the noesis at his disposal. He taught subjects inward his special champaign of studies, soil erosion, or inward full general culture.  He also delivered several lectures on the Radio Clube de Cabo Verde, inward the metropolis of Praia, roofing the soil characteristics of the islands.  He recognized that, despite the difficulties, the economic scheme of Republic of Cape Verde is based on agriculture.  As such, it is essential that the human being inward the street live elucidated, live well-informed, live made aware.  Amílcar discussed the problems of the elite inward Cape Verdean society.  He maintained that at that topographic point was a demand for the creation of an intellectual vanguard that volition give every downtrodden Cape Verdean citizen all the information nigh his traditional problems. As he says:  “The members of the arrangement must convey lite to those who live inward ignorance.”
Such information, according to Amilcar, must move beyond the borders of Republic of Cape Verde in addition to go global inward nature so equally to live available anywhere inward the world.  This is Amílcar’s task equally a militant:  to brand Cape Verdeans aware. In fact, “Make Cape Verdeans aware of Cape Verde,” was a slogan that also reflects what is happening inward Angola, where a grouping of immature intellectuals has gathered roughly the poet Viriato da Cruz in addition to has adopted the motto:  “Let’s discovery Angola.”
The Portuguese authorities were apace placed embargo on him in addition to denied his access to the radio waves. In the same fashion, they forbade him to give a nighttime course of study at the Central School, inward Praia. 
 “Make Cape Verdeans aware of Cape Verde,” was a slogan that also reflects what is happening in 
Back inward Lisbon, Amílcar made connections that set him inward unopen contact with other students from the Portuguese colonies.  This is a grouping of immature people, members of the urban African lower middle-class, who are witting of the rebellious feelings against colonialism in addition to who have got the wages of beingness well-educated in addition to cultured.  They were active inward the Portuguese democratic youth motion known equally MUD Juvenil, the Movement for Peace.  As Amílcar Cabral set it, they have got an ideal that distinguishes them from the Europeans - it’s: the reafricanization of the spirits. 
This search for an identity gave nascency to the Center for African Studies at the habitation of the Espírito Santo identify unit of measurement (whose most of import fellow member is Alda Espírito Santo, a native of  Sao Tomé).  In spite of the frequent interference of the hugger-mugger police line (PIDE), some of the most of import questions affecting Africa were discussed there.  Amílcar’s participation inward these debates had a decisive influence.
Statue of Amilcar Cabral inward Cape Verde

Finally, inward 1950 Amilcar graduated from Instituto Superior de Agronomia in addition to went through a catamenia of apprenticeship at the Agronomy Center, inward Santarém.  It was during this catamenia that his father, Juvenal Cabral died. After working inward Lisbon for 2 years, Amílcar returned to Republic of Guinea Bissau, nether contract with the Agricultural in addition to Forestry Services of Portuguese Republic of Guinea inward 1952.
Cabral was 28-year-old human being when he arrived inward Bissau equally an agricultural engineer whose goals were non limited to those connected with his profession (in which, incidentally, he has ever shown nifty competence).  The most of import of these finish was to heighten the awareness of the Guinean mutual masses.  As he says is a memorandum to the members of the organization, during the struggle for liberation, inward 1969:  “I didn’t come upwards to Republic of Guinea past times mere chance.  My render to my native Blue Planet was non occasioned past times whatever textile need.   Everything was carefully planned, stair past times step.  I had nifty possibilities of working inward other Portuguese colonies in addition to fifty-fifty inward Portugal itself.  I left a adept chore equally a researcher at the Agronomy Center to choose a chore equally a 2d shape engineer inward Guinea...This was done next a plan, an objective, based on the thought of doing something, of contributing to the betterment of the people, to create out against the Portuguese.  That’s what I have got done since the solar daytime I arrived inward Guinea.” 
“Engineer Cabral” equally he was affectionately called past times his compatriots, utilized his seat to send out the task of  “raising awareness.” As managing director of the agricultural station at Pessubé, he was able to contact rural workers, including Cape Verdeans.  But it was hard to convey the Cape Verdeans in addition to the Guineans together to shape a mutual front.  This task proved to live hard to the real end, fifty-fifty though a adept number of Cape Verdeans gathered roughly him (Aristides Pereira, Fernando Fortes, Abílio Duarte, amongst others).  His political activities run parallel to his professional person work.  He was inward accuse of the planning in addition to implementation of Guinea’s agricultural census; his lastly study was, to this day, the first off dependable collection of information for a to a greater extent than accurate noesis of  Guinean agriculture.
In the beginning, Amílcar tried to human activeness inward strict observance of the law.  He drafted the by-laws of a guild dedicated to sports in addition to cultural activities opened upwards to all Guineans.  The Portuguese authorities did non permit it to business office because the signatories of the document did non have got a authorities issued identity card.
Then In 1955, Governor Melo e Alvim used his executive powers to forcefulness Cabral to go out Guinea. The Governor granted him only i condition, that is, Cabral tin render to Republic of Guinea i time a twelvemonth for identify unit of measurement reasons.

