Bloggers Solar Daytime At Paintball Kuwait

Various bloggers inwards State of Kuwait received this awesome invitation from Tim (@tjcfilms), I didn't know what I was inwards for!

 DJ Lock rocked the house amongst his mix of onetime together with novel school! (@djlocktight)
So much for beingness slowly on the newbies! I got shot half-dozen times, unfortunately the elbow hitting took me out, that and it was thus hot I was melting!
 We had an awesome fourth dimension T! It's unfortunate simply about bloggers who personally received their invites didn't demo upwards which gives bloggers a bad name. If yous didn't desire to demo upwards thus reject the invitation, don't nation yep together with brand people become through the endeavor of inviting together with catering to yous together with non demo up. BLOGGER ETIQUETTE 101, demo upwards if yous personally confirm it!

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