Amilcar Cabral in addition to Marcelino dos Santos of Mozambique at United Nations General Assembly

In the same year, a grouping of Asian in addition to African countries held a conference at Bandung inward Indonesia, The Bandung Conference, which gives nascency to the motion of non-aligned countries inward the world politics.  That twelvemonth also marked the terminate of the first off Vietnamese state of war of independence in addition to the kickoff of opened upwards warfare past times the National Liberation Front (FLN) of Algeria.  Amílcar Cabral was in addition to so transferred to Republic of Angola in addition to was working inward Cassequel, equally an engineer. That chance brought him into direct contact with the founders of the MPLA (Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola), of which he becomes a member.   
During i of his visits to Bissau, on September 19, 1959, Amílcar Cabral in addition to his political cohorts Aristides Pereira, Luís Cabral, Júlio de Almeira, Fernando Fortes in addition to Elisée Turpin founded a novel political party with a call  Partido Africano da Independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde or  in English linguistic communication "African Party for the Independence in addition to Union of Republic of Guinea in addition to Cape Verde"  (known past times its Portuguese acronym PAIGC). It was an underground arrangement that acquired legal status inside iv years after it established a unusual delegation inward Conakry.
The Portuguese started using “divide in addition to conquer”  tactics on the PAIGC leadership in addition to followers. Portuguese enacted policies that separated the Cape Verdeans from the Guineans. The quondam are, past times in addition to large, the children of mixed races (mestiços), are amend educated in addition to are favored past times the key government.  They occupy positions which are less demeaning in addition to relish preferential treatment.  The PAIGC`s, top echelon was made upwards of Cape Verdeans, piece the human foot soldiers were Guineans.  Amílcar Cabral, himself, was considered to live a Cape Verdean, fifty-fifty though he was born inward Guinea.  As a result, at that topographic point were ever conflicts in addition to tensions inside the PAIGC. 
Despite all these snafu, Amilcar Cabral worked assiduously to ensure internal harmony in addition to cohesion of the PAIGC so equally to enable it create out effectively against Portuguese imperialism inward Republic of Cape Verde in addition to Republic of Guinea Bissau. He also continued his botanical in addition to agricultural studies which caused him to move oft betwixt Portugal, Republic of Angola in addition to Guinea.

                             Cabral in addition to woman somebody guerrillas inward the field

In November, 1957, Cabral had a unique chance to attend a coming together inward Paris. At the meeting, members discussed in addition to planned on strategies that was to live used inward the struggle against Portuguese colonialism. He made contacts with some notable anti-colonialists inward Lisbon; in addition to proceeded to Accra, upper-case alphabetic character of Ghana, for a Pan-African coming together earlier heading towards Luanda when the Pidjiguiti massacre occurred.  In Jan of 1960, Cabral was privileged over again to attend the Second Conference of African Peoples, inward Tunis. He subsequently went to Conakry inward May.  That same year, he attended an international conference inward London where, for the first off time, he used the rare chance to denounce Portuguese colonialism. He made it quite clear, equally he ever did throughout the years of struggle, that he is non against the Portuguese people.  But his battle was alone against the colonial system.

Aquino inward a relaxed mood with Angolan comrades Lúcio Lara, Desidério da Graça Veríssimo e Costa in addition to Daniel Chipenda, equally good equally Amílcar Cabral, inward Marrakesh 

 Historical enquiry in addition to the testimonials of many of the participants inward the events demo that the PAIGC’s leader ever made himself available for negotiations with the Portuguese government, but such openness was never accepted past times the dictatorship regime.
 Between 1960 in addition to 1962, the PAIGC operates out of the Republic of Guinea.  Its activities were developed along 3 courses of action:  to laid upwards militants in addition to political party workers to spread the political party line inward the interior of Guinea; to obtain the back upwards of neighboring countries (a real complicated affair because the Republic of Republic of Guinea intended to usage Amílcar Cabral’s Guinean supporters to send out its ain political agenda in addition to because Senegal showed its hostility for half dozen years) and, finally, to marshal international support.
War breaks out inward 1962 against the Portuguese Establishment. The finish of the conflict was to attain independence for both Portuguese Republic of Guinea in addition to Cape Verde. Over the course of study of the conflict, equally the motion captured territory from the Portuguese, Cabral became the de facto leader of a large part of what became Guinea-Bissau.
In preparation for the independence war, Cabral laid upwards preparation camps inward neighboring Republic of Ghana with the permission of Kwame Nkrumah. Cabral trained his lieutenants through diverse techniques, including mock conversations to render them with effective communication skills that would assist their efforts to mobilize Guinean tribal chiefs to back upwards the PAIGC.
Amílcar Cabral shortly realized that the state of war exertion could live sustained only if his troops could live fed in addition to taught to live off the Blue Planet with the larger populace. Being an agronomist, he taught his troops to learn local crop growers amend farming techniques, so that they could increment productivity in addition to live able to feed their ain identify unit of measurement in addition to tribe, equally good equally the soldiers enlisted inward the PAIGC's military machine wing. When non fighting, PAIGC soldiers would till in addition to plough the fields with the local population.
Cabral in addition to the PAIGC also laid upwards a trade-and-barter bazaar scheme that moved roughly the province in addition to made staple goods available to the countryside at prices lower than that of colonial store owners. During the war, Cabral also laid upwards a roving infirmary in addition to triage station to give medical aid to wounded PAIGC's soldiers in addition to quality-of-life aid to the larger populace, relying on medical supplies garnered from the USSR in addition to Sweden. The bazaars in addition to triage stations were at first off stationary until they came nether frequent assault from Portuguese regime forces.
In 1972, the state of war of national liberation was approaching its 2d of victory.  The political leaders were soundless Cape Verdeans in addition to the Portuguese i time over again chimed the clock of "divide in addition to conquer" tactics. This affected the impending success inward the struggle in addition to exacerbated the confrontation inside the party. Cabral began to shape a People's Assembly inward preparation for the independence of Guinea-Bissau, but disgruntled quondam PAIGC competitor Inocêncio Kani, with the assist of Portuguese agents operating inside the PAIGC, shot in addition to killed him. The Portuguese government's plan, which eventually went awry, was to enjoin the assist of this quondam competitor to arrest Amílcar Cabral in addition to identify him nether the custody of Portuguese authorities. The assassination took identify on 20 Jan 1973 inward Conakry, Guinea. His half-brother, Luís Cabral, became the leader of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau branch of the political party in addition to would eventually go President of Guinea-Bissau.
Other than beingness a guerrilla leader, Cabral was highly regarded internationally equally i of the most prominent African thinkers of the 20th century in addition to for his intellectual contributions aimed at formulating a coherent cultural, philosophical in addition to historical theoretical framework to justify in addition to explicate independence movements. This is reflected inward his diverse writings in addition to public interventions.
Cabral is considered a "revolutionary theoretician equally important equally Frantz Fanon in addition to Che Guevara", whose influence reverberated far beyond the African continent. Amílcar Cabral International Airport, Cape Verde's principal international aerodrome at Sal, is named inward his honor. There is also a football game competition, the Amílcar Cabral Cup, inward zone 2, named equally a tribute to him. In addition, the only privately owned academy inward Republic of Guinea-Bissau is named after him—Amílcar Cabral University—and is inward Bissau. Jorge Peixinho composed an elegy to Cabral inward 1973.
Cultural actions of Amilcar Cabral on Liberated Areas
Intellectually, Cabral`s thought on civilisation for Africans in addition to his people was the best of its variety in addition to quite relevant today. On putting his cultural ideas into liberated zones inward Republic of Guinea Bissau, Cabral, firstly implemented the thought of the revolutionary commonwealth inward the political sphere.
Among the political measures taken was to laid upwards the Village Committees (Comite de Tabanca). Each commission consisted of 5 straight elected villagers, amongst whom 2 had to live women. Each fellow member was responsible for a item area: agriculture production; safety in addition to local defense; health, instruction in addition to other social services; providing supplies in addition to deliveries to the armed forces in addition to also to render accommodation for visiting troops to the villages; census, civil registry in addition to accounting (Chabal 2003:107). The Village Committees provided basic administrative infrastructure for the management of the liberated zones, increased agricultural production, in addition to built schools in addition to hospitals. The local traditional ethnic systems in addition to structures had to adopt the novel systems. The traditional elders were uneasy but were the first off to come upwards frontwards to back upwards the programs. Later it was the liberated zones from which PAIGC obtained greatest back upwards which contributed most to the success of the revolution against the Portuguese colonialism (Chabal 2003:108-109).
Another interesting cultural activeness was the institution of agriculture cooperatives in addition to armazens do povo (the people‘s warehouses). Cabral believed that the state of war inward Republic of Guinea Bissau had an economical dimension (Chabal 2003:107). The economic scheme could live a weapon of the struggle for liberation. PAIGC had to develop policies that would systematically destroy, sabotage in addition to inward whatever way possible dismantle the colonial economical scheme (Chabal 2003.p.110). Among the policies of PAIGC were to increment in addition to diversify nutrient tillage - rice, maize, potatoes, manioc, beans, vegetables, bananas, cashew nuts, oranges in addition to other fruits; in addition to to create in addition to develop collective farms in addition to cooperatives for the production of surely crops (pineapples, bananas in addition to other fruits) (Chabal 2003:111). The agricultural products were to live stored inward the armazens do povo to supplant Portuguese commercial networks in addition to to compete with private shops inward the Portuguese held-zones. After establishing the first off armazens do povo inward 1964, at that topographic point were some xv (15) past times 1968. The stores were also centres for the people to engage inward barter system, replacing the monetary scheme of the Portuguese. Armazens do povo provided economical justice to the people past times keeping the nutrient prices low, when they were sold for money. Rice was also ever available inward the stores for everyone (Chabal 2003:112-113).
Amilcar Cabral

Aside from the successes inward the agriculture cooperatives in addition to the armazens do povo trading system, at that topographic point were also challenges. PAIGC organized collectives inward the few of the plantations in addition to farms
abandoned past times the Portuguese (and at that topographic point were real few) but with petty success. Cabral in addition to so appealed to the comrades, the political party leaders, to assist people to organize the collective farming, extensive mutual assist in addition to cooperatives, assuring them of the importance of this experiment to convey nigh a novel economical monastic say inward Republic of Guinea (Chabal 2003:112). By 1969, the political party was able to export rice, coconut, in addition to kola nuts (Hoagland 1971, cited Chabal 2003:112).
The 3rd instance of cultural activeness implemented past times Cabral was the evolution of social
services such equally basic instruction in addition to wellness care. Cabral urged the instruction scheme to go beyond literacy in addition to numeracy in addition to learn students nigh the liberation struggle going on inward the country. In 1971, Cabral stated that:
"Today our primary instruction is political, nosotros cannot forget this fact. From early
childhood nosotros must laid upwards our people to follow the struggle of the PAIGC: to learn them the
ground of the struggle, the ground of the strength of our party, nigh the interests in addition to values of our
party…at the same fourth dimension nosotros must learn them how to read in addition to write in addition to business concern human relationship in addition to to make
progress, slowly‘ (Chabal 2003:117).
But, according to Chabal, these schools inward the liberated zones were deliberately beingness bombed past times the Portuguese causing decease of innocent children. In 1970, Cabral inward render threatened to choose retaliatory terrorist activeness against the Portuguese. Other difficulties they faced were the lack of proper organization, the lack of proper instructor training, in addition to the reluctance of some parents to allow their children to the schools, because the children were needed on the farms. PAIGC improved the character of instruction past times having amend trained teachers, in addition to past times 1971-1972 at that topographic point were to a greater extent than schools opened (Chabal 2003.p.115).
As mentioned above, schooling inward the liberated areas went beyond the teaching of literacy in addition to numeracy. For exmple, at that topographic point was i champaign of study called ‗militant formation‘ throughout the iv year-elementary schooling. The first off 2 years they students learned political formation. In the 2d 2 years, students learned sociological in addition to political notions such equally the social in addition to ethnic structures of Guinea, the objectives of the national liberation struggle, in addition to the contribution of Guinean liberation struggle to world peace. The curriculum also offered history lessons which avoided the European colonial ethnocentric tradition. Instead, lesson were nigh the history of Republic of Guinea in addition to Republic of Cape Verde inside the African historiography, which had emerged inward the 1950s in addition to 1960s. (Chabal 2003:116-117).

Amilcar Cabral regarded political instruction equally the evolution of political consciousness, non as
indoctrination. Ideologically it avoided endorsing a item political doctrine such as, for example,
Marxism-Leninism. PAIGC instead believed that experience of the nationalist struggle in addition to of the
political instruction inward the liberated areas formed the ground for the socialist ideology (Chabal 2003:117). In improver to primary schooling, PAIGC laid upwards boarding schools which were initially for the state of war orphans, but were subsequently expanded to include selected elite boys in addition to girls from uncomplicated schools. These novel centers were intended in addition to so to promote novel ways of life. By 1971 at that topographic point were iv centers, nether the call internatos inward the liberated areas with each having 100 pupils. The most interesting aspect of these schools is that the students were supposed to participate inward administering the schools in addition to inward cultivating nutrient for their ain use. These schools provided the students with a sense of leadership equally a foundation for the hereafter of the independent Republic of Guinea (Chabal 2003:117).
PAIGC established only i Party School, known equally Centro de Instrucao Politico-Militar
(CIPM) inward 1971. CIPM provided military machine in addition to political preparation to some 200-300 members of the armed forces for catamenia of several months, specifically intended to heighten political consciousness. They included academy students returned from overseas, mixed upwards with illiterate members of armed forces Aside from strict military machine training, at that topographic point were also topics similar colonial domination, the nature of the enemy, the province of affairs inward Africa, international affairs, the PAIGC program, the strength in addition to the weakness of the party, the interrogation of national unity, the employment of regionalism in addition to tribalism in addition to relations of armed forces with the population (Chabal 2003:118). Cabral strongly believed that the character of Party members would decide PAICG‘s success inward attaining its objectives. Cabral also urged the women to combat the restrictions imposed past times Muslim teachings on women to promote the involvement of women inward the Muslim practices. PAIGC promoted women‘s participation at all levels of its structure. In the Village Committee it was obligatory for 2 women to live on the commission (Chabal 2003:118).
H5N1 wellness aid sector scheme was also established inward the liberated zones. Between 1968 in addition to 1971
PAIGC built some 117 posto sanitarios (Tomas 2007:209), some of which were mobile medical centers, or known equally mobile ‗health brigade.‘ The wellness brigade had i woman somebody in addition to i manly somebody nurse in addition to was responsible for a number of villages. They operated on the regulation of developing hygiene in addition to wellness prevention, in addition to to care for those of most serious cases inward the liberated zones. In 1971, PAIGC had built 3 safe, well- equipped modern hospitals, staffed with surgeons in addition to other specialist across the borders of Guineé in addition to Senegal. From only i medical doc inward 1966, past times 1972 PAIGC had eighteen medical doctors in addition to 20 medical assistants. There were nine unusual doctors inward 1966, in addition to the number increased to 23 inward 1972. Some of the doctors were from Republic of Cuba in addition to some from Eastern Europe (Chabal 2003:119-120).
The quaternary instance of cultural activeness was the institution of a people‘s judicial scheme inward the
liberated zones, which was perceived equally pop in addition to progressive justice system. This came nigh through PAIGC‘s experience of a province of affairs inward Forcas Armadas de Revolucao Popular (FARP) where military machine in addition to political ability had been concentrated inward the hands of some guerrilla commanders, leading to gross abuses in addition to arbitrary justice, (Tomas 2007:193). PAIGC thus took decisive steps past times drafting a novel legal code which essentially recognized the role of the traditional system. This was followed with the institution of tribunal do povo, the hamlet people‘s tribunal, for modest offences such equally theft, modest violence, Blue Planet disputes in addition to identify unit of measurement matters. The Popular Tribunal had 3 judges selected from Village Committee members in addition to i schoolteacher to human activeness equally courtroom clerk. The villagers could supplant the members of the judges if they were found no longer suitable for the chore (Chabal 2003.p.120-121). In his spoken language entitled Connecting the struggles: an informal beak with the Black Americans, given inward the U.S. inward Oct 1972, Cabral told his audience:
"We at nowadays have got Popular Tribunals - People‘s Courts- inward our country…
Through the struggles nosotros created our courts in addition to the peasants participate
past times electing the courts themselves (African Information Service 1973:84).
Cabral holds a baby

PAIGC claimed that crimes diminished markedly after the introduction of the peoples‘ courts,
in addition to most disputes were settled without recourse to the higher regional courts. Those cases which required jail sentences were brought to zone courts. The tribunal do povo brought dorsum the capacity for people to command their ain lives that had been taken away past times the colonial rule. The higher judicial scheme was the Tribunal de Guerra to bargain with serious crimes including decease penalty for espionage in addition to murder. Yet, corporal penalty was strictly forbidden. The courtroom instead adopted reconciliation, rehabilitation in addition to retributive justice, rather than penalty against the Party members in addition to members of armed forces. This way of thinking reflected Cabral‘s conviction that human nature is essentially adept in addition to ever seeks for amend things. Amilcar Cabral was thus opposed to life imprisonment in addition to decease penalty (Chabal 2003:120-123).
In conclusion, the pedagogy of the liberation struggle of PAIGC, inward Cabral‘s view, arose from the fact that Portuguese colonialism was also a cultural colonialism. The revolution against Portuguese colonialism was thus essentially a cultural opposition, to build an option culture. The cultural resistance of the colonized people could live inward the shape of political, economical in addition to armed resistance. Assuming the farmers were non revolutionaries, Cabral appealed to the petite bourgeoise to commit shape suicide past times forming an alliance with the farmers, inward monastic say to educate the people nigh the grapheme of an alterative cul ture to that of the Portuguese colonial fascist province of Antonio Salazar. Cabral tested his theories on the ground, inward the liberated areas inward Republic of Guinea Bissau. He constructed an option civilisation based on the themes or concepts of revolutionary democracy; organizing agriculture cooperatives; integrating the liberation struggle into education; preventive wellness aid through wellness brigade programs; in addition to the institution of Popular Tribunals. They were proved to live successful. Cabral‘s life was nevertheless cutting brusque leaving his ideas in addition to practices seem to remain a challenge to his contemporaries inward Republic of Guinea Bissau in addition to Cabo Verde.

Amilcar Cabral: Tell No Lies, Claim No Easy Victories…

Tell No Lies, Claim No Easy Victories (1965), past times Amilcar Cabral, is a precious stone of revolutionary sayings. Often quoted past times many Africans in addition to activists worldwide, but rarely read inward its entirety. For this reason, I have got typed it up, dusted it off the shelves in addition to reproduced hither for your study.

Tell No Lies, Claim No Easy Victories

Always comport inward heed that the people are non fighting for ideas, for the things inward anyone’s head. They are fighting to win textile benefits, to live amend in addition to inward peace, to consider their lives go forward, to guarantee the hereafter of their children. . .

We should recognize equally a thing of conscience that at that topographic point have got been many faults in addition to errors inward our activeness whether political or military: an of import number of things nosotros should have got done nosotros have got non done at the correct times, or non done at all.

In diverse regions – in addition to indeed everywhere inward a full general sense – political piece of work amongst the people in addition to amongst our armed forces has non been done appropriately: responsible workers have got non carried or have got non been able to send through the piece of work of mobilization, formation in addition to political arrangement defined past times the political party leadership. Here in addition to there, fifty-fifty amongst responsible workers, at that topographic point has been a marked style to permit things slide … in addition to fifty-fifty a surely demobilization, which has non been fought in addition to eliminated …

On the military machine plane, many plans in addition to objectives established past times the Party leadership have got non been achieved. With the agency nosotros have, nosotros could do much to a greater extent than in addition to better. Some responsible workers have got misunderstood the functions of the regular army in addition to guerilla forces, have got non made adept co-ordination betwixt these 2 and, inward surely cases, have got allowed themselves to live influenced past times preoccupation with the defence forcefulness of our positions, ignoring the fact that, for us, assault is the best agency of defence…

And with all this equally a proof of insufficient political piece of work amongst our armed forces, at that topographic point has appeared a surely mental attitude of ‘militarism’, which has caused some fighters in addition to fifty-fifty some leaders to forget the fact that nosotros are armed militants in addition to non militarists. This style must live urgently fought in addition to eliminated inside the army. . .

If 10 men go to a rice-field in addition to do the day’s piece of work of eight, there’s no ground to live satisfied. It’s the same inward battle. Ten men create out similar eight; that’s non plenty … One tin ever do more. Some people acquire used to the war, in addition to i time you lot acquire used to a thing it’s the end: you lot acquire a bullet upwards the spout of your gun in addition to you lot walk around. You take away heed the motor’ on the river in addition to you lot don’t usage the bazooka that you lot have, so the Portuguese boats overstep unharmed. Let me repeat: i tin do more. We have got to throw the Portuguese out …

… Create schools in addition to spread instruction inward all liberated areas. Select immature people betwixt xiv in addition to 20, those who have got at to the lowest degree completed their quaternary year, for farther training. Oppose without violence all prejudicial customs, the negative aspects of the beliefs in addition to traditions of our people.  Oblige every responsible in addition to educated fellow member of our Party to piece of work daily for the improvement of their cultural formation …

Oppose amongst the young, specially those over 20, the mania for leaving the province so equally to study elsewhere, the blind ambition to acquire a degree, the complex of inferiority in addition to the false thought which leads to the belief that those who study or choose courses volition thereby go privileged inward our province tomorrow … But also oppose whatever sick volition towards those who study or wishing to study – the complex that students volition live parasites or hereafter saboteurs of the Party … – militants for activeness in addition to back upwards of our fighters …

Develop political piece of work inward our armed forces, whether regular or guerilla, wherever they may be. Hold frequent meetings. Demand serious political piece of work from political commissars. Start political committees, formed past times the political commissar in addition to commander of each unit of measurement inward the regular army.

Oppose tendencies to militarism in addition to brand each fighter an exemplary militant of our Party.

Educate ourselves; educate other people, the population inward general, to create out fearfulness in addition to ignorance, to eliminate petty past times petty the subjection to nature in addition to natural forces which our economic scheme has non yet mastered. Convince petty past times little, inward item the militants of the Party, that nosotros shall terminate past times con­quering the fearfulness of nature, in addition to that human being is the strongest forcefulness inward nature.
Artistic sketch of Amilcar Cabral

Demand from responsible Party members that they dedicate themselves seriously to study, that they involvement themselves inward the things in addition to problems of our daily life in addition to struggle inward their fundamental in addition to essential aspect, in addition to non only inward their appearance … Learn from life, larn from our people; Learn from books, larn from the experience of others. Never halt learning.

Responsible members must choose life seriously, witting of their responsibilities, thoughtful nigh carrying them out, in addition to with a comradeship, based on piece of work in addition to duty done … Nothing of this is incompatible with the joy of living, or with dearest for life in addition to its amusements, or with confidence inward the hereafter in addition to inward our work…

Reinforce political piece of work in addition to propaganda inside the enemy’s armed forces; Write posters, pamphlets, in addition to letters. Draw slogans on the roads. Establish cautious links with enemy personnel who want to contact us. Act audaciously in addition to with nifty initiatory inward this way … Do everything possible to assist enemy soldiers to desert. Assure them of safety so equally to encourage their desertion.

Carry out political piece of work amongst Africans who are soundless inward enemy service” whether civilian or military. Persuade these brothers to alter management so equally serve the Party inside enemy ranks or desert with arms in addition to ammunition to our units.

We must exercise revolutionary commonwealth inward every aspect of our Party life. Every responsible fellow member must have got the courage of his responsibilities, exacting from others a proper honour for his piece of work in addition to properly respecting the piece of work of others. Hide cypher from the masses of our people. Tell no lies. Expose lies whenever they are told. Mask no difficulties, mistakes, failures.

Claim no piece of cake victories…

Amilcar Cabral.

Amilcar Cabral quotes
“Always comport inward heed that the people are non fighting for ideas, for the things inward anyone’s head. They are fighting to win textile benefits, to live amend in addition to inward peace, to consider their lives go forward, to guarantee the hereafter of their children. . .”
― Amilcar Cabral
“The colonists commonly say that it was they who brought us into history: today nosotros demo that this is non so. They made us go out history, our history, to follow them, correct at the back, to follow the progress of their history.”
― Amilcar Cabral, Return To The Source: Selected Speeches Of Amilcar Cabral

“Hide cypher from the masses of our people. Tell no lies. Expose lies whenever they are told. Mask no difficulties, mistakes, failures. Claim no piece of cake victories...”
― Amilcar Cabral, Revolution inward Guinea: Selected Texts

'A people who gratis themselves from unusual domination volition live gratis culturally only if, without complexes in addition to without underestimating the importance of positive accretions from the oppressor in addition to other cultures, they render to the upward paths of their ain culture, which is nourished past times the living reality of its environment, in addition to which negates both harmful influences in addition to whatever variety of subjection to unusual culture. Thus, it may live seen that if imperialist domination has the vital demand to exercise cultural oppression, national liberation is necessarily an human activeness of culture.'
Amilcar Cabral, 'National Liberation in addition to Culture' (1)

The texts of Cabral's poems are in, Obras escolhidas: a arma teoria, pp. 23-24.
Mamãi Velha, venha ouvir comigo
o bater da chuva lá no seu portão.
É um bater de amigo
que vibra dentro do meu coração.

H5N1 chuva amiga, Mamãi Velha, a chuva
que há tanto tempo não batia assim
Ouvi dizer que a Cidade Velha,
- a Ilha toda -
em poucos dias já virou jardim...

Dizem que o campo se cobriu de verde,
da côr mais bela, porque é a côr da esp'rança.
Que a terra, agora, é mesmo Cabo Verde,
- É tempestade que virou bonança...

Venha comigo, Mamãi Velha, venha
recobre a força e chegue-se ao portão.
H5N1 chuva amiga já falou mantenha
e bate dentro de meu coração.

Tu vives mãe adormecida
nua e esquecida,
batida pelos ventos,
ao som de músicas sem música
das águas que nos prendem

teus montes e teus vales
não sentiram passar bone tempos,
e ficaram no mundo dos teus sonhos
bone sonhos dos teus filhos
a clamar aos ventos que passam,
e às aves que voam, livres
equally tuas ânsias!

colinas sem fim de terra vermelha
terra bruta
rochas escarpadas tapando bone horizontes
mas aos quatro cantos prendendo equally nossas ânsias!


Mother, inward your perennial sleep,
You live naked in addition to forgotten
in addition to barren,
thrashed past times the winds,
at the audio of songs without music
sung past times the waters that confine us...

Your hills in addition to valleys
haven't felt the passage of time.
They remain inward your dreams
- your children's dreams -
crying out your woes
to the passing winds
in addition to to the carefree birds flight by.

Island :
Red world shaped similar a hill that never ends
- rocky world -
ragged cliffs blocking all horizons
piece tying all our troubles to the winds!

(The English linguistic communication translation was taken from, 'AMILCAR CABRAL, Freedom fighter,1924-1973', Carlos Pinto Santos)

Amilcar Cabral

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